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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization

Dear Colleague,

I am writing you in order to inform that some time ago the permanent
web site of the Varna conference http://www.bio21.bas.bg/conference/  
was updated and you can visit this page to get an impression about its format.

I take also the opportunity to tell you that the Proceedings of previous
Conferences can be found at http://www.bio21.bas.bg/proceedings/

Please, notice as well the web page of the Journal of Geometry and
Symmetry in Physics http://www.bio21.bas.bg/jgsp/ that might be of
some interest for you as a reader, author or a subscriber - individual or
institutional one.

Regarding the latter - there is also an Exchange Program which is running
by the respective officers in Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and details how
to establish it can be found on its web page. I would be glad to answer your
questions (if any) about all above.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
I remain,

Sincerely yours,
                               Ivailo Mladenov

web: http://www.bio21.bas.bg/ibf/dpb_files/im/Mladenov.htm

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