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Fw: Life Extension Update -May 4, 2010

Life Extension UpdateSupplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin
associated with lower mortality over a 5 year period

An article published online on April 21, 2010 in the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition revealed the discovery of University of Washington School
of Public Health and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center scientists of a
lower risk of death from all causes among users of the arthritis supplements
chondroitin and glucosamine over an average 5 year follow-up period. While
previous research by the team, summarized in the July 24, 2009 issue of Life
Extension Update, sought to determine the impact of multivitamins and
vitamins C and E on mortality, the current investigation focused on the
effect of less common supplements.
The study included 77,673 men and women between the ages of 50 and 76 who
resided in western Washington. Dietary supplement use during the 10 years
prior to enrollment was documented in questionnaires completed by all
participants. Continue Reading

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Ответить   Wed, 5 May 2010 06:37:17 +0400 (#1067262)