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Английский без правил

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Английский без правил

Добрый день, друзья!

Ринг Ларднер (1885 - 1933) - американский писатель, фельетонист, спортивный обозреватель, по мнению многих - лучший американский автор коротких рассказов. Чтобы составить из них свою первую книгу, ему пришлось искать номера журналов, в которые он их посылал, поскольку Ларднер не относился к этим рассказам всерьёз и не сохранял копий.

You know, this is the first time Tom and I have been with real friends since we were married. I suppose you’ll think it’s funny for me to call you my friends when we’ve never met before, but Tom has talked about you so much and how much he thought of you and how crazy he was to see you and everything - well, it’s just as if I’d known you all my life, like he has.

We’ve got our little crowd out there, play bridge and dance with them; but of course we’ve only been there three month, at least, I have, and people you’ve known that length of time, well, it isn’t like knowing people all your life, like you and Tom. How often I’ve heard Tom say he’d give any amount of money to be with Arthur and Helen, and how bored he was out there with just poor little me and his new friends!

Arthur and Helen, Arthur and Helen - he talks about you so much that it’s a wonder I’m not jealous; especially of you, Helen. You must have been his real pal when you were kids.

Nearly all of his kid books, they have your name in front - to Thomas Cannon from Helen Bird Sfrong. This is a wonderful treat for him to see you! And a treat for me, too. Just think, I’ve at last met the wonderful Helen and Arthur! You must forgive me calling you by your first names; that’s how I always think of you and I simply can’t say Mr. and Mrs. Gratz.

No, thank you, Arthur; no more. Two is my limit and I’ve already exceeded it, with two cocktails before dinner and now this. But it’s a special occasion, meeting Tom’s best friends. I bet Tom wishes he could celebrate too, don’t you, dear? Of course he could if he wanted to, but when he once makes up his mind to a thing, there’s nothing in the world can shake him. He’s got the strongest power of any person I ever saw.

a pal: [pEl] - друг, приятель, сотоварищ, товарищ

to bet - bet - bet / bet - betted - betted:[bet]  - быть уверенным в чём-л.; держать пари, биться об заклад

to make up one’s mind: - принять решение, решиться (на что-л. или сделать что-л.)

(Ringgold Wilmer Lardner. “Who Dealt?”)


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(При подготовке выпуска была использована wikipedia)

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