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Egypt: Egyptian Copts celebrate Christmas amid tight security in wake of attacks

Egypt: Egyptian Copts celebrate Christmas amid tight security in wake of attacks
2018-01-07 00:27
Egyptian Copts celebrated Christmas mass in Cairo's Saint Mina Church on Saturday amid heightened security, less than 10 days after a terrorist attack which killed 11 there. The Saint Mina Church was teeming with worshippers, who had to enter the building through a security gate. «We are saying to terrorism that we are not afraid,» a church scout officer said. The same evening, Coptic Pope Tawadros II led the service at the new Nativity of Christ Cathedral, reportedly the largest in the Middle East. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and senior state officials reportedly attended the Mass. In March, 43 people were killed in bombings on Coptic churches in both Alexandria and Tanta during Palm Sunday and 28 were killed in April in a shootout on a bus travelling to a Coptic Monastery.

Владимир Путин посетил рождественскую службу в Симеоновской церкви в Петербурге
2018-01-07 00:29
Владимир Путин этой ночью приехал на рождественскую службу в Санкт-Петербург. За несколько минут до полуночи он зашел в церковь Симеона и Анны на Моховой улице, недалеко от Казанского собора.

Israel: 'Bibi go home' — Anti-govt. protests in full swing for 6th week in Tel Aviv
2018-01-07 02:57
Around 3000 of Israeli protesters marched for the sixth consecutive week in Tel Aviv on Saturday, demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resigns over corruption allegations. Protesters shouted slogans «Bibi go home!» and «Corporate power, organised crime» while carrying placards denouncing the government. Protesters faced off with a small group of right-wing demonstrators who took part in a counter demo nearby. They yelled «Shame» and exchanged jibes with pro-government supporters although remaining peaceful under careful watch of police. One protester stated, «Netanyahu declares his support against other corrupted regimes like in Iran. But here he tried to manipulate and put down all the criticism against him while he is really holding a corrupted government taking the money, resources and even security of Israeli citizens as hostage to his private businesses.» In the past year, Netanyahu has been questioned in two corruption probes, which he claims to be false accusations from his opponents. Results of the investigation are expected within the next few weeks. If charged, the Prime Minister would be under pressure to resign or to call new elections.

Jordan: Arab ministers push for international retaliation to Trump's Jerusalem announcement
2018-01-07 03:26
Foreign ministers of six Arab nations held a meeting in Amman on Saturday to discuss the Arab League's response to the United States' recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In his opening remarks, Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said, «Our position as the Arab League is clear — we have rejected and condemned this decision that violated international legitimacy. And, we have said that it will have no legal consequences, and that Arab countries will work to throttle its repercussions.» Speaking of a response to the US President Donald Trump's decision, Safadi called for all countries to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine while ensuring that the US decision has «no legal consequences.» He went on to argue that the principle of the two-state solution should be applied adding that it is the only «clear and systematic» way to end the conflict between Israel and Palestine. «I don't see any other option except committing to the strategic framework of the peace process,» he said. Apart from Jordan that is presiding over the Arab summit this year, the meeting was attended by foreign ministers of Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Morocco. The ministers are expected to meet again in the end of January to submit their recommendations to the Arab League Ministerial Council.

Russia: Putin returns to hometown to attend midnight mass
2018-01-07 03:47
Russian President Vladimir Putin attended midnight mass at the Church of Saints Simeon and Anna in Saint Petersburg on Sunday, as Russia celebrated Orthodox Christmas. Russian leader reportedly presented the church with a 19-century icon upon arrival. According to media, it is the same church where Putin's father was baptized. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev attended mass in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, where the service was led by Patriarch Kirill. Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in accordance with the Julian calendar on January 7, 13 days later than those who use the Gregorian calendar.

Russia: Hundreds attend Christmas Eve mass led by Patriarch Kirill
2018-01-07 04:44
Hundreds of Orthodox Christians gathered at Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow on Sunday, for the Christmas Eve mass led by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia. Following the Julian calendar, Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas 13 days later than those who use the Gregorian calendar. Services are expected to be held across 30,000 places of worship across the world including Orthodox Churches in Georgia, Serbia and Jerusalem.

