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Менеджер по продажам косметологического оборудования

Менеджер по продажам косметологического оборудования
2013-10-04 22:41

Вакансия компании: Кадровый центр «Президент»
Создана: 04.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   45 000  руб.

В компанию приглашается Менеджер по продажам Косметологического оборудования.

Оборудование авторитетных фирм-поставщиков( Европа)


  • встреча с врачами и руководителями государственных муниципальных и частных клиник;
  • организация встреч, семинаров, демонстрация оборудования;
  • участие в конференциях и выставках;
  • документальное сопровождение сделок;
  • анализ конкурентного рынка;
  • ведение клиентской базы, активный поиск новых клиентов.


  • гражданство РФ;
  • опыт работы не обязателен
  • образование высшее или неоконченное высшее медицинское образование;
  • знание программы MS Office
  • личностные качества: вежливость,стрессоустойчивость,умение вести переговоры.


  • график работы: 5/2 ( 9.30-18.00)
  • оформление по ТК  РФ;
  • обучение и тренинги
  • возможность карьерного роста
  • оклад + хорошие проценты с продаж

Ассистент менеджера по продажам
2013-10-04 22:41
Вакансия компании: Кадровый центр «Президент»
Создана: 04.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   35 000  руб.

Молодая, динамично развивающаяся компания-дистрибьютор, занимающаяся оптовой реализацией  коллекций отделочных материалов премиум класса


  • приём,фильтрация входящих и исходящих звонков;
  • ведение документооборота;
  • организация работы офиса;
  • встреча посетителей
  • решение административных вопросов;
  • выполнение поручений руководителя


  • высшее образование
  • знание 1С
  • грамотная речь,знание делового этикета, активность,исполнительность


  • график 5/2 с 9.00-18.00
  • оформление по ТК РФ
  • испытательный срок 3 мес
  • карьерный рост

Ассистент менеджера
2013-10-04 22:41
Вакансия компании: Кадровый центр «Президент»
Создана: 04.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   25 000  руб.

В Крупную компанию,которая работает на рынке финансовых услуг,приглашает на работу Помощника Менеджера


  • работа с документами (сканирование,копирование);
  • заполнение анкет;
  • обзвон текущих клиентов


  • гражданство РФ
  • опыт работы не важен
  • образование средне-специальное или высшее
  • личностные качества:
    • ответственность, обучаемость, внимательность
  • желание работать и развиваться.


  • график 5/2 с 9.00-18.00
  • оформление по ТК
  • испытательный срок 3 мес
  • карьерный рост

Торговый представитель
2013-10-04 22:41
Вакансия компании: Кадровый центр «Президент»
Создана: 04.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   50 000  руб.

В крупную компанию,которая занимается установкой и обслуживанием автоматов в торговых подразделениях, требуется торговый представитель.


  • активный поиск мест для установки торговых автоматов
  • привлечение новых клиентов (проведение переговоров,составление коммерческих предложений, заключение и сопровождение договоров)


  • гражданство РФ
  • желательно опыт работы в аналогичной должности
  • средне-специальное или высшее образование
  • знание программ MS Office
  • наличие собственного автомобиля обязательно! Знание Москвы!
  • личные качества: активность,коммуникабельность,ответственность,обязательность
  • готовность к ненормированной рабочей недели
  • оклад и бонусы


  • оформление по ТК РФ
  • испытательный срок 3 мес
  • оплата ГСМ
  • амортизация автомобиля
  • корпоративная сотовая связь

2013-10-04 22:41
Вакансия компании: Кадровый центр «Президент»
Создана: 04.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   22 000   до   23 000  руб.

В Крупный магазин требуется продавец по продаже продуктов питания.


