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Polygonatum verticillatum.
Phytother Res. 2011 Jan 20.
Antinociceptive Activity of Aerial Parts of Polygonatum verticillatum: Attenuation
of Both Peripheral and Central Pain Mediators.
Khan H, Saeed M, Gilani AU, Khan MA, Khan I, Ashraf N.
Department of Pharmacy, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, 25120, Pakistan.
Abstract.Polygonatum verticillatum All. is used traditionally as an analgesic
and plant diuretic. The methanol extract of aerial parts of Polygonatum verticillatum
(PA) was assessed in various experimental paradigms. The pain threshold in the
form of abdominal constriction induced by acetic acid was significantly (p <
0.01) inhibited by PA at test doses (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg). In the formalin
test, PA elicited a significant (p < 0.01) analgesic activity in both phases
and strongly attenuated the formalin-induced flinching behaviour. The hot plate
test was used to evaluate central involvement in the analgesic profile of PA.
The PA significantly relieved thermal-induced pain. From a mechanistic point
of view, the central antihyperalgesic activity was tested for antagonism with
naloxone, but no antagonism was observed. The current investigations suggest
that the active constituent(s) in PA has an analgesic profile with predominant
peripheral activity which is augmented by an opioid independent central effect.
In the diuretic assay, PA (300 and 600 mg/kg) showed mild insignificant diuretic
activity. Our study rationalized the traditional use of Polygonatum verticillatum
in the treatment of painful conditions.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Feb 3;127(2):521-7. Epub 2009 Oct 22. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19853648
The antinociceptive activity of Polygonatum verticillatum rhizomes in pain models.
Khan H, Saeed M, Gilani AU, Khan MA, Dar A, Khan I.
Department of Pharmacy, University of Peshawar, Peshawar 25120, Pakistan.
AIM OF THE STUDY: The current study was designed to establish the pharmacological
rationale for the traditional use of the rhizomes of Polygonatum verticillatum
in the treatment of painful conditions and as a plant diuretic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The crude methanolic extract of the rhizomes of Polygonatumverticillatum
(PR) was tested in various established pain models in rodents at 50, 100 and
200mg/kg i.p. while the diuretic activity was assessed at 300 and 600 mg/kg p.o.
in rats.
RESULTS: PR demonstrated significant reduction (14-72%) in the number of writhes
induced by acetic acid in a dose-dependent manner. When nociceptive threshold
was measured in the formalin test, PR strongly attenuated the formalin-induced
flinching behaviour in both phases (6-30% in first phase while 12-72% in second
phase). Central involvement in the analgesic profile of PR was confirmed by the
hot plate test, in which PR elicited a significant (P<0.01) analgesic activity
by increasing latency time. However, an opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone
(2mg/kg s.c.) strongly antagonized the antinociceptive activity of PR. As a plant
diuretic, PR showed mild but statistically insignificant diuretic activity at
300 mg/kg. The crude extract and solvent fractions of the plant contained reasonable
quantity of total saponin and alkaloid contents.
CONCLUSIONS: The mechanisms underlying the analgesic action of PR shows that
the opioid dependant central mediation has synergistic effect by enforcing the
peripheral analgesic effects. Interestingly, our findings not only substantiated
the folk use of the plant as an analgesic but also reported for the first time
in the whole genus.
Plant Biol (Stuttg). 2009 May;11(3):392-404. Epub 2008 Nov 28. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19470110
Multiple glacial refugia and complex postglacial range shifts of the obligatory
woodland plant Polygonatum verticillatum (Convallariaceae).
Kramp K, Huck S, Niketic' M, Tomovic' G, Schmitt T.
Biogeography, University of Trier, Trier, Germany.
The phylogeography of typical alpine plant species is well understood in Europe.
However, the genetic patterns of boreo-montane species are mostly unstudied.
Therefore, we analysed the AFLPs of 198 individuals of Polygonatum verticillatum
over a major part of its European distribution. We obtained a total of 402 reproducible
fragments, of which 96.8% were polymorphic. The average Phi(ST) over all samples
was high (73.0%). The highest number of private fragments was observed in the
Cantabrian Mountains; the highest genetic diversities of the populations were
detected in populations from the Alps. BAPS, Principal Coordinates and Cluster
analyses revealed a deep split between the Cantabrian population and all other
samples. The latter further distinguished two major groups in western and eastern
Europe. These results suggest a complex biogeographical history of P. verticillatum.
The Cantabrian population was most probably isolated for the longest time. Furthermore,
putative glacial survival centres might have existed in the western group around
the glaciated Alps and in the eastern group in the foothills of the Carpathian
and Balkan mountain systems. The origin of the Scandinavian populations is still
unresolved, but an origin from the southeastern Alps or the western Balkans appears
the most likely scenario.
Ukr Biokhim Zh. 1993 Jan-Feb;65(1):41-8.
[Purification and properties of lectins of Polygonatum multiflorum [L.] All.
and Polygonatum verticillatum [L.] All].
[Article in Ukrainian]
Antoniuk VO.
The lectins from rootstocks of Polygonatum multiflorum [L.]. All. and P. verticillatum
[L.] All. were purified by affinity chromatography on thyroglobulin-sepharose.
Purified lectins were obtained from fresh raw material of P. multiflorum and
P. verticillatum, 340 mg/kg and 120 mg/kg, respectively. The both lectins do
not contain carbohydrates. Amino acid analysis has shown that the both lectins
had high content of asparaginic acid/the lectin from P. verticillatum almost
28%. Ion-exchange chromatography permitted separating the lectin from P. multiflorum
into 8 isoforms, that did not differ in molecular weight. Purified lectins interacted
with sialic acid and did not interact with other monosaccharides. Purified lectins
agglutinated rabbit and rat erythrocytes best of all, they less agglutinated
mice and horse erythrocytes, but did not agglutinate human, cow, sheep and frog
erythrocytes at all. Lyophylized lectins are amorphous white powders, that are
well soluble in distilled water. Scientific-production co-operative "Lectinotest"
began serial production of lectin from Polygonatum multiflorum from 1992 year.
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