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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

Our Second Line
2006-10-09 16:18 davidzafra
Stygma releases its second line, remaining stylish and original. There is now something for everyone, even more so now that sizes go from S to XXL. This season the line includes great items ideal for presents, for example the belt which comes gift packed in a high quality box with silver logos, a girls range, truckers and pants. All of [...]

Carlos Pianowski
2006-10-09 16:18 davidzafra
Pure adrenaline, technicality and courage. Carlos Pianowski is an awesome force in rollerblading. Stygma and Sifika proudly welcomes a great personality to their brands.

Our new team Member
2006-10-09 17:12 davidzafra
Tito is a both Dj and producer, born in Cadiz, Spain. He began his musical career in 1999 with the music that most reached him at that time, Breakbeat, which then moved progresively on to Nu Breakz until he found his true musical identity, Drum&Bass. Within his sessions you can expect Neurofunk, Hardstep and Technodrum. [...]

Stygma and Deshi welcome Martina Svobodova
2006-10-10 18:25 davidzafra
Martina is a pioneer in rollerblading. She proved that there didn’t need to be a difference in level between guys and gals, mixing awesome style with technical tricks and spins, matching up to many of the best rollerbladers out there and then overtaking them. Martina is in her element in street or skatepark, and this was [...]

A Roska sequence
2006-10-30 23:19 davidzafra
Brazilian/Spanish resident rider, Jefferson Santana “Roska” with a 450 back royale in Barcelona. Wearing the Stygma Sketch T-Shirt and military cap.

Kojot's setup
2008-02-01 14:20
Photo and info about Radoslaw Kojtych's profile was added to his profile..

Fresh Fields
2008-02-04 11:11
First official trailer of Hedonskate DVD - Fresh Fields was added to clip section.

Nils's edit
2008-02-05 13:33
Edit from the first day on Remz OS v.1 was added to Nils Jansons's profile.

Nils Jansons's profile
2008-02-12 14:04
Old profile from Koncerts (2005) movie has been added to Nils Jansons's profile.

Kowal's photo
2008-02-13 15:37
Photo taken by Miłosz Kraus has been added to Mateusz Kowalski's profile and has been published as photo of the week on Inmag.info.

Des's photo
2008-04-14 12:27
Photo from Never Winter Jam was added to Jakub Olejarz's. profile.

Piotrek's edit
2008-04-15 12:37
Full version of video edit which won Razors Box Contest was added to Piotrek's Combrzyński profile.

Honza's profile
2008-04-16 13:01
Honza's Puchyr profile from czech movie: Vagina Balance was added to his profile.

Kowal's edit
2008-04-18 15:13
Mateusz's Kowalski edit made by Radek Kojtych został was added to his profile.

New team rider!
2008-04-21 12:30
After a little team reorganisation we have new group: flow where you can find our newest team rider straight from Latvia: Almants Nedzveckis!

Mats's setup
2008-04-23 12:27
Photo and info about new Mats-Kaarel's Ruus setup was added to his profile.

Real Style: Harlem
2008-08-18 11:03 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Enlarge the picture. Rachard Johnson & Julian Bah were featured on a fashion website. Link So I was chillin in Harlem this weekend…being a Brooklynite, I honestly never make the trek, so while up there I couldn’t help but scout for fashionable people. I snapped these two young men (photo above). …from their graphic t-shirts to saggy jeans, [...]

Ukskate Summer jam 08: Edit & Results
2008-08-18 11:16 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
This is an edit of the expert over 18 jam, probably the last in the ukskate run park due to its closure. Edit by Harry & George Fearnall. Results: Expert/ Over 18 comp: 1st - Steve Swain 2nd - Aaron Turner 3rd - Scott Hallows Open/ U18 comp: 1st - Cheeseface (Rob Dalton) 2nd - Sammy Brookfield 3rd - Johnny Quale Under 13: 1st - Jake [...]

One: 15 MINUTES with Mike Opalek
2008-08-18 11:19 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
I first met Mike Opalek in 1996 when he was in Ohio filming for the Senate video “Day of the Rope.” I was hanging out at our mutual friend Steve’s place when Mike came by, bringing along then-16-year-old Eric Schrijn and Louie Zamora. I suppose as first meetings go, it went pretty well. Mike was [...]

