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ООН и ЕС призывают Иран расследовать случаи гибели протестующих

ООН и ЕС призывают Иран расследовать случаи гибели протестующих
2018-01-04 12:50
Небольшие демонстрации, организованные иранскими оппозиционными группами в изгнании, прошли в среду в Париже и Брюсселе. Их провели в знак солидарности с массовыми антиправительственными протестами в самом Иране. Народные выступления, самые масштабные почти за 10 лет, продолжаются там уже около недели. В Париже вышли десятки сторонников Национального совета сопротивления Ирана – оппозиционной группы с главным офисом во Франции. Они собрались приблизительно в 200 метрах от посольства Ирана с плакатами «Поддержите иранцев, которые восстали против религиозной диктатуры».

Венгрия и Польша объединились против Брюсселя
2018-01-04 12:51
Миграционная политика Европейского союза потерпела крах. Об этом в среду сообщил премьер-министр Венгрии Виктор Орбан. Он и его польский коллега потребовали, чтобы ЕС больше прислушивался к центральной и восточной Европе при принятии важных решений.

Iran: Thousands rally for government as general declares 'sedition' defeated
2018-01-04 12:57
Hundreds of thousands of people rallied on the streets of Iran’s second largest city of Mashhad on Wednesday in support of the government and against the violence witnessed in recent days. Supporters marched holding the Iranian flag and placards of Iranian leaders while chanting anti-US slogans. At least 21 people have died in anti-government protests since Thursday with rallies against rising food prices, unemployment and alleged corruption. President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged the public's anger over Iran's flagging economy but vowed to crackdown on lawbreakers. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also blamed the recent unrest on meddling by «enemies of Iran.»

Корреспондента ВГТРК Ольгу Курлаеву сочли опасной для Латвии
2018-01-04 13:22
Власти Латвии решили выдворить из страны корреспондента ВГТРК Ольгу Курлаеву. Ей дали сутки, чтобы уехать.

Трамп: Стив Бэннон сошел с ума
2018-01-04 13:25
«Стив Бэннон не имеет никакого отношения ни ко мне, ни к моему президентству. Когда он был уволен, то потерял не только работу, но и рассудок» - заявил президент США.

Страшный ураган обрушился на Европу
2018-01-04 13:37
Трамп распустил комиссию по честным выборам. В Европе бушует ураган «Элеонор», есть жертвы. Элитный и бесплатный ресторан в Париже.

Израиль заплатит тысячам мигрантов за выезд из страны
2018-01-04 13:41
Правительство Израиля одобрило новую программу по высылке нелегальных мигрантов из Африки. За добровольный выезд из страны им предлагают 3500 долларов США и бесплатный билет на самолёт. Тех, кто не покинет Израиль до конца марта, будут арестовывать и после тюремного заключения депортировать принудительно.

Курс на перспективу: Китай покончит с бедностью
2018-01-04 13:45
К 2032 году Китай станет первой экономикой мира. Такой прогноз выпустил Центр экономических и деловых исследований из Великобритании. А уже через два года Китай намерен покончить с бедностью. Об амбициозных планах руководство страны объявило на осеннем съезде Коммунистической партии.

Investing For A Healthy Return
2018-01-04 13:52
How have investors ensured healthy returns in 2017? Rick Bensignor, InTheKnowTrader.com

Российский газ прокладывает дорогу на Запад и на Восток
2018-01-04 14:08
Российский газ прокладывает дорогу на Запад и на Восток. В новом году планируют построить трубопровод в Турцию и выйти на завершающий этап строительства «Силы Сибири» в Китай. Каковы бюджеты проектов?

Таможенный кодекс ЕАЭС вступил в силу: что изменилось для бизнеса
2018-01-04 14:16
Таможенный кодекс Евразийского экономического союза вступил в силу. Его нормы существенно упрощают процедуры и ускоряют процесс прохождения таможни. Что новые правила меняют для бизнеса?

