Integrative Medicine Newsletter

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From: Natural Standard [mailto:ne***@n*****.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 7:00 AM
To: mister.ap20***@y*****.ru
Natural Standard
Copyright 2011 Natural Standard
November 2011
In This Issue
* Nominate <> Natural Standard for NBJ Business Award
* Natural Standard Featured CE/CME: Turmeric
* Yoga for <> Chronic Lower Back Pain
* Selenium <> May Not Reduce Lung Cancer Mortality Risk
* Hypnotherapy <> May Improve IBS Symptoms
* High <> Fiber Diet for Reduced Metabolic Syndrome Risk
* Natural Standard Training
* Complementary <> and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference
* Natural Standard in Natural Medicine Journal
* Natural <> and Organic Product Expo
* Natural Standard Exhibits
* International <> Drug Discovery and Therapy Conference
* Healing <> Arts Conference & Exhibit
* Complimentary <> Webinars
* Journal <> of Dietary Supplements: New Issue
* Inside <> Natural Standard
Natural Standard provides high-quality, evidence-based information about
complementary and alternative therapies, diets, exercise and nutrition. For
more information, please visit
<> .
Nominate Natural Standard
for NBJ Business Award
<> Winners
will appear in Nutrition Business Journal's Annual Executive Review & Awards
Issue in January 2012, and are invited to accept their awards at the 2012
NBJ Summit <> .
Nominations are accepted until Friday, November 18, 2011.
Natural Standard has made exceptional advancements in many award categories
* Efforts on Behalf of the Industry
* Investment in the Future
* Scientific Achievement
* Education
* Product Merit
In fact, per The World Health Organization (WHO), Natural Standard is: "The
best and most authoritative web site available on herbal medicines."
Please click to
It's fast, easy and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Natural Standard Featured CE/CME: Turmeric
<> Natural Standard's
featured CE/CME for the month of November is Turmeric: Safety
<> & Effectiveness.
Turmeric, a spice commonly used in Asian food, is derived from the root of
the turmeric (Curcuma longa) plant. Although not well studied in humans,
turmeric and its constituent curcumin have demonstrated anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, nerve protective, insecticidal and anticancer properties.
Preliminary human evidence suggests possible efficacy for dyspepsia
(heartburn), high cholesterol and scabies.
Natural Standard offers CE/CME modules for multidisciplinary healthcare
professionals. Students and other users may take courses for training
purposes without generating credit certificates. Continuing Education
requirements differ based on discipline, license and location. If you are
unsure of your specific needs, please contact your local agency.
For more information on Natural Standard's CE/CME courses, please visit
<> .
To comment on this story, please visit Natural Standard's blog
<> .
Yoga for Chronic Lower Back Pain
<> A
recent study suggests that yoga may be more beneficial than standard care
for patients with chronic lower back pain.
Yoga is an ancient system of exercise, healing and relaxation. Yoga has
undergone much scientific study, with various psychological and physical
theories suggested. In human research, yoga has been shown to reduce heart
rate and blood pressure, increase breath holding time and lung capacity,
improve muscle relaxation and body composition, cause weight loss and
increase overall physical endurance. There is preliminary research that
suggests yoga may reduce chronic back pain; however, further research is
necessary before firm conclusions can be made.
In a new study.... More
<> >
Selenium May Not Reduce Lung Cancer Mortality Risk
Contrary to previous reports, a new study suggests that selenium may not
decrease lung cancer mortality risk.
Selenium, an essential trace mineral, is required for the functioning of the
body's antioxidant enzymes and for cell growth and survival. The role of
selenium in cancer prevention has been the subject of recent study and
debate. Preliminary evidence suggests selenium may reduce the risk of
prostate cancer; however.... More
<> >
Hypnotherapy May Improve IBS Symptoms
According to a new study, hypnotherapy may improve irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS) symptoms.
Various forms of hypnosis, trance, and altered states of consciousness have
been documented in a number of cultures throughout history. How hypnosis
works is not completely understood. Some changes in the body have been
associated with hypnosis, including changes in skin temperature, heart rate,
intestinal secretions and immune response. Preliminary research suggests
that hypnotherapy may lower the sensory and motor component of the
gastrocolonic response in patients with IBS. However, evidence.... More
<> >
High Fiber Diet for Reduced Metabolic Syndrome Risk
Maintaining a high fiber diet may reduce the risk for metabolic syndrome in
adolescents, according to a new study.