Honduras: Thousands flood San Pedro Sula streets as anti-Hernandez protests soar
2018-01-07 06:41
Thousands of demonstrators led by opposition leader Salvador Nasralla took to the streets of Honduras' second largest city San Pedro Sula on Saturday, to protest the re-election of President Juan Orlando Hernandez which they claim was subject to fraud. Nasralla supporters marched with flags and banners demanding the incumbent president to step down. One of the protesters said, «Juan Orlando Hernandez is legal until January 26, on January 27, if he insists on continuing to usurp the sovereign's decision, we will adhere to Article 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras in force. It says we do not owe obedience to any usurping government.» Honduras has been rocked by political turmoil since November 26 presidential election after President Juan Orlando Hernandez defeated Opposition Alliance party candidate Salvador Nasralla by 1.6 percentage points. Both men have claimed victory.

Argentina: Thousands rally against house arrest granted to war criminal Etchecolatz
2018-01-07 09:25
Thousands of demonstrators in Mar del Plata marched to Admiral Brown's Square to protest the court's decision to grant house arrest to war criminal Miguel Etchecolatz on Saturday. The protest was led by Ruben Lopez, the son of Julio Lopez, who disappeared 11 years ago just before giving testimony against Etchecolatz. «He [Etchecolatz] has six life sentences for genocide and three other sentences for other reasons. This is outrageous,» said Lopez at the rally. The 88-year-old former police officer, Etchecolatz, who had been serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity committed during the 1976-83 military dictatorship in Argentina was granted house arrest in December on the basis of his age. The court ruled that Etchecolatz should be transferred from prison to his home due to «fragile health», where he will be cared for by his wife and required to wear an electronic monitoring decive. The decision caused anger among citizens as well as human rights activists who called for nationwide protests.

ВТО передала в арбитраж иск ЕС к России за запрет импорта свинины
2018-01-07 13:10
Россельхознадзор запретил поставки в Россию еще в 2014 году из-за вспышки африканской чумы свиней в Литве и Польше.

Путин поздравил православных христиан с Рождеством
2018-01-07 13:46
В своем обращении президент отметил, что этот светлый праздник дарит людям радость и надежду, приобщает их к духовным истокам и традициям, объединяет вокруг непреходящих ценностей многовекового исторического и культурного наследия нашего народа.

Germany: Party leaders arrive for fresh exploratory coalition talks
2018-01-07 14:14
German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with the chairperson of Bavarian sister party (CSU) Horst Seehofer, and Social Democratic (SPD) leader Martin Schulz on Sunday in Berlin to restart preliminary coalition talks. Merkel said she felt «optimistic» about the upcoming talks, but affirmed that «there is a load of work ahead of us in the next days.» «After the federal election we experienced that the Jamaica parties took 8 weeks. We won't take that much time. We will be coming to an end of the probing in five days», stated Schulz, adding that «we don't draw red lines but we want to establish red politics in Germany as much as possible». On his side, Seehofer also acknowledged that «we have to talk less and work more». Two small peaceful protests took place outside the building, one an environmental protest against wind parks, and the other organised by the worker's union IG BCE, supporting workers in coal mining, chemistry and energy industries. Since the collapse of the so-called Jamaica coalition talks, Merkel has thus far been unable to persuade the SPD to enter into another grand coalition. The growing political instability has raised the possibility of fresh elections or a minority government.

Сергей Собянин поздравил москвичей с Рождеством Христовым
2018-01-07 14:15
Он пожелал встретить Рождество в кругу близких людей.

Ким Чен Ын об отношениях с Южной Кореей: не стоит ворошить прошлое
2018-01-07 14:22
Глава КНДР Ким Чен Ын в обращении к нации заявил о необходимости улучшения отношений с Южной Кореей и создания всех условий для достижения этой цели.

В Донбассе состоялись рождественские службы, несмотря на обстрелы ВСУ
2018-01-07 14:24
В Донбассе в рождественскую ночь зафиксировали пять нарушений режима тишины со стороны украинских силовиков. Но, несмотря на опасность новых обстрелов, все действующие храмы на территории народных республик были заполнены прихожанами.

