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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - New conferences

Meeting in memory of Karl Gruenberg
The School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London will hold a memorial meeting on Thursday 13th March, 2008 in honour of Emeritus Professor Karl Gruenberg who died on 10th October 2007.  In the afternoon there will be three lectures in the Mathematics Building and these will be followed in the early evening in the Queens’ Building by a celebration of Karl’s life.
12.30pm-1.30pm         A buffet lunch will be available in the School Common Room
1.30 pm                       Welcome and Introduction
1.45pm -2.45pm          Professor B.A.F. Wehrfritz, Queen Mary, University of London
2.45pm – 3.45pm         Professor P.H. Kropholler, University of Glasgow
3.45pm – 4.15pm                     Tea in the School Common Room
4.15pm – 5.15pm         Professor A.R. Weiss, University of Edmonton
The subsequent celebration will be held in the Octagon in the Queens’ Building starting at 5.45 pm.  For those not attending the mathematical lectures, tea will be served in the Octagon from 5.15.  Refreshments will be served in the Octagon after the conclusion of the celebration at approximately 7.00pm.
Information is also available at http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~pjc/kwg/.  It would be helpful if those planning to attend the lectures and/or the celebration would inform Karen Zirngast by Thursday 6th March which parts of the meeting they expect to attend.

*MODNET Training Workshop- Model theory and Applications*

La Roche-en-Ardenne (Belgium), 20-25 April 2008.

A meeting of  the research training network in Model Theory MODNET

Please pre-register as soon as possible, email : nicolas dot guzy at umh dot ac dot .be

*Tutorials will be given by *
R. Cluckers http://www.dma.ens.fr/%7Ecluckers/ on Motivic integration,
D. Macpherson
http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/Pure/staff/macpherson/macpherson.html on
Valued fields,
D. Bertrand http://www.math.jussieu.fr/%7Ebertrand/ , P. Kowalski
http://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/%7Epkowa/english.html and A. Pillay
http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/%7Epillay on Interactions between Model
theory and number theory (Galois groups and transcendence) and
A. Dawar http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/%7Ead260/ on Finite model theory that
will be an introduction to his tutorial during the Manchester modnet
meeting in july 2008.

Tutorials (6 hours) will be completed by 1 hour talks:

   * On motivic integration:
         o I. Halupzok: 1 hour,
         o J. Nicaise: 1 hour.
   * On valued fields, introductory talks given by A. Macintyre (to be
     confirmed) and Luc Bélair.
   * On interactions between model theory and number theory (Galois
     groups and transcendence), completed by talks given by J. Kirby,
     Z. Chatzidakis and T. Scanlon (to be confirmed).
   * On the theory of finite models. This last tutorial is an
     introduction to the tutorial for the Modnet event in Manchester
     (July 2008). It will be completed by a talk of S. Kreutzer.

Questions sessions will be organized for each tutorial by

   * D. Richerby (finite model theory) (1 hour);
   * M. Hils (valued fields) (2 hours);
   * I. Halupzok (motivic integration) (2 hours);
   * Pillay, Bertrand and Kowalski will give their own
     questions'sessions (3 hours).

* Scientific committee:*
Elisabeth Bouscaren (Orsay), Jan Denef (KU Leuven),
Christian Michaux (UMH), Francoise Point (UMH).

It will take place in Le Floréal
you will find informations about the hotel Le Floreal, situated in La
Roche, avenue de Villez, 6, 6900 La Roche, Belgium.


AFL 2008: The 12th International Conference on Automata and Formal
Languages Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 27-30, 2008

Conference website: http://www.conferences.hu/afl2008

Deadline for submissions: March 7, 2008
Notification to the authors: April 20, 2008
Final version: May 4, 2008
Conference: May 27-30, 2008

Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original unpublished
research in all areas automata and formal languages and their applications.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

 - grammars, acceptors and transducers for strings, trees, graphs,
arrays, etc.,
 - algebraic theories for automata and languages,
 - combinatorial properties of words and languages,
 - decision problems,
 - efficient algorithms for automata and languages,
 - descriptional and computational complexity of automata and languages,
 - formal power series and weighted automata,
 - cellular automata,
 - relations to
       -picture description and analysis,
       -distributed systems, multi-agent systems
       -bio-inspired computing,
       -quantum computing,

