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USA: `Persist and resist' -- Thousands flood NYC as Women's March 2018 kicks off

USA: ‘Persist and resist’ — Thousands flood NYC as Women's March 2018 kicks off
2018-01-20 23:12
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of New York City on Saturday, to participate in the second Women's March, held on the anniversary of President's Donald Trump inauguration. Protesters marched through the streets with placards, while chanting slogans and delivering empowering speeches as women criticized the Trump Administration. One protester, Catheryn Simanco, invigorated the crowd saying: «In 2018 we have a goal, registering one million women to vote and getting them to the polls in November.» «We will persist and we will resist because our democracy depends on it, we depend on it, our children and our grandchildren depend on us, our voices and our votes will count in November 18,» CEO of The National Council of Jewish Women Nancy Kaufman said. Coordinated marches are taking place across around 250 cities all over the country.

Netherlands: Wilders leads far-right anti-immigration demo
2018-01-21 00:09
Hundreds of far-right protesters marched through the centre of Rotterdam on Saturday demanding a halt on immigration to the Netherlands. The rally was led by the leader of the Party for Freedom Geert Wilders and Belgian politician Filip Dewinter who is a member of Vlaams Belang. The march was met by a number of the pro-immigration Denk Party established by two Dutch politicians of Turkish origin. A large group of police officers were present at the scene as the tension rose but successfully separated the two group of protesters.

Syria: Civilians injured in Afrin airstrikes treated in hospital
2018-01-21 00:38
Civilians injured in Turkish airstrikes on the Syrian district of Afrin were treated in the city’s central hospital on Saturday. Initial reports indicated several civilians have been hospitalised by the aerial bombardment, but the exact figures unknown. Turkish war planes launched airstrikes on Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed Olive Branch. The President also declared that the next destination for the Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij. Turkey views the People's Protection Units (YPG), which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Germany: Locals question refugee ban in violence-plagued city
2018-01-21 01:21
Locals in the East German city of Cottbus have questioned a decision to temporarily ban new refugees in a bid to stem a number of recent violent incidents. The city has been rocked by a series of violent incidents since the start of the new year. Earlier this week, two teenage Syrians were arrested on suspicion of stabbing a 16-year-old German boy in the face. The incident comes just days after three Syrian refugees attacked a man and his wife at a shopping mall. «Yes, of course, what just happened is really bad. I am not saying that it should be forgiven. But you cannot judge all the people based on the actions of one-two persons or maybe of a group of teenagers,» said Cottbus resident Alicia Kuhlmann. «It is not a solution of the problem. Not to accept any more refugees — it doesn’t solve the problem, which we have here in Cottbus,» said Andrej Belker. Another resident, Lars Kaczmarek, noticed that «there is a need for action in the city», but called the official decision «questionable».

Germany: Rally for sustainable farming as 70 ministers gather
2018-01-21 01:37
Hundreds of people rallied in Berlin on Saturday calling for a more sustainable farming policy as agriculture ministers from around the world met in the German capital. Tractors emblazoned with placards critical of companies such as Monsanto and Bayer besieged the Ministry of Agriculture as demonstrators banged pots. Ministers from about 70 countries gathered in the capital on Saturday for the 10th Berlin Agriculture Ministers Conference.

Italy: Protesters rage at Turkish Embassy over Afrin airstrikes
2018-01-21 02:11
Protesters gathered in front of the Turkish Embassy in Rome on Saturday to protest against the Turkish military operation in the Kurdish enclave of Afrin in Syria. Protesters lit torches and kicked the Embassy’s gate before writing “Erdogan murderer” on its wall. They then marched chanting “Free Rojava” and slogans against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. On Saturday, Turkey launched air strikes on Kurdish positions in northern Syria, targeting the Kurdish YPG (Syrian Kurdish People's Protection) and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). The Turkish army announced that 108 Kurdish militants had been killed in the city of Afrin city and the surrounding villages.

Greece: Cars torched in Ukraine embassy attack
2018-01-21 02:29
At least two cars were burnt following an arson attack outside the Ukrainian Embassy in Athens on Saturday. According to a statement issued by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, no casualties were reported in the attack which was carried out with Molotov cocktails. The cars had ‘foreign delegation’ license plates.

