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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath

The deadline for discounted registration fees for Groups St Andrews is
April 30th. Therefore people who wish to attend Groups St Andrews are
urged to visit http://www.groupsstandrews.org/2009/ as a matter of
some urgency, since there are only two weeks remaining.

The conference will be at the University of Bath during August 1-15
The series speakers in week 1 are

Gerhard Hiss (RWTH, Aachen, Germany)
"Finite groups of Lie type and their representations"

Volodymyr Nekrashevych (Texas A&M, Texas, USA)
"Iterated monodromy groups"

Dan Segal (All Souls College, Oxford)
"Words and groups"

Eamonn O'Brien (Auckland, New Zealand)
"Effective algorithmic approaches for linear groups"

Mark Sapir (Vanderbilt, Nashville, USA)
"Residually finite groups, random walks and dynamics of
polynomial maps over p-adics"

There are themed days in week two, and we hope to recreate the
atmosphere of the 1997 meeting.

An evening conference social area is once again available, and
we ask musicians to bring their instruments.

The Organizers

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