Fw: Fw: [wta-talk] TransVision 06 virtual avenues

-----Original MessageFrom: Danila Medvedev <danila.medved***@m*****.ru>
To: konovalo***@m*****.ru
17-19, some of the most important speakers of the transhumanist scene will be
coming together to hold presentations on varying subjects. This is an event you
don't want to miss - and since not many of you have a chance to come to Finland
to join it in flesh, here's a recap of the ways you can participate virtually.
be looking at recent and ongoing technological developments and discussing associated
ethical and philosophical questions. Some of our speakers are William Sims Bainbridge,
Aubrey de Grey, Nick Bostrom, James Hughes and Natasha Vita-More.
Watch each of the speakers in real time! Detailed instructions on this can be
found at http://www.transhumanismi.org/tv06/stream.php . You can also find the
conference program at http://www.transhumanismi.org/tv06/program.php ; it's given
in Finnish time, UTC+3.
can't access the live stream. As time allows, saved video files will be made
available for regular HTTP download shortly after the presentations. Other extra
material, like slideshow files from the speeches, will also be made available
on the TransVision website. For more information on this, watch http://www.transhumanismi.org/tv06/virtua.php
together with other people from around the world. The official TransVision IRC
channel is #transvision at IRCNet, accessible through an IRC client or alternatively
through the webchat interface at http://webchat.xs4all.nl/index.php . The IRC
room will also share its chat space with an area in the Second Life virtual environment
- anything said in either medium will also be relayed to the other. The Second
Life environment can be found by booting up the SL client (download one at http://www.secondlife.com
), finding the "uvvy" region at its map and teleporting there. SL will have some
extra features that the IRC space won't, including some slideshows and a possibility
to watch the streaming video from there.
way to follow and discuss the event in real time. People in the chat can submit
questions to any of the speakers in the real event and have them relayed onwards,
and any new files that get uploaded to the site will be announced to the chat
ASAP. See http://www.uvvy.com/index.php/TransVision06_in_SL and http://www.transhumanismi.org/tv06/virtua.php
for chat details.
is TransVision's official weblog community. Information about the conference
gets posted there, and we are encouraging all participants to post their TV experiences
there afterwards. If you want to read detailed event reports after the fact,
this is the place.
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