Viliam Geffert (Kosice, Slovakia)
Markus Lohrey (Leipzig, Germany)
Ion Petre (Turku, Finland)
Jacques Sakarovitch (Paris, France)

Symeon Bozapalidis      (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Olivier Carton                 (Paris, France)
Alessandra Cherubini     (Milan, Italy)
Christian Choffrut           (Paris, France)
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú   (Budapest, Hungary), chair
Jürgen Dassow              (Magdeburg, Germany)
Pál Dömösi                    (Debrecen, Hungary)
Zoltán Ésik                     (Szeged, Hungary), co-chair
Zoltán Fülöp                   (Szeged, Hungary)
Mika Hirvensalo             (Turku, Finland)
Markus Holzer               (Munich, Germany)
Oscar H. Ibarra              (Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
Masami Ito                     (Kyoto, Japan)
Werner Kuich                  (Wien, Austria)
Martin Kutrib                   (Giessen, Germany)
Maurice Margenstern      (Metz, France)
Victor Mitrana                 (Bucharest/Tarragona, Romania/Spain)
Giovanni Pighizzini         (Milan, Italy)
Kai Salomaa                   (Kingston, Canada)
György Vaszil                 (Budapest, Hungary)
Detlef Wotschke            (Frankfurt, Germany)

András Ádám                   (Budapest, Hungary)
István Babcsányi             (Budapest, Hungary)
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú     (Budapest, Hungary)
Pál Dömösi                      (Debrecen, Hungary)
Zoltán Ésik                       (Szeged, Hungary)
Zoltán Fülöp                     (Szeged, Hungary)
Ferenc Gécseg                 (Szeged, Hungary)
Sándor Horváth                 (Budapest, Hungary)
László Kászonyi              (Szombathely, Hungary)
Attila Nagy                       (Budapest, Hungary)
Antal Pukler                     (Gyõr, Hungary)
Miklós Szíjártó                 (Gyõr, Hungary)

Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper in the form of a pdf file.
The length of the submission must not exceed 12 pages, fitting to A4 paper,
using 10pt character size, and single line spacing.  The paper should
provide sufficient   detail to allow the Programme Committee  to evaluate
its validity, quality, and relevance.  If appropriate, then  detailed
proofs can be attached as an appendix.    Simultaneous submission to other
conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.

Only electronic submissions are accepted,  PLEASE FOLLOW the INSTRUCTIONS
on the CONFERENCE WEB SITE: http://www.conferences.hu/afl2008

PROCEEDINGS:   The proceedings will be published by the Computer and
Automation Research  Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and
will be available at the conference.

SPECIAL ISSUE:   We anticipate that a special issue of the International
Journal of  Foundations of  Computer Science will be devoted to selected
and revised papers presented at the conference.

9 - 14 June, 2008
Universities of Sherbrooke and Bishop’s


The meeting lies within the framework a series of colloquia of non commutative algebra, in which take part mathematicians from France, South America and Québec. These colloquia are being held approximately twice a year in France, Argentina or Uruguay. For the first time, one of these conferences takes place at the universities of Sherbrooke and Bishop’s.

The aim of these meetings is to bring together a varied group of experts whose interaction shows the relation between different points of view in the study of problems of non commutative algebra, which all use homological algebra as an essential tool.

Mini-courses by:

Max Karoubi (University of Paris VII, France)
Christian Kassel (University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France)
Dieter Happel (University of Chemnitz, Germany)
Andrzej Skowron'ski (Nicolas Copernicus University, Torun, Poland)

Main lectures by:

Roland Berger (University of Saint-Étienne, France)
Flavio Coelho (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Otto Kerner (Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany)
Michel Dubois-Violette (Orsay, France)
Alex Martsinkovsky (Northeastern University, Boston, U.S.A)
Patrick Le Meur (ENS, Cachan, France)
José Antonio de la Peña (UNAM, Mexico)
Manuel Saorín (University of Murcia, Spain)
Gordana Todorov (Northeastern University, Boston, U.S.A.)
Andrei Zelevinsky (Northeastern University, Boston, U.S.A.)

Dear Colleague

There will be a School and Conference in Representation Theory of
Algebras in IPM, Tehran, IRAN, June 15-25, 2008.

The conference is organized by Javad Asadollahi, Jose Antonio de la Pena,
Bernhard Keller, Helmut Lenzing and Siamak Yassemi.