A high fiber diet incorporates large amounts of dietary fiber into the daily
diet. Dietary fiber is found in grains, fruits and vegetables, and may also
be referred to as roughage or bulk. Animal products, including meat and
dairy, do not contain dietary fiber. Various health benefits have been
associated with a high fiber diet; including potential benefits for glucose
metabolism in patients with diabetes; however, additional research is
necessary before firm conclusions can be made.
In a new study.... More
<> >
Natural Standard Training
<> Sign
up for a free online training session to learn more about Natural Standard's
decision-support tools.
Natural Standard provides high-quality, evidence-based information about
integrative therapies to help healthcare professionals and consumers make
safer, more educated decisions about health.
Natural Standard is an international multidisciplinary collaboration that
includes contributors from more than 100 eminent academic institutions.
Research teams systematically gather scientific data and expert opinions to
develop comprehensive monographs that are designed to facilitate clinical
decision making. For each therapy, the available scientific evidence of
effectiveness is evaluated using the Natural Standard Evidence-Based
Validated Grading RationaleT. All monographs undergo blinded peer review
prior to inclusion in Natural Standard databases.
These guided tours will demonstrate how to navigate the various databases
and cross reference medical conditions and therapies.
* Thu, Nov 17, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
* Tue, Nov 22, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
* Tue, Nov 29, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
* Thu, Dec 1, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
* Tue, Dec 6, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
* Thu, Dec 8, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
* Tue, Dec 13, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
* Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST
After registration, attendees will receive e-mail confirmation with
information on how to join the webinar.
System Requirements:
* PC-based attendees: WindowsR 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
* MacintoshR-based attendees: Mac OSR X 10.4.11 (TigerR) or newer
To comment on this story, please visit Natural Standard's blog
<> .
Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference
<> The Annie
Appleseed Project will present its fifth annual Evidence-based Complementary
and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference at the Embassy Suites in West
Palm Beach, Florida on March 1-3, 2012.
The Annie Appleseed Project welcomes all to join the expected 300
participants, including patients, advocates, caregivers and professionals of
all kinds. CEUs and CNEs will be available.
Conference speakers will include:
* Susan Silberstein, PhD, "Breast Cancer: The Stress Connection"
* Gwen Stritter, MD, Clinical Patient Advocate
* Tami Boehmer, Author, Breast Cancer Thriver
* Daya Fisch, MS, CMT, Specialist in Lymphatic Massage
* Dr. Keith Block, MD, Medical Director, Block Medical Center, Skokie,
* Prof. Dr. Med. Alexander Herzog, Dr. Herzog's Special Hospital for
Integrated Oncology and Hyperthermia Center, Germany
* Verne Verona, Author "Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods and
Macrobiotics for Dummies"
* Julia Schopick, Author Honest Medicine
* Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD, "International BioCare Hospital
"Detoxification and dietary adjustment"
* Burton Berkson, MD, MS, PhD, "Personal experience with LDN and alpha
lipoic for various cancers and autoimmune disease"
* Thomas Lodi, MD, Director, An Oasis of Healing, AZ Integrative
Oncology Clinic "4 Basic Aspects to the Resolution of Cancer"
* Lisa Wilson CHC, CFT, "Green Juice Therapy"
Space is limited! For more information, please visit
<> . For those
interested in exhibiting or advertising for this annual event, please email
annieappleseed***@a*****.com or call 561.749.0084.
If you would like Natural Standard to post your event(s) online, please
e-mail news@n*****.com.
Natural Standard in Natural Medicine Journal
The latest issue of the Natural Medicine Journal features a Natural Standard
evidence-based review on Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin that is commonly found in
a variety of foods, including fish, shellfish, meat, eggs and dairy
products. Vitamin B12 deficiency is extremely rare; however, it may result
from being unable to use vitamin B12. There is currently strong scientific
evidence supporting the use of Vitamin B12 for deficiency. The Natural
Standard bottom-line monograph discusses the latest research on Vitamin B12,
including scientific evidence of effectiveness for various conditions and
potential interactions and side effects.
The Natural Medicine Journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed e-journal for
integrative healthcare practitioners, as well as students and faculty who
focus on the field of natural medicine. The monthly journal and website
provide scientifically-valid, clinically-relevant information.
