Re: Доноры метила.

Дело не в том, что его подделывают. В инструкции написано, что препарат не
метаболизируется организмом и выходит в неизменном виде. Отсюда у меня
сомнения как пантогам может быть донором ничего не отдавая.
Селенметилселеноцистеин, триметилглицин - какая цена и где береш. Какая
дозировка B6 считается большой?
Подписался, но как пользоваться йахувской группой я не разобрался. Посему
аттачу статью ввиде тектового файла.
Особый интерес представляет этот абзац.
For example, chlorophyllin can cross cell membranes, organelle membranes,
and blood-brain barriers while chlorophyll cannot. Chlorophyllin even
enters into the mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles of the cell
where 91% of oxygen reductions occur and where the majority of free
radicals are produced (Boloor et al. 2000; Kamat et al. 2000).
Chlorophyllin quenches all major reactive oxygen species, such as the
superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, and even the most
dangerously reactive hydroxyl radical at very low doses (Kamat et al.
2000). Chlorophyllin has been shown to be a potent mitochondrial
antioxidant that not only protects mitochondria from their own
auto-oxidation (considered to be one of the major causes of aging), but
also protects mitochondria from a variety of external chemical, biological,
and radiation insults (Boloor et al. 2000; Kamat et al. 2000; Wei et al.
С ув., Роман.
Cancer Prevention
Updated: 07/31/2003
Gene Mutation
How Cancer Cells Form
Preventing Gene Mutation
Just a few years ago, the federal government released an optimistic report
stating that the rate of cancer was leveling off or declining. In late
2002, the National Cancer Institute disclosed that the data used to prepare
this report was seriously flawed. According to the National Cancer
Institute, the incidences for some of the most deadly cancers are actually
sharply increasing.
The American Cancer Association responded to these startling statistics by
urging that more research be devoted to ascertain why prevention programs
are failing. It has become strikingly apparent that the most respected
cancer institutions have no explanation for why more Americans than ever
before are contracting this devastating disease.
Regrettably, most cancer cases occur needlessly. Thousands of published
scientific findings provide a clear road map as to what one can do to
reduce their risk of contracting cancer. The problem is that consumers are
overwhelmed by the volume of cancer prevention data and have largely failed
to take the necessary steps to reduce their personal risk.
In this protocol, we will reveal the fundamental factor that causes all
cancers. We will then suggest relatively simple lifestyle changes that can
help keep normal cells from transforming into malignant cells.
Genes Mutation
Cancer is a disease caused by genetic mutation. Most people have a
difficult time grasping the molecular complexities of genes and their
relationship to cancer. To bring this down to the simplest level, the
following definition from the New England Journal of Medicine (Haber 2000)
should enable lay persons to understand how genes are intimately involved
in cancer processes: "Cancer results from the accumulation of mutations in
genes that regulate cellular proliferation."
This one sentence description enlightens us to the critical importance of
maintaining gene integrity if we are to prevent cancer from developing in
our bodies.
Cells operate under the direction of genes located in the DNA. Our very
existence is dependent on the precise genetic regulation of all cellular
events. Healthy young cells have relatively perfect genes. Aging and
environmental factors cause genes to mutate, resulting in cellular
metabolic disorder. Gene mutations can turn healthy cells into malignant
cells. As gene mutations accumulate, the risk of cancer sharply increases.
What Causes Genes to Mutate
Human studies show that about 70% of gene mutation is environmental and,
thus, relatively controllable based on what we eat, whether we smoke, if
there is exposure to genotoxins or radiation, and so forth (Ljungquist et
al. 1995; Herskind et al. 1996; Finch et al. 1997). Antioxidant supplements
have become popular because they reduce gene damage inflicted by free
radicals. However, it takes more than antioxidants to adequately protect
genes against environmental mutation.
The most prevalent cause of environmental genetic mutation is the food we
eat every day. While certain foods are particularly genotoxic, even healthy
foods result in the body being exposed to small amounts of carcinogens. A
consistent finding in epidemiological studies is that people who consume
the most calories have significantly higher incidences of cancer. There are
several mechanisms that explain why overeating causes cancer, but one
reason is that more gene mutations occur in response to higher food intake.
