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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - workshop: The Algebraic Structure of Profinite Groups

Dear All,
We are happy to announce a workshop on "The Algebraic Structure of Profinite Groups", to be held on April 7-8 2008 at Royal Holloway, University of London. See https://www.ma.rhul.ac.uk/profinite_groups/ for further details.
The workshop is part of "The South England Profinite Groups Meeting", see http://personal.rhul.ac.uk/urah/146/mathematics/joint_research_group_200708.html.
Brief Description: The focus of the workshop will be on the interplay between the algebraic and the topological properties of profinite groups. For example, Nikolov's and Segal's solution of Serre's problem and questions like: which discrete groups can be embedded into which profinite groups.
The workshop will be held in informal atmosphere with large breaks between talks in the hope to encourage discussions and new research activities.
The list of speakers includes: Gustavo Fernandez-Alcober, Tsachik Gelander, Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain, Nikolay Nikolov, Dan Segal, and Aner Shalev (to be confirmed).
Registration: Please notice that the deadline for registration is March 7 2008. We will appreciate early registration. You can register using the web form, following the corresponding link from the workshop's main webpage.
Financial Support: We have limited funding from EPSRC to cover local and travel expenses. Application for support can be made at the time of registration.
We are looking forward to seeing you in April,
Ben Klopsch and Yiftach Barnea

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