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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - 2008 Southern regional algebra conference, Colorado

(with recognition of the retirement of K.M. Rangaswamy)

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.A.

September 26 - 28, 2008

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs will host the 2008 edition of the annual Southern Regional Algebra Conference. The conference this year will in particular honor the 70th birthday and retirement of Professor K.M. Rangaswamy. We will follow the usual SRAC format of 25 minute talks. The first talk will begin at approximately 1:30 PM on Friday September 26 and the last talk will end before noon on Sunday September 28. As usual, there is no financial support provided by the host institution for SRAC participants. (However, supper on Friday evening will be funded by the Conference for all participants, as will a dinner on Saturday evening).     

More specific information (concerning registration, transportation, abstract submission, housing, etc.) will be contained in the Second Announcement, which will be distributed in April 2008. The Third Announcement containing the conference schedule and final details will be available in early September 2008.

For more information please contact the conference organizer, Gene Abrams, at abrams at math dot uccs dot edu  or  (719) 262-3182

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