Don Bambrick (2003 - 2005)
2008-08-18 11:47 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Thanks Xgreenxcloverx.

Results- St. Michael Inline 1/2 Marathon
2008-08-18 11:48 peterdoucet

The St. Michael Inline 1/2 Marathon results are online.

Race start- photo from St. Michael Inline 1/2 Marathon

Json Adriani: USD Seven Review
2008-08-18 11:50 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Check the video in HD Streaming. Filmed and Edit by Simone Iodice.

Happy Birthday Bill Begg
2008-08-18 11:51 peterdoucet

New Zealand’s Bill Begg celebrated his 62 birthday yesterday (August 17th)- check out the thread Happy Birthday to Bill Begg.

Photo from Niki Neck

Inline Planet Skate Tip By Joey Cheek
2008-08-18 11:54 peterdoucet

The most recent Inline Planet Skate Tip Of The Week is by Joey Cheek; it’s called Be a Student of the Sport.

Remember that every time you lose, you have an opportunity to learn something new. If you make learning part of your everyday training regimen, you will be thrilled at the results. … And one day, you too may find yourself standing on the top step at the Olympic Games.

Inline One Eleven- Bill Begg’s Report & Podium Pics
2008-08-18 11:59 peterdoucet

Bill Begg wrote a report on yesterday’s Inline One Eleven St Gallen in the thread INLINE 111 ST. GALLEN.

A well organized race the Classic holds a special place with the skaters & public of the region.

You will also find a couple of podium picture in the thread INLINE 111 ST. GALLEN thanks to Niki Neck.

Women’s 111 podium- photo from Niki Neck

Cado Motus In Gijon- Hitting The Town Instead Of The Track
2008-08-18 12:02 peterdoucet

If you’re wondering what Gijon- host city of the upcoming World Roller Speed Skating Championships- is like, then check out Cado Motus’ most recent entry Gijon track secure, so we hit the town.

If this kind of weather keeps up, and the track and road venues fulfil their potential for high speed, it’s going to be a great place for the World Championship. Let’s just hope the city lets the skaters on the track - at least without a surcharge!

Surviving (Living) With An Athlete
2008-08-18 12:06 peterdoucet

I found the following article thanks to PATINAGE DE VITESSE - COURTE PISTE; it’s in French- (Sur)vivre avec un athlète. The article breaks down the hardships and difficulties that elite amateur athletes face in different aspects of life. It exposes some of the sacrifices and choices the face-

Guy Thibault, ex-entraîneur chef de l’équipe nationale de patinage de vitesse courte piste, abonde dans le même sens. «Pour un athlète olympique, chaque minute compte. Chaque minute que tu donnes à quelqu’un, c’est une minute que tu enlèves à ta préparation olympique, à ta médaille.»

Canada’s New Racing Skin Suit
2008-08-18 12:58 peterdoucet

Click here to see  pictures of the Canada’s new World Championships racing costume. You can also view the images below-

Montre Livingston: Rail Session in the Underworld
2008-08-18 14:24 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Montre skating a sick Rail in Philly. Thanks Dist46.

Jason Adriani USD VII review
2008-08-18 15:43
Jason Adriani reviewing the next USD VII skate, available soon with a the new Sifika high liners.
Edit by Simone Iodice.

Json Adriani USD Seven Review from simone iodice on Vimeo.

Let's Blog Our Way Into the Olympics
2008-08-18 16:27
I've been writing about the Olympic dream of getting inline racing into the 2012 Games. This is my effort to help keep the buzz going on the internet and help...

On track in Gijon
2008-08-18 18:11 CadoMotus News <noreply@blogger.com>
It's Monday - so we expect the Spanish back at the track, and since its now the 18th, perhaps even for the road to be open...We started the day with a trip to the Championship office. Two minutes inside told us that the office staff were nice and very accommodating, but our conversation ended with "you can book it, yes, and I call you back later to confirm that its okay." It seems even the

Kowal's photo
2008-08-18 18:25
New photo of Mateusz Kowalski was added to his profile and was published on Be-Mag - Picture of the week - 08/08/12.

