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Syria: SAA battle militants at strategic base in Harasta

Syria: SAA battle militants at strategic base in Harasta
2018-01-02 09:37
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) battled militant groups at a strategic military base in Harasta, Monday. Scores were reportedly killed in the fight. Clashes broke out after militant groups reportedly attempted to capture a strategic base in Harasta, a suburb of Damascus.

Japan: Emperor Akihito gives New Year well-wishes as he prepares to step down
2018-01-02 11:14
Japan’s Emperor Akihito delivered his traditional New Year address in front of thousands of people at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on Tuesday. Emperor Akihito was accompanied by his wife, Empress Michiko, and members of the Imperial Family. The Emperor wished happiness for people in Japan and around the world. According to the Imperial Household Agency, more than 62,000 people had gathered in front of the palace by 11:30 am (GMT +9). The total attendance figure was said to likely be the largest since 1994. It was the final New Year appearance alongside Akihito for Princess Mako, his eldest granddaughter, who is scheduled to wed her college boyfriend in November and leave the royal family. Japan’s cabinet recently gave its approval for the emperor to abdicate on April 30, 2019. He will be the first emperor to step down in more than two centuries in the world's oldest imperial family.

Южная Корея предложила КНДР провести переговоры
2018-01-02 12:18
Южная Корея предлагает КНДР провести переговоры на высоком уровне 9 января в пункте переговоров Пханмунджом в демилитаризованной зоне между странами. Об этом сообщает Reuters со ссылкой на заявление министра по делам национального объединения Республики Корея Чо Мён Гюна. По словам министра, переговоры высокопоставленных представителей должны улучшить отношения двух стран. Ранее в новогоднем обращении лидер Северной Кореи Ким Чен Ын заявил, что Пхеньян открыт к диалогу с Сеулом и собирается направить свою национальную сборную на зимние Олимпийские игры. Президент Южной Кореи Мун Чжэ Ин приветствовал желание Ким Чен Ына. По словам южнокорейского президента, Олимпиада поможет приблизиться к миру на Корейском полуострове. Оргкомитет Олимпиады счел стремление Пхеньяна принять участие в зимней Олимпиаде демонстрацией мирных намерений.

Сеул предложил Пхеньяну организовать 9 января встречу на высоком уровне
2018-01-02 12:48
Южная Корея предлагает КНДР провести встречу на высоком уровне 9 января.

Iran: Residents of Tehran react as anti-govt. protests enter 6th day
2018-01-02 13:13
Tehran residents reacted to the ongoing anti-government protests against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption in Iran, as they entered their sixth day on Tuesday. One resident denounced economic problems such as «costliness, unemployment, lack of attention to people.» A student said that «if the people's economic problems were addressed more, these accidents would never happen.» Comments made by US President Donald Trump, who tweeted that it was «time for change» in Iran, were mostly criticised, with residents saying he should not interfere in Iranian issues. One person said «the government should not suppress, it should stand and listen.» He criticised the government’s move to block social media channels Telegram and Instagram as «an insult» to Iranian citizens. One resident accused the US and Israel of being behind the protests. This echoed state media reports of comments that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani allegedly made on Monday. Nine more people reportedly died in clashes between Monday and Tuesday, bringing the death toll to at least 21 since the beginning of the protests. Rouhani has acknowledged the public’s anger over Iran’s flagging economy, though he and other officials warned that the government wouldn’t hesitate to crack down on those it considers lawbreakers.

Прямые переговоры двух Корей
2018-01-02 13:45
Южная Корея предложила КНДР переговоры. Попытка отделиться от Испании стоила Каталонии миллиард евро.

South Korea: Seoul proposes high-level talks with DPRK over Winter Olympics
2018-01-02 13:45
South Korean Unification Minister Cho Myong-gyon proposed high level talks with North Korea over their possible involvement in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, during a press conference in Seoul on Tuesday. He suggested holding the talks on January 9, saying officials hope to «frankly discuss North Korea's participation in the Pyeongchang Olympic Games, and [an] improvement of the South and North relationship and mutual concerns.» This comes in response to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's New Year's speech, in which he stated that Pyongyang was «open to dialogue» with South Korea, and added that a North Korean team may attend the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

В Иране в ходе протестов погиб полицейский
2018-01-02 14:15
Один полицейский погиб, трое ранены во время протестов в Иране. Об этом сообщает Reuters. По данным полиции, один из протестующих открыл огонь по полицейским из охотничьего ружья. Впервые в ходе протестов погиб cотрудник правоохранительных органов. Всего на сегодняшний день погибли не менее 20 демонстрантов. Беспорядки в Иране продолжаются с 28 декабря. Изначально они были направлены против экономической политики Ирана и высокой стоимости жизни, затем участники протестов начали выражать недовольство правительством страны.

