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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - SCC 2008


SCC 2008 will be held in Beijing, China, April 28-30, 2008. It is organized in response to the growing interest in applying and developing methods, techniques, and software tools of symbolic computation and cryptography. The deadline for submission of abstracts is FEBRUARY 17, 2008.

First International Conference on Symbolic Computation and Cryptography SCC 2008 is the first of a new series of conferences where research and development in symbolic computation and cryptography may be presented and discussed. It is organized in response to the growing interest in applying and developing methods, techniques, and software tools of symbolic computation for cryptography. The use of lattice reduction algorithms in cryptology and the application of Gröbner bases in the context of algebraic attacks are typical examples of explored applications.

SCC 2008 aims at providing an interactive forum for interested researchers to exchange ideas and views, to present research results and progress, and to learn and discuss recent developments and emerging problems on

  • the design, modeling, and analysis of cryptographic systems and protocols for which symbolic computation may be used or needed, and

  • the design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms and software tools of symbolic computation that may have potential applications in cryptography.



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