Всем известен факт, что человеческий мозг быстрее и надежнее запоминает то, что интересно, и практически не запоминает, то что человек пытается запихнуть в него посредством зубрежки.
Чтение литературы на языке оригинала, существенно повышает не только словарный запас , но и улучшает грамматику и вырабатывает, как говорится, "чувство языка".
Цель данной рассылки расширение словарного запаса и улучшение грамматики, без изнурительной и нудной зубрежки.
В каждом выпуске вам предлагается фрагмент из произведения на языке оригинала, этот же фрагмент на русском и перевод отдельных слов, при необходимости фраз и идиом...
В рассылке планируется чтение книг, основаных на некогда популярном сериале "Секретные материалы". (Х-Files).
Плюс, только для подписчиков, вкладыш из комиксов (Х-Files).
-1 за неделю
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 25. Goblins.
Сегодня мы начинаем чтение чтвертой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : FOUR Mulder freely admitted to anyone who asked that his office, such as it was, seldom complied, strictly or otherwise, with regulations. While he knew where everything was, usually, it wasn't always where Bureau Section Heads decreed it ought to be. Controlled tornado was how one of his friends had put it; a hell of a mess was how he described it. Usually with a shrug. Always without apology. Nevertheless, desp...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 24. Goblins.
Сегодня мы заканчиваем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Maybe a drink. One drink. The rain was cold and the wind was cold and he was too cold for a spring night like this. He reached into the sling, and laughed when he pulled out the second pint, intact. He unscrewed the cap and lifted the bottle in a toast to the sky. He drank and licked his lips. He lowered his head and saw the outline of a covered Jeep not fifty yards ahead, parked on the left. He grinned, waved ...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 23. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : He swerved easily around a gnarled oak, dodged the grasp of a cage of white birch. He couldn't hear anything but his own breathing now, and the wind, and the patter of the rain, but he couldn't stop running. Every step exploded in his arm, but he couldn't stop running, following the sweep and dart of the beam until he rounded a thicket and the ground was gone. He yelled as he tumbled into a ditch, screamed when ...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 22. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Something moved, out there in the dark. Something large. Frankie swayed, wishing he hadn't drunk so much, wishing he hadn't taken those pills first. His stomach felt on fire, and sweat had broken out across his brow and down his spine. It wasn't warm at all. The wind had turned cold. He heard it again, something moving toward him, not bothering to mask its approach. His first thought was Jersey Devil , and he gi...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 21. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : He moved quickly, glancing up now and then in hopes of seeing the stars or the moon. It wasn't that he was afraid of the woods. Not really. For a city boy, he had learned to take them or leave them. What he didn't like was the voice the trees had. When the breeze blew, there were whispers, like old men talking about him behind their hands; when the air was still, the leaves still moved, nudged by night things wh...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 20. Goblins.
С праздником весны вас! Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : What he needed, he decided then, wasn't a card game, it was a drink. Something to calm him down, something to ease the pain. He knew just where to get it. Five minutes later, after slipping a cheap and slim flashlight into his hip pocket and dry-swallowing one of the pain pills the doc had given him, he was in and out of Howie Jacker's room, two pints of Southern Comfort tucked into his s...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 19. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : All day he stared at the barracks ceiling, his left arm throbbing in a sling, his face a road map of yellow and purple bruises. Nobody felt sorry for him. The sarge had told him that when he got up the next day, he was going to be busted. Again. So he figured he didn't have a whole hell of a lot to lose when he swung his legs over the side of the bed and waited for the dizziness to pass. He had to get out. Walk ...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 18. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Another drink, another inning, and he made his first mistake: He tried to pick up a woman sitting by herself at a table near the back. Not bad looking in the tavern's twilight, but he wasn't about to be fussy. Angie wasn't here, and he was. Just like always. It was a mistake because the bitch didn't want to be picked up, said so loudly when he persisted, and finally suggested that he perform a certain number of ...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 17. Goblins.
Сегодня мы начинаем чтение третьей главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : Three. Corporal Frank Ulman was tired of lying in bed. His back was sore, his ass was sore, his legs were sore. The only thing that wasn't sore was his head, and he figured that would fall off if he had to count the holes in the ceiling one more time. It was no question about it, a lousy way to spend a Saturday night. What made it worse was the fact that he was here because he had been stupid. Really stupid. All h...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 16. Goblins.
Сегодня мы заканчиваем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : The grip tightened again, abruptly, just as the voices entered the memorial and turned to echoes. His eyes instantly filled with tears, and his knees buckled as he cried out softly. A lunge with his arm couldn't prevent his forehead from slamming against the pedestal as he went down. By the time his vision cleared, no more than a few seconds, he was kneeling, head down, and when he looked to his right, grimacing...