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Английский без правил

Добрый день, друзья!

Английская народная баллада XVII века “Джон Райли” ("John Riley", известная также под названиями "Johnny Riley", "The Broken Token", "A Fair Young Maid All in Her Garden") даёт пример традиционной балладной темы: это потрясающая история о любви. Давайте познакомимся с одним из вариантов её текста и обратим внимание на оборот “что, если кто-либо сделал что-либо” = “what if somebody has done something”.

John Riley

A fair young maid all in her garden,
A strange young man comes passing by
Saying: “Fair maid, will you marry me?”
And this answer was her reply:

“No kind sir, I cannot marry thee,
For I've a love who sails all on the sea.
He's been gone for seven years,
But still no man  shall marry me”.

“Well, what if  he's died all in some battle slain,
Or drowned in the deep salt sea,
Or what if he's found another love
And he and his love both married be?”

“If he's died in some battle slain
I will die, when the moon doth wane.
And if he's drowned in the deep salt sea
I'll be true to his memory.

And if he's found another love
And he and his love both married be,
Then I wish them health and happiness,
Where they now dwell across the sea”.

He picked her up all in his arms
And kisses gave her one, two and three,
Saying: “Weep no more, my own true love,
I am your long lost John Riley”.

Riley: [rai’li:]

a fair young maid: поэт. прекрасная молодая девушка

in some battle slain: slay - slew - slain [slei - slu: - slein] - в бою убитый

has drowned in the deep salt sea: [draund] - утонул в глубоком солёном море

when the moon doth wane = when the moon does wane: [dAT] [wein] - когда Луна на ущербе будет

where they now dwell across the sea: dwell - dwelt - dwelt [dwel - dwelt - dwelt] - там, где они сейчас живут за морем

weep no more: [wi:p] - не плачь

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