Всем известен факт, что человеческий мозг быстрее и надежнее запоминает то, что интересно, и практически не запоминает, то что человек пытается запихнуть в него посредством зубрежки.
Чтение литературы на языке оригинала, существенно повышает не только словарный запас , но и улучшает грамматику и вырабатывает, как говорится, "чувство языка".
Цель данной рассылки расширение словарного запаса и улучшение грамматики, без изнурительной и нудной зубрежки.
В каждом выпуске вам предлагается фрагмент из произведения на языке оригинала, этот же фрагмент на русском и перевод отдельных слов, при необходимости фраз и идиом...
В рассылке планируется чтение книг, основаных на некогда популярном сериале "Секретные материалы". (Х-Files).
Плюс, только для подписчиков, вкладыш из комиксов (Х-Files).
-1 за неделю
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 15. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : He stepped back as he slipped into his jacket and looked up at the president, dark bronze and gleaming, towering above him. "So what do you think?" he said quietly. "You bought the stupid place, is there anything out there?" A hand gripped his shoulder. When he tried to turn, the grip tightened, ordering him to stay where he was. His throat dried instantly, but he did as he was bidden. He wasn...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 14. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : The kind of cases the Bureau officially frowned upon, but couldn't always ignore. Which was why he had been shown this one. This kind of thing, whether the upper echelon liked it or not-and they usually didn't-was his specialty. Louisiana just didn't have that X-File scent. Still, there was always a chance he was wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. His usual partner, Dana Scully, had told him that so often, he ...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files . Выпуск 13. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "So." Webber backed away, and almost toppled off the step. He laughed self-consciously, his right arm flapping. "So, I guess I'll get back, okay?" "Sure." "You'll be-" Mulder held up what was left of the sandwich. "Right. Sure." He waved, reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a pair of sunglasses, and slipped them on. Suddenly he wasn't a kid named Hank Webbe...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files.Выпуск 12. Goblins . Выпуск 14. Goblins.
Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : " Overjoyed ," he answered flatly . And instantly regretted it when Webber's expression sagged into youthful disappointment. He knew the kid believed that every bust was righteous, every arrest an occasion for celebration, every crook large or small put behind bars a reason to dance. What he hadn't figured on was, between the first bust and the fourth and the fiftieth and the millionth, the exhilaration...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files. Выпуск 11 -Goblins
Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Как часто вы хотите видеть данную расылку? (голосование возможно только из письма рассылки) Раз в месяц Два раза в месяц Раз в неделю Два раза в неделю Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. Оригинальный текст : "Hank, your powers of deduction have never failed to give me a shiver." He smiled when the younger man sputtered, telling him with a gesture that it was only a stupid joke. Hank was a good man, but there were times when Mu...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files. Выпуск 10 - Goblins
Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины. И у нас маленький юбилей, 10 выпуск! Оригинальный текст : Mulder smiled politely, but he didn't stand. This was not what he needed on a great day like this. What he needed was his sandwich, his soda-although he'd prefer a cold beer in a bottle, preferably sitting in a booth at Ripley's, in Alexandria-and maybe that short brunette over there, taking slow tight circles on a pair of in-line skates, earpho...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files. Выпуск 9 - Goblins
Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Сегодня начинаем чтение второй главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины Оригинальный текст : TWO. The afternoon was pleasantly warm, the sky a sharp and cloudless blue. The sounds of Thursday traffic were muted by the trees carrying their new leaves, although the cherry trees hadn't yet sprung all their blossoms. The tourists were few at the Jefferson Memorial, mostly older people with cameras around their necks or camcorders in their hands, moving slowly, taking their time. A h...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files. Выпуск 8 - Goblins.
Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Сегодня мы заканчиваем чтение первой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины Оригинальный текст : He couldn't see more than five feet in-three stories of brick on either side, a pair of dented trash cans on the left, scraps of paper on the ground, fluttering weakly as the breeze blew again. He wasn't sure, but he thought the alley was a dead end, which meant the sucker wasn't going anywhere as long as he stood here. The question was, how far was he going to push this thing? How...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files. Выпуск 7 - Goblins.
Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение первой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины Оригинальный текст : You're spooking yourself, bud; knock it off. He rolled his shoulders, straightened his spine, and crossed to the other side. Two more blocks, a left, a right, and he'd be at the worn-down apartment complex where he had spent most of the years since his discharge. He could find the damn thing blindfolded. He glanced back again, thinking someone from the bar was following him. The end...
Учим язык нескучно. Английский с X-files. Выпуск 6 - Goblins.
Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Сегодня мы продолжаем чтение первой главы книги Чарльза Гранта - Гоблины Оригинальный текст : When he checked over his shoulder, Aaron was already talking with another guy at the bar. "Good night, gentlemen," he said loudly, and stepped outside, laughing at the way some of them snapped their heads up, eyes wide, as if he'd just shaken them out of a nap. As soon as the door closed behind him, the laughter twisted into a spasm of coughing, forcing him to lean against...