«Облюбование Москвы»: Джакомо Кваренги
2018-01-07 14:25
Джакомо Кваренги, архитектор двора Екатерины II, кажется петербуржцем, не выезжавшим в Москву, а только присылавшим проекты для перестройки зданий в духе палладианства — Екатерининского дворца в Лефортово, Гостиного двора в Китай-городе. Но его рисунки говорят об увлеченности Москвой.

«Движение вверх» — лидер российского кинопроката
2018-01-07 14:30
Спортивная драма «Движение вверх» уверенно приближается к сборам в миллиард рублей. Фильм пользуется популярностью у российских зрителей на протяжении всех новогодних каникул. Картину хвалят за игру актеров и бережно воссозданный советский быт семидесятых, а также за особую атмосферу и накал эмоций.

До каждого можно достучаться
2018-01-07 14:44
В штабе Алексея Навального в Петербурге готовятся к предстоящей акции протеста — забастовке избирателей, волонтеры также обзванивают сторонников с предложением стать наблюдателями на президентских выборах.

Владимир Путин подарил Симеоновской церкви в Петербурге икону
2018-01-07 14:46
Владимир Путин встретил Рождество в одном из старейших храмов Санкт-Петербурга. Он приехал в церковь Симеона и Анны, построенную в начале XVIII века. Во время богослужения президент подарил храму икону середины XIX века.

ВТО подала в арбитражный суд Евросоюза на Россию
2018-01-07 15:00
Евросоюз намерен взыскивать с России 1,39 млрд евро в год из-за ограничения импорта свинины.

Второе за неделю нападение на базу в Сирии
2018-01-07 16:00
Аэродром российской авиабазы Хмеймим в сирийской провинции Латакия атаковали беспилотники неизвестного происхождения.

Turkey: «You are free to practice your religion» — Erdogan oversees Bulgarian church reopening
2018-01-07 16:08
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan oversaw the reopening of a 120-year-old Bulgarian church in Istanbul on Sunday. Also in attendance at the event were Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. In a speech, Erdogan congratulated those involved in the restoration work and said that such places of worship secure people with the understanding that they are «free to practice [their] religion and [they] are under our protection». He went on to say that «each and every monument in every corner in this city and in our geography has a special spot in our heart. There are mosques, there are churches, there are Synagogues, not just in Istanbul but all over our country». The Orthodox church is located in the Balat neighbourhood of Istanbul. The building has been undergoing major restoration works for seven years.

Переговоры о создании правительства в Германии
2018-01-07 17:00
В Берлине в воскресенье начались переговоры по формированию правительственной коалиции между Христианско-демократическим союзом, Христианско-социальным союзом и Социал-демократической партией Германии.

Germany: Politicians arrive at SPD HQ for coalition talks
2018-01-07 17:50
Politicians from the SPD, CDU and CSU attending preliminary coalition talks arrived at the SPD headquarters in Berlin for the first round of talks, Sunday. Since the collapse of the so-called Jamaica coalition talks, Merkel has thus far been unable to persuade the SPD to enter into another grand coalition. The growing political instability has raised the possibility of fresh elections or a minority government.

Yemen: General People's Congress names new leader after Saleh's killing
2018-01-07 18:04
Yemeni General People's Congress named former Agriculture Minister Sadeq Amin Abou Rass as its new leader, at a press conference in Sanaa on Sunday. Abou Rass had succeeded late former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was killed in a roadside attack while trying to flee Sanaa last month. During the press conference, Member of General People's Congress' Standing Committee Hussein Hazeb stated that Abou Rass had been appointed «to lead the General People's Congress during the coming period.» According to Hazeb, the General People's Congress «reiterates its call for comprehensive national reconciliation,» which includes dialogue between all political forces «away from any external interference or pressure.» Saleh led Yemen for 33 years until an uprising forced him from power in 2011. He returned alongside Houthi rebels, who recently accused him of betrayal after he offered to open negotiations with the Saudi coalition.