Додон повторно отклонил закон о запрете вещания российских СМИ в Молдавии
2018-01-04 14:20
Президент Молдавии Игорь Додон повторно отклонил принятый парламентом закон по изменению кодекса о телевидении и радио, который запрещает трансляцию в республике новостных и информационно-аналитических передач из России, и обратился в Конституционный суд по поводу его положений.

Российскую авиабазу в Сирии обстреляли из минометов
2018-01-04 14:26
Минобороны России выступило с заявлением. По его данным, атака произошла в новогоднюю ночь. Ее совершила группа боевиков.

В Иране могут заблокировать Telegram на фоне беспорядков
2018-01-04 14:28
Приложение Telegram будет полностью заблокировано на территории Ирана, если руководство мессенджера не перекроет каналы связи террористов. Такое заявление сделали в Министерстве информационно-коммуникационных технологий Ирана.

Germany: Refugee rescuers in court to stop far-right Pegida posts
2018-01-04 14:42
Refugee rescuers Mission Lifeline went to Dresden district court on Thursday in a bid to stop the far-right Pegida movement from sharing defamatory posts on social media. Mission Lifeline is suing Pegida and seeking a restraining order after they shared a post on Facebook claiming the NGO helped smugglers bring refugees to Europe. Mission Lifeline’s representative Axel Steier said: «We will show that our opponents have stated wrong facts and we are positive that the court is going to decide in favour of us.» Steier denied any connection to smugglers and accused Pegida of presenting false facts «We did not breach Libya’s territorial waters, we are not smugglers and we are not cooperating with smugglers.» The verdict is expected on January 11.

Китайским майнерам придется несладко
2018-01-04 14:46
В Китае давят на майнеров. Небывалые рекорды Ripple «Пошутили» с майнерами — в суд!

Российские военные усиливают охрану авиабазы в Сирии
2018-01-04 15:21
По данным Минобороны, такое решение было принято после минометного обстрела боевиками 31 декабря.

Кениец продает виниловые пластинки на мясном рынке
2018-01-04 16:12
В 80-х годах кениец Джеймс Ругами был ди-джеем. Сейчас ему 60. На диско-сцене он больше не появляется. Зато собрал завидную коллекцию виниловых пластинок. Его небольшой киоск зажат между прилавками мясного рынка в Найроби. Свою музыкальную коллекцию он собирал по всей Африке, путешествуя всеми видами транспорта. Так, на Занзибар ездил за джазом, который там, по его мнению, – лучший в мире.

Москва предостерегла Вашингтон от вмешательства в иранские дела
2018-01-04 16:25
Москва предостерегла США от попыток вмешательства во внутренние дела Ирана. Такое заявление сделал замминистра иностранных дел России Сергей Рябков. Он призвал Вашингтон не использовать ситуацию для расшатывания приверженности мирового сообщества соглашению по иранской ядерной программе.

Россия возобновляет авиасообщение с Египтом
2018-01-04 16:27
Указ подписал президент Владимир Путин. Как сказано на сайте Кремля, полеты начинаются со дня подписания документа.

Latvia: Another Russian journalist expelled over 'security threat' *EXCLUSIVE*
2018-01-04 16:43
Olga Kurlaeva, VGTRK journalist (Russian): “Yes. A threat to the security of Latvia.” Russian journalist Olga Kurlaeva was escorted from her hotel in Riga by the Latvian immigration service and ordered to leave the Baltic state on Thursday. Kurlaeva’s expulsion follows that of her husband Anatoly Kurlaev, who was arrested in Riga by the Latvian police and ordered to leave the country on January 2 after it transpired he was barred from the country When asked about the reasoning behind her expulsion, the reporter said authorities had told her that she poses a ‘security threat’ to Latvia. “[They] took my phone, they took everything, I have 10 minutes to take my stuff,” Kurlaeva said before leaving the hotel. Kurlaeva is a reporter for VGTRK television station. Her husband Anatoly works for TV Centre network.