Krisztian Szilagyi (15, Hungary)
2008-08-18 20:34 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Krisztian Szilagyi, 15 years old. Thanks Roll4life.

Team Extreme
2008-08-19 00:36 nobody@flickr.com (rob evans photography)

rob evans photography posted a photo:

Team Extreme

at the Balloon Festival

EGC- Mad Dog&#8217;s Skates
2008-08-19 01:38 peterdoucet

Eric Gee completed Phillip Morris’ skate. Eric gives a good account and lots of details about the boot, its history, and more- read more in Dogs with Bling-

It’s that time again. Another pair of skates completed (Version 4) and another chance to review the good the bad and the ugly. This time, I remembered a lot of lessons learned because I have been practicing. I currently still have ten pairs on my workbench in various states of incompleteness.

Photo from EGC Skates

A Younger Perspective- 7 More Practices Left For USA Residency
2008-08-19 01:41 peterdoucet

Keith Carroll’s blog, A Younger Perspective, gives an account from the inside of USA’s residency in Colorado Springs- read more in Rain, Rain, Go Away and Back to Practice-

Time is running out and worlds is just around the corner. We only have seven more practices (if it doesn’t rain). We get three days at home and then we are off to Spain which should be awesome!

CITC- A Visit To Montreal
2008-08-19 01:50 peterdoucet

Check out CITC’s A Visit To Montreal which features a number of pictures and a report from short track action at Maurice Richard arena in Montreal- you may have to sroll down to find the article/ report & pictures-

Olivier and Steve‘- photo & caption from CITC

…Mens coach Derek Campbell and womens coach Marc Gagne where hard at work with both squads. It was a treat to see so many gifted athletes on the ice at the same time. Olivier Jean looked stronger than ever after his injury last year and appeared to be so focused on the practice. Kalyna Roberge and Amanda Overland were working on outside passes. Their super smooth and snap accelerations made me get goosebumps. This is commitment from all the team and coaches and when I see the lack of funding all I can say to the COC and the Canadian government is shame on you !!!!!!
I was teasing the guys about coming with me to Gijon Spain in 2 weeks. Steve told me after the Olympics in 2010 that he and Mathieu Giroux and Olivier will skate for Canada at the world inline Championships. I don’t know where that will be yet but I’ll get in line for a bus ticket to see that show. Cheers Alex

Pictures- Inline One Eleven St Gallen From Bildimpressionen.de
2008-08-19 01:58 peterdoucet

Click here for Bildimpressionen.de’s pictures from Sunday’s Inline One Eleven St Gallen. We’re treated to 9 pages featuring 170+ pictures.

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Video From Europe- Animals, Mont St Michel, &#38; WWII USA Cemetary (St James)
2008-08-19 02:01 peterdoucet

My latest video- 2008-08 France- Animals, Mont St Michel, & St James Cemetary- features footage of various animals from France, a trip to the amazingly beautiful Mont St Michel, and a stop at the World War 2 USA cemetary in St James, Normandy.

Cado Motus &#38; Mundo Patin- Skating On The Worlds Track
2008-08-19 02:33 peterdoucet

A group of skaters finally managed to get onto the Gijon World Championships track to skate; read more in Australia and New Zealand begin their trainings on Moreda’s track and On track in Gijon. You can find many pictures of the training session here.

The entry On track in Gijon entry gives a detailed account on the hoops that had to be cleared in order to skate the on the track-

Foreign Bags
Finally inside the track
‘- photo and caption from Cado Motus

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

We headed onto the track through the underpass with Wouter, who was smiled at by the Keymaster as he walked past, after which he stepped in front of us and asked who we were. This was going to be tough, particularly in light of the language barrier. Explaining we had arranged with ‘Belgium’ to share time, we (two, and no more) were allowed in. The Keymaster followed this up with a phone call…

Pictures- Training With Yann Guyader, Peter Doucet (Me!), &#38; Morgane Echardour- From Francois &#38; Marie
2008-08-19 03:11 peterdoucet

I came to France to skate & train with some of the best skaters & coaches with the ultimage goal of getting faster. I love to race. I really get a kick out of skating. I’m higly stimulated by the difficult challenges that this sport offers.