The November issue features the following articles:
* Dietary Supplements and Mortality Rates in Older Women by Douglas
Mackay, ND
* Specific Applications of Omega 3s for Cardiovascular Disease by Tori
Hudson, ND
* Vitamin B12 by Natural Standard
* Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) and the Risk
of Prostate Cancer by Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc
* Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer Causes Long-Term Heart Toxicity
by Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO
* Developments in Women's Health Interview with Tori Hudson, ND by
Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO
* Recalls of Dietary Supplements Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO
To subscribe to the complimentary journal, please visit
To comment on this story, please visit Natural Standard's blog
<> .
Natural and Organic Product Expo
<> The
Middle East Natural & Organic Product Expo (MENOPE) will take place December
5-7, 2011 at the World Trade Centre, Dubai.
The 2011 expo is the ninth edition of the Middle East's only exhibition for
organic and natural products. Exhibitors will showcase herbals and spices,
foods and beverages, cereal products, supplements, healthcare products,
natural living products, natural cosmetics, healing products, natural
remedies, traditional medicines, spas, relaxation facilities, pet products,
fabrics and much more.
Featured speakers will include Dr. Craig Hassed, Dr. Ian Gawler, Prof Marc
Cohen, Janella Purcell, Prof George Jelinek, Dr. Dianne Vella-Brodrick, Prof
Avni Sali, Rabbi Dovid Tsap, Gerald Quigley, Dr. Vicki Kotsirilos, Scott
Stephens, Scott Kinnear, Siegfried Gutbrod, Dr. Louise Mahler, Paul Bedson
and Sophie Scott.
MENOPE attracts an array of trade visitors from across the Gulf, Middle East
and Asia. The expo is a significant buyer-seller meeting ground for organic
and natural products.
For more information on this event please visit
<> . To
exhibit at this event, please contact the Exhibition Project Manager, Joby
Mathew Muricken at info@n*****.com
If you would like Natural Standard to post your event(s) online, please
e-mail news@n*****.com.
Natural Standard Exhibits
<> Individuals
interested in learning more about evidence-based integrative medicine are
invited to visit Natural Standard at the upcoming American Society of
Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition.
The event will take place December 4-8, 2011 at the New Orleans Ernest N.
Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Natural Standard will be
exhibiting its latest products and services, including the new Continuing
Education Modules
<> at
booth #2149.
To make an appointment to meet with one of Natural Standard's
representatives at an upcoming conference, please email
For more information, please visit
<> .
International Drug Discovery and Therapy Conference
<> The 4th
International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy (ICDDT) will be held
on February 12-15, 2012 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The 2012 ICDDT conference will highlight cutting-edge advances in all major
disciplines of drug discovery and drug therapy. This four-day event will
feature recent findings from leading industrial, clinical and academic
experts in the field, in the form of lectures and posters. The event will be
unique in promoting the translational nature of modern biomedical research,
with both basic scientists in drug discovery and clinicians associated with
patient care and research.
A number of Nobel Laureates, including Prof. Ferid Murad, Prof. Hartmut
Michel, Prof. Harald zur Hausen, Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Prof. Robert Huber
and Prof. Mario Molina, will deliver keynote lectures at the conference.
Among the many topics to be discussed throughout the four-day event will
include translational medicine, cardiovascular drug discovery & therapy,
drug delivery & targeting, drug discovery in preclinical research, drug
metabolism, enabling technologies, and many more.
For more information or to register for the event, please visit <> .
If you would like Natural Standard to post your event(s) online, please
e-mail news@n*****.com.
Healing Arts Conference & Exhibit
This month's Healing Arts Conference & ExhibitsR will
take place Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the Crown Plaza Hotel & Resort in
Atlanta, Georgia.
Local, national and international businesses, holistic entrepreneurs,
practitioners, teachers, coaches, new age musicians, pioneers, visionaries
and non-profit organizations are welcome to meet and connect. Attendees are
invited to take a class, explore a healing modality and support the
This event will bring together free education and resources to the public
concerning healthy living, human potential, holistic wellness,
body-mind-spirit and earth-friendly products helping the masses to become
"awakened and aware" of available resources.
Buy a ticket online for $10 and bring a free guest. Exhibit rates start at $
100 (all inclusive). For more information or to register, please visit
<> .
For sponsorship and exhibiting details, please email Maria at
info@h*****.com for details and availability.
