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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Session on High-Performance Computer Algebra

Session on High-Performance Computer Algebra

Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2009)
June 25-28, 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

C A L L f o r P A R T I C I P A T I O N

Initial Announcement


Improved algorithms, better implementations, and faster computers have
enabled many previously time-consuming computer algebra computations
to be performed routinely and have extended the range of what is
practically possible to compute. However, there remains many
computations that still require excessive computing time, and while
existing computer algebra systems have had some practical success in
applications, their widespread use in computational science and
engineering remains limited. Part of this is due to inherent
difficulties of exact computation; nevertheless, there are many cases
where the performance achieved by an implementation could be
dramatically improved through optimized implementations and parallel
computation and the use of special purpose hardware.

While the computer algebra community has begun to incorporate high
performance computing techniques, tuning algorithms to perform well on
modern computer architectures and adapting algorithms and systems to
parallel computers can be a difficult and time consuming process; much
work remains in these directions. Moreover, there are many challenges
in achieving high-performance in computer algebra algorithm
implementations due to their irregular structure and higher level data
types. Also the complexity of computer algebra systems make the
incorporation of parallel computation challenging.

This session is devoted to exploring the application of high-
performance computing to computer algebra algorithms, applications and
systems, and the research and implementation challenges this poses.

Call for presentations:

If you are interested in presenting a talk in this session, please
upload an abstract by May 15, 2009 at the following URL.http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hpcaaca2009


Full versions of the papers presented at the session will be
considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of
Symbolic Computation dedicated to high-performance computer algebra.

Session organizers and guest editors:

Jeremy Johnson Marc Moreno Maza
www.cs.drexel.edu www.csd.uwo.ca

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