Israel: Thousands call on ‘Crime Minister’ Netanyahu to resign
2018-01-21 03:59
Thousands of Israelis marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign over corruption allegations. Protesters shouted slogans and carried placards denouncing the government, calling Netanyahu “Crime Minister.” One of the protest’s leaders, Eldad Yaniv, told the chanting crowd that «this is a struggle that is persisting, Saturday after Saturday, the longest in the History of Israel, and it will change the future.» In the words of protester Aylon Vaidya «the Prime minister and his friends are full of corruption. End the corruption in this country; we want a real democratic state.» In the past year, Netanyahu has been questioned in two corruption probes, which he claims to be false accusations from his opponents. Results of the investigation are expected within the next few weeks. If charged, the prime minister would be under pressure to resign or to call new elections. Right-wing protesters also took part in a counter-demonstration.

USA: Protesters unite demanding Trump impeachment
2018-01-21 06:03
USA: Oregon protesters unite in demanding Trump impeachment Thousands of people took to the streets of Portland, Oregon, on Saturday to demand the impeachment of US President Donald Trump on the anniversary of his inauguration. Several anti-Trump placards and banners used the term “shithole”, in reference to comments Trump allegedly made about several Caribbean and African countries. Other placards ranged from one depicting Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin as leather-clad lovers to another depicting the US President groping the Statue of Liberty. «What do we want? Impeachment”, protesters chanted. “When do we want it? Now» was the prompt response.

Honduras: Tear gas fired as election fraud protest turns violent
2018-01-21 09:45
Riot police fired tear gas in running battles with protesters over claims of election fraud in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa on Saturday. Violence erupted on the first day of a national strike called by the Opposition Alliance in protest against alleged electoral fraud in the re-election of the current president Juan Orlando Hernández. Police fired volleys of tear gas as protesters set tyres on fire. One man could be seen fleeing the violence with his young son. Several arrests were made by police. Protesters also took place in other parts of the country with one man killed in the city of Tocoa, 400km from the capital.

South Korea: Olympic delegation from North arrives in Seoul
2018-01-21 09:46
A North Korean delegation arrived at Seoul Station on Sunday before heading to the city of Gangnueng to check venues for its planned art performances at February’s PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Head of the seven-member delegation Hyon Song-wol was seen arriving at Seoul Station to board the KTX bullet train that would take her to Gangnueng. Hyon, head of North Korea's Samjiyon Orchestra, has been rumoured to be one of the most influential women in the country. The delegation members are the first North Koreans to visit the South since the start of President Moon Jae-in’s administration in May 2017. Their border crossing also marked the first time that the inter-Korean route has been used after the shutdown of the Kaesong Industrial Complex in February 2016

USA: Massive crowds flood US cities for Women’s March 2018
2018-01-21 09:47
Thousands of people gathered in Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Francisco on Saturday to participate in the second Women's March, held on the anniversary of US President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Washington DC demonstrators met at the National Mall and showcased an array of inventive placards rebuking Trump and his policies. Several protesters were dressed in pink as they held placards against war and in support of refugees. Similar scenes were seen in Los Angeles and San Francisco, with demonstrators uniting anti-Trump criticism with calls for greater gender equality. «Black lives matter too, women's rights, LGBT rights, atheists, anyone. We have our Constitution, that's what we need to protect. We do not need an American Christian Sharia law,» a Los Angeles protester said. Coordinated marches took place across around 250 cities all over the country on Saturday.