It is well-known that foods cooked at high temperatures inflict massive
damage to the genes. A research group at the University of Minnesota
reported that women who eat very well done hamburgers have a 50% greater
risk of breast cancer than women who eat hamburgers rare or medium. The
researchers conducted a nested, case-control study among 41,836 cohort
members of the famous Iowa Women's Health Study. They found that women who
consistently consumed well done beef steak, hamburgers, and bacon had a
4.62-fold increased risk of breast cancer (Zheng et al. 1998). Cooking
foods at high temperatures causes the formation of gene-mutating
heterocyclic amines. That is one reason why eating deep-fried foods is so
dangerous. Heterocyclic amines have been linked to prostate, breast,
colorectal, esophageal, lung, liver, and other cancers. While
health-conscious people try to avoid foods that are known carcinogens, even
grilled salmon contains a potent dose of gene-mutating heterocyclic amines
(Madrigal-Bujaidar et al. 19
While one can reduce their exposure to cancer-causing heterocylic amines,
it may be impossible to keep them from forming in your body. That is
because enzymatic activities that naturally occur in the liver can
inadvertently manufacture heterocyclic amines from otherwise harmless
organic compounds (Guengerich et al. 1991). The carcinogenic dangers of
heterocyclic amines have been thoroughly discussed in the scientific
literature, yet the public is largely unaware of these dangers and
continues to consume foods that inflict massive numbers of gene mutations.
Studies indicate that heterocylic amines cause more cases of cancer than
previously indicated. However, heterocyclic amines are not the only dietary
culprit involved in gene mutation. Other mutagenic agents found in food are
nitrosamine preservatives, aflatoxin molds, and pesticide-herbicide
The bottom line is that we need to eat a certain number of calories, and
this inevitably exposes us to agents that mutate our genes. Because
avoiding all dietary carcinogens is impossible, identifying methods to
protect genes against mutation becomes a critical part of a life extension
As quoted earlier in this text, "Cancer results from the accumulation of
mutations in genes that regulate cellular proliferation" (Haber 2000). A
common pathway toward cancer occurs when dietary mutagenic agents cause
adducts to be formed on DNA genes. Adducts (gene alterations) are formed
when a carcinogen binds to DNA. When a high enough percentage of DNA
adducts form along critical gene segments, normal cells can be transformed
into cancer cells (Strauss et al. 1991). Roughly 90% of DNA adducts are
removed within a 24-hour period by a human's repair enzymes and other
natural gene protective mechanisms (Hart et al. 1974). Humans possess the
most efficient DNA repair mechanisms in the entire animal kingdom. Mice and
other small mammals, on the other hand, have a 0-13% repair rate over 24
hours (which correlates with the mouse average lifespan of only 3.4 years)
(Hart et al. 1974). DNA adducts represent genetic mutation. If the adducts
are not repaired, this can lead to tumor formation. Preventing these adduc
ts from forming in the first place would dramatically lower cancer risk.
History of Chlorophyllin
Detoxifying Dietary Mutagens
When to Take Chlorophyllin
Chlorophyllin Side Effects/Contraindications
Choosing a Chlorophyllin Product
The first lines of defense against the many carcinogens in the human diet
are agents that prevent gene mutation. Many antimutagenic agents have been
identified in fruits and vegetables, the most potent being the
indole-3-carbinols, the chlorophylls, and chlorophyllin (Negishi et al.
1997). The traditional dietary antioxidants should be considered only as a
secondary line of defense against cancer because it is more important to
inactivate or neutralize carcinogens in the first place than to try to
protect the cells and proteins downstream from their effects. Chlorophyllin
is the modified, water-soluble form of chlorophyll that has been tested as
an antimutagenic agent for more than 20 years. In one of the great ironies
of natural product science, we now have a very large body of data
concerning the anticancer, antimutagenic, antioxidant, and potentially
life-extending benefits of chlorophyllin but much less information on the
effects of natural chlorophyll itself (Negishi et al. 1997; Tsunoda et al.
For example, chlorophyllin can cross cell membranes, organelle membranes,
and blood-brain barriers while chlorophyll cannot. Chlorophyllin even
enters into the mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles of the cell
where 91% of oxygen reductions occur and where the majority of free
radicals are produced (Boloor et al. 2000; Kamat et al. 2000).
Chlorophyllin quenches all major reactive oxygen species, such as the
superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, and even the most
dangerously reactive hydroxyl radical at very low doses (Kamat et al.
