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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
IWOCA 2009 20th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms Czech Republic June 29-July 2 2009 http://graphs.vsb.cz/iwoca2009/ http://www.iwoca.org/iwoca09 After 19 year history of AWOCA-IWOCA organized in Australia and Asia, year 2009 brings IWOCA to Europe. The topics include Algorithms and Data Structures, Applications (in Bioinformatics, Music Analysis, Networking, and others, Combinatorial Enumeration and Optimization, Complexity Theory, Computational Biology, Databases, Decompositions and Comb...
Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: a workshop on commutativity of diagrams
CAM-CAD Workshop on Computer Algebra Methods and Commutativity of Algebraic Diagrams IRIT, Toulouse (France) October 2009 FIRST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION AND PAPERS Categorical diagrams have multiple applications in mathematics (algebra, topology) and computer science (models and metamodels, rewriting systems, higher order languages. Diagrams (understood less strictly) can be found in physics, chemistry and other scientific domains. One meets many similar problems in computer-assisted treatment of diagrams in...
Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: 10th Libre Software Meeting
Call for presentation for the LSM 2009 topic "Libre resources and software for scientific research" The 10th Libre Software Meeting (a free software annual event held in France since 2000) will take place in Nantes from 7th to 11th July 2009. You will find at this location: http://2009.rmll.info/Call-for-Communication-paper.html the call for presentation of the topic "Libre resources and software for scientific research" that will highlight resources (data, thesaurus, etc) under free [1] licenses made and ...
Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Second CfP: 8th Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and
Call for Papers THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL TBILISI SYMPOSIUM ON LANGUAGE, LOGIC AND COMPUTATION 21 - 25 September 2009 Bakuriani, Georgia Submission deadline: 1 May 2009 Website: http://www.illc.uva.nl/Tbilisi2009/ The Eighth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation will be held on 21 - 25 September 2009 in Bakuriani, Georgia. The symposium is organised by the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at Tbilisi State University and the Georgian Academy of Sciences, in conjunction with ...
Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: CALCULEMUS 2009
- CALCULEMUS 2009 - Final Call for Papers - 16th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning 6-7 July 2009, Joint with CICM'09, Ontario, Canada. http://www.calculemus.net/meetings/ontario09/ http://www.orcca.on.ca/conferences/cicm09/calculemus09/ Calculemus is a series of conferences dedicated to the integration of computer algebra systems (CAS) and systems for mechanised reasoning, the interactive theorem provers or proof assistants (PA) and the automated theorem provers ...