If you would like Natural Standard to post your event(s) online, please
e-mail news@n*****.com.
Complimentary Webinars
Natural Standard is offering a series of complimentary webinars on
integrative medicine. Natural Standard offers these impartial webinars as an
informational public service. All webinars are recorded and archived at
<> .
<> Q &
A with Marc Brush
Dr. Catherine Ulbricht, Founder and CEO of Natural Standard, interviews Marc
Brush, editor-in-chief of Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ). Marc helps guide
the editorial direction for all NBJ publications and products. Marc has also
written for many industry publications, and brings more than 10 years of
professional experience in editing and business analytics to NBJ.
Complimentary access: December 1-31, 2011
Gingivitis and Perionditis: An Integrative Approach
Christan Thomas, PharmDc, presents an overview of the signs, symptoms,
diagnosis and treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. She discusses
several patient cases detailing the safety and effectiveness of integrative
therapies for this condition. She also reviews the scientific evidence,
dosing, safety and interactions related to various therapies. Complimentary
access: December 1-31, 2011
To comment on a recent webinar or to suggest future webinar topics, please
visit Natural Standard's blog
<> .
Journal of Dietary Supplements: New Issue
<> The
latest issue of the Journal of Dietary Supplements (JDS)
<> is
now available online. The international, peer-reviewed journal aims to help
consumers and clinicians make informed decisions about the preparations,
foods and botanicals that are used to improve health.
The new issue features several original scientific papers, as well as a
Natural Standard's evidence-based systematic review on Cinnamon (Cinnamomum
* Amelioration of Alcohol-Induced Hepatotoxicity and Oxidative Stress
in Rats by Acorus Calamus by N. Ilaiyaraja and Farhath Khanum
* Yohimbine Use for Physical Enhancement and Its Potential Toxicity by
Nevio Cimolai and Tomas Cimolai
* Leaves of Hippophae Rhamnoides Prevent Taste Aversion in
Gamma-Irradiated Rats by Vanita Gupta, Madhu Bala, Jagdish Prasad, et al.
* Naturopathic Physicians: Holistic Primary Care and Integrative
Medicine Specialists by Andrew P. Litchy
* An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp.) by
Natural Standard
To submit a manuscript for a future issue online, please visit
For more information, please e-mail jds@n*****.com.
Inside Natural Standard
Academic Rotations and Internships:
Natural Standard would like to welcome the following PharmD candidates:
Chloe Kim from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
(MCPHS); Matthew Allen from Appalachian College of Pharmacy; Shannon
Harrison from University of Pittsburgh; Katherine Nguyen from Nova
Southeastern University; and Jason Hoffman from Northeastern University.
Students from all disciplines are invited to train with Natural Standard
Research Collaboration. Rotations are available either locally in our office
in Somerville, Massachusetts, or through virtual distance-learning modules.
Healthcare trainees learn how to analyze clinical trials on complementary
and alternative therapies. Students also attend herbal classes and travel to
numerous sites to shadow clinical practitioners and participate in various
healing modalities. For more information, please click here
<> or
e-mail info@n*****.com.
<> Join
Natural Standard's Social Networks:
Join Natural Standard's social networks on Facebook
<> , Twitter
<> and LinkedIn
<> . Members
receive live updates on product launches, new publications, job openings,
upcoming events, news feeds and more. These social media channels foster
discussions about integrative medicine and present networking opportunities
for students and professionals. Natural Standard's community encompasses
health professionals, medical researchers and individuals who are interested
in health and wellness topics. Members are also encouraged to offer feedback
about students programs, webinars and new products.
Quick Links:
* Natural Standard Homepage
* Natural Standard Handheld
<> Version
* Journal of Dietary Supplements
* Natural Standard Books
Contact: news@n*****.com
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Somerville | MA | 02144
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Здравствуйте, Андрей.
Good morning, afternoon, evening, Андрей.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Вы писали 17 ноября 2011 г., 2:44:44:
You wrote 17.11.2011, 2:44:44:
А нельзя выборочно только то, что
Рост экономики можно измерять только тогда, когда она стоит на ногах, а когда
она лежит, правильнее измерять её длину.
С уважением, Кондратьев Сергей.
Sincerely yours, Kondratiev S.V.
Thursday, November 17, 2011 mailto:kon***@a*****.ru