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Английский без правил

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Английский без правил

Добрый день, друзья!

Леонард Бернстайн (1918 - 1990) - американский дирижёр, композитор, пианист, музыкальный лектор. Он был одним из первых американских музыкантов, получивших международное признание.

Ever since I can remember I have talked about music, with friends, colleagues, teachers, students, and just plain, simple citizens. But in the last few years I have found myself talking about it publicly, thus joining the long line of well-meaning but generally doomed folk who have tried to explain the unique phenomenon of human reaction to organized sound. It is almost like trying to explain a freak of nature (whatever that may be). Ultimately one must simply accept the loving fact that people enjoy listening to organized sound (certain organized sounds, anyway); that this enjoyment can take the form of all kinds of responses from animal excitement to spiritual exaltation; and that people who can organize sounds so as to evoke the most exalted responses are commonly called geniuses. These axioms can neither be denied nor explained. But, in the great tradition of man burrowing through the darkness with his mind, hitting his head on cave walls, and sometimes perceiving a pinpoint of light, we can at least try to explain; in fact, there’s no stopping us.

There have been more words written about the Eroica symphony than there are notes in it; in fact, I should imagine that the proportion of words to notes, if anyone could get an accurate count, would be flabbergasting. And yet, has anyone ever successfully “explained” the Eroica? Can anyone explain in mere prose the wonder of one note following or coinciding with another so that we feel that it’s exactly how those notes had to be? Of course not. No matter what rationalists we may profess to be, we are stopped cold at the border of this mystic area. It is not too much to say mystic or even magic: no art lover can be an agnostic when the chips are down. If you love music, you are a believer, however dialectically you try to wriggle out of it.

The most rational minds in history have always yielded to a slight mystic haze when the subject of music has been broached, recognizing the beautiful and utterly satisfying combination of mathematics and magic that music is.


a freak of nature: [fri:k] - каприз природы

man burrowing through the darkness: - человека, прокладывающего путь в темноте

hitting his head on cave walls: - (который) бьётся головой о стены пещеры

a pinpoint: [‘pinpOint] - остриё булавки; что-л. очень маленькое; безделица, пустяк; место, которое можно увидеть и идентифицировать с самолета

to flabbergast: [‘flEbэga:st] - разг. изумлять, поражать, удивлять

to coincide: [,kэuin’said] - совпадать, совмещаться (о точках, линиях); происходить в то же самое время, совпадать; соответствовать; быть одинаковым, совпадать; соглашаться, сходиться во мнениях

when the chips are down: - когда наступает решающий момент

to wriggle out of … : [‘rigl] - вырваться из …

when the subject of music has been broached: [‘brэutшt] - когда затронута тема музыки

(Leonard Bernstein, “The Joy of Music”)

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