Всем известен факт, что человеческий мозг быстрее и надежнее запоминает то, что интересно, и практически не запоминает, то что человек пытается запихнуть в него посредством зубрежки.
Чтение литературы на языке оригинала, существенно повышает не только словарный запас , но и улучшает грамматику и вырабатывает, как говорится, "чувство языка".
Цель данной рассылки расширение словарного запаса и улучшение грамматики, без изнурительной и нудной зубрежки.
В каждом выпуске вам предлагается фрагмент из произведения на языке оригинала, этот же фрагмент на русском и перевод отдельных слов, при необходимости фраз и идиом...
В рассылке планируется чтение книг, основаных на некогда популярном сериале "Секретные материалы". (Х-Files).
Плюс, только для подписчиков, вкладыш из комиксов (Х-Files).
-1 за неделю
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 135. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение тринадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Junis followed the wake of a pickup heading west. "Don't think she's crazy, Agent Scully. Don't write her off. I don't know who she saw, but she's no fool." "She was drunk, Dr. Junis ." He laughed abruptly, loudly, until his eyes began to water and his face. "Sorry." He laughed again and wiped his eyes with a sleeve. "God, I'm sorry." He gripped the railing with both h...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 134. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение тринадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : The interview didn't last long - Junis agreed with her reconstruction of Pierce's murder, and actually apologized for not getting better photos. He also suggested that the knife used wasn't ordinary. "Sharp as hell, sure," he said, "but the cut of it, I think it might have been heavier than you'd find in your average kitchen." "Like what?" Scully asked. "I don't know. I've ...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 133. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение тринадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : The doctor's bungalow was in only marginally better condition than those of his neighbors, its saving grace a large front garden whose arrangement and vivid blossoms signaled a great deal of time taken and care bestowed. The doctor himself was on the tiny front porch, sitting on the railing, smoking a cigarette. He seemed to be in his early fifties, his greying hair plastered straight back from his forehead;...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 132. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение тринадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Did she say who he was with?" "No name, and she only got a glimpse. The corporal, it seems, was very careful. I don't know if that has anything to do with anything, though." Scully agreed before hustling Andrews into her coat and outside. Webber would watch Mulder in case the shooter tried again, or Mulder decided to have an adventure on his own. They took the second car, and on the way,...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 131. Goblins.
Сегодня мы начинаем чтение тринадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : THIRTEEN It took a while before Webber was finally able to get them back to the Royal Baron. Once there, as a doctor, not a partner, Scully ordered Mulder to bed with an ice pack and aspirin until she returned from a visit with Sam Junis. He didn't protest. Just a crooked smile and a phony sigh, and she knew he wouldn't sleep; he'd be too busy trying to squeeze the obvious so it ended up looking like a goblin....
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 130. Goblins.
Сегодня мы заканчиваем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Scully was relieved when Mulder didn't elaborate; she watched instead as Dr. Tymons whispered something to Elkhart and hurried back down the road, one hand massaging the back of his neck. "Major," she said, "I'm not sure, it's too soon, but if Agent Mulder here needs more assistance than I can-" " Walson is mostly shut down," the major interrupted stiffly. "We function pri...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 129. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : The major introduced them as part of his team, offering their services should the need arise. Scully assured him matters were well in hand, but thanked the officer for his concern. "As a matter of fact," she added, "we were going to see you this afternoon, when we were done." Mulder opened his mouth, closed it when she stepped in front of him and put a heel down on his foot to keep him si...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 128. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Well," Mulder whispered. "Well, well." A man in uniform fairly marched toward them, and, when he was close enough, quietly demanded a report on Mulder's condition. When Scully balked, he ducked his head in apology. "Sorry. Major Joseph Tonero , Agent Scully. Air Force Special Projects." His smile turned to Mulder. "This incident happened on my watch, so to speak, and I apo...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 127. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Tonero didn't look, didn't care where he was going. What he cared about was this new woman beside him. Something had changed since a few hours ago. Something drastic. He wasn't sure, but he thought he liked it. "You better leave," he said quietly. "And the problem?" He gave her his best smile. "In for a penny, Rosie. In for a penny." He patted her knee. "Use your best judgm...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 126. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение двенадцатой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "We should abort," was the answer. "We don't have any more control. We have no choice, we have to abort." He twisted around to look at the major. "Joseph, the FBI isn't going away now, you know that. No more just having a look around and running back to D.C. They're going to dig. And they're going to find something." Tonero gripped Rosemary's leg briefly to keep her silent. &quo...