В Латвии официально уравняли ветеранов Красной армии и германского Вермахта
2018-01-04 16:48
Президент Латвии Раймонд Вейонис утвердил закон, который уравнивает ветеранов, воевавших на стороне СССР и нацистской Германии.

МИД России: Латвия зачистила информпространство, высылая журналиста ВГТРК
2018-01-04 16:50
Власти Латвии решили выдворить из страны корреспондента ВГТРК Ольгу Курлаеву. По последним данным, у нее отобрали телефон, в гостинице дали всего 10 минут на сборы.

Путин «открыл» Каир
2018-01-04 16:52
Президент России Владимир Путин разрешил регулярные воздушные перевозки между Россией и Каиром. Соответствующие изменения внесены в указ президента «Об отдельных мерах по обеспечению национальной безопасности РФ и защите граждан РФ от преступных и иных противоправных действий».

Cuba: Mogherini rejects US blockade on Cuba
2018-01-04 16:52
European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini criticised the US blockade against Cuba on Wednesday, during a speech at the University of Havana. “We reject the North American sanctions against your citizens, companies and European interests. We cannot accept unilateral measures that impede or restrict our economic and commercial relations with Cuba”, affirmed Mogherini. “The only effect of the blockade is to worsen the quality of life of Cuban women, men and children. The blockade is obsolete, it’s illegal, and the European Union will continue working to end it”, she added. The EU High Representative spoke about the importance of dialogue between the EU and Cuba, which “allows us to discuss the human rights situation in both Europe and in Cuba, and while there are differences in our respective points of view, the openness and willingness to discuss with mutual respect, is always there.»

Почти 80 музеев Москвы бесплатно принимают посетителей
2018-01-04 16:58
Москвичи выстраиваются в очередь за культурой. Третий день в столице бесплатно принимают посетителей почти 80 музеев. Вереница желающих попасть в Третьяковку растянулась от Ордынки. Время еще есть, свободный вход будет действовать до 7 января.

В Петербурге сотни человек выстоились в очередь в «Эрмитаж»
2018-01-04 17:01
Длинные очереди собрались у музеев Санкт-Петербурга. Особенно много людей мечтают посмотреть экспозиции в «Эрмитаже».

Indonesia: Rioting inmates torch Aceh prison in break-out attempt
2018-01-04 17:01
Officers at a Banda Aceh prison re-took control of the facility on Thursday, after a group of rioting inmates destroyed parts of the building. Rioting began after three inmates refused to be transferred to another prison and other inmates became aggravated, after which they became violent and started multiple fires. After retaking control of the prison, officers surrounded the prisoners and kept watch over them. Fire fighters put out the blaze after several rooms were gutted by the fire. Police have stated that there were no injuries during the incident, according to reports.

Spain: Jailed Junqueras seeks bail from High Court
2018-01-04 17:48
Jailed former Catalan Vice-President Oriol Junqueras appeared in front of the Spanish High Court in Madrid on Thursday, seeking a release from prison on bail. Junqueras' lawyer Andreu Van den Eynde stressed his client's commitment to «dialogue, a negotiated solution and bilateralism.» Gabriel Rufian, the spokesperson of Junqueras' party, the Republican Left (Esquerra Republicana; ERC), asked the Spanish State to transfer Junqueras and other jailed pro-Catalan independence figures closer to their families in Catalonia, in the event of a denial. «They have spent Christmas in jail without their children, at the very least bring them closer to their families in Catalonia, for them to not have to travel 400 or 500 kilometres [250-310 miles] to see them,» explained Rufian. Junqueras was arrested on November 2 alongside eight other former Catalan Government members, on charges of rebellion, sedition and embezzlement.

