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If someone is quite fluent in English and a beginner in French, there is a nice
audio-only course "French with Michael Thomas". He is explaining, or even training
the basics of French in English to two students. I borrowed it from a local library
(I live in the UK).

This course is probably not available in Russia, but hey, you've got an Internet
access and there are mail orders.

http://books.global-investor.com/pages/book.htm?BookCode=16405 charge J56.59
for the course. I think it's a bit too much. Maybe one would be able to find
it cheaper.


-*Французский для "русских" - говорим вместе! участников 606
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Ответить   "Leonid Yanovich" Fri, 31 Oct 2003 13:53:06 -0000 (#14771)