Давайте прочитаем отрывок из сказки пилота и писателя Ричарда Баха “Чайка по имени Джонатан Ливингстон”.
(...) “Why, Jon,
his mother asked, “Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock,
Jon? Why can’t you leave low flying to the pelicans, the albatross? Why
don’t you eat? Son, you’re bone and feathers!”
don’t mind being bone and feathers, mom. I just want to know what I can
do in the air and what I can’t, that’s all. I just want to know.”
here, Jonathan,” said his father, not unkindly. “Winter isn’t far away.
Boats will be few, and the surface fish will be swimming deep. If you
must study, then study food, and how to get it. This flying business is
all very well, but you can’t eat a glide, you know. Don’t you forget
that the reason you fly is to eat.”
nodded obediently. For the next few days he tried to behave like the
other gulls; he really tried, screeching and fighting with the flock
around the piers and fishing boats, diving on scraps of fish and bread.
But he couldn’t make it work.
all so pointless, he thought, deliberately dropping a hard-won anchovy
to a hungry old gull chasing him. I could be spending all this time
learning to fly. There’s so much to learn! It wasn’t long before Jonathan Gull was off by himself again, far out at sea, hungry, happy, learning. (...)
----------------------------------------------------------- flock:[flOk]
- клок; пучок; набивать матрацы, подушки; стадо; стая; группа; толпа;
стекаться; приходить толпой, собираться толпами pelican:[‘pelik(э)n] - пеликан albatross:[‘ElbэtrOs] - альбатрос; тяжкая ноша, помеха, препятствие feather:[‘fэЗэ] - здесь перо glide:[glaid] - здесь авиа планирование, планирующий спуск; постепенное падение nodded obediently:[э‘bi:diэntli] - кивнул послушно screech: [skri:tш]
- визжать или кричать пронзительным голосом; скрипеть, скрежетать; визг,
хрип; скрежет scraps: [skrEps] - объедки, остатки (пищи) deliberately:[di’lib(э)ritli]
- преднамеренно, умышленно, нарочно; обдуманно, взвешенно; медленно, не
торопясь; осторожно, осмотрительно anchovy:[‘Entшэvi] - анчоус chasing him: chase [tшeis] - которая гналась за ним -----------------------------------------------------------