Russia: 'You are our heroes!' — Patriarch Kirill congratulates ISS crew at Christmas
2018-01-07 18:26
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia (Russian): Thank you.” Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' held a video session with the crew of the International Space Station (ISS) from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, Sunday. The priest congratulated Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Anton Shkaplerov on the day of Eastern Orthodox Christmas. “You are our heroes, the representatives of Russia there, in orbit,» said the patriarch, noting that Christmas is the «holiday that warms the soul and sets people up for good.» The Russian members of the ISS crew, in turn, delivered their congratulations to the church leader. For many years the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church and the ISS crew congratulate each other on Christmas and Easter.

Iran: Thousands rally in support of the government
2018-01-07 18:40
Thousands of government supporters continued to rally on Sunday in several towns such as Shahr-e Kord, Rasht, Qazvin, Yazd, Mahabad and Gonbad-e Kavus. They were protesting against the ongoing anti-government rallies and to show their support for the Iranian government. Protesters waved Iranian flags while chanting slogans against the US and Israel. The demonstrations come on the same day Iran's Revolutionary Guard declared an end to the recent unrest that has swept through Iran since the start of anti-government protests.

Sweden: 'There was a guy dying on the ground' — witness recounts Stockholm blast
2018-01-07 19:08
A witness recounted the aftermath of an explosion outside the Varby gard underground station in Stockholm on Sunday. One person was killed and another injured in the blast, according to authorities. «Just when I was on the escalator I heard an explosion. I thought it was maybe from a nearby area,» said the witness. «I waited a couple of minutes, then there was a guy looking from a bench over there at the subway. There was a guy dying on the ground with a bicycle next to him,» he added. The station and nearby square were sealed off as police investigated the scene. According to local police, the explosion occurred when a 60-year-old man picked an unknown object off the ground. The victims, the man and a 45-year-old woman, were taken to hospital. The woman was delivered to hospital with minor injuries while the man died of his wounds. The cause of the explosion is being investigated.

France: Mourners commemorate third Charlie Hebdo attack anniversary
2018-01-07 19:12
Wreaths were laid at a vigil outside the former headquarters of Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Sunday, as dozens commemorated the third anniversary of the deadly shootings. Twelve people including a police officer died in the attacks on the satirical magazine’s offices. The assault was carried out by two gunmen. Wreaths were also laid in front of the Hypercacher Kosher Supermarket, commemorating the four victims of an attack which happened only two days after the assault on the Charlie Hebdo offices.

Iran: Hundreds flock to Rasht streets in support of government
2018-01-07 19:15
Hundreds of people participated in a pro-government rally in the city of Rasht, Sunday, after more than a week of unrest. The demonstrations come on the same day Iran's Revolutionary Guard formally declared an end to the recent unrest that has swept through Iran since the start of anti-government protests. According to Iranian officials, at least 22 people were killed and more than 1,000 detained in more than a week of protests against the government.

Spain: Far-right groups attempts to disrupt 'Three Queens' parade in Valencia
2018-01-07 20:50
Far-right groups attempted to disrupt the 'Cavalcade of the Three Queens' in Valencia on Sunday. The protesters made Roman salutes, while police kept opposing protest groups apart. No major incidents except for minor verbal exchanges were reported. «They do not exist for me, [they are] anti-democratic people who do not have culture,» said Cristina Escriba, one of the organisers of the 'Cavalcade of the Three Queens'. Hundreds attended the celebrations, which are a twist on the 'Three Kings' parade and are opposed by various traditionalist and nationalist groups. People wore colourful costumes, danced, and performed acrobatics.

China: Dozens missing after Iranian oil tanker collides with Chinese freighter
2018-01-07 21:14
The entire crew of Iran's Panama-registered Sanchi oil tanker are missing after the vessel collided with a Chinese freighter in the East China Sea, Sunday. Footage shows the burning tanker, which reportedly was carrying around one million barrels equivalent of Iranian oil, and sailing from Iran to South Korea. The damage to the environment has not yet been assessed. «This oil tanker had 32 people inside, 30 Iranians and the two other people were from Bangladesh,» said Mohammad Rastad, head of Iran's Ports and Maritime Organisation. He added that the cause of the accident will be determined after all information is received and studied. Media reports that all 21 members of the Chinese crew were rescued.

