Всем известен факт, что человеческий мозг быстрее и надежнее запоминает то, что интересно, и практически не запоминает, то что человек пытается запихнуть в него посредством зубрежки.
Чтение литературы на языке оригинала, существенно повышает не только словарный запас , но и улучшает грамматику и вырабатывает, как говорится, "чувство языка".
Цель данной рассылки расширение словарного запаса и улучшение грамматики, без изнурительной и нудной зубрежки.
В каждом выпуске вам предлагается фрагмент из произведения на языке оригинала, этот же фрагмент на русском и перевод отдельных слов, при необходимости фраз и идиом...
В рассылке планируется чтение книг, основаных на некогда популярном сериале "Секретные материалы". (Х-Files).
Плюс, только для подписчиков, вкладыш из комиксов (Х-Files).
-1 за неделю
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 85. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение девятой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Mulder?" He rose slowly, watching her turn until her back was against the right-hand wall. "The killer was standing about here." Hawks frowned. "How do you know that?" "The autopsy report," she said, gaze constantly shifting, examining the ground, the opposite wall, the ground again. "If your Doc Junis is right, he'd have to be. Can I borrow your pen?" The chief...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 84. Goblins.
Поздравляю вас всех с грядущим "Концом света" Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение девятой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : They stood on the sidewalk, forcing what foot traffic there was to walk behind them. The stores on either side had SALE signs in their windows, but the one on the right was dark, nothing on display. Above, the windows were all curtained or blind with shades. Somebody died here, Mulder thought; some poor guy bled to death here. It was time to walk the crooke...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 83. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение девятой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Again Scully didn't argue. She only said, "Unless he knew him." A sideways glance: "Sexist comment, Scully. I am offended." "Impersonal pronoun, Mulder. I am unbiased. So far." Just as they reached their destination, a gleaming white patrol car pulled in at the curb, facing in the wrong direction. Chief Hawks slid out, jacket and tie in place, hair barely touched by the breeze now a...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 82. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение девятой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : As Barney's slipped by them on the far side, he glanced over and saw, as before, nothing special. A tired bar in a tired town. Pick it up and put it down in Michigan or Oregon , it wouldn't change. And immediately he thought it, he realized he had probably made a big mistake, letting her go with Webber. The man had a knack for getting people to talk to him. That face, that grin, that shock of red hair was disarm...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 81. Goblins.
Сегодня мы начинаем чтение девятой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : NINE They walked east along Main Street , Mulder on the outside. The deserted moment had passed, and shoppers, not many, drifted in and out of stores, while automobiles and pickups made their way between the traffic lights. Few bothered to look at him and Scully, and those who did smiled faintly and moved on. A breeze drifted down the sidewalk, picking up strength, flapping his open topcoat against his legs, slipp...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 80. Goblins.
Сегодня мы заканчиваем чтение восьмой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Hello," Mulder said quietly as Scully came up beside him. "My name is Agent Webber, FBI. Tell me all you know or I'll smile you to death." She slapped his arm lightly. "Give him a break, Mulder, okay? He's not all that bad." He agreed. "But it's not him I'm worried about." He looked at the sky, at the lowering clouds, and smelled the first hint of rain as the wind streng...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 79. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение седьмой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Then he herded the team into the outer office, nodded to the sergeant-the dispatcher was gone, replaced by a man who stared at them, bewildered-and didn't stop again until he was on the front walk, but unfortunately, not before Andrews made a deliberately loud comment to Hank about the "insufferable hicks in this damn burg." Mulder, hands in his open topcoat pockets, looked up the street, seeking patie...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 78. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение седьмой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Miss," Hawks answered with a lazy smile, "you maybe have noticed we're not exactly the metropolitan Washington area around here. And this time of year, Babs out there at the motel doesn't get hardly any business except on weekends, and not much even then. Hell, if you want, I'll even tell you what you had for breakfast." "What?" Webber asked, as if the chief were a magician about t...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 77. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение седьмой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Mulder nodded his thanks and handed it to Scully, who flipped through it and frowned. "I don't see any body diagrams in this autopsy report. Just photographs, and not much commentary." Hawks scowled. "You'll have to ask them on the post about that. It seems they cared as much about old Grady as we did." Well, well, Mulder thought. No love lost between Marville and Fort Dix . He wondered if th...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 76. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение седьмой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "No problem." Hawks, like his sergeant, wasn't awed, but not for the same reasons. "You just let me know what you need, I'll do what I can." The pencil tapped as his expression darkened. "The thing is, I didn't know that corporal at all. Grady Pierce, though, he was a royal pain in the ass, but I could think of a couple dozen guys I'd rather see take it the way he did. The poor son of a ...