  • учёт товара
  • продажа товара (касса)


  • гражданство РФ
  • опыт работы не менее года
  • образование среднее специальное


  • график работы неделя через неделю
  • обед 1 час
  • испытательный срок 1 мес
  • оформление по ТК РФ
  • социальный пакет есть(больничные,отпуска-оплата)
  • оклад 25 000 тыс.руб+ вычет 13%
  • работа в центре Москвы

2013-10-04 22:41
Вакансия компании: Кадровый центр «Президент»
Создана: 04.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   45 000  руб.
Стабильная, успешная  компания, занимающаяся оптовой торговлей сырьем для пищевой промышленности приглашает на работу Менеджера


  • исследование внутреннего и внешнего рынка пищевого сырья
  • заключение договоров с российскими и зарубежными поставщиками
  • ведение переговоров
  • контроль,проверка и знание документооборота от поставщиков
  • ведение статистики

  • гражданство РФ
  • высшее образование
  • опыт работы от года
  • разговорный английский язык
  • опыт работы с зарубежными поставщиками

  • график работы 5\2 с 9-18
  • оформление по ТК РФ
  • соц.пакет
  • испытательный срок 1 мес
  • фиксированный оклад 
  • в 2 мин.от метро

Resource planning Intern
2013-10-04 23:37
Вакансия компании: PwC, Департамент аудита
Создана: 04.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан

The role:

Annual Resource Allocation Process

  • Is responsible for keeping records in Retain accurate and up-to-date in accordance with CEE Assurance Resource Planning Policy;
  • Makes simple staff bookings in Retain;
  • Ensures timely and accurate reflection of all training events in Retain (ACCA, other professional qualifications, technical trainings, e-learnings).


  • Follows CEE Assurance Resource Planning policy;
  • Ensures timely timesheets completion in his/her Business Unit;
  • Maintains resource planning related records in the respective databases.

Resource planning efficiency

  • Generates various reports from Retain (ie utilisation, availability forecasts and others  - at Resource Planning Specialist's request);
  • Reconciles hours booked in Retain and charged in iPower on a monthly basis to ensure Retain's reliability;
  • Prepares Retain bookings vs budgets comparison;
  • Prepares monthly analysis of non-chargeable time;
  • Runs reports on vacation balance;
  • Sends weekly reminders to managers group on resource availability;
  • Encourages staff available during quite period to take vacations.

HR matters

  • Supports in organizing LoS interviews from admin/logistics point of view.
  • Supports Resource Planning Specialist in in-bound secondment organisation and costs monitoring. 
  • Prepares reports from performance management system on development plans/performance feedback status, chases staff to complete.
  • Takes part in regular resource planning meetings at Assurance level to exchange information and to share experience.
  • Assists during mandatory technical trainings, ie attendance monitoring, materials distribution, etc;
  • Various admin tasks.


  • Student of 3-5 year who able to work full-time or not less than 32 hours per week
  • Good English
  • Computer skills - MS Office
  • Good communication skill
  • Able to work in team
  • Accurate, responsible, attentive to details

2013-10-05 00:28
Вакансия компании: Hearst Shkulev Media и ИнтерМедиаГруп, Группа компаний
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   20 000   до   27 000  руб.

 STAR HIT CAFE объявляет набор на позицию "Промоутер". На данную позицию мы рассматриваем динамичных, коммуникабельных, раскованных людей

 STAR HIT CAFE для Гостей - это:

  • самая лучшая атмосфера
  • самый лучший сервис
  • самый лучший кофе
  • самые лучшие продукты


  • проведение дегустаций кофейных напитков
  • распространение рекламных материалов около метро, в непосредственной близости с кафе
  • презентация бренда STAR HIT CAFE .


  • опыт работы приветствуется


  • почасовая оплата - 170 рублей в час
  • бесплатные напитки в течение работы
  • график работы плавающий, для студентов отличная возможность совмещать учёбу и работу 
  • место работы - м Аэропорт, м. Войковская

Куратор Групп Обучения
2013-10-05 02:38
Вакансия компании: Академия Инноваций
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   50 000  руб.

АКАДЕМИЯ ИННОВАЦИЙ проводит набор сотрудников в новый образовательный проект, на должность координатор учебного процесса дополнительного образования. 

Если Вы ответственны, амбициозны и готовы освоить интересную и прибыльную профессию, то добро пожаловать в нашу академию!

Педагогическое образование не обязательно.


  • Сопровождение образовательного курса;
  • Курирование студенческой группы;
  • Отслеживание качества обучения;
  • Планирование;
  • Ведение отчетности.


