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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: 7th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine


Second Announcement

1. General Information
The 7th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the
anniversary of Professor Anton Kazimirovich Sushkevich will take place
on August 13-17, 2009 in Kharkov. The Conference is organized jointly
by Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University and Kharkov V. N. Karazin
National University.

2. Organizers

Organizing committee
Cochairman: V.S. Bakirov.
Members of Organizing committee are I. I. Derienko, N. V. Drozd,
N. S. Khripchenko, G. Ch. Kurinnoy, I. A. Mikhaylova, L. Yu.
Polyakova, Yu. V. Solyanik,
A. V. Zhuchok, Yu. V. Zhuchok.

Program committee
Chairman: G. N. Zholtkevych (Ukraine).

Vice-chairmen: Yu. A. Drozd (Ukraine), V. V. Kirichenko (Ukraine),
B. V. Novikov (Ukraine).

Members: V.I. Andriychuk (Ukraine), V.A. Artamonov (Russia), Yu.V.
Bodnarchuk (Ukraine), I. Burban (Germany), V. Dlab (Canada), M.
Dokuchaev (Brazil),
W. Dudek (Poland), V. Futornyj (Brazil), R.I. Grigorchuk (USA), P.M.
Gudivok (Ukraine),
A.I. Kashu (Moldova), M.Ya. Komarnyts'kyi (Ukraine), L.A.Kurdachenko
(Ukraine), F.M. Lyman (Ukraine), M.S. Nikitchenko (Ukraine),
A.Yu. Ol'shanskii (USA), S.A. Ovsienko (Ukraine), A.P. Petravchuk
(Ukraine), I.V. Protasov (Ukraine), C. Ringel (Germany), Yu. M.
Ryabukhin (Moldova),
V.V. Sharko (Ukraine), L.A. Shemetkov (Belarus),
I.P. Shestakov (Brazil), A. Stolin (Sweden), V.I. Sushchansky
(Poland), P.D. Varbanets (Ukraine), M.V. Zaicev (Russia), M.M.
Zarichnyi (Ukraine), E.I. Zelmanov (USA).

3. Topical Sections
The conference will include the following topical sections:
1. Algebraic Geometry and Topology
2. Analytic and Algebraic Theory of Numbers
3. Computer Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
4. Groups and Algebraic Dynamics
5. Rings and Modules
6. Representations and Linear algebra
7. Semigroups and Algebraic Systems

4. Talks
We plan plenary talks (45 min), section talks (25 min) and short
communications (15 min).
The official languages of the conference are Ukrainian, Russian and

5. Registration and Abstracts
Persons interested in participating in the conference are kindly asked
to register as well
as to send till June 1, 2009 one page abstract in English, which
should be prepared in LaTeX.
To register and get abstract template please visit
The registration fee is 50 USD (for accompanying persons 25 USD).
The registration fee for Ukrainian citizens is 250 UAH
(125 UAH for accompanying persons, students, postgraduate students).
The registration fee is to be paid upon arrival in Kharkov.
The fee covers organization costs: abstracts, coffee-breaks and
cultural program.
We regret that travel and daily expenses cannot be paid by the
Organizing Committee.

6. Deadlines
The deadline for registration and sending abstract is June 1, 2009.

7. Passport and Visa Requirements
Please inform us if you need an official invitation from the
Organizing Committee.
The official invitation from the Organizing Committee is generally not
to obtain the visa. You can get the visa through a tourist company or
a Ukrainian Embassy nearest to you.
Please apply for your visa in advance, keeping in mind that a waiting
time may be lengthy.
Please pay attention on possible changing of conference dates. The
exact dates
will be announced in April.

8. Insurance
The Organizing Committee does not provide insurance for travel to and/or
from the meeting location and a week's stay there. It is therefore the
of the participants to take care of their travel and health insurance
as necessary.

9. Social Events
Social events will include Welcome party, Excursion day and Conference

10. Accommodation
The Conference will be held in Stariy Saltov - one of the most
popular summer resorts
of Kharkov region, which is situated at a distance of 35 km from Kharkov
on the lakeside of Pecheneg Vodohranilische.

11. Travel
By Air. There is regular air connection of Kharkov with Kiev, Moskow,
These cities can be regarded as change points when looking for air
By Railway. There is direct railway connection of Kharkov with
Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Sofia and all major cities of Former Soviet
The participants will be taken by bus from Kharkov University main
(Kharkov, Svobody Square, 4, Metro station ``University'') to the
Conference site
in Stary Saltov.

12. Contacts
Kharkov Karazin National University
4 Svobody sq,
61077, Kharkov, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (057)707 55 27
E-Mail: iaconu2009@univer.kharkov.ua
URL: http://iaconu2009.univer.kharkov.ua


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