Romania: Scuffles erupt as 60,000 protest law changes
2018-01-21 09:48
Around 60,000 protesters took to the streets of Bucharest on Saturday evening angered by a judicial overhaul pushed by the ruling coalition of Social and Liberal Democrats. Scuffles erupted in University Square where the rally kicked off with at least one person detained. Protesters marched to the Palace of Parliament where they chanted slogans, lit flashlights and waved a large EU flag. They claim the leaders of the ruling parties are seeking to shelter themselves from justice by changing the laws that could incriminate them. The PSD chairman and president of the lower chamber of Parliament Liviu Dragnea has a suspended sentence for election fraud and is also under criminal investigation in at least two more cases over alleged abuse of power in office and embezzlement of EU funds. The Lib-Dem chairman and president of the Senate Calin Popescu Tariceanu is also on trial for perjury. Another attempt to “whitewash” criminal files was made in early 2017 by means of an emergency decree that some say legalized corruption. The legislation was repealed after massive pressure from the streets, the EU and foreign media attention.

«Специальный репортаж»: Центр излечимых болезней
2018-01-21 09:55
Мы стоим на пороге полной победы над раком, заявил академик Александр Румянцев, главный детский гематолог Минздрава России. Он возглавляет Национальный центр имени Дмитрия Рогачева, где уже сейчас удается вылечить 90 процентов пациентов с онкологическими заболеваниями крови. А в ближайшие годы этот показатель намерены увеличить — благодаря внедрению новейших протоколов лечения. Что это за технологии?

Эскалация конфликта в Сирии: Эрдоган намерен пройти с огнем и мечом до иракской границы
2018-01-21 10:00
Турецкая операция против вооруженных формирований курдов в сирийском Африне не угрожает российским военным. Об этом заявили в нашем Минобороны, контингент передислоцировали до первых ударов. В субботу Анкара начала военную операцию под кодовым названием «Оливковая ветвь». А завтра, как заявил премьер-министр страны, начнется наземная фаза.

USA: Patriot Prayer 'Freedom' march met by counter protest in Portland
2018-01-21 10:33
A group of counter protesters disrupted a ‘freedom’ march by the right wing group Patriot Prayer in Portland on Saturday evening. Patriot Prayer demonstrators gathered at 17:00 (01:00 Sun. GMT) in central Portland and made their way through the city. Counter protesters joined them from the beginning of the march and followed in close pursuit, shouting through megaphones to drown out the sound of Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson’s voice. Patriot Prayer claims to advocate for ‘freedom of speech’ and to oppose the idea of ‘big government’. The group supports US President Donald Trump and is known to back the second amendment.

Вести. Эфир от 21.01.2018 (11:00)
2018-01-21 11:00
Российская сборная с триумфом выступила на чемпионате Европы по фигурному катанию в Москве. Турция нанесла удары по курдским формированиям. В Кабуле боевики напали на отель и взяли заложников. Инженерные войска отмечают профессиональный праздник.

В Пушкинский музей в Москве выстроились очереди
2018-01-21 11:01
Десятки москвичей пришли в Пушкинский музей на выставку «Передвижники и импрессионисты». В какой-то момент посетителей просто перестали впускать в здание, якобы, из-за переполненного гардероба.

Московские врачи успешно прооперировали девочку из Сирии
2018-01-21 11:06
У девочки была диагностирована злокачественная опухоль сетчатки глаза. В стенах центра имени Блохина девочка провела почти год, перенесла сложнейшую операцию и десятки часов восстановительных процедур. Здесь же она училась ходить, и даже стала немного понимать русскую речь.

Эрдоган твердо решил разорвать связи сирийских курдов и американцев
2018-01-21 11:12
Москва призывает все стороны конфликта в Сирии к сдержанности.

Из-за приостановки работы правительства Трамп может не поехать в Давос
2018-01-21 11:13
В Белом доме сообщили, что изначально президент планировал визит и даже утвердил программу двусторонних встреч. Но теперь эта и другие поездки Трампа оказались под вопросом. Глава Белого дома уже отменил запланированную поездку во Флориду.

Новак: рынок нефти сможет сбалансироваться уже в 2018 году
2018-01-21 11:18
Министры мониторингового комитета ОПЕК плюс собрались на седьмое заседание в Омане. Как рассказал министр энергетики РФ Александр Новак, страны-участницы сделки обсудили ситуацию на рынке, а также подтвердили, что соглашения исполняются выше 100 процентов.