By now, I hope that you have figured out that I am a massive fan of roller speed skating.

In part, SSW is a public reflection of my appreciation of racing on skates. It’s an hommage; an electronic high-five to all those who immerse themselves in speed skating. It’s a toast to the people of give a part of themselves to the sport, and in doing so, become themselves an import part of speed skating’s vast, rich, and intricate fabric.

On that note, I’m pleased and honoured to share pictures that Francois & Marie shot of Yann Guyader, Morgane Echardour, and I practicing on Sunday evening.

I’m pleased because IMO, the pictures look good. They’re shot by Francois & Marie who have a keen eye for finding the right angle to shoot. They have the instinct of good timing and patience & persistence that are necessary in capturing good skating action shots.

I’m honoured because Francois & Marie, fine people and good photographers, have me on their radar screen- they invited Morgane and I over to their house for some wine before we leave for Spain for the World Championships. I’m also honoured because I’m sharing the track and skating with Yann Guyader, one of the best in the business.

*FYI- While in France, I’ve had many opportunities to drink plenty of wine. The stuff is dirt cheap and of very high quality. I’ve stayed away from wine and alcohol here as I do back home in Mississauga, except for two or three times where I drank the bottom of a wine glass.

There was one other occasion where I drank a bit more (not excessively) in mid-July at one of Morgane’s cousin’s party. The party, a typical one for the 60-70 party goers, took place at a hall in a convent, and involved camping, lots of food, a 1am massive BBQ cookout, a 6:30am massive BBQ cookout, lots of French people, live music, very little sleep for many of the people, and more. I even got to sing & play guitar accompanied by Morgane’s cousin on the saxophone & accordion, a bass player, and a drummer.

Click here for the pictures and/ or check out the slide-show here.

Yann Guyader’s sweet boots- photo from François & Marie

SSW staffer Peter Doucet leading Yann Guyader- photo from François & Marie

Morgane Echardour following Yann Guyader who’s about to squeak by in the inside- photo from François & Marie

Morgane Echardour leading for the money shot- photo from François & Marie

Yann Guyader rips it up on his home track- photo from François & Marie

2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:


Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal:

After talking with some really nice folks at the park I learned that this guy made a trip to Toronto and back on his bike at age 55 and he has a flickr account of his trip.


Smooth Operator
2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:

Smooth Operator

Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal:

Crane Operator to be exact

Old Man
2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:

Old Man

Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal.

Sad Beauty
2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:

Sad Beauty

Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal.

2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:


Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal:

He too goes to Toronto on his cool bike!

Links for 2008-08-18 [del.icio.us]
2008-08-19 09:00

Grape 365 Days (Year 2) #290 08/16
2008-08-19 11:20 nobody@flickr.com (randeclip)

randeclip posted a photo:

Grape 365 Days (Year 2) #290 08/16

I'm at a loss for words.
I could write about the industrial beauty that this bridge portrays.
Or what about the two "burrows" its span connects?
I could describe what a wonderful day it was or the fantastic vista I could see.
What about the evils of graffiti?

I could go on about all of these things...
...but that sock is driving me crazy!

Click here for this years 365 collection

See where this picture was taken. [?]

Pictures of the Day
2008-08-19 12:02 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
up: Lucas - Topsoul. Featured on the Infernal Teamrider Flickr Photo Set. Pictures of the Day. Via the Rollernews Flickr Photo Pool. up: Jimmy Hake - Makio Stall. Enlarge the picture. Featured on the Andrew Nemiroski Flickr Photo Set. About the lighting setup.

Nick Wood: Filth section (2008)
2008-08-19 12:14 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Woodster’s 7 minute section from the classic Santee flick called Filth! No bullshit, straight hammers! Better Resolution: remz.com [knowit] [liveit] Thanks Kato.

