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IEEE 2nd International Workshop on
Technology for Education in Developing Countries
* Important Dates:
February 13, 2004: Original full-length unpublished papers due
April 19, 2004: Notification of acceptance.
May 24, 2004: Final camera-ready manuscript due.
May 31, 2004: Author registration deadline
* Call for Papers
The goal of this second international workshop is to bring together researchers,
and educators to discuss various issues involved in developing new techniques
on novel uses of technology for education in developing countries.
In developing countries, conditions, constraints, and resources differ sharply
with industrialized nations, creating special challenges for the technical and
educational research communities.
This workshop will build upon the first TEDC workshop that included several invited
papers, regular papers and a panel.
We seek high quality submissions of original unpublished research on all aspects
technology for education in developing countries. Researchers and educators with
perspectives on applications of technology in this context are strongly encouraged
to submit their work. Accepted papers will be published in the ICALT 2004 conference
The main topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
- Teaching Tools and Applications
o Multimedia applications
o Intelligent learning/tutoring environments
o Applications for low-cost devices
o Literacy applications
o Open source tools for teaching
o Educational databases
- Distance Learning
o Distributed tutoring/learning
o Asynchronous applications
o Portals/web tools
o Information retrieval for slow/unreliable connections
o Web-based instruction/teacher training
- Impact of Technology
o Project deployments
o Cultural issues in educational development
o Minority language requirements
o Cross-language interfaces
o Human Computer Interfaces
- Resource Sharing
o Collaborative learning in local environments
o Human Computer Interfaces for resource sharing
o Teaching resource management
o Grid computing infrastructures
Submission details at: http://www.ee.columbia.edu/dvmm/tedc/
Associate Professor Kinshuk kinsh***@i*****.nz
Information Systems Dept., Massey Univ., Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North,
New Zealand
Tel: +64 6 3505799 ext. 2090 Fax: +64 6 3505725 http://infosys.massey.ac.nz/~kinshuk
* IEEE LTTF website: http://lttf.ieee.org/
* Contact person: kinsh***@m*****.nz
* To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
majordo***@m*****.org with the following in the body of
the message (no subject needed): unsubscribe lttf
East-European Subgroup of International Forum
"Educational technology and Society" [ET&S]
mailto: itt***@k*****.ru
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Best regards,
Tulova mailto:tulo***@c*****.ru
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Рекомендуем посетить Электронную БИБЛИОТЕКУ ДИССЕРТАЦИЙ:
где собрано огромное количество кандидатских и докторских
диссертаций по различным научным дисциплинам.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<< Аспирант и Соискатель >>
N 447 2004-01-20 участников 1535
Владелец конференции: Славников Дмитрий - slavnikov***@m*****.ru
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