Китай и сталь
2018-01-02 14:32
Китай планирует изменить подход к экспорту стали. Чего нам стоит ожидать в 2018 году? Алекс Гриффитс, Wood Mackenzie.

Израильские археологи нашли 2700-летнюю печать правителя Иерусалима
2018-01-02 15:17
На глиняной печати изображены двое мужчин, которые приветствуют друг друга. На обоих – полосатые одеяния, доходящие до колен. Печать представляет собой овал размером с небольшую монету. Сделана она в VII или VI веках до нашей эры – в эпоху Первого Храма. Археологи полагают, что печать могла принадлежать какому-нибудь уважаемому горожанину, который получил её в дар от правителя Иерусалима. По другой версии, эту печать могли использовать для запечатывания писем.

Протесты в Иране набирают силу
2018-01-02 16:31
Антиправительственные акции проходят во многих городах страны. Растет число убитых и пострадавших. Еще больше арестованных.

В Иране в ходе протестов погибли не менее 20 человек
2018-01-02 16:46
В Иране в ходе продолжающихся протестов погибли не менее 20 демонстрантов. Сегодня же информационные агентства сообщили о гибели одного полицейского. В Тегеране, по данным AFP, с субботы задержали более 450 человек. Руководитель и духовный лидер Ирана аятолла Али Хаменеи, комментируя протесты, заявил, что враги Ирана объединились, чтобы навредить властям страны.

«Спецпроект»: Интервью с Сергеем Собяниным
2018-01-02 16:51
Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин рассказал о планах на будущее и подвел итоги 2017 года. Подробное интервью смотрите в специальном проекте телеканала Москва 24.

Протесты в Иране
2018-01-02 17:17
Видео из иранских социальных сетей показывает протесты в 11 городах страны 31 декабря.

Ukraine: Under fire Kiev police chief attacked after lawyer murder
2018-01-02 17:23
Around 200 protesters rallied in a call for Kiev region's head of police Dmitri Tzenov to resign and an investigation into the murder of lawyer Irina Nozdrovskaya, outside the national police department in the Ukrainian capital on Tuesday. Tzenov came out to address the protesters, but was interrupted as a demonstrator physically attacked him. Demonstrators shouted «shame» as he told those gathered that Nozdrovskaya's body was taken for a forensic examination «in order to establish the nature of injuries, the cause of death of the victim.» The protest was joined by human rights organisations and relatives of the murdered lawyer. Nozdrovskaya body was found on January 1 in the Vyshgorodsky district of Kiev, after it was reported she went missing three days earlier. Her most prominent case of late was an investigation into her sister's death in 2015.

Суд в Молдавии приостановил полномочия президента Игоря Додона
2018-01-02 17:35
Конституционный суд Молдавии во вторник приостановил полномочия президента страны Игоря Додона. Как сообщают местные СМИ, это решение связано с тем, что на минувшей неделе глава государства повторно отклонил предложенные премьер-министром кандидатуры семи членов правительства. По закону он может это сделать только один раз. После этого депутаты правящей партии обратились в суд.

Высший балл «Движению вверх»: картину посмотрел миллион россиян
2018-01-02 17:55
Лидером новогоднего кинопроката стал фильм «Движение вверх». В кинотеатрах картину режиссера Антона Мегердичева показывали с 28 декабря, ее посмотрели уже около миллиона россиян. Фильм рассказывает о победе советских баскетболистов над американцами на Олимпиаде 1972 года в Мюнхене. Зрители с восторгом приняли картину. По опросам, в 12 крупнейших городах ей ставили высший балл.

Morocco: Protests against ‘mines of death’ continue in Jerada
2018-01-02 17:56
Mass protests continued in Jerada on Tuesday, as demonstrators demanded justice and better living conditions in the city after the death of two coal miners last month. The demonstrations have been taking place since December 22, when two brothers aged 23 and 30 died after an abandoned coalmine collapsed on them. Outrage grew following the rescue operation which reportedly took 36 hours. Demonstrators chanted, asking the government to provide higher security in the mines and implement measures against poverty. Locals have dubbed the pits ‘mines of death’ since hundreds of people risk their lives every day digging in dangerous conditions, according to protesters. Reports state that the mine, which was closed in 1990, used to employ over 9,000 people.

В Киеве после гибели правозащитницы прошла акция протеста
2018-01-02 18:02
В Киеве около двухсот человек провели акцию протеста у здания областного управления полиции, требуя найти убийц правозащитницы Ирины Ноздровской. Протестующие также призвали главу МВД Украины Арсена Авакова и руководителя областной полиции Дмитрия Ценова уйти в отставку.