Our Second Line
2006-10-09 16:18 davidzafra
Stygma releases its second line, remaining stylish and original. There is now something for everyone, even more so now that sizes go from S to XXL. This season the line includes great items ideal for presents, for example the belt which comes gift packed in a high quality box with silver logos, a girls range, truckers and pants. All of [...]

Carlos Pianowski
2006-10-09 16:18 davidzafra
Pure adrenaline, technicality and courage. Carlos Pianowski is an awesome force in rollerblading. Stygma and Sifika proudly welcomes a great personality to their brands.

Our new team Member
2006-10-09 17:12 davidzafra
Tito is a both Dj and producer, born in Cadiz, Spain. He began his musical career in 1999 with the music that most reached him at that time, Breakbeat, which then moved progresively on to Nu Breakz until he found his true musical identity, Drum&Bass. Within his sessions you can expect Neurofunk, Hardstep and Technodrum. [...]

Stygma and Deshi welcome Martina Svobodova
2006-10-10 18:25 davidzafra
Martina is a pioneer in rollerblading. She proved that there didn’t need to be a difference in level between guys and gals, mixing awesome style with technical tricks and spins, matching up to many of the best rollerbladers out there and then overtaking them. Martina is in her element in street or skatepark, and this was [...]

A Roska sequence
2006-10-30 23:19 davidzafra
Brazilian/Spanish resident rider, Jefferson Santana “Roska” with a 450 back royale in Barcelona. Wearing the Stygma Sketch T-Shirt and military cap.

Kojot's setup
2008-02-01 14:20
Photo and info about Radoslaw Kojtych's profile was added to his profile..

Fresh Fields
2008-02-04 11:11
First official trailer of Hedonskate DVD - Fresh Fields was added to clip section.

Nils's edit
2008-02-05 13:33
Edit from the first day on Remz OS v.1 was added to Nils Jansons's profile.

Nils Jansons's profile
2008-02-12 14:04
Old profile from Koncerts (2005) movie has been added to Nils Jansons's profile.

Kowal's photo
2008-02-13 15:37
Photo taken by Miłosz Kraus has been added to Mateusz Kowalski's profile and has been published as photo of the week on Inmag.info.

Des's photo
2008-04-14 12:27
Photo from Never Winter Jam was added to Jakub Olejarz's. profile.

Piotrek's edit
2008-04-15 12:37
Full version of video edit which won Razors Box Contest was added to Piotrek's Combrzyński profile.

Honza's profile
2008-04-16 13:01
Honza's Puchyr profile from czech movie: Vagina Balance was added to his profile.

Kowal's edit
2008-04-18 15:13
Mateusz's Kowalski edit made by Radek Kojtych został was added to his profile.

New team rider!
2008-04-21 12:30
After a little team reorganisation we have new group: flow where you can find our newest team rider straight from Latvia: Almants Nedzveckis!

Mats's setup
2008-04-23 12:27
Photo and info about new Mats-Kaarel's Ruus setup was added to his profile.

Real Style: Harlem
2008-08-18 11:03 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Enlarge the picture. Rachard Johnson & Julian Bah were featured on a fashion website. Link So I was chillin in Harlem this weekend…being a Brooklynite, I honestly never make the trek, so while up there I couldn’t help but scout for fashionable people. I snapped these two young men (photo above). …from their graphic t-shirts to saggy jeans, [...]

Ukskate Summer jam 08: Edit & Results
2008-08-18 11:16 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
This is an edit of the expert over 18 jam, probably the last in the ukskate run park due to its closure. Edit by Harry & George Fearnall. Results: Expert/ Over 18 comp: 1st - Steve Swain 2nd - Aaron Turner 3rd - Scott Hallows Open/ U18 comp: 1st - Cheeseface (Rob Dalton) 2nd - Sammy Brookfield 3rd - Johnny Quale Under 13: 1st - Jake [...]

One: 15 MINUTES with Mike Opalek
2008-08-18 11:19 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
I first met Mike Opalek in 1996 when he was in Ohio filming for the Senate video “Day of the Rope.” I was hanging out at our mutual friend Steve’s place when Mike came by, bringing along then-16-year-old Eric Schrijn and Louie Zamora. I suppose as first meetings go, it went pretty well. Mike was [...]

