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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics

Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics

CICM 2009

Grand Bend, Ontario (CANADA), 6-12 July 2009



As computers and communications technology advance, greater
opportunities arise for intelligent mathematical computation. While
computer algebra, automated deduction and mathematical publishing
individually have long and successful histories, we are now seeing
increasing opportunities for synergy among these areas.

The Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, CICM, will be a
collection of focused meetings held together, allowing those working
across these related areas to share recent results and identify the
next challenges. The events will be of interest to participants from
the mathematical software and publishing industries and to students,
in addition to academic computer scientists and mathematicians.

CICM 2009 includes two conferences:

* 16th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic and Mechanized
Reasoning - Calculemus, 6 - 7 July

* 8th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge
Management - MKM, 10 - 12 July

as well as a range of complementing workshops

* 2nd Workshop on Compact Computer Algebra - CCA, 10 - 11 July
Submission Deadline: June 1 (abstracts)

* 2nd Workshop on Towards a Digital Mathematics Library - DML, 8
- 9 July
Submission Deadline: April 29 (abstracts), May 4 (paper)

* 4th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces - MathUI, 6 July
Submission Deadline: May 1 (abstracts), May 15 (paper)

* 22nd Workshop on OpenMath - OpenMath, 9 July
Submission Deadline: April 29 (abstracts), May 4 (paper)

* 3rd Workshop on Pen-Based Mathematical Computation - PenMath, 8
- 9 July
Submission Deadline: April 30 (abstracts)

* W3C Math Working Group Meeting, 7 July

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