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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: PaCT-2009


Parallel Computing Technologies
Tenth International Conference

August 31- September 4, 2009
Novosibirsk, Russia

Sponsored by
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Fund for Basic Research
Russian Ministry of Science and Education

The Tenth Int. Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies
(PaCT-2009) will be held in Novosibirsk, August 31 - September 4,
2009. Main topics are all aspects of the applications of parallel
computer systems, methods and tools for parallel solution of large-
scale problems, cellular automata and cellular neural networks,
software for GRID computing, languages, environment and software tools
supporting parallel processing and the others. The Conference
Proceedings is planned to be published as the volume of the Springer
Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series and distributed
at the Conference. We plan also to publish selected papers in a
special issue of one of the international journals.

* Submission of the full paper January 20, 2009
* Deadline for extended abstracts February 5, 2009
* Notification of acceptance March 15, 2009
* Camera-ready version of the accepted paper May 20, 2009

Novosibirsk lies along the Ob River in the West Siberian Plain. It is
the Russia's third largest city, after Moscow and Saint Petersburg. It
is also the largest city in Siberia and the administrative center of
Siberian Federal Region. Academgorodok, the city of scientific
research, was built about 30 km south of the city in 1957 and became
the center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Located within Academgorodok is Novosibirsk National University, 35
research institutes, an agricultural academy, medical academy,
scientific museums, botanic garden, apartment buildings and houses,
and a variety of community amenities.

Traditionally, PaCT reserves one day of a conference to take its
attendees to see local beauties, interesting places and to make a room
for informal communications. The preliminary program for such a day
includes an excursion on a board of a ship along the Ob river and
artificial Ob sea, sauna, bonfire and barbecue in a picturesque place
on a river bank. We can organize guided visits to the botanic garden,
to the scientific museums of geology and archeology and other cultural
places of Novosibirsk. We plan to organize a tour to the Altai
mountains before or after the conference. Please inform us if you like
to join such a trip and on you other specific interests. More info on
possible activities can be found on the site of a conference.

PaCT-2009 Organising Committee
Supercomputer Software Department
ICM&MG, Russian Academy of Sciences
Pr. Lavrentieva, 6
630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
PaCT-2009 Web pages: http://ssd.sscc.ru/conference/pact2009
E-mail: pact2009@ssd.sscc.ru
Phone: +7 383 330-89-94
Fax: +7 383 330-87-83, +7 383 330-66-87

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