The main theme of the school is the modern Representation Theory of Finite
Dimensional Algebras and its fascinating links to major mathematical

The activity is divided into two parts. The first week (15-18 June)
is a school with 5 instructional courses on the following topics:

- Quivers and Representations
- Derived and Triangulated Categories
- Cluster Algebras and Cluster Categories
- Auslander-Reiten Theory
- Tilting Theory

The second week (22-25 June) is devoted to an international conference.
Besides invited speakers, there will be opportunities for mathematicians
to present their research works.

Complete information about the conference may be found at

As organizers we wish to encourage you to participate. We would be grateful
if you would pass along this message to colleagues and institutions which
may not have received it. And please forgive us if you have received this
message more than once.

With best regards,
the Organizing Committee

The summer school


will take place at Institut Fourier (Grenoble, France) from June 16th
to July 4th, 2008. 

The theme of this school is the theory of quiver representations,
in its algebraic and geometric aspects. In this subject, there have
been important advances during the last twenty-five years (work of
Lusztig, Nakajima, King, Crawley-Boevey...), in relation to algebraic
geometry (McKay correspondence, punctual Hilbert schemes, geometric
invariant theory) and to other domains of representation theory
(quantum groups, canonical bases).

The school will aim at presenting an overview of the subject, with its
algebraic aspects (which only require small prerequisites, of
representation theory), and its more advanced geometric aspects. The
latter play a very important role in recent developments.

The first two weeks will be devoted to fundamental courses aimed at
pre-graduate and graduate students ; these courses will present the
basic notions of the domain, and the main directions of research. The
third week will consist of seminar talks on the latest developments.

More information (in English) on


and (in French) on


On-line registration will start on Monday, February 4.

Dear colleagues,

As announced earlier, the algebra research group from the Babes-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca organizes an international conference on
'Modules and Representation Theory' (July 7-12, 2008)
, a satellite
conference of the 5th European Congress of Mathematics (Amsterdam, July
14-18, 2008).

Scientific committee:  Grigore Calugareanu (Cluj-Napoca and Kuwait),
Henning Krause (Paderborn), Markus Linckelmann (Aberdeen), Constantin
Nastasescu (Bucharest), Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld), Manuel Saorin
(Murcia), Jan Trlifaj (Prague)

Invited speakers: Istvan Agoston (Budapest), Ulrich Albrecht (Auburn),
Lidia Angeleri Hugel (Varese), Stefaan Caenepeel (Brussels), Sorin
Dascalescu (Bucharest), Matyas Domokos (Budapest), Charles Eaton
(Manchester), Laszlo Fuchs (Tulane), Thorsten Holm (Magdeburg), Henning
Krause (Paderborn), Markus Linckelmann (Aberdeen), Mike Prest
(Manchester), Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld), Angel del Rio (Murcia),
Luigi Salce (Padova), Manuel Saorin (Murcia), Blas Torrecillas (Almeria),
Jan Trlifaj (Prague), Michel Van den Bergh (Hasselt), William Wickless

The second announcement is available and the registration is now open.

For more information please visit the conference homepage:


Yours sincerely,

The local organizing committee
Simion Breaz, Septimiu Crivei, Andrei Marcus, Ciprian Modoi, Cosmin Pelea,
Christian Sacarea, Csaba Szanto, Stefan Suteu-Szollosi

The De Brun Centre at NUI Galway (http://hamilton.nuigalway.ie/DeBrunCentre)

will run a series of workshops on computational algebra over the next few years. The first of these


will be held at the National University of Ireland, Galway, from 21 July to August 1, 2008.

The workshop, at which we expect to have approximately 40 participants, will consist of four morning lecture courses by

Gerhard Hiss (Aachen)
John McKay (Concordia)
Mike Stillman (Cornell)
Bernd Sturmfels (Berkeley).

and a full programme of afternoon lectures on recent research in computational algebra. The organizers encourage workshop participants to submit abstracts for contributed talks.

The workshop is supported by Science Foundation Ireland and there is some funding available to assist graduate students, postdocs (and possibly others).

For registration details see http://hamilton.nuigalway.ie/DeBrunCentre/FirstWorkshop/poster/FirstWorkshopDetails.html.

