Я никогда не рекомендовал питание по группам крови, считая это
шарлатанством. Но знакомство с объективной информацией показало, что всё не
так однозначно, как утверждают представители академической медицины и
пропагандисты этих диет.
Лектины, содержащиеся в продуктах питания, - одна из основных причин
нарушения хрупкого равновесия желудочно-кишечного тракта. Действие лектинов,
имеющих белковую природу, зависит от группы крови. Если в пище, которую вы
едите, содержатся несовместимые с вашей группой крови лектины, то они будут
нарушать работу желудочно-кишечного тракта и иммунной системы, а также обмен
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2001 Jun. Scientific basis of the blood group diet.
Article in Norwegian. Poleszynski DV.
ABSTRACT: Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter J. D'Adamo describes a strategy of
adapting lifestyle and nutrition to each individual's physiology and
biochemistry. The author's theory is based on research within, amongst
others, physical anthropology, neurology, biochemistry, nutrition,
lectinology, epidemiology, psychology, immunology and genetics. Going
through the literature shows that Doctor D'Adamo can be mistaken on certain
points, and is vague on others. Nonetheless, his general theory seems to be
based on scientific studies, and reports show that it works.
"Helsevesenet" - the Public Norwegian Health Institutions - should start
using the parts of the theory that are based in fact, and the medicinal
circles should do more testing and align the theory with basic medicinal
science and clinical research.
Altern Med Rev. 2001 Aug.
Metabolic and immunologic consequences of ABH secretor and Lewis subtype
D'Adamo PJ, Kelly GS.
Determining ABH secretor phenotype and/or Lewis (Le) blood group status can
be useful to the metabolically-oriented clinician. For example, differences
in ABH secretor status drastically alter the carbohydrates present in body
fluids and secretions; this can have profound influence on microbial
attachment and persistence. Lewis typing is one genetic marker which might
help identify subpopulations of individuals genetically prone to insulin
resistance, autoimmunity, and heart disease. Understanding the clinical
significance of ABH secretor status and the Lewis blood groups can provide
insight into seemingly unrelated aspects of physiology, including variations
in intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity, propensities toward blood
clotting, reliability of some tumor markers, the composition of breast milk,
and several generalized aspects of the immune function. Since the relevance
of ABH blood group antigens as tumor markers and parasitic/bacterial/viral
receptors and their association with immunologically important proteins is
now well established, the prime biologic role for ABH blood group antigens
may well be independent and unrelated to the erythrocyte.
Med Sci Monit. 2002 Dec.
Lectins as markers for blood grouping.
Khan F, Khan RH, Sherwani A, Mohmood S, Azfer MA.
Genetics Section, Department of Zoology, AMU, Aligarh, India.
Lectins are unique proteins of varying biological importance. They are
characterized by specific binding to carbohydrate residues, whether
monosaccharides, disaccharides or polysaccharides. The sugar heads on the
surface of the erythrocyte specify the different blood groups. Lectins, as
an antigenic determinant of blood group, have come to be an important tool
in the identification of different blood groups. A handful of lectins may be
considered excellent reagents for anti-A, anti-B, anti-N etc, but the anti-A
and anti-M are not yet regarded as commercially suitable antisera. Lectin
from Vicia cracca has been proved to be a good anti-A, lectin from Dolichus
biflorus can be used as anti-A1, and lectin from Griffonia simplicifolia as
anti-B. Lectin from Vicia graminea is said to be a good typing reagent as
Anti-N. On the other hand, the lectins involved in polyagglutination are
absolutely essential as the reagent of choice and these cannot as yet be
replaced by antibodies of any kind. Erythrocytes with exposed cryptantigens
are significantly more sensitive to agglutination by certain lectins than by
polyclonal antibodies. Peanut agglutinin (PNA), Polybrene, and Glycine max
lectins are frequently used for the identification of different
cryptantigens. The application of lectins as an anti-B reagent has proven to
be as useful as human polyclonal or mouse monoclonal antibodies. Besides
their specificity, lectins are excellent reagents because of their lower
cost and indigenous production. The importance of various lectins used as
markers for blood grouping is discussed.
Набрал в PubMed 'ABO blood groups DIET'
получил 46 противоречивых ссылок.
Вот несколько, без резюме, как будто специально, для сокрытия информации,
требуется поиск полных статей оригиналов.
Lakartidningen. 2004 Oct 7. Blood group diet: fantasy and quackery. Article
in Swedish.
Nylun KD, Sjolin K, van der Ster G, Larhammar D.
Dietistprogrammet, Uppsala universitet.
PMID: 15517716 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2002 May 30.
Blood type diet--visionary science or nonsense? Article in Norwegian.
Meltzer HM, Haugen M, Haavardsholm KC, Hagen KB, Heier HE, McKellep AM,
Glorstad H, Tandberg A.
Divisjon for miljomedisin Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt Postboks 4404
Nydalen 0403 Oslo. helle.margrete.meltz***@f*****.no
PMID: 12098911 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Blood type diet:
Есть ли у кого опыт применения этих диет и практические результаты?
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