Эрих Фромм (1900 - 1980) - социальный психолог, психоаналитик, социолог, философ. Давайте прочитаем отрывок из его работы “Бегство от свободы”, которая считается одной из основополагающих в политической психологии. Найденное в ней понимание человеческой природы Фромм затем развивает и пересматривает во многих других своих крупных
(...) In addition to the problem of the economic and social conditions which have given rise to Fascism, there is a human problem which needs to be understood. It is the purpose of this book to analyze those dynamic factors in the character structure of modern man, which made him
want to give up freedom in Fascist countries and which so widely prevail in millions of our own people.
These are the outstanding questions that arise when we look at the human aspect of freedom, the longing for submission, and the lust for power: What is freedom as a human experience? Is the desire for freedom something inherent in human nature? Is it an identical experience regardless of what kind of culture a person lives in, or is it something different according to the degree of individualism reached in a particular society?
Is freedom only the absence of external pressure or is it also the presence of something - and if so, of what? What are the social and economic factors in society that make for the striving for freedom? Can freedom become a burden, too heavy for man to bear, something he tries to escape from? Why then is it that freedom is for many a cherished goal and for others a threat?
Is there and also, perhaps, besides an innate desire for freedom, an instinctive wish for submission? If there is not, how can we account for the attraction which submission to a leader
has for so many today? Is submission always to an overt authority, or is there also submission to internalized authorities, such as duty or conscience, to inner compulsions or to anonymous authorities like public opinion? Is there a hidden satisfaction in submitting, and what is its essence? (...) -------------------------------------------------------- fascism: [‘fEшiz(э)m] - фашизм
to give up freedom: - отказаться от свободы
to prevail: [pri’veil] - восторжествовать, одержать победу; достичь цели; преобладать, господствовать, превалировать; доминировать; существовать, быть распространённым; бытовать
the longing for submission: [sэb’miш(э)n] - стремление к подчинению
the lust for power: [lAst] - жажда власти
inherent in human nature: [in’her(э)nt] - присущий человеческой природе (врождённый)