The organizers,

Graham Ellis
Goetz Pfeiffer

            Workshop on Approximate Commutative Algebra
                   RISC, Linz  24-26th July 2008


The workshop will take place right after ISSAC 2008, and right before
ACA 2008.  Summary information about the workshop can be found below;
for full details visit the website:


The main topic of the workshop is research pertaining to computations with
polynomials having approximate coefficients.  Contributed articles may be
either original research or in the form of a tutorial/survey; all
contributions will undergo the usual academic refereeing process.  Accepted
articles will be published in the proceedings as a volume in the Springer
"RISC Series".

Important dates:
Submissions to be received by         15th March 2008
Referees' verdicts                    10th May 2008
Final version of accepted articles    30th June 2008

Email address for submissions, or for more information:

 ApCoA2008 at dima dot unige dot it

Organizing Committee
John Abbott,  Anna Bigatti,  Martin Kreuzer,  Lorenzo Robbiano

In 2006 the Radon Institute of Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
of the Austrian Academy of Science and the Research Institute for Symbolic
Computation (RISC) of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria
organized a "Special Semester on Groebner Bases and Related Methods"
designed and directed by Professor Bruno Buchberger, the inventor of
Groebner basis theory and method.  The special semester consisted mainly of
a series of workshops on various aspects of the theory of Groebner bases
and on important applications of the method.

As part of this series, Prof. L. Robbiano conducted the Workshop B1
entitled "Approximate Commutative Algebra" (during 20-24th Feb 2006).
Copies of many of the presentations can be downloaded from:


Mathematics Physics Platform Summer School 2008 on Algebraic and computational methods for strongly correlated systems

Time and place: 18-23 August 2008 in Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden, at Chalmers campus Johanneberg.

Scope: the lectures will give an introduction to a wide range of methods and models used to address systems with strong correlations. Topics range from basic mathematical concepts to more applied computational techniques.

Audience: the school is open for graduate students and post-docs in physics or mathematics.

Ferdi Aryasetiawan (Japan)      First-principles approaches
Fabian Essler (UK)                   Integrable models, Bethe Ansatz
Jürgen Fuchs (Sweden)             CFT and Tensor categories
Maria Gorelik (Israel)               Representation theory
Ansgar Liebsch (Germany)       Dynamical mean field theory
Dror Orgad (Israel)                  Bosonization, Luttinger liquid
Anders Sandvik (US)               Quantum Monte Carlo

Organizing Committee: Alexander Stolin, Bo Hellsing, Henrik Johannesson, Stig Larsson, Iulia Pop, Mats Granath (for questions email: mats dot granath at physics dot gu dot se), Maria Björkevik, administrator and Camilla Nygren, economist.

Please visit our website for more information and application form:

You are cordially invited to the 46th Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets. The summer school will take place in the city of Trest located 150 km from Prague (Czech Republic). The summer school will start on Sunday August 31, 2008 evening and will end on Saturday noon September 6, 2008.

The program of the summer school focuses on recent trends in universal algebra, especially in connection with theoretical computer science. The list of invited talks consists of:

* tutorials (each consisting of three lectures):
 Nikolaos Galatos (Uni. of Denver) on residuated lattices
 Andrei Krokhin (Uni. of Durham) on algebraic approach to Constraint Satisfaction Problem
 Ross Willard (Uni. of Waterloo) on algebra and computational complexity

* lectures:
 Martin Goldstern (TU Wien)
 Friedrich Wehrung (Uni. Caen)

All the participants are invited to present contributed talks. The contributed, 20-minutes talks will be presented in parallel sessions.

We kindly ask you to register as early as possible. The detailed information about the summer school and the registration form can be found at the website of the conference:


We look forward to your visit in Trest.

On behalf of the organizing committee consisting of:
Jiri Tuma, Libor Barto, Marcin Kozik and David Stanovsky

Marcin Kozik

SEPTEMBER 1-12, 2008


Dear Colleagues,

This School aims to present to the scientific communities, in particular to
post-graduate students, various topics on Algebraic Theory of Automata,
delivered as Courses, Advanced Seminars and Student's Seminars. It is
sponsored by the Project Automata: from Mathematics to Applications
(AutoMathA) of the European Science Foundation (ESF) and it is organized
within the activities of Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa (CAUL)
and Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto (CMUP).

The school will be held at the Complexo Interdisciplinar da Universidade de
Lisboa, Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, in Lisbon, Portugal.

The Programme includes eight Courses on various aspects of Algebraic Theory
of Automata, plus an Advanced Seminar on mainstream topics and a Student's
Seminar on their research work.