Делегация КНДР прибыла в Сеул
2018-01-21 11:22
В Южную Корею прибыла северокорейская делегация, цель которой — проверка площадок для выступления художественных коллективов из КНДР на зимних Олимпийских играх в Пхенчхане.

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 21.01.2018
2018-01-21 11:40
Житель Москвы спас трех малолетних девочек во время пожара. Как не стать жертвой лже-юристов? Какими методами няни воспитывают наших детей?

Turkey: Turkish military vehicles on way to Syrian Kurdish-held province of Afrin
2018-01-21 16:10
A convoy of Turkish armoured military vehicles headed through the Turkish district of Hassa in the Hatay Province on Sunday, as they made their way towards the Syrian border. The convoy's movement marks the second day of Turkey's operation ‘Olive Branch,’ which is being carried out in the Kurdish-held province of Afrin, in northern Syria. On Saturday, Turkish war planes launched airstrikes on Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed ‘Olive Branch’. The President also declared that the next destination for the Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij. Turkey views the People's Protection Units (YPG), which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Iran: Iranian President attends ceremony in memory of lost 'Sanchi' sailors
2018-01-21 16:21
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and other senior government officials attended a ceremony held in Tehran on Sunday, in the memory of the Iranian sailors who lost their lives last Sunday after an explosion on the 'Sanchi' oil tanker. President Rouhani, the Chief commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Mohammad Ali Jafari, the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the head of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organisation, Managing Director of the Ports and Maritime Organization Mohammad Rastad and Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Ali Rabie where among the attendees. Amir Ghasemi, colleague of sailor Majid Naghian said: «This is a kind of a job that helps the country in the field of economy and we should have another view with regard to this job» adding «there should be more attention paid» with regard to seafaring and maritime transportation. The father of sailor Omid Ziaei said: «My only request is to give their bodies to us as fast as possible so that we and their families get rid of this confusion.» The Iranian oil tanker 'Sanchi' collided with the Hong-Kong registered freighter in the East Chinese coast last Sunday, causing an explosion and the death of its 30-member crew.

Сергей Собянин рассказал о новой транспортной истории Москвы
2018-01-21 16:23
Москва становится ближе, и не только благодаря «Путешествию в Рождество». В этом году москвичи и жители области смогут проехать по первому участку Большой кольцевой линии метро. Это один из самых масштабных проектов по развитию всей городской инфраструктуры. О том, как меняется транспортная история столицы, мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин рассказал в интервью программе «Вести-Москва».

Turkey: Armoured vehicles head to Afrin as operation 'Olive Branch' continues
2018-01-21 16:23
A convoy of Turkish armoured military vehicles headed through the Turkish district of Hassa in the Hatay Province on Sunday, as they made their way towards the Syrian border. The convoy's movement marks the second day of Turkey's operation ‘Olive Branch’, which is being carried out in the Kurdish-held province of Afrin, northern Syria. On Saturday, Turkish war planes launched airstrikes on Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed ‘Olive Branch’. The President also declared that the next destination for the Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij. Turkey views the People's Protection Units (YPG), which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Мэра Махачкалы арестовали на 10 суток
2018-01-21 16:27
Мэр Махачкалы Муса Мусаев решением Советского суда города заключен под арест на 10 суток. Градоначальник обвиняется в земельных махинациях.

Франция обеспокоена действиями Турции в Африне
2018-01-21 16:30
Глава МИД Франции созвонился с министром иностранных дел Турции и призвал Анкару действовать сдержанно.

В Салониках устроили митинг под лозунгом «Македония — это Греция»
2018-01-21 16:31
В греческих Салониках проходит митинг под лозунгом «Македония — это Греция».

Виталина Цымбалюк-Романовская решила оспорить развод с Джигарханяном
2018-01-21 17:06
Москвичи обсуждают последние новости, связанные с народным артистом СССР Арменом Джигарханяном. Его экс-жена Виталина Цымбалюк-Романовская решила оспорить развод, который был оформлен в конце 2017 года.

В Москве стартует прием работ на киноконкурс
2018-01-21 17:10
Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин рассказал, что к участию допускаются работы российских и зарубежных режиссеров, снятые в последние пять лет.

