Sweden: Candlelit vigil for rape victims after Fittja gang rape acquittal
Sweden: Candlelit vigil for rape victims after Fittja gang rape acquittal 2017-12-31 04:15 Protesters rallied in solidarity with rape victims throughout Sweden at a candlelit vigil in Fittja, a district of Stockholm, on Saturday. Fittja hit headlines recently, after a judge acquitted five men charged with gang rape, ruling that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. The court's decision sparked a wave of protests in Sweden. Activists have called for reform of the judicial system and the way it treats sexual assault cases. Social worker Sara Voldo was critical of the judge's ruling; «I am completely sure that they were set free due to the fact that the woman is an addict, living without safety net and if it would have been a normal girl with a job, a place to live, they would have been convicted», she said. USA: Fire breaks out in Newark tire shop 2017-12-31 05:58 A fire broke out inside a tire shop on 8 Park Avenue in Newark, New Jersey, on Saturday evening. According to local police, a firefighter tackling the blaze has been taken to hospital in critical condition. USA: Firefighters tackle flames at tire shop in Newark 2017-12-31 06:34 Firefighters responded to a blaze which broke out in a tire shop in Newark, New Jersey, on Saturday evening. The fire started on 8 Park Avenue shortly after 21:30 EST. According to local police, a firefighter tackling the blaze has been taken to hospital in critical condition. Iran: Two dead as anti-government protests rage on 2017-12-31 11:30 Protesters flooded the streets of Tehran on Saturday on the third day of nationwide anti-government protests against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. Footage showed protesters throwing stones at a district municipality building, amid anti-authority chants. Saturday's protests came mere hours after a pro-government rally in support of the Islamic Republic’s clerical establishment. “Counterrevolution groups and foreign media are continuing their organized efforts to misuse the people’s economic and livelihood problems and their legitimate demands to provide an opportunity for unlawful gatherings and possibly chaos,” state TV said. Prices of food staples such as eggs in Iran have increased by up to 40 percent in recent days, according to reports. The protests mark the most significant display of dissent in the Islamic Republic since pro-reform rallies in 2009. At least two people died in protests on Saturday night in Dorud, a city in western Iran, according to a local news agency. RESTRICTIONS: NO Access Israel Media/Persian Language TV Stations Outside Iran/Strictly No Access BBC Persian/VOA Persian/Manoto 1 TV «Формула власти»: Люди года 2017-12-31 12:05 2017 год выдался непростым. Военные конфликты, стихийные бедствия вынудили сотни тысяч людей мигрировать. Перед лицом угрозы международного терроризма народы мира должны сплотиться и защитить свои цивилизационные ценности. В этих условиях особое значение приобретает мнение и позиция ведущих политических лидеров планеты. В 2017-м «Формула власти» продолжила знакомить зрителей с людьми, от компетентности которых зависит будущее планеты. Тверскую улицу впервые перекрыли на Новый год 2017-12-31 12:15 Основные мероприятия представит фестиваль «Путешествие в Рождество». UN: Secretary General issues ‘red alert’ to world in New Year message 2017-12-31 13:25 United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a world 'red alert' during his first New Year message to the world from UN headquarters in New York on Sunday. Guterres said: «On New Years' Day 2018, I am not issuing an appeal. I am issuing an alert — a red alert for our world. Conflicts have deepened and new dangers have emerged». «I urge leaders everywhere to make this New Year's resolution: Narrow the gaps, bridge the divides, rebuild trust by bringing people together around common goals. Unity is the path. Our future depends on it,» added the UN General Secretary. The former Portuguese prime minister and UN refugee chief was appointed Secretary-General in January 2017. В Иране ожидают обращения президента в связи с беспорядками 2017-12-31 13:53 Президент Ирана Хасан Рухани выступит с обращением к стране 31 декабря после того, как три дня продолжаются антиправительственные уличные протесты, начавшиеся из-за повышения цен. По меньшей мере двое демонстрантов погибли, а власти предупредили об ответе "железным кулаком". Эхсан Бодаги из правительственной ежедневной газеты "Иран" написал сказал в твиттере, что Рохани расскажет в своем выступлении о последних событиях. Он не сообщил никаких подробностей выступления, ни времени, когда президент будет говорить. Демонстрации, которые начались 28 декабря и усилились и распространились в течение последующих трёх дней, являются самой большой и серьезной