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[TC] горячие клавиши

Original Message From: "ислам" <bis***@r*****.ru>

shift+insert+b или shift+CapsLock+b.
Если появится сообщение, что состояние батареи не найдено, надо будет править
скрипт SayBatteryLevel в файле скриптов по умолчанию.
Например, для windows vista и jaws 9.0 он выглядит так:
Script SayBatteryLevel ()
; By: S. Dawes
; Created: 2001/10/26.
; Purpose: I wrote this script, because, I felt that there was a need for the
; : laptop user to have a quick and easy way to monitor the battery level.
; Assumption: This script is assuming that your battery monitor has the string
; : "remain" contained within it. If not, determine a unique string
; : to rely upon for this script to work.
; : To make this change, change the value of LTBattery in the Let statement
; Variables: STIndex -> used to contain the number of entries on the system
; : STItem -> The description of the entry being evaluated on the system
; : LTBattery -> Set to a unique string taken from the battery
; entry found on the system tray.
int Index,
int iFound,
String STItem
; Get the number of items on the system tray.
Let Index = SysTrayGetItemCount ()
; Now start at the end of the list, and look for the laptop battery.
While (Index >= 1)
Let STItem = SysTrayGetItemToolTip (Index)
If StringContains (STItem, cScBatteryIcon)
|| StringContains (STItem, "доступно")
|| StringContains (STItem, "Полностью") then
SayMessage (ot_status, STItem )
Let Index = 0
Let iFound = TRUE;
Let Index = Index - 1
If ! iFound then
SayFormattedMessage (OT_ERROR, cMsgBatteryNot Found)

С уважением,
icq 201267748
skipe: greenaleks

Ответить   Sun, 9 Nov 2008 15:40:12 +0700 (#788615)