Силовики напали на автобус в Донбассе
2018-01-21 17:23
В так называемой серой — нейтральной — зоне Донбасса обстрелян пассажирский автобус, один человек погиб, еще один ранен — оба гражданские лица.

Ассоциация адвокатов России за права человека осудила действия Турции в Африне
2018-01-21 17:31
«Мы осуждаем действия Турции и России и призываем к немедленному прекращению военной операции против демократии и прав и свобод человека. Мы также призываем международные институты и правозащитные организации вмешаться в ситуацию», – говорится в заявлении.

Операция «Оливковая ветвь»: курды ответили туркам ракетами
2018-01-21 17:31
Курды из Африна обстреляли город Рейханлы на юге Турции. Как сообщает газета Daily Sabah, по населенному пункту выпустили три ракеты, есть раненые. Тем временем, турецкие военные приступили к наземной фазе операции «Оливковая ветвь».

Высоцкому и сегодня было бы о чем спеть
2018-01-21 17:58
25 января исполнилось бы 80 лет Владимиру Высоцкому. Большой поэт, сорванный голос эпохи. Он ушел слишком рано — в 42 года. Его смерть стала трагедией для миллионов. Он стал настоящей суперзвездой своего времени.

Кандидаты-коммунисты возложили цветы к мавзолею Ленина
2018-01-21 18:00
Кандидат в президенты России от КПРФ Павел Грудинин возложил цветы к мавзолею Ленина. Почтил память Владимира Ленина сегодня и Максим Сурайкин — его на выборы президента выдвинула партия «Коммунисты России».

ОПЕК+ не будет разрывать сделку по сокращению нефтедобычи
2018-01-21 18:01
Участники ОПЕК+ сохранят сделку по сокращению нефтедобычи до конца текущего года. Об этом объявил глава Минэнерго России Александр Новак по итогам встречи в Омане. По его словам, последние 5 месяцев договоренности выполнялись более, чем на 100 процентов. В результате страны смогли стабилизировать цены на сырье и сократить излишки запасов нефти.

Germany: Merkel welcomes SPD decision to join Grand Coalition talks with CDU/CSU
2018-01-21 20:06
German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the Social Democratic Party's (SPD) decision, after a party congress of the SPD gave the green light to negotiate a new Grand Coalition with Merkel's Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) parties, during a press conference in Berlin, Sunday. «Tomorrow, we will discuss our negotiation strategy between the Union parties CDU/CSU and then, very quickly, we will start joint talks with the Social Democrats. In this sense, there is still a lot of work to do,» said Merkel. The vote took place during an extraordinary SPD conference in the former West German capital of Bonn. After hours long debates, 362 out of 645 delegates voted in favour of coalition talks with Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc. The decision is supposed to bring Germany a step closer to forming a new government. The results of the vote were 362 for and 279 against, with one abstention.

Александр Вучич поддержал косовских сербов как мог
2018-01-21 20:34
16 января в Косово прозвучало пять выстрелов. Жертва — лидер местной сербской партии Оливер Иванович. Убийство взбудоражило всех сербов и в Косово, и в самой Сербии, и в Боснии и Герцеговине. Опасаясь взрыва, президент Сербии Александр Вучич 20 января прибыл в Косово с примиренческой миссией.

Операция «Оливковая ветвь»: приказ о нападении отдал лично Эрдоган
2018-01-21 20:44
В ночь на 20 января ВВС Турции нанесли массированный бомбовый удар по городку Африн, что на северо-востоке Сирии. Там как раз — формирования курдов. После этого турецкий Генштаб объявил о начале в этом районе наземной операции с участием артиллерии и танков.

ЦИК закупает КОИБы нового поколения
2018-01-21 20:59
До президентских выборов в России остается чуть менее двух месяцев. На этом этапе борьбу продолжают 17 претендентов. Чьи фамилии в итоге окажутся в бюллетенях, станет известно после 10 февраля. В Центризбиркоме тем временем идет круглосуточная работа.