проблемой для властей, начиная с 2009 года после того, как прошли президентские выборы, президента Махмуда Ахмадинежада, вызвавшие в иранском обществе протесты. Рухани был переизбран в мае частично из-за обещаний гарантировать права на свободу выражения и собрания. Тверская станет главным местом празднования Нового года 2017-12-31 14:15 Основные мероприятия представит ночью фестиваль «Путешествие в Рождество». Iran: Protesters killed by foreign agents, official claims 2017-12-31 14:30 An Iranian official claimed on Sunday that two people who died during anti-government protests in Dorud were targeted by foreign agents and not Iranian police. In an interview on state television, the Deputy Governor of Lorestan Province blamed demonstration violence on “enemies of the revolution, Takfiri groups and foreign agents…No shots were fired by the police and security forces.” This statement opposed reports of security forces allegedly opening fire on protesters in Dorud on Saturday during the third day of nationwide anti-government protests against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. Footage showed protesters marching in different cities across the country and burning public property, including an Iranian flag. Prices of food staples such as eggs in Iran have increased by up to 40 percent in recent days, according to reports. The protests mark the most significant display of dissent in the Islamic Republic since pro-reform rallies in 2009. ***RESTRICTIONS: NO access Iranian media ,NO access Israel media/Persian language TV Stations inside and outside Iran/Strictly No access BBC Persian/VOA Persian/Manoto-1 TV and Al Arabiya TV*** СМИ: дипломат из Австралии сообщил ФБР о связях Трампа с Россией 2017-12-31 14:36 Совет высокопоставленного австралийского дипломата Александра Доунера привел к тому, что ФБР начало расследование в отношении вмешательства России в президентские выборы в США в 2016 году. Об этом пишет газета The New York Times. Согласно сообщению The Times, опубликованному 30 декабря, советник кампании Дональда Трампа Джордж Пападопулос сказал Доунеру во время совместной выпивки в лондонском отделе в мае 2016 года, что у России имеется тысяча писем, которые бы «опозорили кандидата от демократов Хиллари Клинтон». После того как электронная почта Демократической партии была взломана и письма стали достоянием гласности, Австралия передала эту информацию в ФБР, говорится в статье. Afghanistan: Twelve dead in suicide attack at funeral 2017-12-31 14:41 At least 12 people have been killed and 16 others injured after a suicide bomber attacked a funeral service in the city of Jalalabad in Afghanistan on Sunday. The blast happened as mourners attended the funeral ceremony of the former district governor of Haska Mina district. One resident who witnessed the aftermath of the killing was left in shock declaring that the attack was “not Islam”. The injured were taken to a nearby hospital. No group has yet to claim it carried out the attack. Germany: Merkel pledges to heal divisions during New Year address 2017-12-31 15:16 German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged to heal social divisions in the country during her annual New Year’s address from Berlin released on Sunday. Merkel, who is battling to form a new coalition government, admitted that differing views of society caused some to question the «cohesion» of Germany. Addressing the “many voices» of society, Merkel encouraged Germans to look towards what unites them. Since the general election, the so-called Jamaica coalition talks collapsed and Merkel has so far been unable to persuade the Social Democrats to enter into another grand coalition. The growing political instability has raised the possibility of fresh elections and further gains made by the far-right Alternative for Germany. On the international stage, the Chancellor described Germany's future as «inseparable» from the rest of Europe. Merkel also used the speech to identify the government's policy priorities, including increased defence spending, greater investment in public services and tackling inequalities between urban and rural areas. Credit: German Government Минфин России удалил данные о зарплатах министров 2017-12-31 15:51 Министерство финансов России удалило со своего сайта данные, в которых содержится информация о зарплате федеральных министров в 2016 г. Об этом сообщает РБК. Ранее министерство опубликовало данные, среди которых впервые были названы среднемесячные зарплаты в федеральных госорганах. Самую высокую зарплату в правительстве получал в прошлом году министр финансов Антон Силуанов. Из этих данных следовало, что его зарплата составляет 1,73 миллиона рублей в месяц. В эфире прозвучали поздравления Шойгу, Медведева и читателей «ЭкоГрад» 2017-12-31 15:57 Поздравление от читателей «ЭкоГрад» записал Дорджи Нимгиров. Поздравления