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South Africa: 18 killed, 254 injured in Free State truck-train collision

South Africa: 18 killed, 254 injured in Free State truck-train collision
2018-01-05 04:53
At least 18 people died and some were 254 injured as a train carrying hundreds of holiday commuters coming back from their Christmas and New Years vacations collided with a truck on Thursday morning near Kroonstad in the Free State. The incident happened at about 9 am local time (7 am GMT). The Shosholoza Meyl train travelling from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg went off the tracks and caught alight after the truck did not break at a level crossing and hit the carriages. Provincial fire-fighters and medical services were the first to arrive on the scene where several carriages could be seen overturned. The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) blamed the collision on human error. Prasa CEO Mthuthuzeli Swartz believes that the truck drive has much to answer for. «Truck that was supposed to stop at a level crossing failed to obey the stop sign, he said continuing, «And this is what led now to more than 250, in fact the number is 254 people that got injured as a result of this. And 18 fatalities, people who got trapped in the wreckage and they bent to death.» Swartz told Ruptly that Prasa would be assisting the families and victims if they chose to take legal action against the driver or the company that owns the truck. Of a total of 15 carriages seven caught fire — trapping passengers inside the mangled wreckage in what has been described by Prasa as one of the biggest accidents of its kind in South Africa.

South Korea: Seoul and Pyongyang to hold first talks in 2 years next week
2018-01-05 05:41
South Korean Unification Ministry spokesperson Baik Tae-hyun confirmed holding high-level talks with North Korea next Tuesday to discuss Pyongyang's possible involvement in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as well as further ways to improve ties, speaking from Seoul on Friday. The spokesperson stated that «the two sides decided to discuss working-level issues for the talks by exchanging documents.» The communications channel has been closed since January 2016, when the former South Korean government shut down the Kaesong Industrial Complex, following Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test. This followed North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's New Year's speech, in which he stated that Pyongyang was «open to dialogue» with South Korea, and added that a North Korean team may attend the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

USA: Carbon Monoxide leak kills at least one in Perth Amboy, NJ
2018-01-05 06:29
*SCRIPT TO FOLLOW* Mandatory Credit: Jessica Layton @JLaytonTV

Spain: 'Absolute helplessness' — Hundreds rally in support of jailed Catalan leader Junqueras
2018-01-05 06:38
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Barcelona's province of Sant Vicenc dels Horts to show their support for jailed pro-Catalan independence leader Oriol Junqueras of the Republican Left party (Esquerra Republicana; ERC) on Friday. «Oriol's and the other politicians' imprisonment is the unequivocal verification of the poor democratic quality of the Spanish state,» said Sant Vicenc dels Horts's Mayor Maite Aymerich, «A state that does not accept the difference and uses justice as derision for all those who don't want to abjure their ideas.» Omnium Cultural's vice president Marcel Mauri said that Oriol's arrest shows «absolute helplessness and democratic abnormality» that took hold of Catalonia which nevertheless intends to continue promoting dialogue «as the unique way to solve conflicts.» Junqueras was arrested on November 2 alongside eight other former Catalan Government members, on charges of rebellion, sedition and embezzlement. Pro-independence Catalan leaders are accused of «instigating hatred» against the Spanish National Police after reading a statement condemning police actions during the Catalan independence referendum on October 1.

Суд в Грузии заочно приговорил Михаила Саакашвили к 3 годам тюрьмы
2018-01-05 13:49
Суд в Тбилиси заочно приговорил бывшего президента Грузии Михаила Саакашвили к трем годам тюрьмы за превышение служебных полномочий. Это первый приговор в отношении политика, который создает основания для его экстрадиции из Украины в Грузию. Сторонники экс-президента назвали решение суда политическим. Сам Саакашвили заявил, что приговор незаконный и противоречит международным и национальным нормам.

Большой Московский цирк ждет большая реставрация
2018-01-05 13:57
Наступивший, 2018-й, в Большом цирке на проспекте Вернадского ждали особенно. На этот год там запланировано начало серьезной реставрации.

Самые ожидаемые выставки столичных музеев в 2018 году
2018-01-05 14:02
И вновь в Россию. Что увидит публика в столичных музеях в новом году?