2000). Chlorophyllin has been shown to be a potent mitochondrial
antioxidant that not only protects mitochondria from their own
auto-oxidation (considered to be one of the major causes of aging), but
also protects mitochondria from a variety of external chemical, biological,
and radiation insults (Boloor et al. 2000; Kamat et al. 2000; Wei et al.
History of Chlorophyllin
The Life Extension Foundation introduced its members to the antimutagenic
effects of chlorophyllin in 1989. Life Extension based its recommendation
to supplement with chlorophyllin on a study in the journal Mutation
Research, showing that this plant extract was more effective than all other
known anticancer vitamins at that time (Ong et al. 1989). An earlier study
also in Mutation Research reported that chlorophyllin suppressed the
mutagenic activity of carcinogens such as fried beef and pork, red wine,
chewing tobacco and snuff, cigarette smoke, diesel emissions, and coal dust
by more than 90% (Ong et al. 1986)! No other supplement came close to the
ability of chlorophyllin to inhibit deadly gene mutations. In 1989, the
cost of chlorophyllin was exorbitant, and only relatively low amounts could
be used in dietary supplements. The good news is that the price of
chlorophyllin has plummeted, enabling consumers to obtain high potencies at
affordable prices.
Detoxifying Dietary Mutagens
The great majority of studies about chlorophyllin's health benefits concern
its antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties. Unlike other
antioxidants which merely quench free radicals, chlorophyllin traps
heterocyclic hydrocarbon carcinogens by reacting with their backbone,
making it impossible for them to form adducts with DNA (Dashwood et al.
1996; Hernaez et al. 1997). There are more than 50 cancer-causing agents
known to occur in the human diet that chlorophyllin has been shown to
protect against, including benzopyrene, dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA),
dibenzopyrene, TRP-P2, aflatoxin B-1 and aflatoxin B-2, 2-aminoanthracene,
2-nitrofluorene, 1-nitropyrene, 1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-pyridine]
(PHIP), and 2-amino-3-methylimidazo [4,5-f] quinoline (IQ). Tea
epigallocatechins have no effect on the degradation rate of N-hydroxy IQ,
but chlorophyllin rapidly degrades it by complexing with it (Hernaez et al.
1997; Madrigal-Bujaidar et al. 1997; Negishi et al. 1997; Tang et al. 1997;
Breinholt et al. 1999;
Cabrerra et al. 2000; Chung et al. 2000; Kamat et al. 2000; Enger et al.
Many of these carcinogens are found in ordinary broiled, boiled, baked, and
otherwise high-temperature cooked foods (Guengerich et al. 1991). For
instance, PHIP is considered the most abundant heterocyclic amine in fried
ground beef. It causes colon cancers in F344 rats and is considered a
leading cancer suspect agent in humans (Guengerich et al. 1991; Guo 1995).
Chlorophyllin 0.1% in the drinking water of rats reduced aberrant crypt
foci 50% in the colon when exposed to PHIP (Guo 1995). In another study
with F344 rats, a diet with 2000-ppm chlorophyllin significantly protected
them from diethylnitrosamine-induced liver neoplasms (Sugie 1996).
Diethylnitrosamine is commonly found in many types of distilled spirits and
beers (Guengerich et al. 1991).
The most notorious of all human dietary carcinogens is aflatoxin B-1.
Aflatoxins occur all over the world in fungus-infected rice, wheat, rye,
and other staple grains. They have also been found in a variety of U.S.
crops. Aflatoxin-infected crops are more of a problem in Third World
countries such as China where, in certain provinces, the farmers experience
the highest liver cancer rates in the world (Enger et al. 2001). In a
landmark study entitled "Chlorophyllin Intervention Reduces Aflatoxin-DNA
Adducts in Individuals at High Risk for Cancer," researchers demonstrated a
55% reduction in aflatoxin urinary bio-markers compared to controls by
giving the farmers 100 mg of chlorophyllin 3 times a day with their meals
(Enger et al. 2001). The scientists estimated that the induction period
needed for this type of cancer to develop was extended from 20-40 years by
supplementing with chlorophyllin. The authors noted that chlorophyllin
tablets are the least expensive and most cost effective means of preventing
types of cancers (Enger et al. 2000; 2001). It should be noted that there
is a powerful relationship between dietary aflatoxin reduction, DNA
adducts, and lowering of cancer rates in both humans and animals (Dashwood
et al. 1998; Kensler et al. 1998; Breinholt et al. 1999; Enger et al.