Don Bambrick (2003 - 2005)
2008-08-18 11:47 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Thanks Xgreenxcloverx.

Results- St. Michael Inline 1/2 Marathon
2008-08-18 11:48 peterdoucet

The St. Michael Inline 1/2 Marathon results are online.

Race start- photo from St. Michael Inline 1/2 Marathon

Json Adriani: USD Seven Review
2008-08-18 11:50 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Check the video in HD Streaming. Filmed and Edit by Simone Iodice.

Happy Birthday Bill Begg
2008-08-18 11:51 peterdoucet

New Zealand’s Bill Begg celebrated his 62 birthday yesterday (August 17th)- check out the thread Happy Birthday to Bill Begg.

Photo from Niki Neck

Inline Planet Skate Tip By Joey Cheek
2008-08-18 11:54 peterdoucet

The most recent Inline Planet Skate Tip Of The Week is by Joey Cheek; it’s called Be a Student of the Sport.

Remember that every time you lose, you have an opportunity to learn something new. If you make learning part of your everyday training regimen, you will be thrilled at the results. … And one day, you too may find yourself standing on the top step at the Olympic Games.

Inline One Eleven- Bill Begg&#8217;s Report &#38; Podium Pics
2008-08-18 11:59 peterdoucet

Bill Begg wrote a report on yesterday’s Inline One Eleven St Gallen in the thread INLINE 111 ST. GALLEN.

A well organized race the Classic holds a special place with the skaters & public of the region.

You will also find a couple of podium picture in the thread INLINE 111 ST. GALLEN thanks to Niki Neck.

Women’s 111 podium- photo from Niki Neck

Cado Motus In Gijon- Hitting The Town Instead Of The Track
2008-08-18 12:02 peterdoucet

If you’re wondering what Gijon- host city of the upcoming World Roller Speed Skating Championships- is like, then check out Cado Motus’ most recent entry Gijon track secure, so we hit the town.

If this kind of weather keeps up, and the track and road venues fulfil their potential for high speed, it’s going to be a great place for the World Championship. Let’s just hope the city lets the skaters on the track - at least without a surcharge!

Surviving (Living) With An Athlete
2008-08-18 12:06 peterdoucet

I found the following article thanks to PATINAGE DE VITESSE - COURTE PISTE; it’s in French- (Sur)vivre avec un athlète. The article breaks down the hardships and difficulties that elite amateur athletes face in different aspects of life. It exposes some of the sacrifices and choices the face-

Guy Thibault, ex-entraîneur chef de l’équipe nationale de patinage de vitesse courte piste, abonde dans le même sens. «Pour un athlète olympique, chaque minute compte. Chaque minute que tu donnes à quelqu’un, c’est une minute que tu enlèves à ta préparation olympique, à ta médaille.»

Canada&#8217;s New Racing Skin Suit
2008-08-18 12:58 peterdoucet

Click here to see  pictures of the Canada’s new World Championships racing costume. You can also view the images below-

Montre Livingston: Rail Session in the Underworld
2008-08-18 14:24 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Montre skating a sick Rail in Philly. Thanks Dist46.

Jason Adriani USD VII review
2008-08-18 15:43
Jason Adriani reviewing the next USD VII skate, available soon with a the new Sifika high liners.
Edit by Simone Iodice.

Json Adriani USD Seven Review from simone iodice on Vimeo.

Let's Blog Our Way Into the Olympics
2008-08-18 16:27
I've been writing about the Olympic dream of getting inline racing into the 2012 Games. This is my effort to help keep the buzz going on the internet and help...

On track in Gijon
2008-08-18 18:11 CadoMotus News <noreply@blogger.com>
It's Monday - so we expect the Spanish back at the track, and since its now the 18th, perhaps even for the road to be open...We started the day with a trip to the Championship office. Two minutes inside told us that the office staff were nice and very accommodating, but our conversation ended with "you can book it, yes, and I call you back later to confirm that its okay." It seems even the

Kowal's photo
2008-08-18 18:25
New photo of Mateusz Kowalski was added to his profile and was published on Be-Mag - Picture of the week - 08/08/12.