Адвокаты Трампа требуют запретить публикацию книги о Белом доме
2018-01-05 14:06
Адвокаты президента США Дональда Трампа потребовали от Майкла Волффа, автора книги «Огонь и ярость: внутри Белого дома Дональда Трампа», и издательства Henry Holt and Co., которое намерено выпустить эту книгу в продажу, немедленно отказаться от публикации книги. Об этом сообщает Washington Post. «Огонь и ярость» повествует о первом годе президентства Дональда Трампа, описывая непростые взаимоотношения между сотрудниками администрации. Автор использовал интервью, которые ему дали около 200 людей, в то или иное время сотрудничавших с Трампом. Выход книги в свет намечен на 9 января, однако на этой неделе в прессе появились цитаты из нее, вызвавшие политический скандал с участием самого президента. Речь идет прежде всего о высказываниях его бывшего советника Стивена Бэннона, в интервью для книги назвавшего «изменой» и «непатриотичным поступком» встречу сына президента с российскими лоббистами, которые якобы располагали компроматом на Хиллари Клинтон, соперницу Трампа по предвыборной гонке. Эта встреча во время предвыборной кампании 2016 года стала предметом интереса специального прокурора Роберта Мюллера, расследующего возможные связи команды Трампа с Россией.

«Побольше таких фильмов». Петербуржцы оценили «Движение вверх»
2018-01-05 14:06
Обязательным пунктом семейных культурных походов в новогодние каникулы стал просмотр отечественной экшн-драмы «Движение вверх». Она в соответствии со своим названием бьет и рейтинги зрительского интереса, и уровень кассовых сборов. В Санкт-Петербурге фильм идет при заполненных залах, в кассы выстроились очереди.

Ukraine: Topless feminist ‘Trump’ goes nuclear outside embassy
2018-01-05 14:08
A topless radical feminist activist with the words «Mr Big Button» emblazoned across her chest impersonated Donald Trump outside the US embassy in Kiev on Friday. Sporting a wig styled on Trump's signature hairstyle, the activist held a «nuclear football» briefcase to protest Donald Trump’s war of words with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. The activist from the radical feminist group FEMEN said, «Enough. It is necessary to stop measure whose dick is bigger, it is necessary to do something.» The action was in response to North Korean President Kim Jong Un and Trump's exchange of words over the size of their nuclear buttons. The DPRK leader stated in his New Year speech «the U.S. is within the range of our nuclear strike and a nuclear button is always on the desk of my office» to which Trump tweeted, «I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my button works.»

«Рождественская звезда» над северной Пальмирой
2018-01-05 14:11
В Петербурге идут последние приготовления к Фестивалю Огня «Рождественская звезда». Он пройдет на стрелке Васильевского острова 7 и 8 января. Это световые инсталляции, огненные представления и парад фейерверков.

В музее-заповеднике «Кижи» подготовили к Рождеству 2 новые выставки
2018-01-05 14:12
Одна — посвящена карельской иконе, другая — святочным играм и обрядам. А объединил их кукольный вертеп.

Саакашвили приговорили к 3 годам тюрьмы
2018-01-05 14:27
Городской суд Тбилиси заочно приговорил бывшего президента Грузии Михаила Саакашвили к трем годам лишения свободы после рассмотрения дела об убийстве сотрудника «Объединенного банка Грузии» Сандро Гиргвлиани в 2006 году. Саакашвили обвинили в злоупотреблении служебными полномочиями.

Сотни тысяч москвичей проводят пятницу на улице
2018-01-05 14:28
Любителям активного отдыха стоит отправиться на Поклонную гору.

Бесследно исчезли несколько экспонатов с выставки в Венеции
2018-01-05 14:29
В последний день работы выставки «Сокровища Великих Моголов и махараджей» несколько экспонатов исчезли бесследно.

«Агония и цензура»: КС Молдавии отстранил Додона и разрешил ограничение российских СМИ
2018-01-05 14:34
Временно исполнять обязанности президента страны для утверждения закона, запрещающего трансляцию в республике новостных и информационно-аналитических передач из России, может спикер парламента или премьер. Такое постановление вынес Конституционный суд (КС) Молдавии.

Чечня собирает подписи в поддержку самовыдвиженца Владимира Путина
2018-01-05 14:35
Пункты сбора подписей в поддержку самовыдвижения Владимира Путина на выборы президента России открылись в Чечне. Информационную стойку волонтеров сразу окружили желающие поддержать Владимира Путина, среди них люди разных возрастов, и каждый считает, что современную сильную Россию без действующего главы государства представить невозможно.