The effective dose of chlorophyllin as an antimutagenic agent is far lower
than teas and other antioxidants, usually in the range of 0.5-4 mg per
kilogram of body weight, making chlorophyllin the most potent antimutagen
available on a weight basis. The best results in animals at suppressing
carcinogenesis are in the 2-4 mg per kilogram range (Madrigal-Bujaidar et
al. 1997), the same as the dosage used in the human intervention trials
(Enger et al. 2000; 2001). At this dose, it protected mouse bone marrow
from benzopyrene toxicity 80.9% and 77.5%, respectively.
Another study compared the anticancer properties of green tea, black tea,
and chlorophyllin. The conclusion of this study and the other studies
comparing teas and chlorophyllin are that chlorophyllin is a far more
potent antimutagenic agent, protecting against a far wider range of
carcinogens than tea (Hernaez et al. 1997). In the study, teas did not
degrade the mutagen IQ found in cooked meat at all, while chlorophyllin
rapidly degraded it.
In human breast cell studies, chlorophyllin was one of the most effective
compounds protecting against DNA adduct formation. Chlorophyllin inhibited
adduct formation 65% at 30 micromolar concentrations, and it was also a
very effective inhibitor at 15 micromoles, a level obtainable in vivo in
the tissues of humans (Smith et al. 2001).
In vitro studies with chlorophyllin show it to be an inhibitor of the
cytochrome P-450 liver enzymes (Tachino et al. 1994). All in vivo [whole
animal] studies where cytochrome P-450 enzyme activity is reduced resulted
in lower cancer rates and longer lifespan (Guengerich et al. 1991). In
Stage 2 liver detoxification, enzymes called glutathione transferases cause
glutathione to react with the carcinogens formed from cytochrome P-450
activity to produce harmless additional products, but this process is not
very efficient (Finch et al. 1997). Chlorophyllin, however, makes this
conversion more efficient by lowering cytochrome P-450 enzyme activity in
the first place and by reacting with carcinogens to produce harmless
complexes, just as the glutathione transferases do. Thus, chlorophyllin is
not an inducer of glutathione transferases but mimics glutathione
transferase activity.
When to Take Chlorophyllin
The primary purpose of taking chlorophyllin supplements is to neutralize
dietary carcinogens before they can mutate our DNA genes. People are
exposed to more carcinogens in their diet than from cigarette smoke. It has
been established that overcooked meat, fried meat, meat containing
nitrosamine, and aflatoxin-contaminated plants contain known carcinogens.
There are, however, mutagenic agents in virtually all foods. The benefit of
eating fresh fruits and vegetables is that they often provide more
antimutagenic phytochemicals (such as chlorophyll) than harmful ones.
There is a considerable amount of animal research, and some human data to
recommend that a 100-mg capsule of chlorophyllin should be taken with each
meal or at least with meals that are known to contain a lot of carcinogens.
While some people may not be able to take chlorophyllin with every meal,
there would appear to be considerable benefit in taking at least a 100-mg
chlorophyllin capsule with the most dangerous meal of the day, that is, the
meal that contains the most carcinogens. If your dinner consists of grilled
fish or barbecued steak, it might be wise to take 200-300 mg of
chlorophyllin to help neutralize the heterocyclic amines and many other
carcinogens formed in the cooking process. Because the main benefit of
supplementing with chlorophyllin is to detoxify dietary mutagens, it should
be taken with food and not wasted on an empty stomach.
Chlorophyllin Side Effects/Contraindications
The only reported side effects with chlorophyllin after 40 years of
experience are occasional reports of diarrhea (transient), a green color
imparted to the stool, and more recently a pale green color conferred to
serum (Enger et al. 2000, 2001). When this coloring of sera was first
noticed, the authors of the study noted it to be a good sign. In other
words, chlorophyllin is probably acting as an antioxidant and antimutagenic
agent in the bloodstream, having been shown to be an inhibitor of
ascorbate-iron induced lipid peroxidation (Kamat et al. 2000).
Chlorophyllin is sold as an expensive prescription drug to reduce fecal
odors in nursing home patients. Some institutions mandate that the
chlorophyllin drug be given to every patient to suppress unpleasant odors.
When taken by healthy people, chlorophyllin has been reported to reduce
fecal aroma and possibly halitosis (Ui et al. 1991; Hideshi et al. 1996).