History never goes out of fashion for China's Han clothing revivalists
2018-01-04 19:39
Han clothing is enjoying a renaissance in China, as a new generation look to explore their roots and express a newfound confidence in Chinese national identity. Ruptly joined the Han Clothing Society in Beijing, one of many such bodies springing up right across China, at one of their regular meet-ups on Thursday. Han or Hanfu is the traditional dress of the Han people, China’s largest ethnic group. For centuries, this emblematic style has been consigned to history books and museums. Revivalists like Gong Yang, Vice-President of the Beijing group, want to bring back the old ways, and some even choose to wear Han every day. «We want to promote [Han] culture to the public. We want more and more people to know there is a form a clothing that we should wear on our traditional festivals or special occasions. They should know more about Chinese national dress”, Yang said. For Beijing's Han Clothing Society, it seems that history never goes out of fashion.

Ukraine: 'They cut my spleen out' — ex-inmates of Ukrainian prisons recount horrific tortures
2018-01-04 20:11
More than 300 prisoners were exchanged between Ukraine and Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republic (DPR/LPR) authorities on December 27. Some of the released prisoners recounted their experiences in Donetsk, Thursday. One of them, Dmitri, said he’d lost his spleen in a fight during his time as captive, “On political grounds we, so to say, clashed with the one Western Ukrainian. As a result my spleen got cut out.” According to Dmitri, Ukrainian police officers started beating him up right after he arrived at the prison. Another former prisoner, Vladislav Balykin, recalled how a Ukrainian National Security Agency officer once asked him to commit an act of terror. The officer reportedly told him to blow up a metallurgical plant saying, «We will let you go for an exchange so that you commit a terror attack there, you will blow the plant up. Then you will come back to Ukraine and will honor you with medals, orders. You will become a Ukrainian hero.» Balykin said that they had been working “as slaves” for 17 hours a day in the prison.

UK: London demo condemns British ‘appeasement’ of Iranian regime
2018-01-04 20:23
Around 100 protesters held a rally outside Downing Street in London on Thursday, condemning the Iranian regime and their crackdown on anti-government protests, as well as the UK government’s response. Protesters demanded the resignation of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, with the Director of Association of Anglo-Iranian Women in the UK, Laila Jazayeri, suggesting it was time for change in government policy towards the Islamic Republic. “It’s time for them to wake up. 40 years of appeasement policy towards Iranian regime proved to be a failure. Who paid the price? Iranian people,” said Jazayeri outside the Prime Minister’s residence. At least 21 people have died in anti-government protests against rising food prices, high unemployment and alleged corruption. President Hassan Rouhani acknowledged the public's anger over Iran's flagging economy, but vowed to crackdown on lawbreakers. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also blamed the recent unrest on «the enemies of Iran.» The latest waves of protests are the most significant show of dissent in Iran since the pro-reform Green Movement of 2009.

France: Parisians react to Macron's proposed ban on 'fake news'
2018-01-04 20:45
Parisians react to French President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement regarding a new legislation against the spreading of ‘fake news’ on Thursday. «The fake news, I think if he [Macron] framed them [those spreading fake news] with the penalties applied, since there are so many things that are not applied in this country, that it can be very good», said Jules, a local resident named Jules. Resident Dominique expressed her ambivalence, saying that she was “much divided.” While, for Romain there remained questions still to be answered. “I am curious to see how it will really go and what the consequences will be in case of fake news? Will we be banned from social networks, will they close sites?» he said. According to Janine, another Parisian, the presidential candidates are the first ones to make fake news and that they should be deposed of their duties “after they lie.” On Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron announced a plan to implement harsher rules against the spread of ‘fake news’ in social media.