France: Erdogan arrives in Paris to meet Macron
2018-01-05 14:55
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Paris on Friday to meet with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron. Erdogan arrived at the Elysee Palace after 1pm local time and is expected to hold a joint press conference with Macron later, with the conflict in Syria featuring high on the agenda. The visit to France will be Erdogan's first since the botched July 2015 coup and one of only a handful to Europe since the attempted army takeover.

На Поклонной горе работают несколько ледовых горок для детей и взрослых
2018-01-05 15:32
В парке проходит фестиваль «Ледовая Москва».

Президента Молдавии снова временно отстранили от должности
2018-01-05 15:38
Конституционный суд Молдавии в очередной раз временно отстранил от должности президента Игоря Додона. Об этом сообщает агентство «Интерфакс». Решение принято по запросу депутата от прозападной Демократической партии, который утверждал, что президент повторно отказался обнародовать принятый парламентом закон о борьбе с российской пропагандой. Конституционный суд пришел к выводу, что «президент сознательно отказался от выполнения своих конституционных обязанностей». Суд также разрешил заблокировать российские теле- и радиопрограммы в обход президента. Временно исполнять обязанности главы государства для утверждения этого документа будет спикер парламента или премьер-министр.

СМИ: студию Харви Вайнштейна продадут за $500 млн
2018-01-05 16:19
Студию голливудского продюсера Харви Вайнштейна продадут за полмиллиарда долларов. Об этом пишет газета The Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на источники. Утверждается, что нынешние владельцы компании не получат прибыли от сделки. Большая часть выручки пойдет на покрытие долгов. Финансовые проблемы студии начались после масштабного скандала, связанного с домогательствами. Больше десятка женщин, в том числе несколько известных актрис, обвинили Вайнштейна в приставаниях. По их словам, продюсер требовал интимной близости в обмен на возможность сняться в его фильмах. Партнеры студии Вайнштейна стали отказываться от совместных проектов.

Невероятные скульптуры из снега и льда показали в Китае
2018-01-05 16:21
Скульпторы со всего мира собрались на фестивале ледяных и снежных скульптур в китайском Харбине. Около 10000 участников международного фестиваля создают потрясающие объекты из снега и льда всего лишь за 4.5 дня. Каждая скульптура оснащена изнутри светодиодной подсветкой, чтобы создавать эффектное зрелище в темное время суток. Первый приз в этом году ушел к команде Россия Амурск за их снежных драконов.

Germany: Berlin woman tortured to death by ‘sex-game’ couple
2018-01-05 16:28
Friends of 55-year-old Marianne M. laid flowers and messages at a memorial outside the apartment block where she was killed in Berlin on Friday, after a police investigation concluded her death was the result of murder during 'sex games'. Suspects Taifun S. and Jasmine P., 36 and 27 respectively, met the victim after arranging to meet on a social media site. Following her 'sex game' torture and subsequent murder, the couple dragged the body down four flights of stairs, wrapped her in a cloth and left her outside. A forensics investigation concluded that the cause of death was due to 'gratuitous violence.' The couple was arrested at Schonefeld airport, attempting to leave for Turkey. Both have remained in custody since late December. Both are known to police for various offences including drug trafficking, dangerous bodily harm, weapons laws violations and theft.

France: ‘Human rights killer!’ — FEMEN rally against Erdogan in Paris
2018-01-05 17:01
A group of FEMEN activists demonstrated near the Elysee Palace in Paris on Friday, to protest against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to France on the same day. The activists held a blackboard listing ‘Erdogan’s cannibal lunch’: a series of human rights they accuse the Turkish President of disrespecting. In line with this theme, they painted slogans on themselves denouncing Erdogan as an ‘eater’ of journalists and LGBT rights. The activists then marched down a street, calling Erdogan a ‘human rights killer,’ before being rounded up by police. Erdogan arrived in Paris on Friday to meet with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron. The Turkish President is expected to hold a joint press conference with Macron later, with the conflict in Syria featuring high on the agenda.