В Молдавии Конституционный суд приостановил полномочия президента
2018-01-02 18:13
Конституционный суд Молдавии приостановил полномочия президента Игоря Додона. Соответствующий запрос сделала группа депутатов от правящей коалиции, так как Додон во второй раз отклонил предложенные премьером Павлом Филипом кандидатуры членов правительства.

Germany: Berliners give mixed reactions to proposed refugee age-checks
2018-01-02 18:14
The German government's proposal to introduce age checks for refugees was met with mixed reactions from residents of Berlin on Tuesday. «This is a superfluous debate, whether a young refugee is 15, 16 or 18... It does not really matter. There's another priority. And age does not make a difference for that,» said Ibrahim Maloui. «The point is that when they become delinquent, they can masquerade as adolescents. And that needs to be prevented,» said Christiane. «Our tax money is being spent for so many unnecessary things anyway, so we can as well spend it for that [determine the age of refugees],» said Elke. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) faction of Lower Saxony has proposed the age-check using an X-ray, after a refugee stabbed and killed a 15 year-old girl in the western town of Kandel one week ago. The migrant claimed he was 15, which resulted in him being treated as a minor under the German law.

«Тренер»: дальше я сам. Премьера трейлера фильма Данилы Козловского
2018-01-02 18:31
Бомбардир национальной сборной Юрий Столешников в решающий момент не забивает пенальти. После этого он покидает сборную и становится тренером маленькой провинциальной команды «Метеор». Именно с этим клубом Столешникову предстоит совершить чудо и вновь поверить в себя. Режиссер и исполнитель главной роли - Данила Козловский.

Как новый способ лечения спас собаке сломанную лапу
2018-01-02 18:36
Ученые Университета Глазго впервые успешно испробовали новую технологию наращивания кости. Их пациентом стала собака Ева. Год назад ее сбила машина. Перелом был настолько неудачный, что ей собирались ампутировать лапу. Но уже через шесть недель лечения кость срослась. Ученые планируют начать испытания на людях в ближайшие три года.

Pakistan: 'We will throw aid in his face' — Islamabad reacts to Trump tweet
2018-01-02 18:40
Islamabad citizens reacted angrily to US President Donald Trump's tweet accusing Pakistan of not doing enough to fight terror and his threats to withdraw financial aid on Tuesday. Civil servant Zeeshan said, «If he is a man and offers his aid to us, let him do it, we will throw his aid in his face.» A shopkeeper added, «We will opt for starvation but will never beg Americans.» Law student Muhammad Anas Khan said Trump's tweet «demeans the morale of the whole country» and stressed, “Pakistanis have spent billions of rupees and we have sacrificed the lives of many soldiers for the war on terror.» Housewife Samina added US aid does not compare to the lives, saying Trump's tweet, «can't do anything against us, these are just words.» On Monday, a US National Security Council spokesperson announced it will withhold $255m (€212m) of military aid to Pakistan, saying they need to do more to combat terrorism.

Yemen: Civilians forced into shocking conditions after 1,000 days of war
2018-01-02 20:21
Footage shot in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a on Tuesday shows the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country after 1,000 days of conflict. Yemenis who fled from the Saudi border to Sana’a after airstrikes, food shortages and disease outbreaks are forced to live in deplorable conditions, the footage reveals. The 1,000 day milestone was hit in December after the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes started at the end of 2014 following Houthi rebels’ advances into Sana'a. Three years later, on November 5, the Saudi-led coalition announced it would block all land, air and sea access after a ballistic missile fired from Yemen was intercepted over Saudi territory. The rocket was fired at the international airport near the Saudi capital of Riyadh. The Saudi-led coalition has previously denied aid access to Houthi-held ports, like Hudaida.

Pakistan: Trump effigy burns in Karachi after inflammatory tweet
2018-01-02 20:45
Dozens of Tehreek-e-Insaf political party supporters set fire to an effigy of US President Donald Trump at a rally in Karachi on Tuesday. Protesters decried Trump's tweet after the US President wrote Pakistan is a 'safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan’ and threatened to withdraw aid on Monday. During the protest, the demonstrators set US flags on fire and marched with a banner reading 'No More Trump.’ After the tweet was published, Pakistani authorities called for an emergency meeting of the National Security Committee headed by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.