прозвучали от стен Кремля. Вести. Эфир от 31.12.2017 (14:00) 2017-12-31 16:05 Считанные часы до Нового года: последние приготовления к празднику. Как проведет праздничные дни президент Владимир Путин? Что сегодня смотреть на телеканале "Россия"? Не помешает ли погода путешествиям в Новый год? Медведев пожелал россиянам исполнения желаний 2017-12-31 16:26 Дмитрий Медведев поздравил россиян с Новым годом и выразил надежду, что 2018 год будет щедрым на радостные события и новые возможности. Кроме того, премьер-министр пожелал исполнения всего задуманного, здоровья и счастья. Южная Корея перехватила еще одно судно с нефтепродуктами для КНДР 2017-12-31 16:32 Власти Южной Кореи перехватили судно под флагом Панамы, подозреваемое в перевозке нефтепродуктов в Северную Корею в нарушение международных санкций. Об этом говорится в сообщении таможенного ведомства страны в воскресенье. Захват был вторым, который предъявила Южная Корея в течение нескольких дней. За последнее время ООН активизирует усилия по прекращению поставок топлива и горюче-смазочных материалов в КНДР после проведения Пхеньяном испытаний ядерной бомбы и баллистических ракет. В Иране ограничен доступ к Инстаграму и Телеграму 2017-12-31 17:26 В Иране ограничен доступ к популярным приложениям для обмена фотографиями и сообщениями Instagram и Telegram на мобильных телефонах. Об этом сообщают иранские СМИ в воскресенье, после трех дней протестов во многих городах. Согласно сообщениям информационного агентства ISNA и других средств массовой информации, доступ к Telegram, которое правительство Ирана обвинило в том, что оно используется для разжигания насилия во время протестов, было сокращено в начале дня в воскресенье. Министр связи Мохаммад-Джавад Азари Джахроми обвинил канал Телеграм в том, что он «контрреволюционен» и поощряет «использование коктейлей Молотова, вооруженное восстание и социальные беспорядки». Russia: Girls rescued from Baghdad orphanage reunited with grandparents for New Year 2017-12-31 18:09 SOT, Fatima (Russian): “Oops, it's spoiled.” SOT, Khadija (Russian): “I will push it in right now.” SOT, Fatima (Russian): «[There are] a dog [over there].» SOT, Khadija(Russian): «No, there is no a dog over there.» SOT, Khadija (Russian): «No, adults were not carrying. We were carrying.» SOT, Anvar, grandfather of Khadija and Fatima (Russian): «Did you carry water or did adults?» SOT, Khadija (Russian): «We did.» SOT, Anvar, grandfather of Khadija and Fatima (Russian): «For whom did you carry water? To drink? For adults?» SOT, Khadija (Russian): «Yes. Adults couldn’t go there because “cafri” [girl’s word] could kill them. That is why we went to take water.» Five-year-old Khadija and her three-year-old sister Fatima, who were rescued from a Baghdad orphanage, prepared to celebrate New Years’ at home with their grandparents in the Russian city of Khasavyurt, on Saturday. The two girls bounded about the house, dressed a Christmas palm tree and played with their grandfather, Anvar, and grandmother, Khumsiat, who they were reunited with only months before. The girls’ grandfather refused to describe memories of the girls’ life in Iraq on television, simply saying, «So many lost children are over there. It is horrible.» The parents Khadija and Fatima reportedly left for Turkey two years ago taking their children with them. Khadija and Fatima were then reportedly left in an orphanage in Baghdad, Iraq, while their parents went to fight for the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Mosul. Russia: Huge fire rips through factory in Moscow Region 2017-12-31 18:33 A huge blaze ripped through a plastic window factory in the Russian city of Podolsk, in the Moscow Region, on Sunday, which is feared to spread to nearby buildings. Emergency services are currently working to bring the fire under control. No injuries or casualties have yet been reported. The fire was originally confined to a 400 square metre (1,300 square ft.) area, but has since increased to an estimated 1000 square metres (3,280 square ft). The cause of the fire is yet unknown. Germany: Berlin Zoo train station evacuated following fire 2017-12-31 19:20 Berlin's Zoologischer Garten train station was evacuated on Sunday, after a fire broke out earlier in the afternoon. Emergency services battled the blaze, which had filled a platform with smoke. One person reportedly suffered injuries. The fire reportedly broke out in a nearby closed-off construction area. The cause of the fire remains unknown. USA: One dead, six wounded at mass shooting in Denver 2017-12-31 20:28 A deputy was shot dead and six other people were wounded during a domestic disturbance incident on Sunday morning in a southern suburb of Denver, Colorado. The wounded consisted of four other deputies and two civilians. Firefighting vehicles rushed to the scene of the incident at Copper Canyon Apartments