  • Порядочность;
  • Ответственность;
  • Целеустремленность;
  • Умение своевременно и четко выполнять поставленные задачи;
  • Желание обучаться;


  • Оформление по ТК РФ;
  • График работы 5/2;
  • Испытательный срок 1 месяц;
  • Возможность получить дополнительное образование;
  • Неизбежное повышение профессионального уровня;
  • Возможность карьерного роста;
  • Обязательное обучение перед трудоустройством за счет компании;

Внимательное чтение вакансии  перед оправлением отклика!

  Собеседование в г. Москва: ст. метро Тверская/ Пушкинская/ Чеховская, Настасьинский переулок

Финансовый Консультант
2013-10-05 02:38
Вакансия компании: Академия Инноваций
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: от   40 000  руб.

ООО «Академия Инноваций» проводит набор сотрудников в связи с открытием нового направления и расширением филиальной сети. Нам требуются активные и амбициозные финансовые консультанты, нацеленные на карьерный рост и профессиональное развитие.


  •  активный поиск и развитие клиентской базы; 
  •  консультирование клиентов по вопросам финансовой защиты; 
  •  заключение договоров страхования жизни, ОПС, ОМС, оформление документов; 
  •  ведение отчетности. 


  •  коммуникабельность; 
  •  активность; 
  •  инициативность. 
  •  навыки продаж, консультирования и ведения клиентов приветствуются;
  •  обязательное обучение перед трудоустройством.


  •  помощь специалиста-наставника; 
  •  гибкий график работы; 
  •  карьерный рост; 
  •  регулярное корпоративное обучение и повышение квалификации по продуктам и продажам
  •  заработная плата от 40000.

Business Analyst in SAP implementation team
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
Deloitte Moscow SAP implementation practice is currently looking for entry-level specialists in the Consulting, Enterprise Application.

Business Analyst

The team will work on SAP Consolidation system implementation for our clients. This is a good opportunity for those who want to make a career quickly. We offer professional trainings and all the opportunities for those who are interested in Enterprise


We are looking for individuals with considerable potential who welcome the challenge of working in a rapidly growing environment. We offer excellent opportunities for professional development, an excellent working environment and a competitive compensation package.

Please feel free to attach your motivational letters to your application form.

The successful candidates should have:

  • High education (or final year student)
  • Enterprise Application Business Awareness
  • Willingness to work with SAP system (Leading ERP)
  • Ability to learn quickly
  • Strong analytical and creativity skills
  • Fluent English
  • The ability to work well in teams
  • Work experience is welcome but not mandatory

Consultant / Senior Consultant (CFO Group, Methodology)
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
The role will be to:
  • Take part in projects for clients
  • Report to Service Line Leader (CFO Services)
The successful candidate should have:
  • Higher education in economics, business, finance or accounting
  • Experience and knowledge in financial accounting and reporting (IFRS, US GAAP, RSBU)
  • Project management and supervision experience – level of deputy chief accountant/chief accountant for RSBU/ chief or deputy chief of IFRS department for IFRS (or supervision of small consulting/audit team on IFRS/RSBU engagements)
  • Professional qualifications such as DiIFR ACCA, ACCA, CPA (would be considered as significant advantage)
  • Good written skills (experience in preparation of methodology documents is the big advantage)
  • Experience of work with data processing (in Excel); working knowledge of accounting systems ( 1c, Oracle/HFM, SAP) is an advantage
  • Strong interpersonal qualities – we’re looking for professionals who are mature, enthusiastic, persistent, flexible, persuasive, pragmatic, ambitious, innovative, insightful and can judge situations and people quickly
  • Strong analytical skills, self-direction, team-orientation
  • Demonstrated leadership potential in the teams in which they worked
  • Record of achievement and rapid career progression
  • Fluent written and verbal Russian and English
  • Willingness to travel

Junior Professional Qualifications specialist/ Junior Training coordinator, Intern
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
  • Assists in designing a qualification part of the learning curriculum
  • Maintains PQ records in the database: for students, qualified specialists, expense tracking
  • Administers PQ events – classes, presentations, etc.
  • Computer Based Exams arrangements and administration
  • Register candidates for professional exams and preparatory courses
  • Ensures effective and timely communication and information sharing with students and tuition providers
  • Prepares reports on attendance, evaluation forms, numbers of students and qualified specialists
  • Works with service providers – tuition, room rent, etc.
  • Identifies issues and potential problem areas, proposes and implements solutions to improve the efficiency PQ processes
  • Leads special PQ projects assigned by the Manager.
  • Participates in Talent projects and initiatives
  • Good English language skills: upper intermediate spoken English, business correspondence
  • Good computer skills (MS Outlook, Excel, Word)
  • Ability to work individually as well as in a team
  • Responsible, accurate, careful, detailed
  • Client oriented, positive attitude

