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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - SCC 2008

                               SCC 2008
First International Conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography
                   Beijing, China, April 28-30, 2008

                        SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS

************ Extended submission deadline: February 24, 2008 ************

SCC 2008 is the first of a new series of conferences where research and
development in symbolic computation and cryptography may be presented and
discussed. It is organized in response to the growing interest in applying
and developing methods, techniques, and software tools of symbolic computation
for cryptography. The use of lattice reduction algorithms in cryptology and
the application of Groebner bases in the context of algebraic attacks are
typical examples of explored applications.

SCC 2008 aims at providing an interactive forum for interested researchers
to exchange ideas and views, to present research results and progress, and
to learn and discuss recent developments and emerging problems on

- the design, modeling, and analysis of cryptographic systems and protocols
 for which symbolic computation may be used or needed, and
- the design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms and software tools
 of symbolic computation that may have potential applications in cryptography.


Specific topics for SCC 2008 include, but are not limited to:

- Multivariate cryptography, braid group cryptography, noncommutative
 cryptography, and quantum cryptography
- Code-based, factorization-based, and lattice-based cryptography
- Algebraic attacks for block ciphers, stream ciphers, and hash functions
- Design and analysis of algebraic, elliptic, and embedded cryptographic
 systems and protocols
- Groebner basis techniques in cryptology, algebraic number theory, and
 coding theory
- Triangular sets and new techniques for solving algebraic systems over
 finite fields
- Algorithms and software for symbolic computation in cryptography


Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria)
Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Xiaoyun Wang (Tsinghua University and Shandong University, China)


Potential participants of SCC 2008 are invited to submit extended
abstracts of 3-5 pages or full papers describing their work to be
presented at the conference. The submitted extended abstracts and
full papers will be reviewed by members of the program committee (PC)
for soundness and relevance to the conference. Submission of original
research papers is encouraged, while published material and work in
progress will also be considered for presentation at the conference.
Extended abstracts and full papers should be prepared using LaTeX with
the style file available on the SCC 2008 webpage and according to the
instructions given therein. Submissions must be done electronically
via EasyChair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scc2008 or
sent in PDF or PS format as e-mail attachments to scc2008 at cc4cm dot org.

Accepted extended abstracts and full papers will be printed in the
proceedings of SCC 2008 for distribution at the conference.


Authors of the extended abstracts and full papers accepted for
presentation at the conference will be invited to submit their full
and/or revised papers for publication in special issues of
Mathematics in Computer Science (MCS - http://www.cc4cm.org/mcs) by
Birkhauser/Springer after the meeting. The submitted papers will be
formally reviewed by PC members and external referees according to
the standard refereeing procedure of MCS.


Extended deadline for extended abstract submission:  
                                           February 24, 2008
Notification of acceptance or rejection:    March 16, 2008
Conference taking place:                    April 28-30, 2008
Deadline for full paper submission:         June 30, 2008


Zhiming Zheng (China)


Anne Canteaut (France)                   Jintai Ding (USA)
Jean-Charles Faugere, Co-chair (France)  Joachim von zur Gathen (Germany)
Pierrick Gaudry (France)                 Jaime Gutierrez (Spain)
Hoon Hong (USA)                          Antoine Joux (France)
Martin Kreuzer (Germany)                 Dongdai Lin (China)
Zhuojun Liu (China)                      Alexander May (Germany)
Ludovic Perret (France)                  Igor Shparlinski (Australia)
Damien Stehle (France)                   Rainer Steinwandt (USA)
Boaz Tsaban (Israel)                     Dongming Wang, Co-chair


Shangzhi Li, Chair (China)      Jinxi Ma (China)      Chenqi Mou (China)

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