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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: ICCS 2009: Compute. Discover. Innovate

* ICCS 2009: Compute. Discover. Innovate
* Baton Rouge, May 25-27, 2009
* http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2009/

Keynote lectures
- Marian Bubak, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krako'w,
Environments for Collaborative Applications: An Answer to
Computational Science Challenges?
- Janice Coen, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
Computational Modeling of Wildland Fire Behavior and Weather for
Research and Forecasting
- Vittoria Colizza, Lagrange Lab, ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy
Computational epidemiology: a new paradigm in the fight against
infectious diseases
- Peter Coveney, University College London, UK
Grid computing at the petascale
- Mark Jarrell, Louisiana State University, USA
Massively Parallel and Multi-Scale Simulations of Strongly Correlated
Electronic Systems

60 accepted papers in the General Track addressing:
e-Science Applications and Systems, Scheduling, Software Services
and Tools, New Hardware and its Applications, Computer Networks,
Simulation of Complex Systems, Image Processing, Optimization
Techniques, Numerical Methods.

140 accepted papers in the following workshops:
Teaching Computational Science, Computational Chemistry and Its
Applications, Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, Tools for Program
Development and Analysis in Computational Science and Software
Engineering for Large-Scale Computing, Simulation of Multiphysics
Multiscale Systems, Workshop on Computational Finance and Business
Intelligence, Bioinformatics' Challenges to Computer Science, Using
Emerging Parallel Architectures for Computational Science, Collaborative
and Cooperative Environments, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling,
Intelligent Agents in Simulation and Evolvable Systems, Atmospheric and
Oceanic Computational Science, Geo Computation.

Tutorials on May 24:
- Parallel Performance Evaluation Tools for HPC Systems
Allen D. Malony, University of Oregon, Markus Geimer, FZ Ju:lich
Andreas Knu:pfer, TU Dresden, Rick Kufrin, NCSA/University of
Shirley Moore, University of Tennessee
- Developing HPC Applications with the Cactus Framework
Erik Schnetter, Frank Loeffler, Eloisa Bentivegna (CCT-LSU)
- GPU Processors for data parallel solutions for high performance
computation research

Poster Submission:
We are still accepting submissions for the poster session

Registration: http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2009/Fees.html

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