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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD)

Saturday, May 2, 2009
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881


East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD) is an informal one-day meeting
for those active or interested in computer algebra. It provides
opportunities to learn and to share new results and work in progress.
The schedule includes invited speakers, a panel discussion, and
contributed posters and software demonstrations. Importantly, plenty
of time is allowed for unstructured interaction among the
participants. Researchers, teachers, students, and users of computer
algebra are all welcome!

Registration for ECCAD 2009 is free, and can be done at the conference
website. This year's meeting is the sixteenth in the series, and the
second held in New England.

Proposals are invited for poster presentations and software
demonstrations on any topic related computer algebra: algorithms,
software systems, and applications (including teaching). Abstracts
will appear in the conference report and in a future issue of "ACM
Communications in Computer Algebra".

Full-time students, postdocs, and new faculty who do not have grant or
institutional support to attend ECCAD may apply for travel
assistance. Travel funds are available only to out-of-town US-based
attendees. Preference will be given to those presenting a poster or
software demonstration, and to those whose documented travel expenses
are greatest.

Financial support for the meeting is provided by the National Science
Foundation. The meeting is endorsed (without financial assistance) by
the ACM Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
(SIGSAM) and by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Invited Speakers

David H. Bailey (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
"High-Precision Arithmetic and Experimental Mathematics"

Douglas J. Dunham (University of Minnesota, Duluth)
"How to Create Repeating Hyperbolic Patterns"

Eric Schost (University of Western Ontario)
"The Search for a Secure Curve of Genus 2"

Stan Wagon (Macalester College)
"Some Surprises in Symbolic Computation"

Panel Session

Future Directions in Computer Algebra

NSF Workshop on Future Directions in Symbolic Computation

ECCAD 2009 will be paired with an NSF-sponsored Workshop on Future
Directions in Symbolic Computation and Its Applications to the Domain
Sciences. The workshop will be held at URI on the afternoon of
Thursday, April 30 and all day Friday, May 1. This conference is
intended for researchers in symbolic computation and program directors
at funding agencies, and is open to the public free of charge. The
meeting is organized by Erich Kaltofen at North Carolina State
University and Lenore Mullin of the National Science Foundation.

The panel session at ECCAD 2009 will consist of a report on the
workshop from several of the participants and an open discussion of
Future Directions in Computer Algebra.

Conference Chair

Ed Lamagna
Department of Computer Science and Statistics
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881


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