Senior Consultant / Manager (Financial Management Consulting)
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан

The role will involve:

  • Report to Service Line Leader (CFO Services);
  • Lead key projects for clients;
  • Develop new and manage existing clients and opportunities;
  • Develop team of consultants.

To be considered you should possess:

  • 4+ years of relevant consulting experience;
  • Proven experience and knowledge in financial accounting and IFRS reporting;
  • Track of record being involved in projects related to acceleration of closing and reporting processes;
  • ACCA, CIMA, CMA or CPA certificate (or enrolled for final stage exams);
  • Strong leadership and project management experience;
  • Strong interpersonal qualities; maturity, judgment, enthusiasm, innovation;
  • Analytically adept, self-directed, team-oriented, thrive on challenge;
  • Higher education in economics, business finance or accounting;
  • Excellent English written and verbal communication skills;
  • Ready to travel

Intern in Forensic Department / Fraud Investigation group
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан

About Forensic:

Deloitte Forensic Services group helps clients to identify losses, including diversion of assets, employee fraud, compliance breaches or unethical conduct and manage consequences of actions undertaken by dishonest employees through developing efficient internal controls aimed at prevention and mitigation of the aforementioned risks.

Our professionals help clients to design efficient risk management systems and be in line with global best practices. Deloitte Forensic team can help you achieve the optimal solution in the most complex and intricate situations. We help our clients in litigation/disputes with their commercial partners. We understand the importance to clients of resolving these disputes as effectively and efficiently as practicable supported by reliable and independent expert evidence.

The role will involve:

  • Review and analysis of financial and other documents provided by claimants/defendants/clients
  • Prepare analysis and pieces of calculations to be included in reports and calculations in English and in Russian
  • To be involved in various marketing initiatives and practice development activities
  • Start to development own network of contacts both within the firm and externally.

To be considered you should possess:

  • Higher Education Accounting/Finance/Economics
  • Intellectual curiosity and ability for non-standard thinking
  • Commitment to quality and attention to details
  • Ability to communicate efficiently with prject management and with existing and prospective clients, their consultants/legal teams
  • Knowledge of Russian and International Accounting Standards
  • Fluent English and Russian Language skills

Consultant (Operation Excellence/ Industries & Operations)
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
The role will involve:
  • Work as part of the experienced team on complex operational consulting projects for major Russian and multinational companies
  • Area of expertise will cover functional strategies, business-processes, cost reduction, organizational design, performance management
To be considered you should possess:
  • Higher education (Economics or Engineering), postgraduate education in Economics is an advantage
  • 2+ years experience in consulting companies or in-house consulting departments
  • High degree of self-motivation and strong career aspirations
  • Attention to details and strong analytical skills
  • Ability to work in a team and manage multiple tasks
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines and high quality standards
  • Strong presentation and communication skills
  • Willingness to travel and work hard
  • Fluent written and spoken English

Senior Consultant for Financial Services Industry
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
  • Being a part of an experienced team you will have the opportunity to work on challenging consulting projects for major Russian and multinational banks.
  • The role will include:
    • Delivering strategy and operational transformation projects – ranging from long term business strategy advisory projects through performance improvement and cost reduction.
    • Personal responsibility for developing and owning project recommendations and documents
    • Opportunity to lead work streams within a project or manage smaller projects with a high degree of independence
    • Requirement to manage more junior resources and small teams
    • Financial Services practical knowledge and methodology development
    • Supporting sales and business development activity
To be considered you should possess:
  • 3+ years of professional work experience within (1) Consulting companies – experience in delivering projects for banks is a must, or (2) Commercial banks TOP-50 – strictly in one of the departments: Strategy, Organizational development, Business-analysis, Methodology, Internal audit, Operational risks, Business controlling or Project management
  • Experience in business-processes description/modeling/analysis, performance analysis, internal documentation development (regulations, guidelines, analytical reports, business-requirements etc.) and/or KPIs development
  • Understanding of what are the main banking processes, how they are connected and managed
  • Knowledge of Lean & SixSigma tools, project management standards, change management approaches is a plus
  • Experience in direct communications with senior management staff
  • A high degree of self-motivation, drive and ambition, high self-discipline and time-management, good team-player
  • Excellent communication skills, strong analytical and research skills
  • Ability to travel ~30-40% of working time
  • Ability to work long hours when needed
  • English – fluent/advanced

