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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

There are approved the forms of documents necessary for keeping the United state computerized informational system and the procedures for completion thereof
2008-03-21 06:00


There are approved the forms of documents necessary for keeping the United state computerized informational system and the procedures for completion thereof

In accordance with clause 3 of the Decree of the RF Government N 522 of August 26, 2008, the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 29n of February 26, 2008 (document is in Russian) approves the forms and the procedure for completion of application on fixation, confirmations about fixation and notifications about refusal in fixation in the United state computerized informational system of information about organization making production and (or) turnover including import (except retail trade) of ethyl spirit, alcohol and alcohol containing production, about production, value of manufacture and turnover of production, documents permitting and covering of manufacture and turnover of production, as well as forms and the procedure for fulfillment of requests of organizations on submission of information included to the united informational system, and inquiries submitted to the requests of organizations on submission of information.

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