- Eight Courses (4 courses peer week, 5 hours each)
- Advanced Seminar (1 hour per day)
- Student's Seminar (1 hour per day)


- Mikolaj Bojanczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Zoltán Ésik (University of Szeged, Hungary)
- Daniel Kirsten (University of Leipzig, Germany)
- Michal Kunc (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- Jean-Éric Pin (University Paris 7 and CNRS, France)
- Pedro Silva (University of Porto, CMUP, Portugal)
- Pascal Tesson (University of Laval, Canada)


- Mário J.J. Branco (Universidade de Lisboa, CAUL)
- Manuel Delgado (Universidade do Porto, CMUP)
- Vítor Hugo Fernandes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CAUL)
- Gracinda M.S.Gomes (Universidade de Lisboa, CAUL)
- António Malheiro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, CAUL)


- Jorge Almeida (University of Porto, CMUP, Portugal)
- Olivier Carton (University Paris VII, France)
- Antonio Restivo (UNIPA, Italy)
- Mikhail Volkov (Ural State University, Russia)
- Thomas Wilke (University of Kiel, Germany)


If you wish to participate in the School on Algebraic Theory of Automata,
please fill up the registration form (see below) and send it to
patricia at cii dot fc dot ul dot pt. For logistic reasons, the number of participants is
limited, so please do register as soon as possible.

The registration fee (it includes a Saturday trip) is:
-    120 euros, until 31st March 2008;
-    150 euros, after 1st April 2008.

The payment must be made by:

- Cheque written to: Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa

- Bank Transfer
Bank: Millennium BCP
Payee: CAUL - FUL
Address: Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003 Lisboa, Portugal
IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 0001 5662 4765 9
NIB: 0033 0000 0001 5662 4765 9

For payments by bank transfer a copy of the bank draft must be sent to
Patrícia Paraíba, to the fax number 00 351 217954288, identifying clearly
the name of the participant.


A limited number of scholarships for postgraduate students are available.
Applications will be accepted until 31st March 2008.


We recommend to everyone coming from abroad flying to Lisbon's airport.
See http://www.golisbon.com/transport/airport.html


Below we list the hotels that we plan to use. They are located within a
5-30 minute walk from the conference site. The prices indicated include
breakfast and only apply when the reservation is made by the Organization.
If you wish to have the accommodation booked by the Organizing Committee,
part or the total amount must be payed in advance:

-    if you wish to stay at Residência Colégio Pio XII you must send us
your request until March 31 and the full amount;

-    if you wish to stay at an hotel, you must send us your request by
July 15 and the value correspondant to 3 nights.

(It can only be booked through the Organizing Committee and there is a
limited number of rooms)
Av. Forças Armadas, 1600-083 Lisboa
Tel. 217967146
Prices: Single = 18 Euros

Av. 5 de Outubro, 55, 1050-048 Lisboa
Tel. 213 524 884 / fax. 213 526 537
Hotel prices: Single = 45 Euros; Double = 55 Euros

Rua Ivone Silva 18, 1050-124 Lisboa
Tel. 217 814 000 / Fax. 217 937 290
Hotel prices: Single = 68 Euros; Double = 75 Euros

Rua Soeiro Pereira Gomes, Parcela 2, 1600-198 Lisboa
Tel. 217 982 501 / Fax. 217 950 864
Hotel prices: Single = 67 Euros; Double = 77 Euros

Av. Miguel Bombarda, 130, 1050-167 Lisboa
Tel. 217 911 014 / Fax. 217 936 986
Hotel prices: Single = 56 Euros; Double = 64 Euros

Av. 5 de Outubro, 301-319, 1600-035 Lisboa
Tel. 210 043 000 / Fax. 210 043 499
Hotel prices: Single: 84 Euros; Double: 96 Euros

(To be sent by email to: patricia at cii dot fc dot ul dot pt):

Address for correspondence:
E-mail Address:
Do you wish to give a seminar? Yes/No
If yes, please send us the title and the abstract:

Hotel Booking
Hotel Name:
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
Accompanying Person(s):
Type of Accommodation (Single/Double):

Patricia Paraiba (Secretarial Staff)
CAUL, Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003 Lisbon, Portugal
Tel: +351 217 904 739
Fax: +351 217 954 288
patricia at cii dot fc dot ul dot pt

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