Turkey: Scuffles erupt as pro-Kurdish protesters gather in Istanbul
2018-01-21 21:39
Turkish police reportedly used pepper gas to disperse pro-Kurdish protesters in Istanbul, on Sunday. The protesters took to streets to demonstrate against the Turkish military actions against Kurdish forces in northern Syria. They were met by a heavy police presence. According to reports, at least 12 people were detained when scuffles broke out between protesters and police. On Saturday, Turkish war planes launched airstrikes on Kurdish positions in Afrin, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the beginning of the military operation dubbed 'Olive Branch'. Erdogan also declared that the next destination for the Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij.

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Эфир от 21.01.2018
2018-01-21 22:00
Неделя выдалась интересной и сложной в плане международных вопросов. Турция начала военную операцию «Оливковая ветвь» против сирийских курдов в районе Африна. Данные о результатах противоречивы. Некоторые считают, что происходящее является результатом политики США в Сирии.

Syria: Turkey carries out airstrikes in Syria's Afrin
2018-01-21 22:23
*NO SOUND AT SOURCE* The Turkish Air Force released aerial footage, Sunday, of what they report is a missile strikes in Syria's Afrin region, which Turkish authorities claim destroyed an ammunition depot of the People's Protection Units (YPG). On Saturday, Turkish war planes started to bomb Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed 'Olive Branch'. The President also declared that the next destination for the Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij. Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Mandatory Credit: Turkish Armed Forces

Afghanistan: 'We live in fear' — desperate Afghan refugees expelled from Pakistan
2018-01-21 22:27
As the deadline the Pakistani government gave to Afghan refugees to return home is looming, those, who have already returned, share their grim stories of what life is like in unstable, war tormented Afghanistan, from a refugee camp in Laghman Province, Saturday. Pakistan, which is now hosting over 2.7 million Afghan refugees, set the end of January as the final deadline for refugees to return to Afghanistan. The announcement to extend the period for one month was made in early January. The dates have been extended several times, but the recent move is feared to be the last of its kind. «We live here in fear, in tents and have no access to facilities,» regrets one of the returned refugees. Many Afghans have been living in Pakistan for decades and now have basically no other place to call home. «I brought my family to Afghanistan few days ago, the situation in Afghanistan is not good and we request Pakistan to review their decision and not to send more Afghans back to Afghanistan,» continues the Afghan refugee. Such strive for accelerating deportation is explained by fighting militants that enter Pakistan from their neighbour. The battle was largely triggered by the attack on the Army Public School four years ago, when over 150 mostly children were killed. The repatriation ultimatum was also announced following US accusations that Islamabad shelters some of the fiercest factions of the Taliban fighting US and Afghan soldiers in neighbouring Afghanistan. The UN Refugee Agency is assisting in the repatriation process, but its efforts seem not to be enough. «We had a good life back in Pakistan, we had all books and notebooks but, as we reached back Afghanistan there is nothing and we live in tents,» says Malika, a returned Afghan refugee. Malika as many other returned Afghan refugees, is now studying at an open air school. Hasina, another student regrets that pupils lack basic necessities, «Even our teachers don't have books and we study without books,» she adds. Regretting the dire living conditions, refugees request the Pakistani authorities to «be good» to them and not to send more refugees back until the situation in Afghanistan improves.

Greece: Antifa-occupied building torched amid Thessaloniki protests
2018-01-21 22:45
A building occupied by left-wing activists in Thessaloniki was set on fire Sunday, amid clashes during a protest against the use of the name 'Macedonia.' According to local media, witnesses talked about far-right wing nationalists and hooded men who were marching and shouting slogans about Macedonia and threw a Molotov cocktail inside the «Libertatia» building. According to the Press Office of the Fire Brigade, there were no injured and no damage to the nearby houses. 28 vehicles and 25 firefighters were present on the scene. The fire happened as thousands of people were rallying in Thessaloniki to denounce the use of the name 'Macedonia' in a lengthy dispute between Athens and Skopje over the official name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Attempts by Macedonia to join NATO and the European Union have been halted by Greece since 1993, when Greece accepted as formal appellation the name 'FYROM' (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). The name 'Macedonia' bares dangers for the Greek side since it implies a territorial claim over the Greek northern region Macedonia.