Germany: Seehofer prepared 'to do everything’ for grand coalition
2018-01-04 21:28
Members of the Christian Social Union (CSU) started their annual winter retreat in Bavaria’s Kloster Seeon monastery on Thursday, and appeared to tighten their demands on a possible grand coalition relaunch. Seehofer said the CSU was in the middle of consultations with the Social Democratic Party (SPD), adding that, he “will do everything to make this coalition come about,” but warned Martin Schulz’s faction not to ‘overreach’ in their demands. CSU Bundestag chairman Alexander Dobrindt echoed that sentiment, stating that the CSU wanted a coalition with “an SPD that can spell a modernisation of our country,” and that concessions are to be expected from Schulz. The Kloster Seeon retreat is expected to last until Saturday, ahead of grand coalition talks that are due to begin in Berlin on Sunday. Since the general election, the so-called Jamaica coalition talks collapsed and Chancellor Angela Merkel has so far been unable to persuade the SPD to enter into another grand coalition. The growing political instability has raised the possibility of fresh elections and further gains made by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Pakistan: Police tear gas protesting teachers in Karachi
2018-01-04 21:37
Riot police clashed with protesting teachers outside of the Karachi Press Club on Thursday. Local media reported that at least ten arrests were made and two protesters were injured. Footage shows police firing tear gas and using batons to strike the demonstrators. For the past fortnight, the teachers have been protesting against the Sindh provincial government, who are accused of reneging on promises to improve pay and conditions.

USA: Republican David Yancey wins draw for Virginia's delegate race
2018-01-04 22:08
The Virginia State Board of Elections determined the victory of the Republican David Yancey to the 94th District of the Virginia House of Delegates race by a random draw in Richmond, Virginia, on Thursday. The chairman of the board of elections, James Alcorn, pulled a film canister with Yancey's name on it from a bowl, which was designed by local artist Steven Glass. Democrat candidate, Shelly Simonds, thanked her supporters and said that at this point she is not ready to concede, but she is «reflecting on a very interesting campaign.» The tie-breaking draw that is used to determine a legislative seat hasn’t been used in Virginia for the past 50 years.

Afghanistan: Scores of casualties in Kabul suicide bombing
2018-01-04 22:29
The Afghan Health Ministry believe 11 people were killed and 25 were injured in a suicide bomb attack close to the diplomatic quarter in Kabul on Thursday. Security personnel were carrying out an operation against illegal drugs and illicit alcohol sales when the bomber struck. According to a government spokesperson, the final toll could still rise. Footage shows Afghan security forces securing the area around a Kabul hospital where most of casualties have been taken. The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack.

USA: 'Trash' — WH Press Sec. slams Wolff's book on Trump
2018-01-04 23:40
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders branded the journalist Michael Wolff’s new book ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House' about US President Donald Trump a “tabloid full of gossip” at a press conference in Washington DC on Thursday. In the book, titled 'Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House' Wolff quotes from the administration’s former chief strategist Stephen Bannon, who described a 2016 alleged meeting between Russian officials and Trump's son regarding Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton as «treasonous.” The book also makes some further allegations about Trump and his presidential campaign. In answer to a question about whether it was true that Trump and his family were unwilling to win the 2016 presidential elections, Sanders claimed that it is «disgraceful and laughable» and that the family and the president «wouldn’t have put themselves through that process if one, they didn't believe they could win and two, they didn't want to win. This was something they were very committed to and have been committed to since taking office.» Sanders noted that the US president believes that the book, due to be released on Tuesday, shouldn't be published. Sanders claimed that American people «could care less about a book full of lies».

France: Protesters demand release of Palestinian teen Ahed Tamini
2018-01-04 23:57
More than a hundred protesters marched through the streets of Paris on Thursday evening, to demand the release of Palestinian activist Ahed Tamini and her family by Israel. Speaking at the protest, Palestinian lawyer Khaled Shouli criticised Israel’s treatment of the case. “The Israeli occupation state uses these children to achieve their ends and we must stand in solidarity with the Palestinians”, he said. The 16-year-old Ahed was filmed slapping an Israeli soldier in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. The video of the incident subsequently went viral. Earlier this week, Ahed was charged with assaulting security forces, incitement and throwing stones. Ahed’s mother Nariman Tamimi has also been charged with incitement and assault. The case has polarised opinion on both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Ahed’s defiance of the so-called “occupation” led many Palestinian sympathisers to compare her to Malala Yousafzai or Joan of Arc. The Israeli side has requested a tough sentence from the judge, accusing the teenager of a long history of provocation.