Krisztian Szilagyi (15, Hungary)
2008-08-18 20:34 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Krisztian Szilagyi, 15 years old. Thanks Roll4life.

Team Extreme
2008-08-19 00:36 nobody@flickr.com (rob evans photography)

rob evans photography posted a photo:

Team Extreme

at the Balloon Festival

EGC- Mad Dog&#8217;s Skates
2008-08-19 01:38 peterdoucet

Eric Gee completed Phillip Morris’ skate. Eric gives a good account and lots of details about the boot, its history, and more- read more in Dogs with Bling-

It’s that time again. Another pair of skates completed (Version 4) and another chance to review the good the bad and the ugly. This time, I remembered a lot of lessons learned because I have been practicing. I currently still have ten pairs on my workbench in various states of incompleteness.

Photo from EGC Skates

A Younger Perspective- 7 More Practices Left For USA Residency
2008-08-19 01:41 peterdoucet

Keith Carroll’s blog, A Younger Perspective, gives an account from the inside of USA’s residency in Colorado Springs- read more in Rain, Rain, Go Away and Back to Practice-

Time is running out and worlds is just around the corner. We only have seven more practices (if it doesn’t rain). We get three days at home and then we are off to Spain which should be awesome!

CITC- A Visit To Montreal
2008-08-19 01:50 peterdoucet

Check out CITC’s A Visit To Montreal which features a number of pictures and a report from short track action at Maurice Richard arena in Montreal- you may have to sroll down to find the article/ report & pictures-

Olivier and Steve‘- photo & caption from CITC

…Mens coach Derek Campbell and womens coach Marc Gagne where hard at work with both squads. It was a treat to see so many gifted athletes on the ice at the same time. Olivier Jean looked stronger than ever after his injury last year and appeared to be so focused on the practice. Kalyna Roberge and Amanda Overland were working on outside passes. Their super smooth and snap accelerations made me get goosebumps. This is commitment from all the team and coaches and when I see the lack of funding all I can say to the COC and the Canadian government is shame on you !!!!!!
I was teasing the guys about coming with me to Gijon Spain in 2 weeks. Steve told me after the Olympics in 2010 that he and Mathieu Giroux and Olivier will skate for Canada at the world inline Championships. I don’t know where that will be yet but I’ll get in line for a bus ticket to see that show. Cheers Alex

Pictures- Inline One Eleven St Gallen From Bildimpressionen.de
2008-08-19 01:58 peterdoucet

Click here for Bildimpressionen.de’s pictures from Sunday’s Inline One Eleven St Gallen. We’re treated to 9 pages featuring 170+ pictures.

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Photo from Uwe Zeidler- Bildimpressionen.de

Video From Europe- Animals, Mont St Michel, &#38; WWII USA Cemetary (St James)
2008-08-19 02:01 peterdoucet

My latest video- 2008-08 France- Animals, Mont St Michel, & St James Cemetary- features footage of various animals from France, a trip to the amazingly beautiful Mont St Michel, and a stop at the World War 2 USA cemetary in St James, Normandy.

Cado Motus &#38; Mundo Patin- Skating On The Worlds Track
2008-08-19 02:33 peterdoucet

A group of skaters finally managed to get onto the Gijon World Championships track to skate; read more in Australia and New Zealand begin their trainings on Moreda’s track and On track in Gijon. You can find many pictures of the training session here.

The entry On track in Gijon entry gives a detailed account on the hoops that had to be cleared in order to skate the on the track-

Foreign Bags
Finally inside the track
‘- photo and caption from Cado Motus

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

Photo from Mundo Patin

We headed onto the track through the underpass with Wouter, who was smiled at by the Keymaster as he walked past, after which he stepped in front of us and asked who we were. This was going to be tough, particularly in light of the language barrier. Explaining we had arranged with ‘Belgium’ to share time, we (two, and no more) were allowed in. The Keymaster followed this up with a phone call…

Pictures- Training With Yann Guyader, Peter Doucet (Me!), &#38; Morgane Echardour- From Francois &#38; Marie
2008-08-19 03:11 peterdoucet

I came to France to skate & train with some of the best skaters & coaches with the ultimage goal of getting faster. I love to race. I really get a kick out of skating. I’m higly stimulated by the difficult challenges that this sport offers.