in the Highlands Ranch. According to the Douglas Sherriff’s department, the suspect has been shot and is believed to be dead. East Jerusalem: 'Pretty questionable' — Jerusalem residents react to Trump train station 2017-12-31 20:47 SOT Journalist (English): «but the name of the station will that have an effect on people that are coming?» Guy Shallish, resident of Jerusalem: «No I don't think so, I think we will be fine. It's four years from now until it will be ready and I think until then people will forget.» Residents of Jerusalem talked about the plans to name a train station being built beside the cities' Western Wall in honour of US President Donald Trump, on Sunday. The decision to name the station after the US president follows his decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. One resident described the decision as 'pretty questionable,' while another believed it was a good as he considered the US president to understand Israel's political climate. The new line is set to connect Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with a travel time of approximately 28 minutes and is set to cost the state seven billion shekels (€1.7 billion; $2 billion). The station is set to open in March 2018. State of Palestine: Thousands mark 53rd anniversary of Palestinian revolution 2017-12-31 21:36 Thousands of people from across the Gaza Strip gathered in the center of Gaza City on Sunday, to mark the 53rd anniversary of the launch of the Palestinian revolution and the nationalist political Fatah movement. Crowds of revellers gathered at the Unknown Soldier's Square, decorated with pictures of the late Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, and the current president of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas. People held Palestinian and Fatah flags, as well as banners depicting both leaders. They chanted slogans in support of Palestinian legitimacy and East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital. «On our 53rd anniversary we affirm that Jerusalem will remain the capital of the Palestinian state and that the American resolution will not change anything about it», said one member of Fatah. A torch was set alight at the end of the rally in a symbolic gesture to mark the launch of the Palestinian revolution. Italy: Romans serenade prisoners for NYE 2017-12-31 21:52 Dozens of local residents joined activists in marching towards Rebibbia jail in Rome, where they proceeded to stage a sit-in to express their solidarity with the detainees on New Year’s Eve. People marched down the streets playing music and dancing in celebration of the New Year and to offer the prisoners a few moments of respite. A local participant said that since everyone outside can enjoy the festivities, «It's very important to be close to the people detained.» «Prison is social exclusion. This is the reason why we believe it's important to be here», added two local residents. Rebibbia jail in the north-east side of Rome is one of the two main prisons of the Italian capital and holds thousands of prisoners. Russia: 2017's election meddling was 'hard work' — Lavrov jokes 2017-12-31 22:05 Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Well, you have not listed everything that we have done this year, Sweden, Denmark, Montenegro, Macedonia, Austria. Broadly speaking, we had to work hard, it was not easy.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «It was a fruitful year, wasn't it?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yeah, that's why we had no time to do other things which are of no less importance such as for instance, the development of cultural ties with Japan.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Well, I hope we will adjust this next year?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «We are now adjusting it. A great successful cultural festival is underway in Japan, so, do not worry about it.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «So, Sergei Victorovich, to be honest, do you feel relief now?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, but still we failed to topple the Japanese Emperor.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «It is like he intends to, doesn't he?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «But only in two years. We did our best for it to happen faster. But he begged for two more years.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Well, we hope.» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «We hope.» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, for four years.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Have you kept your [summer] tan since then?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, I regularly top up my tan.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Do you travel to Sri Lanka?