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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - 15-th Annual East Coast Computer Algebra Day

The 15-th Annual East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD'2008)
              Shepherd University
            Shepherdstown, WV, USA
                    May 10, 2008

                Call For Participation

ECCAD is an annual conference that provides opportunities to learn and share
new developments and to present research results in the areas of symbolic and
mathematical computation. The meeting includes invited talks and contributed
poster/software demo sessions, covering the breadth of computer algebra:
algorithms, software, and applications.

The $15^{th}$ Annual East Coast Computer Algebra Day
(ECCAD'2008) will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2008. It will be
hosted by the Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and
Engineering at Shepherd University, located at Shepherdstown, WV,
USA, in cooperation with ACM SIGSAM and SIAM.

ECCAD'2008 features five invited talks and a moderated
discussion panel on hybrid symbolic-numeric computation. Among our
invited speakers is Professor John F. Nash Jr., a Nobel
Prize winner and Professor of Mathematics from Princeton University.

Online Registration is available at the Conference Website at
http://www.shepherd.edu/eccad2008/. Registration is free and
it ends on May 1, 2008.

*Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Computation
*Algebraic Algorithms
*Computer Algebra Systems
*Mathematical Communication
*Complexity of Algebraic Problems
*Symbolic and Numerical Linear Algebra
*Applications of Symbolic Computation

Invited Speakers
The following speakers have been confirmed. Titles and abstracts of
their talks will be announced.

Professor John F. Nash, Jr.
Nobel Prize Winner
Department of Mathematics
Princeton University

Professor Emmanuel N. Barron
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Loyola University Chicago

Professor Erich Kaltofen
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
North Carolina State University

Professor Y. V. Ramana Reddy
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
West Virginia University

Professor Paul S. Wang
Department of Computer Science
Kent State University

Panel on Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Computing

ECCAD 2008 will include a moderated discussion panel on the hybrid
symbolic-numeric computing. The following panelists have been confirmed.

Professor Erich Kaltofen
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
North Carolina State University

Professor Mark Giesbrecht
School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo

Professor Christopher W. Brown
Department of Computer Science
U.S. Naval Academy

Poster Sessions
Two poster sessions will be held at the conference. Participants are
invited to submit their posters by the submission deadline of April
28, 2008
. Poster abstracts received before the submission deadline
will be included in The ECCAD'2008 Book of Abstracts which will be
available at the conference, and included in a special issue of ACM
SIGSAM Bulletin.

Poster Submission
Poster abstracts may be up to 2 pages long. The submission deadline
is April 28, 2008. To submit a poster, either use the online
registration form to provide the title and abstract of
your poster, or send the title and abstract of your poster by
email to eccad2008 at gmail dot com.

Travel Support
Pending NSF support, the conference hopes to be able to provide
limited travel support for some participants to attend ECCAD'2008.
Graduate students and junior faculty are particularly encouraged to
apply. Support may cover only partially travel expenses and lodging
for up to two nights. There will be no stipends. Please make sure
that the flight has a flight number of a US carrier. If you plan to
attend and apply for support, please send your inquiry with an
itemized estimate of your expenses to eccad2008 at gmail dot com. Please
note that if your application is approved and if funding is
available, you will receive your reimbursement after the meeting.
All applications for support are due by May 1, 2008. Support is
subject to successful funding.

Detailed information about hotels and local travel will be posted
soon on the Conference Website at http://www.shepherd.edu/eccad2008/.

ECCAD 2008 is hosted by Department of Computer Science, Mathematics
and Engineering (CME) at Shepherd University, in cooperation with
ACM SIGSAM and SIAM. Among our organizers are the faculty members in
CME Department at Shepherd University and Professor Mark Giesbrecht,
chair of ACM SIGSAM, and Professor Bruce Char, Professor of Computer
Science from Drexel University and the SIAM representative for ECCAD

Shepherd University
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics -- Shepherd University
Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Engineering-- Shepherd
The National Science Foundation (Pending)
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA WV Space Grant Consortium
MapleSoft (Pending)
Wolfram Research (Pending)
The Mathworks (Pending)

Contact Information
Weidong Liao
Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Engineering
Shepherd University
Shepherdstown, WV 25443, USA
eccad2008 at gmail dot com

Reza Mirdamadi
Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Engineering
Shepherd University
Shepherdstown, WV 25443, USA
eccad2008 at gmail dot com

Other Information
Up-to-date information regarding accommodations, directions, schedule, area
restaurants, conference banquet, registration, etc. will be posted at the
conference Website at http://www.shepherd.edu/eccad2008/

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