Persons who have Wilson's disease should avoid chlorophyllin supplements.
Wilson's disease is a genetic defect that causes toxic amounts of copper to
accumulate in the blood because the body lacks the ability to metabolize
copper. Persons with Wilson's disease should avoid any copper supplement
because of the excess copper already in their bodies. Those with active
cancer may also want to avoid chloropyllin based on a current theory that
copper may promote angiogenesis. Physicians who subscribe to this theory
often attempt to reduce copper to extremely low levels to better enable the
patient to gain control over their active cancer. Healthy people do not
have this concern because most of the copper in chlorophyllin is in the
bound form and is not bioavailable to the body. Additional information
about free versus bound copper appears in the next section.
Choosing a Chlorophyllin Product
There are many chlorophyllin products sold on the supplement market. They
can all be expected to provide benefits in reducing fecal odor and possibly
halitosis (Ui et al. 1991; Hideshi et al. 1996). In order to derive the
maximum antimutagenic effects of chlorophyllin, a supplement should contain
standardized potencies of these specific constituents.
A 100-mg capsule of chlorophyllin should contain very little or no free
copper. The copper that is naturally part of the chlorophyllin should be
tightly sequestered (bound) in the chlorophyllin molecule (Meydani et al.
2002) so that it is not freely available to the body. Consumers should
insist on a standardized chlorophyllin supplement that provides optimal
percentages of active chlorophyll constituents and verifies that the free
copper is very low. To reduce the absorption of any free copper that may be
in the product, 10 mg of zinc could be taken with chlorophyllin or be
included in the supplement itself.
The evidence presented here clearly shows that avoiding substances known to
inflict gene mutations can reduce one's risk of contracting cancer.
Epidemiological studies document that people who expose themselves to
gene-mutating toxins develop cancer far more frequently than those who
follow a healthier lifestyle.
Each human cell sustains about 10,000 DNA gene mutations every day (Seo et
al. 2002). If it were not for DNA repair enzymes, these mutations would
quickly lead to cancer or cell functional failure. There is a limit to the
cell's ability to repair these multiple DNA alterations. That is why
protecting genes against mutation is so important.
Most gene mutations occur from environmental factors, the most prevalent
being the food we eat every day (Guengerich et al. 1991; Herskind et al.
1996; Finch et al. 1997). While a healthy diet helps protect our genes, it
has been established that gene mutations occur as a part of normal
metabolic processes. If we live long enough, the accumulation of gene
mutations can result in cancer, neurological disorders, and other
degenerative diseases.
While it is possible to reduce exposure to substances that mutate genes, it
is impossible to avoid them altogether. Even if one consumed the perfect
diet and minimized environmental mutagen exposure, the aging process itself
results in gene mutations that can lead to cancer. It, thus, becomes
imperative to both detoxify dietary mutagens as well as protect one's genes
against mutagenic transformation into cancer cells.
Antioxidants help to protect genes against mutation. That is one reason why
humans who consume higher levels of antioxidants and other plant extracts
often have lower incidences of cancer. A number of published studies show
that chlorophyllin may be the most effective antimutagenic agent ever
Because the accumulation of gene mutations is the underlying cause of
cancer and a host of other diseases, it appears logical to add
chlorophyllin to one's supplement program. Chlorophyllin is a pluripotency
antioxidant that quenches a wide variety of reactive oxygen species and
exhibits a multitude of anticancer effects at very low doses.
While cholorophyllin is an important nutrient to prevent excess gene
mutations, there are other supplements that protect against cancer via
different mechanisms. A number of these anticancer supplements are
discussed in the Prevention protocol in this book.
16.04.2004 10:36:25 "Stаnislаv AV" wrote:
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Original Message From: <roman_she***@m*****.fr>
To: " (1303717)" <ex_st***@m*****.ru>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 11:39 AM
А где заявлено, что пантогам является донором метиловых групп?
На цену не помню, хочешь сам заберись и посмотри там.
Наверное около 30-50 мг в сутки, больше 75 мг у некоторых людей может вызвать
писал про файлик с описанием хлорофилина, если подписался на
Ты мне на мыло кинь ещё, полностью, ладно?
И, я думаю ты не совсем разобрался с конфами :-)
Эта конфа -
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кроме того, когда ты получишь login ID на яхе,
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