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Not only there but to other countries as well where there is the slightest opportunity, for instance to Austria where I went skiing before, I got a tan in Austria, in winter.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Do you go skiing?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Yes, I go skiing. But now I have less time. I hope to do it in Sochi.» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «You know, I find it difficult, I do not want to name names in order not to offend anyone, by not mentioning them.» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «For sure, we are learning from the President [Vladimir Putin].» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Is he the author?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «He also uses this phrase. And, broadly speaking, I think that all those with whom we communicate are partners. But there are partners who are capable of holding talks and those are desperately incapable of holding talks, there are more and more such partners in the West.» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «He calls himself BOris. But recognises that it from Russian roots, so BorIs?» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Does he really have Russian roots?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «He swears that his great grandmother or grandmother is five percent Russian.» Tigran Keosayan, Russian presenter (Russian): «Boris Johnson recieved many recommendations ahead of the meeting with you. And you, did you give him any recommendation when he was about to depart?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «First of all, I asked why he stayed at the ambassador residence instead of a hotel. Since one of the recommendations [given by Johnson's British colleagues] was to beware of opening the door to stran Germany: Security bolstered in Cologne two years after mass sexual assaults 2017-12-31 22:29 Central Cologne saw heightened security preparations on Sunday evening before thousands of people are expected to gather in celebration of the New Year. The heightened security comes after a mass number of sexual harassment cases were reported on New Year's Eve in Cologne two years ago. Russia: Putin wishes 'peace and prosperity' during New Year address 2017-12-31 23:11 We are just seconds away from the start of the new year. Now is the time to express our most sincere feelings to one another. It is time to let go of mistakes and grudges, embrace one another, say words of love, surround your nearest and dearest with care and attention. Let the New Year bring positive change to every person and every family, let everyone be healthy, let children be born and let them bring joy into our lives. Happiness and well-being to every one of you, peace and prosperity to our great homeland, to our beloved Russia. All the best to you! Happy New Year 2018!» Russia: Putin congratulates citizens on New Year Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his traditional New Year's Eve speech from Moscow, Sunday, addressing the nation and wishing the Russian people all the best for 2018. In his speech, Putin said that the New Year is, first and foremost, «a family holiday» as well as a day when everybody expects «change” which comes «if everyone remembers their parents, looks after them and treasures each and every moment they spend with them. If we try to understand our children, recognise their dreams and aspirations, support those around us who need our help and depend on our generosity.» The Russian leader thanked citizens «for believing» in themselves and their country, for their “efforts and achievements.» The president also sent his best wishes to all those who are «working right now, performing their military or professional duty, people on night shifts in hospitals, train drivers and pilots.» «Let the New Year bring positive change to every person and every family, let everyone be healthy, let children be born and let them bring joy into our lives. Happiness and well-being to every one of you, peace and prosperity to our great homeland, to our beloved Russia. All the best to you!»