Germany: Kiev mayor and fmr heavyweight Klitschko visits CSU retreat
2018-01-05 17:26
Mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko was a guest at the annual Christian Social Union (CSU) winter retreat in Bavaria's Kloster Seeon monastery on Friday, where he discussed cooperating with the party's parliamentary chairman Alexander Dobrindt. Speaking at a joint press briefing, Dobrindt said his side supports 'pro-European forces' in Ukraine, as well as strengthening and stabilising economic relations. Klitschko stated his country has a 'pro-European vision', and called for EU support for a 'strong Ukraine.' The former boxer also blamed alleged Russian influence in the Ukrainian country, which reportedly led to an escalation in the conflict. «The sanctions have a strong impact and the sanctions must be further extended,» urged Klitschko.

France: Paris police detain several anti-Erdogan protesters
2018-01-05 17:53
Police detained several protesters at a demonstration opposing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to France in Paris on Friday. Reports indicate that the protesters, of mainly Kurdish origin, were trying to reach the Elysee Palace, where French President Emmanuel Macron is meeting with Erdogan. The two leaders are expected to discuss Turkey's relationship with the EU and the Syrian conflict. FEMEN protesters were also detained earlier in the day following a similar demonstration.

Iran: Pro-government supporters march through Tehran ahead of UNSC Iran meeting
2018-01-05 18:17
Hundreds of pro-government supporters marched through the streets of Tehran, Friday, ahead of the UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Iran. Supporters burned a USA flag, denouncing US President Donald Trump's alleged support of anti-government protests in Iran. The UNSC is set to hold an emergency meeting on Iran on Friday, at the US request. At least 21 people have died in anti-government protests since Thursday with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged the public's anger over Iran's flagging economy but vowed to crackdown on lawbreakers. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also blamed the recent unrest on meddling by «enemies of Iran.»

Georgia: Saakashvili's party chief rails against sentencing of former president
2018-01-05 18:51
Deputy Head of the United National Movement (ENM) Zaza Bibilashvili railed against a Tbilisi court’s decision to sentence former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to three years in prison, at a press conference at the party's headquarters in Tbilisi on Friday. The ENM representative argued that Saakashvili «has been sentenced for exercising his constitutional right to pardon prisoners. It's not a Girgvliani matter as sold by the propaganda of the prosecution. It's a matter of pardoning almost 200 former military and law enforcement officers after the war of 2008. There cannot be a crime of which Saakashvili is accused. Not only he did not commit this crime but such crime doesn't exist in nature.» Earlier in the day, Saakashvili was sentenced in absentia to three years in prison. He was found guilty of pardoning four officials in connection with the murder of Sandro Girgvilani in 2006. ENM was the ruling party in Georgia during Saakashvili’s presidency between 2004 and 2013.

Germany: ‘Sex-game’ murder victim died from brain haemorrhage
2018-01-05 19:53
Spokesperson for the Berlin prosecutor Martin Steltner revealed that an autopsy of 55-year-old woman Marianne M. showed the victim had died of brain haemorrhage stemming from severe injuries in an interview in Berlin on Friday. Steltner also confirmed that the suspects Taifun S. and Jasmine P., 36 and 27 respectively, knew the victim before arranging to meet over social media. After the 'sex game' torture and subsequent murder, the couple dragged the body down four flights of stairs, wrapped it in a cloth and disposed of it outside between December 21-23. The couple were later arrested at Schonefeld airport while attempting to flee to Turkey on December 30. Both are known to police for previous offences, including drug trafficking, dangerous bodily harm, weapons violations and theft.

France: Paris authorities search for police officer missing in Seine
2018-01-05 20:24
Emergency services began searching for a woman, a member of the river police, who disappeared during drills on Friday morning in Paris. Footage shows a number of emergency service vehicles on the River Seine and on the Pont Saint-Michel Bridge. French media writes that, citing the police headquarters, the woman disappeared during a planned and supervised joint exercise of the Parisian river brigade and the fire brigade. Media also reports that the woman went missing during diving training. The level of the Seine has been increasing since Wednesday as France has been hit with heavy rainfall. The search perimeter has been deployed around the Notre Dame Cathedral with the rescue operation centred on the Pont Neuf and Pont Saint Michel bridges.