Consultant (CorpFin, Transactions, Banking field)
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
Our Company:
Deloitte is one of the leading professional services firms, providing audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, tax and legal services through around 3 000 people in 16 offices across 10 countries of the region. Our goal and strategy is to build the premier national professional services firm in the CIS, to provide a full range of services to our international clients, and to develop a dynamic practice to serve national clients. We are one of the largest international professional practices in the CIS, where local and expatriate professionals work closely together as mixed teams, to ensure the right balance of skills and provide premium client service.
Throughout more than twenty years of operations in Russia and the CIS countries, the firm has successfully executed numerous projects for financial institutions, public sector organizations, trade and industrial enterprises, and media and hotel business enterprises, gaining a reputation as a company that observes high professional standards and independence in evaluation, along the way. Our understanding of the specific nature of the CIS market, combined with the 150 years’ experience of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, enables us to use our unique knowledge and methodologies to meet our clients’ needs. Our business is our good name.
About the Transactions Group:
Corporate finance transactions:
Our Transaction Services team provides a comprehensive range of services to both buyers and sellers of businesses through the complete deal cycle. We work closely with strategic and financial investors together with their respective advisers to maximize the value of each deal.
We work to provide support and commercial advice to private equity and corporate clients from deal screening and origination to comprehensive due diligence. We offer our client integrated teams, bringing together specialists in commercial, operational and IT due diligence to deliver the high-quality analysis required to support the decision to buy or lend.
Due diligence:
We provide both buy- and sell-side due diligence services to national and multinational corporate clients, as well as private equities.
Acquisition due diligence is performed for the purchaser, providing objective information about the target and assessing the risks of the anticipated transaction. The results of our analysis may therefore support the purchaser in negotiations with the target and adjusting the proposed purchase price.
During a vendor due diligence, we help the vendor to manage the sales process in the most efficient way possible. We also provide an objective view on the state of the vendor’s business to the interested bidders.This is particularly useful in situations where there will likely be several potential buyers.
Sales Purchase Agreement support:
With respect to Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs), we can notably help you by proposing or reviewing a purchase price adjustment mechanism; dealing with a "locked box" process; assessing the impact of cash and debt free, target net assets or earnout clauses; advising on how to set the level for target working capital; considering the financial definitions for inclusion in a contract; reviewing or drafting accounting policies and hierarchies or procedures.
Post transaction:
Private equity - We work closely with private equity clients/management teams to drive insight gained in the pre-transaction phase through to action and enhanced profit trajectory.
Corporate - We ensure that the energy of the deal process is carried through to the merger phase, prioritizing the actions needed to lift earning targets, and supporting senior executives in achieving these objectives.
Buy- and sell-side advice:
We assist our clients in achieving a clean exit at a predictable price (sell-side) and help them put in place appropriate remedies and purchase price adjustments if the business’ financial position is not as expected (buy-side).
Sector expertise:
Working hand in hand with the core Deloitte team, we are very close to the numbers and financial dynamics of the business early in the process. We are therefore ideally placed to identify critical commercial issues at a time when they can be converted into real value.
Our work encompasses a wide variety of industries and sectors. With the support of the industry specialists in Financial Advisory and throughout the firm, we are able to provide insight and experience of a range of sectors. Particular areas of expertise include manufacturing, financial services, FMCG, technology, media & telecommunications, retail and real estate.
The Transactions Group of the Financial Advisory Services practice in Moscow is currently recruiting looking for qualified candidates for the positions of:
The successful candidates will take part in the following projects:
·         Financial due diligence of acquisition/disposal targets
·         Preparation of financial representations and warranties for sales and purchase agreements
·         Review of forecasts
·         Data room set up and management
·         Preparation of listing documents
·         Negotiation support
What we can offer you:
At Deloitte we are completely committed to attracting and retaining highly skilled, professional and ambitious talent and as such we are absolutely dedicated to investing in and helping our people to excel. The fact is; we believe building strong relationships with our people is as important to the success of our business as building strong relationships with clients. And it's that belief that drives ongoing efforts to develop a talented, passionate and engaged workforce - a workforce that will continue to make Deloitte the standard of excellence around the world.
We are flexible in our approach and are committed to changing, adapting and improving both internally and with regards to the services we offer our clients. As a result we look for people who are not only skilled professionals in their field, but candidates who can partner with us – candidates who are able to adapt, change and drive this exciting improvement with us moving forward. We are passionate that you are given all the tools available to fulfill your potential and we are able to offer you our 100% commitment as your career partner for the journey!
Some of our benefits include (but are not limited to): Referral bonus program, Insurance – dental, health, flu vaccination, coverage for families (from Manager grade), International travel insurance, Mobile phone reimbursement (from Senior grade ), Corporate discount on bank loans ravel agenciesgym, Late taxi reimbursement, Meal delivery to the office, Charity events, Professional qualifications – full coverage, Technical and cross-functional training, Access to global e-learning resources, English language classes, Mobility programs etc.
Requirements for Consultant’s position:
· Recognized Russian degree, with specialization in Finance or Accounting
· Good writing skills, both Russian and English
· Excellent analytical skills
· Extensive knowledge of local accounting environment and understanding of IFRS
· Professional demeanor and strong communication skills
· Ability to work under time pressure
· Certified ACCA, CFA is an advantage
· 1-2 years of previous experience in Audit (financial institutions) or Banks
Consultants will work closely with the Business Valuation, Financial Modeling and M&A teams within Financial Advisory Services practice, as well as with Tax and Legal practice specialists.