Israel: Discovery of 2,700 y/o artefact supports Bible claims
2018-01-02 21:44
Footage shot on Tuesday reveals a 2,700-year-old clay seal impression found in Jerusalem earlier this week. The seal “supports the Biblical rendering of the existence of a governor of the city in Jerusalem 2,700 years ago,” according to excavator Dr. Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah. According to the Israeli Antiquities Authority, it was excavated near the plaza of the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. The artefact is the size of a small coin and an inscription in ancient Hebrew reads “belonging to the governor of the city.”

Germany: Kandel marches in memory of 15 y/o killed by refugee
2018-01-02 22:08
Residents in Kandel marched through the town on Tuesday to commemorate a teenage girl stabbed to death by a refugee in the town last week. The residents seemed to support the government's proposal to introduce age checks for refugees after the killer claimed to be 15-years-old. «In Germany, there is too much abuse, so I think it is a good idea,» said one of the Kandel's residents Robert. Another supported the idea of the age check, saying «it is good, that there would be a control when for example someone is going to tobacco shop or is buying alcohol.» Kandel resident Roland stated he did not understand people who were against the proposal. “The killer stated he was 15-year old and stupid Germans believed this, when he was around 32 as you can see that in the photos,” he said. The 15-year-old girl died in hospital after being attacked with a kitchen knife outside a drugstore on Wednesday. The suspect, who claimed to be a 15-year-old Afghan refugee and former boyfriend of the victim, was taken into police custody on suspicion of manslaughter. As a result of his claim he was being treated as a minor under the German law despite suspicion he is in his thirties.

Latvia: Russian journalist ordered to leave country after 2015 ban
2018-01-02 23:00
Russian journalist Anatoly Kurlaev boarded a Moscow-bound plane at Riga's International Airport after he was ordered to leave the country on Tuesday. According to the 'TV Centre' channel, Kurlaev was on a private visit to Latvia when local authorities announced that he had been banned from entering the country in 2015. The reason for the decision was not specified by the Latvian authorities. «As I was explained, they received a document from the local FSB where it was written not to allow me to enter the country. It turns out that the ban starts right from the moment when I shot my first film as a producer about the Baltics,» he said. Kurlaev explained that he was arrested in the shopping centre and taken to police offices «without any explanation» where he was told that he had been barred.

Netherlands: Hundreds fill Dam Square in show of Iran camaraderie
2018-01-02 23:17
Hundreds of protesters flocked to Dam Square in central Amsterdam on Tuesday in a show of support for anti-government protests being held across Iran. The protesters held numerous banners expressing solidarity with the nationwide anti-government movement, as well as ones calling for freedom for political prisoners. At least 21 people have died in Iran's anti-government protests that have raged since Thursday, with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. Iran's Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei has blamed 'enemies' for the disruption.

France: Police officers protest against NYE aggression
2018-01-02 23:34
Around a hundred police officers from the Alliance syndicate gathered in front of Champigny-sur-Marne police station on the outskirts of Paris to protest against the aggression towards law enforcement on Tuesday, following the attacks two officers suffered during New Year’s Eve celebrations. “It cannot be possible that a police officer is brutally attacked like we saw and that, once the aggressors are identified, they are not in prison. We want that these people to go to prison,” said Alliance Syndicate General Secretary Frederic Lagache. A female officer and male police captain were attacked by a group of people during a New Year’s Eve gathering in the streets of the Paris suburb. They were knocked to the ground before being repeatedly kicked and punched in the head and body. The video was posted online and quickly went viral. The incident occurred after an emergency callout to a private party where hundreds of people had turned up and security were forced to close down the gathering.

Russia: Traffic havoc as Russia-Georgia route closes due to weather conditions
2018-01-02 23:58
Treacherous weather conditions hit Georgia causing traffic havoc and huge jams at the Verknii Lars checkpoint of the Georgian Military Road, connecting Vladikavkaz and Tbilisi, Tuesday. Around 90 cars and trucks are stuck at the checkpoint as the rough weather conditions in Georgia led to the closure of the highway. Drivers were seen starting fires to warm themselves up bracing below zero temperatures. The Georgian Military Road is closed since Monday, January 1st, until further notice.

USA: Washington 'supports the Iranian people' — WH Press Secretary
2018-01-03 00:34
White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders expressed the Trump administration's support to the ongoing anti-government protests in Iran, speaking at a press briefing in Washington DC on Tuesday. «The United States supports the Iranian people and we call on the regime to respect its citizens' basic right — to peacefully express a desire to change. America longs for the day when Iranians will take their rightful place alongside the free people of the world,» said Sanders. «For once, she [Hillary Clinton] is right and we agree with her because President Trump is not going to sit back silently, like President Obama did. And he certainly supports the Iranian people, and wants to make that clear,» added Sanders. At least 21 people have died in Iran's anti-government protests that have raged since Thursday, with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. Iran's Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei has blamed 'enemies' for the disruption.