Iran: Thousands flood streets in Kerman pro-gov. rally
2018-01-05 20:28
Thousands of people flooded the streets of Kerman, Friday, in support of the government and against the violence witnessed in recent days. The UN Security Council is set to hold an emergency meeting later on Friday to discuss protests in Iran, at the US request. Moscow has argued that the US call for the meeting interferes with Iran's sovereignty. At least 21 people have died in anti-government protests since Thursday with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged the public's anger over Iran's flagging economy but vowed to crackdown on lawbreakers. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also blamed the recent unrest on meddling by «enemies of Iran.»

France: Erdogan slams journos for ‘fostering terrorists’ with Macron
2018-01-05 20:55
French President Emmanuel Macron received his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Paris on Friday, with the Syrian conflict and media freedom in Turkey high on the agenda. On the subject of press freedom and terror, Erdogan appeared to accuse journalists of aiding and abetting terrorists through their writing. “Terror and terrorists have gardeners,” Erdogan is reported as saying. “They do not appear by themselves. They water from their columns on newspapers. One day these people appear in front of you as terrorists.” Erdogan also said that he is ‘tired’ of waiting for the EU to decide on Turkey’s membership. His visit takes place amid anti-Erdogan demonstrations over press freedom and the deterioration of human rights in the French capital.

Syria: Russian humanitarian aid lands at Khmeimim airbase for New Year
2018-01-05 21:10
Russian military aircraft delivered urgent humanitarian aid to the Khmeimim airbase in Syria’s Latakia Province on Friday. According to the Deputy Head of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation Mikhail Zavalov the aid package includes sweets, gifts and school stationery for the New Year. The 25-tons of cargo were donated by Russian public organisations from Ingushetia. On Thursday, the Russian Defence Ministry announced in a statement that two military personnel had died in a mortar attack against the airbase on December 31. Officials said reports of suggesting seven Russian military aircraft had been destroyed were baseless.

Pakistan: ‘Death to Trump’ — protesters outraged by US terror accusations
2018-01-05 21:36
Hundreds of Pakistanis demonstrated against the recent US decision to suspend security aid to Pakistan on Friday in city of Chaman on Friday. It comes after US accusations of Pakistan actively harbouring terrorists and claims of the Pakistani government failing to adequately confront terror groups within its territory. The footage shows images of an effigy of US President Donald Trump that was also reportedly burned as well as US flags being set alight. The decision of halting the security assistance was the follow up to Trump's tweet where he claimed that ‘The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years’ adding that the country has given ‘nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools’ in return. He also added that Pakistan provides a ‘safe haven to the terrorists.’

Sweden: Students react after terror threat forces Malmo Uni closure
2018-01-05 21:43
Police and students responded to the forced closure of Malmo University next Monday, in interviews around Malmo on Friday. Malmo University informed students and teaching staff on Thursday that it will be forced to close, after receiving an anonymous terror threat via email. The university said it believed the threat was serious and targeted January 8 specifically. Representative from Malmo Police, Nils Norling, said authorities had now opened an investigation into the threat. «What happens now is we try to track this email. We know from experience it can be quite complicated,» he added. One of the students on campus Leo Dahlman was defiant. «I am not really concerned about the threats, I believe they are empty so I don't think much about it,» he said.

India: Seven dead after Indore school bus collides with truck
2018-01-05 22:02
Seven people, six of them children, were killed and a dozen more were injured after a school bus collided with a truck in Indore, Madhya Pradesh on Friday. Footage shows the ruins of the bus, school bags, clothing and pools of blood at the scene of the accident. The accident happened on Bicholi road in the city. According to eyewitnesses, the driver of the Delhi Public School bus lost control of the vehicle and collided with a truck moving in the opposite direction. 30 children were reportedly on the bus. Emergency units and ambulances rushed to the scene and transported the injured to Bombay hospital. Relatives of the victims and of the injured gathered at the hospital in search for additional information.

Iran: 'Completely ridiculous!' — Iranians outraged by upcoming UNSC meeting
2018-01-05 22:20
Iranians on the streets of Tehran condemned the recent US call to hold a UN Security Council emergency meeting on the deadly anti-governmental protests in Iran on Friday. Respondents called the US move 'completely ridiculous' and 'an unacceptable interference', branding the US President Donald Trump a 'thief' and a 'murderer' adding that 'it is none of America’s business' to call meetings on such an agenda. Mohammad Chambariyani, one of the interviewees commented that, «it is one hundred percent interfering in issues of our country, and he [Trump] interfered many times, if he is right and he is worried about Iranians, so why doesn’t he let Iranians enter the US?» The UN Security Council is set to hold an emergency meeting later on Friday to discuss protests in Iran at the US request. Moscow has argued that the US call for the meeting interferes with Iran's sovereignty. At least 21 people have died in anti-government protests since Thursday with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged the public's anger over Iran's flagging economy but vowed to crackdown on lawbreakers. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also blamed the recent unrest on meddling by «enemies of Iran.»