Israel: US Vice President Mike Pence lands in Israel
2018-01-21 23:15
United States Vice President Mike Pence landed at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, on Sunday evening, as part of his Middle East tour. Pence was welcomed by an Israeli delegation led by Israeli Tourism Minister Yariv Levin. The US Vice-President will spend 48 hours in Jerusalem and is scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Palestinian authorities have refused to meet with Pence in protest over US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on December 6.

UK: British govt needs to intervene — Kurds in UK protest Afrin operation
2018-01-21 23:36
Hundreds of people gathered at Trafalgar Square, in central London, on Sunday, to protest against the Turkish military operation in northern Syria, which started with fighter jets attacking Kurdish positions in Afrin province on Saturday. The protesters walked down to Downing Street to demand from the UK government to intervene and prevent Turkey from further aggression. They held and chanted slogans against Turkish President Erdogan and held banners like «Long live the Kurdish people's resistance» and «Stop Turkish State's war on Kurds.» «The UK government definitely needs to intervene. They need to give full support to YPG forces, and obviously condemn what the Turkish government is doing, and possibly implement embargoes on the Turkish government,» said Bertan, member of the Kurdish Youth UK.

Germany: CDU voices satisfaction after SPD agree to enter talks
2018-01-22 03:18
The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party voiced their satisfaction Sunday that the Social Democrat Party (SPD) voted to join government coalition talks in Berlin. Speaking outside their headquarters in the capital, CDU member and Saxony Minister President Michael Kretschmer said: «The result of the SPD is an approval but it is also clearly showing the disunity of the SPD.” He then advised the SPD to «take a look onto France, as from the SPD side President Macron is seen as a role model and a moderniser, he is getting rid of those things where the goal demands it.» The SPD vote took place on Sunday during an extraordinary party conference in Bonn. Some 362 out of 645 delegates voted in favour of coalition talks with Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc. The decision is expected to bring Germany a step closer to forming a new government.

Syria: 1,000 women and children flee Afrin — Russia
2018-01-22 03:40
More than 1,000 women and children have fled Turkish operations in Afrin to seek shelter, said Yuri Evtushenko, head of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in the Syrian Arab Republic during a briefing from the Khmeimim airbase on Sunday. “During the past 24 hours over a thousand women and children went through the military police checkpoints in the Tell Rifaat de-conflict zone,” Evtushenko said. Evtushenko also said the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides, in cooperation with local authorities, would be providing refugees with temporary accommodation, «humanitarian aid and essential supplies.» On Saturday, Turkish war planes started to bomb Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation named Olive Branch.

USA: White nationalists face off Knoxville Women’s March
2018-01-22 04:10
The Women’s March in Knoxville crossed paths with a group of far-right protesters holding Confederate and Southern Nationalist flags on Sunday. Members of the Traditionalist Worker’s Party (TWP), a far-right group in favour of a white-only nation state, united with anti-abortion protesters in front of Krutch Park, close to where the main Women’s March rally was unfolding. Leading the far-righters was TWP leader Matthew Heimbach, who has openly expressed respect for Adolf Hitler in the past. While the Women's March had initially been scheduled to start from Market Square, it had been moved to an enclosed area in Krutch Park due to security concerns. A Women’s March organiser named Kathleen commented on the far-right presence by saying “their numbers are dwarfed every time by us.»

Germany: Kurds protest in Hamburg over Turkish airstrikes
2018-01-22 05:06
Hundreds of people gathered in Hamburg on Sunday to protest against the Turkish military operation in northern Syria as fighter jets attacked Kurdish positions in Afrin province. Protesters gathered in front of Hamburg’s Dammtor Station and proceeded to march towards the Turkish Consulate. Carrying a giant Rojava flag, protesters chanted slogans calling Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a “terrorist.” Several PKK and YPG flags were seen in the protest. On Saturday, Turkish war planes started to bomb Kurdish positions in Afrin shortly after the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation dubbed 'Olive Branch'. The President also declared that the next destination for the Turkish forces would be Syria's Manbij.

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