By now, I hope that you have figured out that I am a massive fan of roller speed skating.

In part, SSW is a public reflection of my appreciation of racing on skates. It’s an hommage; an electronic high-five to all those who immerse themselves in speed skating. It’s a toast to the people of give a part of themselves to the sport, and in doing so, become themselves an import part of speed skating’s vast, rich, and intricate fabric.

On that note, I’m pleased and honoured to share pictures that Francois & Marie shot of Yann Guyader, Morgane Echardour, and I practicing on Sunday evening.

I’m pleased because IMO, the pictures look good. They’re shot by Francois & Marie who have a keen eye for finding the right angle to shoot. They have the instinct of good timing and patience & persistence that are necessary in capturing good skating action shots.

I’m honoured because Francois & Marie, fine people and good photographers, have me on their radar screen- they invited Morgane and I over to their house for some wine before we leave for Spain for the World Championships. I’m also honoured because I’m sharing the track and skating with Yann Guyader, one of the best in the business.

*FYI- While in France, I’ve had many opportunities to drink plenty of wine. The stuff is dirt cheap and of very high quality. I’ve stayed away from wine and alcohol here as I do back home in Mississauga, except for two or three times where I drank the bottom of a wine glass.

There was one other occasion where I drank a bit more (not excessively) in mid-July at one of Morgane’s cousin’s party. The party, a typical one for the 60-70 party goers, took place at a hall in a convent, and involved camping, lots of food, a 1am massive BBQ cookout, a 6:30am massive BBQ cookout, lots of French people, live music, very little sleep for many of the people, and more. I even got to sing & play guitar accompanied by Morgane’s cousin on the saxophone & accordion, a bass player, and a drummer.

Click here for the pictures and/ or check out the slide-show here.

Yann Guyader’s sweet boots- photo from François & Marie

SSW staffer Peter Doucet leading Yann Guyader- photo from François & Marie

Morgane Echardour following Yann Guyader who’s about to squeak by in the inside- photo from François & Marie

Morgane Echardour leading for the money shot- photo from François & Marie

Yann Guyader rips it up on his home track- photo from François & Marie

2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:


Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal:

After talking with some really nice folks at the park I learned that this guy made a trip to Toronto and back on his bike at age 55 and he has a flickr account of his trip.


Smooth Operator
2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:

Smooth Operator

Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal:

Crane Operator to be exact

Old Man
2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:

Old Man

Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal.

Sad Beauty
2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:

Sad Beauty

Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal.

2008-08-19 07:47 nobody@flickr.com (beautifoto)

beautifoto posted a photo:


Some photos from my latest rollerblade photo session in the streets of Montreal:

He too goes to Toronto on his cool bike!

Links for 2008-08-18 [del.icio.us]
2008-08-19 09:00

Grape 365 Days (Year 2) #290 08/16
2008-08-19 11:20 nobody@flickr.com (randeclip)

randeclip posted a photo:

Grape 365 Days (Year 2) #290 08/16

I'm at a loss for words.
I could write about the industrial beauty that this bridge portrays.
Or what about the two "burrows" its span connects?
I could describe what a wonderful day it was or the fantastic vista I could see.
What about the evils of graffiti?

I could go on about all of these things...
...but that sock is driving me crazy!

Click here for this years 365 collection

See where this picture was taken. [?]

Pictures of the Day
2008-08-19 12:02 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
up: Lucas - Topsoul. Featured on the Infernal Teamrider Flickr Photo Set. Pictures of the Day. Via the Rollernews Flickr Photo Pool. up: Jimmy Hake - Makio Stall. Enlarge the picture. Featured on the Andrew Nemiroski Flickr Photo Set. About the lighting setup.

Nick Wood: Filth section (2008)
2008-08-19 12:14 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Woodster’s 7 minute section from the classic Santee flick called Filth! No bullshit, straight hammers! Better Resolution: remz.com [knowit] [liveit] Thanks Kato.

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