- concluded Putin. Afghanistan: 17 dead in Jalalabad funeral suicide attack 2017-12-31 23:27 At least 17 people have been killed and a further 14 were injured in a suicide bomb attack on a funeral in the city of Jalalabad, Afghanistan on Sunday. The blast happened as mourners attended the funeral ceremony of Gul Wali, a former district governor of Haska Mina district. A spokesperson for the governor of Nangahar province, Ataaullah Khogyani said a motorcycle bomb caused the explosion. Footage shows wounded victims being treated at a local hospital. So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. UAE: Bedazzling fireworks aim for world record at Al Marjan Island 2018-01-01 00:17 Bedazzling fireworks light up the sky over Al Marjan Island in Ras al-Khaimah, in an attempt to break a New Year's Eve fireworks world record, Sunday. Ras Al Khaimah's fireworks show aimed to break the Guiness World Records for the «largest aerial firework shell». Russia: Moscow's Red Square lit up with breath-taking firework display 2018-01-01 00:32 Russians celebrated the coming of the New Year with a massive fireworks display from Moscow’s Red Square. Once the Kremlin’s clock tower chimed for midnight, thousands upon thousands of fireworks were set off during a sparkling 10-minute display. Earlier, President Vladimir Putin called on Russians to bring a positive change to people lives in 2018. Freezing temperatures turn Niagara Falls into icy wonderland 2018-01-01 00:41 Niagara Falls was covered in a layer of frost, after freezing temperatures hit Canada and the northern United States, in footage captured on Sunday. Tourists came from all over the world to see this winter beauty and enjoy the spectacular views. «I've never been here during the winter. I have to show it after to a few of my friends visiting me. It's a sight to see,» said one of them, named Anthony Federico. «I came here, because I heard it was really beautiful. I also thought it might be a little bit frozen. I really enjoyed my experience so far,» said another tourist Conor Hannan. State of Palestine: Abbas warns over 'new challenge' at 53rd anniv. of Palestinian revolution 2018-01-01 01:18 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas lit the torch in Ramallah, Sunday, at a ceremony marking the 53rd anniversary of the Palestinian revolution and the Fatah movement. Thousands attended the ceremony and listened to the President's address. Commenting later on the ceremony, President Abbas said even 100 years after the revolution Palestine today faces «a new challenge led by the United States of America in favour and in support of Israel.» «The east of Jerusalem is the capital of peace and it was and will stay the eternal capital of the state of Palestine» he added. He urged Israel to terminate their occupation and settlement of their land and added «You must reconsider your aggressive policies and actions against our people, our land and our holy sites before it is too late.» Germany: Cologne hands out 'respect' wristbands for NYE 2018-01-01 02:08 City authorities in Cologne handed out wristbands with the word «respect» as part of a campaign to prevent sexual assault at the city's New Year's celebrations on Sunday evening. Mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker launched the initiative in an effort to avoid what happened in Cologne two years ago, when more than 400 women reported being robbed and sexually assaulted by men of mainly North African or Middle Eastern origin. The incident shocked Germany and fuelled anxiety about the cultural integration of asylum seekers and economic migrants. Cologne has implemented strict security measures for this year’s carnival, with 3,000 police on duty and a reported 400 employees from private security firms. Turkey: Istanbul pays homage to Reina attack victims 2018-01-01 02:57 Istanbul residents held a minute of silence on Sunday as they paid homage to the victims of the 2016 New Year's Eve attack on Istanbul's Reina nightclub. Relatives and locals held a minute of silence to honour the victims and then placed wreaths of red flowers where the attack took place. The ceremony was organised by local authorities. Besikta's Mayor Murat Hazinedar also attended the ceremony. 39 people lost their lives in the early hours of the morning on January 1st when a gunman in connection with the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) opened fire at Reina nightclub, where people had gathered to celebrate New Year's Eve. UAE: UAE resort welcomes in the New Year in style 2018-01-01 03:36 Bedazzling fireworks light up the sky over Al Marjan Island in Ras al-Khaimah on Sunday evening in celebration of the New Year. As the clocks struck midnight, the Al-Marjan island resort in Ras Al Khaimah was lit up by incredible pyrotechnics. 2018 marks one hundred years since the birth of the UAE’s first president and founding father, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. South Korea: Fireworks soar above Seoul's Lotte World Tower for the New Year 2018-01-01 03:55 South Korea entered 2018 with a giant fireworks display over Seoul’s Lotte World Tower, making it the first skyscraper in the world to mark New Year 2018. 2018 looks set to be an important year for South Korea, as it hosts the Winter Olympics. Its northern neighbours followed with its own pyrotechnic show in Pyongnag 30 minutes later. North Korea created its own time zone in August 2015 to break from 'imperialism'. |
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