USA: Haley lauds 'tremendous courage' of protesters against 'Iranian dictatorship'
2018-01-03 00:47
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley praised the «great bravery for the Iranian people to use the power of their voice against their government,» speaking in New York City on Tuesday. «It takes great bravery for the Iranian people to use the power of their voice against their government. Especially, when its government has an old history of murdering its own people who dare to speak the truth,» Haley said, before reading out social media posts written by Iranians in support of the protests. Haley also rejected Iranian leaders' allegations that the protests were designed by Iran's enemies: «We all know that's complete nonsense. The demonstrations are completely spontaneous. They are virtually in every city in Iran. This is the precise picture of a long oppressed people's rising up against their dictators.» «We must not be silent. The people of Iran are crying out for freedom,» Haley said, adding that the US will call for emergency sessions on Iran at the UN in New York and at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. At least 21 people have died in Iran's anti-government protests that have raged since Thursday, with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. Iran's Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei has blamed 'enemies' for the disruption.

France: Corsican nationalists elect parliament members after sweeping election win
2018-01-03 01:16
The separatist coalition Pe a Corsica elected the new members of the Corsican assembly in Ajaccio on Tuesday, after winning an outright majority in the second round of regional elections in Corsica on Sunday. Shortly after the ceremony, the newly-elected members of parliament framed a constitution of Corsica. Earlier, in an interview, Simeoni talked up the possibility of an independent state. «An unprecedented result that has a profound political significance, namely that it expresses the will of a majority of the Corsican people to engage in a present and a future of peace, construction and emancipation.» Pe a Corsica intend to achieve an equal recognition for the Corsican language along with French, acknowledgement of a specific Corsican residency status, and amnesty for convicts they consider to be political prisoners. Early elections were called, only two years after the 2015 territorial elections, as a result of Corsica becoming a single territorial collectivity.

Russia: 'I thought it was joke' — Kurlaev on Riga ban upon landing in Moscow
2018-01-03 02:07
Russian journalist Anatoly Kurlaev, who was arrested in Riga by the Latvian police, arrived in Moscow on Tuesday. «It turned out that I had a lifetime ban on entry to Riga, which had been valid from 2015. I didn't know that,» he said to the press. According to Kurlaev, the reasons of such decision were not specified by the Latvian authorities. «As for the time, 2015, it coincides with the release of my film about the Baltic States on the 'TV Centre' channel, where I was the producer,» the Russian Journalist said. He added, «However, that movie didn't contain anything that could be the reason for classifying me as a terrorist.» «I laughed until the very end, because I thought it was some sort of a joke. But no, it turned out that it wasn't a joke,» Kurlaev said. Kurlaev had explained that he was arrested in the shopping centre and taken to police offices «without any explanation» where he was told that he had been barred.

Peru: At least 30 killed as bus hurls down 'Devil's Curve'
2018-01-03 02:22
At least 30 people were killed when a bus fell off a cliff after being hit by a tractor-trailer rig on the highway known as 'Devil's Curve' between Lima and Pasamayo on Tuesday. According to local media, there were 57 passengers on the bus at the time of the crash. Rescue teams rushed to the site, were they worked to pull victims from the inaccessible area. The crash took place in Pasamayo, about 70 kilometres (43 miles) north of the capital Lima. The stretch of the highway took its nickname due to its narrow turns, where car accidents are common. Mandatory credit: National Police of Peru

Peru: Rescue efforts underway after bus plunges off deadly cliff *GRAPHIC*
2018-01-03 02:52
Resscuers rushed to Peru's 'Devil's Curve' highway between Lima and Pasamayo on Tuesday, where more than 30 people were killed in a bus crash. The vehicle carrying 57 passengers to Peru's capital Lima fell off a cliff after colliding with a tractor-trailer. The crash took place in Pasamayo, about 70 kilometres (43 miles) north of the capital city. The stretch of the highway took its nickname — 'Devil's Curve' — due to its narrow turns, where car accidents are common. Mandatory credit: National Police of Peru

Уже около 20 человек погибли в ходе протестов в Иране
2018-02-01 00:00
Дома охвачены огнём. Это кадры государственного телеканала Ирана, которые он продемонстрировал в понедельник. В стране уже шестой день продолжаются антиправительственные протесты. Сообщается об около 20 погибших. При этом, по данным властей, в понедельник один из демонстрантов смертельно ранил полицейского из огнестрельного оружия. Это первое сообщение о жертвах среди правоохранителей с начала протестов. Кроме того, в ночь на вторник погибло около 9 протестующих.

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