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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: ADG 2008


ADG 2008


Dear ADG 2008 speakers and participants, dear friends of ADG:

This is about ADG 2008 post-publication. We are sorry for being
late. Here is the publication plan.

1. The proceedings of ADG 2008 will be published in the LNAI series by
Springer-Verlag. You are invited to submit original research papers
(of 10-30 pages) for possible publication in the proceedings. Your
contributions have to be within the scope of ADG (see
http://adg2008.redlog.eu/), but their contents do not have to be
related to a past presentation at ADG 2008.

2. All the submissions will be formally reviewed according to the
usual standard of international conferences. The proceedings will be
edited by the PC chair.

3. Please format your papers using LaTeX2e with the LNCS macros for
"Proceedings and Other Multiauthor Volumes" available at


and read carefully the instructions given therein.

4. Please submit your papers via the EasyChair. We will use the same
submission page as for the conference:


Do NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES replace your conference submission by
your new proceedings paper (it won't be considered in that case), but
instead make sure to submit your proceedings contribution as a NEW AND

A review-revision process will be undertaken and the final version of
your papers should be received by 31st May 2009.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any comments, suggestions,
and/or questions. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

With best wishes,

Thomas Sturm.

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