Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - 3rd RISC/SCIEnce Training School in Symbolic Computation
[Apologies for multiple copies.] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % European Commission Framework 6 Programme % % Integrated Infrastructures Initiatives % %
% % Symbolic Computation in Europe (SCIEnce) % % % %
July 7--20, 2008 % % RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria % %
% % http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/projects/science/school % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
After two successful training schools, the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, organizes the next event in the series, the Third RISC/SCIEnce Training School in Symbolic Computation, in July 7--20, 2008 in the Castle of Hagenberg, Austria.
The school gives an introduction to the field of symbolic computation and provides training in selected symbolic computation
software and techniques for students and researchers from various fields of sciences who are interested in using symbolic computation in their work.
Besides the courses and tutorials offered by the school, the participants can attend the tutorials of the ISSAC 2008 conference and the tutorials and sessions of the RTA 2008 conference.
===================== GRANTS ARE AVAILABLE! =====================
SCIEnce project provides a number of grants to potential school participants. Please visit the school web page for the details.
====================== LECTURES AND TUTORIALS ======================
* Ralf Hemmecke (RISC, Austria). Maple Tutorial. * Temur Kutsia (RISC, Austria). Unification. * Wolfgang Windsteiger (RISC, Austria).
Mathematica Tutorial. * Franz Winkler (RISC, Austria). Introduction to Gröbner bases and other methods in elimination theory. * Sebastian Freundt, Sylla Lesseni (TU Berlin) KANT/KASH Tutorial * The GAP Group GAP Tutorial
=============== IMPORTANT DATES ===============
* February 25, 2008:
Deadline for applications. * March 31, 2008: Notification. * May 5, 2008: Deadline for registration. * July 7--20, 2008: Training School. (July 15--17: RTA 2008, July 20: ISSAC 2008 tutorials)