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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: BLAST 2009

BLAST August 10 - 14, 2009 New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM, USA BLAST is a conference focusing on Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, Set Theory, Set-theoretic Topology and Point-free Topology. The conference webpage is at http://www.math.nmsu.edu/blast The conference is the second in a series that will rotate among universities of the region. (See BLAST Committee below) The first conference was held in Denver last summer http://www.math.du.edu/blast/ and was a big su...

2009-04-12 03:55:33 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: ACM Communications in Computer Algebra

Добрый день! Вышел выпуск 167 журнала ACM Communications in Computer Algebra (CCA. Этот и предыдущие выпуски доступны на сайте http://www.sigsam.org/cca/ (Для этого нужно сначала зарегистрироваться на http://portal.acm.org/ , регистрация бесплатна) С уважением, Коновалов А.Б. ...

2009-04-12 03:47:32 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: International Conference on Mathematics Mechanization

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION AND POSTERS ICMM 2009 International Conference on Mathematics Mechanization -In honor of Prof.Wen-Tsun Wu's ninetieth birthday Beijing, China. May 11-13, 2009 http://www.mmrc.iss.ac.cn/wu90 IMPORTANT DATES Email Registration: by April 25, 2009. Poster Submission: by April 25, 2009. Conference Dates: May 11-13, 2009. The conference is organized by Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. ...

2009-04-12 03:43:00 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-09)

The 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-09) http://www.sersc.org/HPCC2009 Korea University, Seoul, Korea, June 25-27, 2009 Sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing * INTRODUCTION = HPCC-09 is the next event in a series of highly successful International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC, previously held as HPCC-08 (Dalian, China, September 2008, HPCC-07 (Houston, USA, September 2007, HPCC-06 (Munic...

2009-04-12 03:40:03 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems

SHARCS'09 - Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems September 9-10, 2009 Lausanne, Switzerland www.sharcs.org Note that the workshop takes place directly after CHES, also at EPFL. It will be possible to attend both workshops in succession. SHARCS'09 is the fourth workshop dedicated to the challenging subject of special-purpose cryptanalytical devices. This field is still a very young one (at least outside government agencies. In addition to key search machines a la Deep Crack and COPAC...

2009-04-12 03:32:15 + Комментировать