UN: ‘Nothing will stop America from standing in solidarity' with Iranian protesters, says Haley
2018-01-06 00:05
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley claimed that Iranian protesters are not «puppets» and promised American support to them, speaking at the UNSC emergency meeting in New York City on Friday. «We will not be quiet, no dishonest attempt to call the protesters puppets of foreign powers will change that,» claimed Haley, adding that «nothing will stop Americans from standing in solidarity with them». The top diplomat went on saying, that the message of Iranian anti-government protesters is undeniable, 'Stop the support for terrorism. Stop giving billions of our money to killers and dictators. Stop taking our wealth and spending it on foreign fighters and proxy wars. Think of us». She also noted that the «UN reports that the Iranian regime spends at least 6 billion every year propping up the murders' Assad regime in Syria, the people of Iran know this.» «Iranian regime spends millions on militias in Iraq each year. It gives millions more each year to the Houthi rebels in Yemen,» claimed Nikki Haley. The UN Security Council is holding an emergency meeting discussing protests in Iran, at the US request. Moscow has argued that the US call for the meeting interferes with Iran's sovereignty. At least 21 people have died in anti-government protests since Thursday with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged the public's anger over Iran's flagging economy but vowed to crackdown on lawbreakers. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also blamed the recent unrest on meddling by «enemies of Iran.» Mandatory Credit: United Nations

Pakistan: US flag desecrated as Trump's Pakistan announcement sparks anger
2018-01-06 00:16
Hundreds of demonstrators burnt the US flag and an image of President Donald Trump, in protest at the decision of the US to suspend security aid to Pakistan, at the Peshawar military cantonment on Friday. It comes after the US government accuses Pakistan of actively harbouring terrorists and failing to adequately confront terror groups within its territory. The decision to halt security assistance followed tweets from Trump where he claimed that: 'The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years' adding that the country has given 'nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools' in return. He also added that Pakistan provides a 'safe haven to the terrorists.'

Belgium: Brussel's homeless receive 'cardboard homes' as winter strikes
2018-01-06 00:30
Civil society organisations are distributing cardboard tents to the homeless of Brussels in an effort to protect them from the cold winter, footage filmed on Friday shows. «There are 2,600 people living in the streets in Brussels,» said Xavier Dupont, spokesperson of the volunteering association, adding that «cardboard is a good thermic isolation and we also give plastic sheets to protect the floor from humidity.» This is the second tour of distribution of the new cardboard tents that will be given to people who couldn't find a place in city shelters.

Iran: Iran's UN envoy blames Washington for inciting protests, cites 'long history of US bullying'
2018-01-06 00:35
*SCRIPT TO FOLLOW* Mandatory credit: United Nations

Germany: Seehofer and Orban tackle Europe migration in CSU party conference
2018-01-06 01:15
The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited the winter conference of Bavaria's Christian Social Union (CSU) in Kloster Seeon in southern Germany on Friday. Orban was invited CSU leader and Bavarian Minister President Horst Seehofer. Speaking to reporters outside the Seeon Abbey, Orban expected there would be a change in European migration policy for 2018. «The European people will force [the EU], step by step, to make decisions in the area of migration that serve their interest», he said. Adding that Hungarians and Germans alike, «do not want to live under threat of terror. They want security. They want the border to be protected.» Orban is known for his high-profile rejection of EU migration policy. Seehofer previously hosted the Hungarian prime minister at a press conference during the height of the migrant crisis in 2015. It was seen as a rebuke of long-term coalition partners the Christian Democratic Union and its leader Angela Merkel.

UN: Russia's Envoy blasts US for 'destabilising Iran' and 'undermining JCPOA'
2018-01-06 01:54
*SCRIPT TO FOLLOW* Mandatory credit: United Nations

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