Argentina: Buenos Aires gripped by anti-govt. strike
2018-01-05 00:07
Thousands of people marched in Buenos Aires on Thursday as part of a national strike against job insecurity and the government's labour policies. The strike was convened by the Association of State Workers (ATE) union. Protesters convened in front of the Buenos Aires Obelisk and marched towards the Ministry of Modernization. ATE Secretary General Hugo Godoy denounced Argentine President Mauricio Macri's fiscal pact, signed in November, as a ploy to enrich international companies at the expense of Argentine workers. According to local media, ATE reported that since December 30 there have been about 1,500 contract terminations in public offices in the field of human rights, press, gender equality, health and education, among others.

Bulgaria: 'Save Pirin!' — Thousands decry turning historical mountain into ski resort
2018-01-05 00:19
Thousands of people marched through the streets of Sofia on Thursday to condemn a recent government decision to transform Pirin — historical mountain on the Balkans — with new ski facilities that the protesters fear may destroy century-old forest. Demonstrators also believe that the decision was based on corruption scheme, and that it violates both Bulgarian and EU regulations. People marched through the streets to the Council of ministers, chanting «Resign!», «Citizens against the Mafia». The traffic in Sofia downtown was reportedly disrupted due to the march. Similar protests were organized in other Bulgarian cities.

USA: ‘Bomb cyclone’ sweeps through Boston
2018-01-05 00:22
A severe winter storm is sweeping through the United States' eastern seaboard on Thursday. Footage from Boston, Massachusetts shows snow ploughs battling to keep the roads clear in blizzard conditions. The entire East Coast is bracing itself for hurricane-force gales and sub-zero temperatures overnight. A 'bomb cyclone', which developed overnight, occurs when a system goes through a significant, rapid drop in atmospheric pressure.

USA: New Yorkers brace for 'bomb cyclone' as snowstorm strikes
2018-01-05 01:24
A severe winter storm is sweeping through the United States' eastern seaboard on Thursday. Footage from New York City shows blowing snow and strong wind gusts taking hold of the city. Snow flurries will likely carry through to Thursday evening. The entire East Coast is bracing itself for hurricane-force gales and sub-zero temperatures overnight. A 'bomb cyclone', which developed overnight, occurs when a system goes through a significant, rapid drop in atmospheric pressure.

USA: US cuts security assistance to Pakistan, demands 'decisive action' against terrorists
2018-01-05 03:37
SOT, Heather Nauert, State Department spokesperson: «So the — so that came out of Treasury just a short while ago. And that is all something that I — I don't want to speak for Treasury, but I believe all of that has been in the works for quite some time. When the President did his big Iran review, he talked about having the ability to sanction various authorities — various authorities that undermine human rights; various authorities that are involved in transferring weapons, providing missiles and ballistic missiles and other types of equipment. And so I think it would fall under that.» US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert announced that the United States is suspending security assistance to Pakistan over what is believed to be a failure of the Pakistani government to adequately confront terror groups within its territory, as she spoke from Washington DC on Thursday. «We are suspending security assistance; security assistance only, to Pakistan at this time until the Pakistani Government takes decisive action against groups, including the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network. We consider them to be destabilizing the region and also targeting U.S. personnel,» said Nauert. She went on to say that the move should not «come as a surprise» for Pakistani government adding that the aid could be made available in the future if the country takes «decisive action» to «aggressively confront» terror groups «who threaten US interests.» Commenting on the recent announcement of the US treasury to penalise Iranian companies linked to the country's ballistic missile programme, Nauert said that it was to be expected. «When the President did his big Iran review, he talked about having the ability to sanction various authorities — various authorities that undermine human rights; various authorities that are involved in transferring weapons, providing missiles and ballistic missiles and other types of equipment. And so I think it would fall under that,» she concluded.

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