Pakistan: US flag and Trump effigy burned at protest over terror claims
2018-01-07 21:31
People of the Bugti tribe held a rally against US President Donald Trump's recent tweets concerning Pakistan, in Dera Bugti on Sunday. The rally started at Pakistan House before heading to Allah Wali Choak where protesters burnt a Trump effigy and a US flag. They also chanted slogans against America, Israel and India. «We condemn cowardly threats to Pakistan by America, Shame on America and Trump,» read a banner carried by protesters. The US has suspended security assistance to Pakistan after Washington accused the country of harbouring terrorists and failing to adequately confront terror groups on its territory. The decision to halt security aid followed tweets from Trump in which he claimed that: 'The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years' and added that the country has given in return 'nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools.' He also added that Pakistan provides a 'safe haven to the terrorists.'

Germany: Dessau march commemorates migrant who died in police custody
2018-01-07 22:23
A protest was held in Dessau on Sunday, in memory of Oury Jalloh, a Sierra Leonean migrant to Germany, who died in a Dessau police cell in 2005. The protesters chanted slogans and held up banners that declared Jalloh's death to be murder. Meanwhile, nearby, local Alternative for Germany (AfD) supporters held a rally in support of the police. As the antifa march approached the AfD supporters, many protesters started shouting, as well as throwing flares and firecrackers over the barrier that had been erected to keep the opposing groups apart. On January 7, 2005, a fire broke out at a police building in Dessau, claiming Jalloh’s life. While the state prosecutor charged two Dessau police officers with «manslaughter through negligence,» they were both subsequently acquitted.

Germany: 'New times need a new politics' — SPD's Klingbeil on coalition talks
2018-01-07 22:57
Social Democratic Party (SPD) General Secretary Lars Klingbeil gave a short press briefing at the end of day one of preliminary coalition talks between the three major parties at the SPD headquarters in Berlin on Sunday. «Politics in this country needs to change. That is what we will talk about the next few days, how the [political] style in this country can be different,» said Klingbeil. «Global politics, the situation in Europe, the new constellation of the German Bundestag [Parliament] — all this shows [that] we are in new times. And these new times need a new politics,» he added. Since the collapse of the so-called Jamaica coalition talks, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has thus far been unable to persuade the SPD to enter into another grand coalition. The growing political instability has raised the possibility of fresh elections or a minority government.

Forget javelins! Germans lob Christmas trees at annual World Championships
2018-01-08 01:13
The 12th World Christmas Tree Championships took place in Weidenthal on Sunday. Hundreds of people from the surrounding villages turned up to watch the games. The championship consisted of three games: Weitwurf (javelin-style), Hammerwurf (hammer-style), and Hochwurf (highjump-style). The winner of the games was Frank Schwind, who has won the championships sive years in a row.

Egypt: Rare 12-metre long whale washes up on Alexandria beach
2018-01-08 01:50
A rare 12-metre-long fin whale was found beached on the shore near the city of Alexandria on Sunday. The whale was discovered on the beach in the city's Roshdy district. The whale, which is seven or eight years of age, is believed to have been pushed by a storm from the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean Sea. The creature is set to be transported to the National Institute for Oceanography and Fisheries in Alexandria for scientific research. Finback whales are the second largest species of mammal in the world after blue whales and are placed under protection as an endangered species.

Spain: Protesters demand closure of Madrid detention centre following migrant's death
2018-01-08 03:10
Hundreds demonstrated in front of Aluche detention centre in Madrid on Sunday following the death of a 36-year-old migrant inside a detention complex in Malaga. Protesters demanded the closure of the detention facilities as they held banners reading 'No detention centres, no borders'. People detained inside the premises were watching the protest from the barred windows. Footage shows a fire blazing through one such window. On December 29, a 36-year-old Algerian national was found inside Archidona detention centre in Malaga, which is currently being used as a Centre for Internment of Foreigners (CIE). The deceased reportedly committed suicide by hanging.

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