вот и прояснилось всё с перекисью :)
на животных лишь в одном эксперименте показана способность продлевать жизнь,
- и то не намного, - 9%.
в других случаях сокращение сроков жизни!
это инфа для тех, кто уже хотел перекись кушать.
как я и говорил, тут всё зависит от дозы - маленькая ошибка и эффект отрицательный!
думаю нам стоит забыть если не навсегда, то надолго о перикиси, - может когда-то
появятся чёткие проверенные рекомендации о дозах для людей.
пока же гораздо разумнее использовать ионизаторы, эффект они дают тот же (гормезис-адаптация
к свободным радикалам), зато проверены как следует и выраженно ни раз продлевали
жизнь в экспериментах. биолог Виленчик приводит цифру в 50% на мышах, как максимум.
С уважением, Рязанов Дмитрий.
Продление жизни, научный иммортализм
www.bessmertie.ru Dmit***@b*****.ru
| IA> хЯРНВМХЙ: CryoNet Message #25555 IA> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 12:24:10 -0800 (PST) |
| IA> From: Doug Skrecky <ober***@v*****.ca> IA> Subject: trace episodic hydrogen peroxide as a life extender? |
| IA> [Episodic 20 mM H2O2 increased human skin IA> cell longevity in vitro by IA> 60%. IA> (ref #1) This intriguing result has not (yet) IA> been followed up on with an IA> in vivo rodent longevity experiment. There was one study on house flies IA> which found that a steady state concentration of 10 mM H2O2 in drinking IA> water increased average lifespan by 9%. (ref #2) However 5 mM H2O2 IA> reduced lifespan by 16%, and 100 mM H2O2 reduced it by 27%. Although 10 IA> mM increased fly's glutathione by 98%, 5 mM IA> actually decreased this by 8%. IA> Perhaps it is just as well that a potential antiaging medication IA> commonly found in the house has been ignored. High doses of hydrogen IA> peroxide accelerate cellular senescence, and anyone taking very low IA> "hormetic" doses of it to prevent aging would be playing Russian IA> roulette, with the philosophy that "what does not kill me makes me IA> stronger." Try terminalia chebula instead. This is a lot safer.] |
| IA> (reference #1) IA> J Cell Biochem. 2004 Oct 15;93(3):588-97. IA> Slow-down of age-dependent telomere shortening is executed in human skin IA> keratinocytes by hormesis-like-effects of trace hydrogen peroxide or by IA> anti-oxidative effects of pro-vitamin C in common concurrently with IA> reduction of intracellular oxidative stress. IA> The cellular life-span of cultivated human skin epidermis IA> keratinocytes NHEK-F was shown to be extended up to 150% of population IA> doubling levels (PDLs) by repetitive addition with two IA> autooxidation-resistant derivatives of ascorbic acid (Asc), IA> Asc-2-O-phosphate (Asc2P), and IA> Asc-2-O-alpha-glucoside (Asc2G), IA> respectively, but to be not extended with Asc itself. In contrast, IA> hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) as dilute as 20 microM which was IA> non-cytotoxic to the keratinocytes, or at 60 microM being marginally IA> cytotoxic achieved the cellular longevity, unexpectedly, up to 160 IA> and 120% of PDLs, respectively, being regarded as a hormesis-like IA> stimulatory effect. The lifespan -extended cells that were administered IA> with Asc2P, Asc2G, or 20 microM H(2)O(2) were prevented from IA> senescence-induced symptoms such as PDL-dependent enlargement of a cell IA> size of 14.7 microm finally up to 17.4 microm IA> upon Hayflick's limit-called IA> loss of proliferation ability as estimated with a channelizer, and IA> retained young cell morphological aspects such as thick and compact IA> shape and intense attachment to the culture IA> substratum even upon advanced IA> PDLs, whereas other non-extended cells looked IA> like thin or fibrous shape IA> and large size upon lower PDLs. The PDL-dependent shortening of telomeric IA> DNA of 11.5 kb finally down to 9.12-8.10 kb upon Hayflick's limit was IA> observed in common for each additive-given cells, but was decelerated in IA> the following order: 20 microM H(2)O(2) > Asc2P = Asc2G > 60 microM |
H(2)O(2) >> Asc = no additive, being in
H(2)O(2) >> accord with the order of cell
| IA> longevity. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) was diminished by IA> Asc2P, Asc2G or 20 microM H(2)O(2), but not IA> significantly by Asc or 60 IA> microM H(2)O(2) as estimated by fluorometry using the redox indicator dye IA> CDCFH. There was no appreciable difference among NHEK keratinocytes that IA> were administered with or without diverse additives in terms of IA> telomerase activity per cell, which was 1.40 x 10(4)-4.48 x 10(4) times IA> lower for the keratinocytes than for HeLa cells which were examined as IA> the typical tumor cells. Thus longevity of the IA> keratinocytes was suggested IA> to be achieved by slowdown of age-dependent IA> shortening of telomeric DNA IA> rather than by telomerase; telomeres may suffer IA> from less DNA lesions due IA> to the continuous and thorough repression of IA> intracellular ROS, which was IA> realized either by pro-vitamin C such as Asc2P or Asc2G that exerted an IA> antioxidant ability more persistent than Asc itself or by 20 microM IA> H(2)O(2) which diminished intracellular ROS assumedly through a IA> hormesis-like effect. |
| IA> (reference #2) IA> Exp Gerontol. 1988;23(3):211-6. IA> Effect of hydrogen peroxide administration on life span, superoxide IA> dismutase, catalase, and glutathione in the adult housefly, Musca IA> domestica. IA> The general objective of this study was to further elucidate the IA> relationship between oxidative stress and the aging process. H2O2 is IA> known to be a progenator of reactive oxygen IA> species, such as hydroxyl IA> free radical, by various mechanisms involving, IA> among others, a superoxide IA> anion radical-driven Fenton cycle, or splitting of the 0-0 bond by IA> hemoproteins. Effects of H2O2 administration on life span, activities of IA> superoxide dismutase, catalase, concentrations of endogenous H2O2, and IA> glutathione in the housefly are described. Adult male flies were given IA> various concentrations of H2O2, ranging from 0 to 100 mM H2O2, in their IA> drinking water. Life span was shortened by H2O2 intake except in 10 mM IA> H2O2 administrated flies, which exhibited the longest life span. Flies IA> administered 10 mM H2O2 also contained the highest concentration of IA> reduced glutathione (GSH). Superoxide dismutase and catalase activities IA> were not affected by H2O2 intake. Compensatory elevation in GSH may be IA> responsible for the increase in life span observed in 10 mM H2O2 IA> administered flies. IA> <<< |
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