Всем известен факт, что человеческий мозг быстрее и надежнее запоминает то, что интересно, и практически не запоминает, то что человек пытается запихнуть в него посредством зубрежки.
Чтение литературы на языке оригинала, существенно повышает не только словарный запас , но и улучшает грамматику и вырабатывает, как говорится, "чувство языка".
Цель данной рассылки расширение словарного запаса и улучшение грамматики, без изнурительной и нудной зубрежки.
В каждом выпуске вам предлагается фрагмент из произведения на языке оригинала, этот же фрагмент на русском и перевод отдельных слов, при необходимости фраз и идиом...
В рассылке планируется чтение книг, основаных на некогда популярном сериале "Секретные материалы". (Х-Files).
Плюс, только для подписчиков, вкладыш из комиксов (Х-Files).
-1 за неделю
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 125. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Man, yeah," the sergeant said, grinning. "So you want to hear about the goblins, right?" The smile still didn't waver. "That's right. Can you help me?" The policeman leaned back in his chair, hooked his thumbs into his belt. "Anything you want to know, Mr. Barelli. All you have to do is ask." Tonero remained in the back seat of his staff car, watching as the MPs began...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 124. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : He laughed aloud, and by the time he pulled up in front of the police station, his mood had lightened considerably. A quick check of his hair in the rearview mirror, an adjustment of his tie and jacket, and he was inside, smiling at the two men at desks near the back of the room, and the front desk sergeant, who couldn't have looked more bored if he were dead. "I'd like to see the chief," Carl said...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 123. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Carl Barelli was furious as he sped back through the woods toward Marville . First, that sanctimonious toad, Tonero , tried to pass off the glop in the Officer's Mess as some kind of fancy food, instead of taking him to a decent restaurant; then tried to hand out some pious bullshit about family unity and Angie's peace of mind being more important than interfering with official investigations; and then he ha...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 122. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Webber almost laughed, but caught himself when she shook her head in exasperation. "Mulder, you'd just been clobbered, remember? Anything you saw, or thought you saw, would be suspect, you know that." With Webber's reluctant help, he stood, looking at but not seeing the MPs' shifting lights. "It was a hand, and part of the forearm. The skin looked like bark." Scully opened her mouth to sa...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 121. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Mulder muttered about having it easy once in a while. "Well, maybe we should check. How many can there - " Webber groaned in anticipation. "Mulder, no kidding, it's the weekend. That means there's about eight, nine thousand reservists running all over this place. And you want to find one rifle that's been fired recently?" "Hank, you amaze me. How did you know that?" Webber shrug...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 120. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : " Chief Hawks ," Webber confirmed . Mulder nodded, and wished he hadn't-the fire rose, and fell, and his finger gingerly traced what would be a hell of a lump by nightfall. There was no blood. Then he pushed aside his jacket, opened his shirt, and tried to have a look at his ribs. "Damn," Webber said. "What'd he use, a brick?" "It sure felt like it." He winced as he pr...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 119. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Up," he insisted, and Webber brought him to his feet. It was a mistake. His head swelled to accommodate the fire inside, and he swayed and didn't argue when Webber eased him to a stump at the clearing's north end and made him sit. Bile burned the back of his throat; his stomach surged without delivering. He spat, and spat again, bracing an arm on his leg and resting his forehead on his palm. "...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 118. Goblins.
Сегодня мы начинаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : TWELVE He couldn't breathe. "Mulder!" Eyes watering, he tried to push himself to his hands, but he couldn't breathe. "Mulder!" Forget it, he told his arms, and rolled over instead, blinking furiously to clear his vision, spitting when a shard of leaf caught on his lips. But he still couldn't breathe. Voices, normal voices anxious and searching, until his name was called again, and he saw, o...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 117. Goblins.
Сегодня мы заканчиваем чтение одиннадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : There was no silence. The wind and the woodland husked and shrieked at each other, pinwheeling debris across the clearing. He would have to go across it; to go around would waste time. He inhaled, blew out, and spun away from the tree in a crouch. He was halfway across, aiming, finger already squeezing the trigger, before he realized the shooter was gone. Damn, he thought, and slowly straightened, not trus...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 116. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение одиннадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : He heard glass shatter. He heard Scully's voice. A pine gave him cover, but he flinched anyway when the attack resumed on his original position. It was luck, then, that the shooter hadn't seen him maneuvering deeper and around, and he used the time to search again, grunting softly when he saw the flash, and a dark figure pressed against the dark trunk of a lightning-blasted tree. He couldn't tell from this ...