[TC] отчет об ошибке

всем привет.
у меня в internet exploreвыскочила ошибка одчет о которой я одправил на microsoft,но
решения этой ошибки на русском языке нет,а есть на английском но поскольку я
не силён в английском может мне кто-небудь поможет и переведет.
Help and Support | Security | Microsoft Update
Problem caused by Microsoft Internet Explorer
This problem occurred because Microsoft Internet Explorer, which was created
by Microsoft Corporation, was slow or unresponsive.
This type of problem occurs when a program is slow or has stopped responding
and you choose to shut it down. This is also referred to as an application hang.
Most of the time, there's nothing you could have done to prevent this type of
error, but there are some troubleshooting steps you can try.
It's hard to determine exactly what causes Internet Explorer to stop responding,
but it's usually due to one of the following reasons:
Spyware, adware, or other malicious software. If you have downloaded free software
from the Internet, you might have inadvertently downloaded spyware with it. Spyware
is software that can display advertisements (such as pop-up ads), collect information
about you, or change settings on your computer, usually without your permission.
Internet Explorer add-ons: Add-ons are software that add features or tools (an
Internet toolbar for example) to Internet Explorer.
Computer viruses: If your computer has a virus, the virus can cause Internet
Explorer to stop responding.
Submitting a problem report is the best way to inform Microsoft about the unresponsive
application on your computer. We use these problem reports to analyze the problems
in the software and fix them.
In addition to sending problem reports, there are also a few things you should
try. These solutions are not meant to fix all application problems, but they
may help you prevent or troubleshoot unresponsive applications.
Install the latest security updates for Internet Explorer
These updates address many issues that have caused Internet Explorer to stop
Install latest security updates for Internet Explorer.
Install the latest security updates for Internet Explorer
These updates address many issues that have caused Internet Explorer to stop
Install latest security updates for Internet Explorer.
Update your Windows software
Follow the steps below to view updates that are available for your computer.
Go online to the Microsoft Update website:
Microsoft Update
If Microsoft Update is not installed, you will be taken to the Windows Update
website. See the note below if Microsoft Update is not installed.
Click Custom to check for available updates. In the left pane, under Select by
Type, click each of the following links to view all available updates:
High Priority
Software, Optional
Hardware, Optional
Select the updates you want, click Review and install updates, and then click
Install Updates.
What do I do if Microsoft Update is not installed?
Follow the steps below to install Microsoft Update and check for updates.
Go online to the Windows Update website:
Windows Update
Click the Go button next to the Get Microsoft Update Today! message, and then
click Start Now.
Review the license agreement, and then click Continue.
After setup is complete, click Check for Updates.
Click Custom to check for available updates. In the left pane, under Select by
Type, click each of the following links to view all available updates:
High Priority
Software, Optional
Hardware, Optional
Select the updates you want, click Review and install updates, and then click
Install Updates.
Install, run, and regularly update your anti-spyware, anti-adware, and antivirus
To see a list of Microsoft and third-party solutions for spyware, adware, and
antivirus software, go to the following website online.
Security software: Downloads and trials
In addition, you can use the free Windows Live OneCare safety scanner to check
your computer for malware. To use the scanner, go to Windows Live OneCare safety
scanner online and click Full Service Scan.
Start Internet Explorer with no add-ons
Continue using Internet Explorer the same way you did when you received a crash
report. If Internet Explorer starts and runs with all of the add-ons turned off,
then the next step will help you determine which add-on is causing it to crash.
Disable all add-ons (one at a time) until you can no longer reproduce the problem
Close all Internet Explorer windows.
Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Internet Options.
Click the Programs tab, and then click Manage Add-ons.
Click the name of the add-on you want to turn off, and then, under Settings,
click Disable.
Click OK.
Restart Internet Explorer. Continue using Internet Explorer the same way you
did when you received a crash report. If Internet Explorer continues to crash
after disabling this add-on, continue with the next step.
Repeat steps b through g for each add-on listed. When you can no longer reproduce
the problem, the most recently disabled add-on is the cause of the problem. Please
report this add-on to us by using the survey at the bottom of this page to help
us improve our error responses.
If Internet Explorer crashes with all of the add-ons turned off, then you need
to reset Internet Explorer:
Reset Internet Explorer settings
By resetting Internet Explorer settings, you return it to the state it was in
when it was first installed on your computer. This is useful for troubleshooting
problems that might be caused by settings that were changed after installation.
When you restore Internet Explorer's default settings, some webpages that rely
on previously stored cookies, form data, passwords, or previously installed browser
add-ons might not work correctly. Resetting Internet Explorer to its default
settings does not delete your favorites, RSS feeds, and a few other personalized
settings. The following table describes what will happen to various settings
when you reset Internet Explorer.
Settings categories
Items affected
Settings that are deleted
Browser history, temporary Internet files, cookies, form data, and stored passwords
Typed URL information, offline webpages, menu extensions
Websites added to intranet, trusted, or restricted zones
Websites added for special cookie handling under the Privacy tab
Websites allowed to use pop-ups under Pop-up Blocker settings
Explorer most recently used list
Settings that are reset to Windows or manufacturer defaults
Home page
Search providers, tabbed browsing settings
Colors, languages, fonts and accessibility settings (General tab)
Security settings for all zones (Security tab)
Advanced tab settings
Privacy tab settings
Pop-up blocker, AutoComplete, Phishing Filter, and Zoom settings
Page setup, toolbar, and text size settings
Feeds settings (sync and notification, not feeds themselves)
ActiveX controls that are not on the pre-approved list (reset to opt-in state)
Toolbars, browser helper objects, and browser extensions are disabled
Settings and items that are maintained
Content Advisor settings
Pre-approved ActiveX controls
Temporary Internet file (cache) path settings
Certificate information
Internet Programs (e?mail, instant messenger, and other programs associated with
Internet use)
Internet connection, proxy, and VPN settings
Default web browser setting
Steps to reset Internet Explorer settings
If you are using Yahoo! Toolbar, download a fix.
If you are using the Yahoo! Toolbar, a fix has been released to help prevent
the problem you have experienced. Go to the Yahoo! Toolbar website online and
click Download the Yahoo! Toolbar.
2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use | Accessibility
| Privacy Statement | Trademarks
зарание всем спасибо.
с уважением Рома.
skype blackstar574
Здравствуйте, Роман. Ну если не вдоваясь в бессмысленные подробности,
Майкрософт воспели свою систему отправки отчётов об ошибках. Сказали,
что точно определить причину невозможно. Сообщили, что это может быть
из-за вредоносных программ. Посоветовали обнавить ваш антивирус. Также
сказали, чтобы вы включили обновление Виндус и обновились. И на последок
выдали особо ценный совет, который можно сформулировать примерно так:
"Если нестабильная работа Интернет-браузера будет наблюдаться и в
дальнейшем, то его необходимо переустановить или вернуть его настройки
по умолчанию". Короче говоря, во всём этом не было ничего ценного по
вопросу решения вашей проблемы. С уважением Никита.