Hyperion Senior Consultant / Manager
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
The role will involve:
  • Working within our corporate performance management processes optimization projects which includes:
    • Communications with clients on all project phases (analysis, design, build, test, launch)
    • Involvement into analysis and methodology development
    • Designing, setting up and testing of Hyperion solutions
    • Training and support of client personnel during launch phase
  • Project management activities
  • Marketing and sales activities
  • Personnel development

To be considered you should possess:

  • Previous experience in Hyperion Planning/ Financial Management implementation (2-3 full cycle projects)
  • Strong functional skills in budgeting, financial consolidation and management accounting/reporting area
  • Knowledge of other Hyperion and/or other budgeting/consolidation solutions is an additional advantage
  • Excellent communication skills – ability to formulate concise, clear business summaries
  • Result orientated with a strong ability to meet tight deadlines
  • A high degree of self-motivation, drive and ambition
  • Strong commitment to providing an excellent client service at all times

Senior Consultant / Manager (Operation Excellence)
2013-10-05 03:00
Вакансия компании: Deloitte
Создана: 05.10.2013
Регион: Москва
Предполагаемый уровень месячного дохода: не указан
·         Manage consulting projects in the sphere of Telecommunications, Media and Technology or Oil & Gas or Consumer Industrial Products
·         Lead teams of professionals and ensure client sign off of the team result
·         Provide personal expertise in the TMT / O&G / CIP
·         Lead practice development initiatives and marketing activities
·         Network with Deloitte professional and OpEx community
·         Build strong relationships with the clients through personal performance and superior quality of the delivery
·         Act as a role model for junior staff and contribute to talent development
· Work experience with leading Consulting companies being focused on operational consulting in TMT / O&G / CIP (obligatory) including deep knowledge of core processes of the industry, understanding its technologies
· 4+ years of professional work experience with leading Russian or multinational consulting companies
· 2+ years experience of managing consulting projects
· Deep knowledge in one of the industries: Telecommunications, Media and Technology / Oil & Gas / Consumer Industrial Products
· Good understanding of the CIS & Global trends in one of the following industries (TMT / O&G / CIP) and its best practices
· Strong communication experience should include superior presentation skills and interpersonal communication
· Ability to accommodate extensive client travel
· Strong analytic and research skills
· Superior work ethic, ability to meet tight deadlines
· Fluent written and spoken English
· Excellent knowledge of Microsoft applications

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