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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 150 часть 1

WorldDX 150
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
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Короткие Волны

9580 AUSTRALIA. R.Australia, 1704, 12/2/07. In well
with English nx followed by commentary. Stead S5
signal through 1723 tune-out (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

6080 Radio Australia; 1441, 1-Dec; EE pgm re radio techno-
logy & music industry; taking phone calls. SIO=242+, cleanest in LSB; //9475, SIO=353; //5995, SIO=333-
(Harlod Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

2325 ABC Katherine, 30.11., 1925, report on Armenia, excellent signal, //2310; O=4
4835 ABC Alice Springs, 29.11., 2135, news; O=3
5025 ABC Katherine, 29.11., 2140, news, weather, ID; O=4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

2325 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 1944-2005, 01 Dec, English, talks; 24231 but improving a bit.
2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, 1945-2010, 01 Dec, English, talks abt. a writer, songs; 25342.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

R. Tirana, 13640 check Dec 5: 1529, IS and opening theme, S9+10 but local hi noise level; SINPO 35343
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

6300 Radio Arabe Sahuari Democtarica; 2301-2310+, 30-Nov;
M in SS ,mentioned Sahuari several time & also Republica Bolivariano
Venezuela; desert music, chant & reggae tune. SIO=433+
(Harlod Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

KNLS presumed on 6890, the weak station in English, Dec 5
at 1323, but then in Chinese at 1325. Current FCC listings show WWRB on at same
time, 1200-1500, but no sign of it, as usual over-scheduled; while KNLS is on
6890 during this one hour only, in Chinese. 6890 has WYFR also listed at 09-13
and WWRB also at 22-05 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

6090 University Network via Caribbean Beacon; 0618, 1-Dec; Dead Dr.Gene. SIO=544 w/xmtr hum (Frodge-DXP)
11775 University Network via Caribbean Beacon; 1544, 1-Dec; Dead Dr.Gene. SIO=4+44- (Frodge-DXP)
(Harlod Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

DGS, 11775, Dec 7 at 1750 with considerable QRM in
Luso-Portuguese. That`s VOA Sao Tome at 138 degrees, 1700-1800. VOA also
collides with The Valley at 2030-2100 in Hausa/French via ST/Morocco (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

4950 RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 1905-1939, 01 Dec, Portuguese, newscast,
sports news towards the half hr; 44333, noisy audio & sporadic uty. QRM.
The audio got better later in the evening. (Carlos Goncalves, PORtugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

15475.97 ANTARCTICA. LRA 36, RN Arcangel, 2054,
11/27/07. Rare appearance here with a bit of audio
popping out of the noise until sign-off. YL announce-
ments at tune-in into pop ballads (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

15345.42 ARGENTINA. RAE, 2102, 11/27/07. German
service. IS, ID, freqs, and schedule presented. OM &
YL alternating comments and featuring ballads and
tangos. S7 signal was above average for them
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

6.215 khz - Argentina. Radio Baluarte, Puerto Iguacu. Pregacao
religiosa. 05/12//07, entre 18:30 e 18:50 UTC. Sinpo: 23332.
(George, Brasil - radioescutas 06/12/2007)

9525, CTN (via Ascension) 0730-0759 2 Dec. At
last a weak but readable signal for most of the BC w/ English/VN news
items, closing at 0759 with "You've been listening to the news in Krio
(?)from CTN" (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

6700 Radio Solh (tentative) 1650 heard with music and sure
sounded like them. (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 05/12/2007)

24/12/2007, 1300 - 1330 utc, 6115 kHz, Belarus, Belarusskoe Radio 1, news, talk, s/off. Fair signal.
(Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia)

5025 ORTB Parakou, 30.11., 1940, F, talk, ID; O=3
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

5025 ORTB, Parakou, 1120-1515, 01 Dec, French, phone-ins, Afr. pops,...,
interview in progress at 1406, Vernacular at 1515 when rated 35443; 25332.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

6200 Radio Nacional Bulgaria; 2215, 1-Dec; Anthem & RNB ID
then M&W w/news; all in SS. SIO=444- w/muted audio
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

5996,37 Radio Loyola, Sucre, 2315-2325, November 29, Spanish,

National and regional news by male, reports, interviews, ID & annmt as:

"....Radio Loyola....", 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 01/12/2007)

4716.66, Radio Yura, Yura, 0115-0139*, Dec 1, Spanish
announcements, local Bolivian music. Closing announcements at
0138 & off. Fair reception. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

4545.4 Radio Virgin de los Remedios (p); 0118-0132+, 1-Dec; M in SS
w/cmtry & occasional tune; anmt @0130 but could no copy detail.
Poor (Frodge-DXP)
4716.66 Radio Yura; 0133-0139:34*, 1-Dec; SS rlgs pgm, Santa Maria,
Madre de Dios, etc. 0138 IDd as Radio Yura, La Voz de ? at
close w/freq. SIO=2+43, best ever hrd. (Frodge-DXP)
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

4650.3 R Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 29.11., 2225, religious program; O=2
4699.3 R San Miguel, Riberalta, 27.11., 2210, mensajes, ID, fine signal that day; O=3-4
4716.7 R Yura, 29.11., 2215, Latino music, ID: "Transmitiendo en onda corta ... Radio Yura"; O=2
4796.4 R Mallku (presumed), Uyuni, 30.11., 2220, religious program; O=2
4875.9 R Estambul (presumed), Guayaramerin, 28.11., 2225, advertisement, Guayaramerin mentioned; O=2
5580.2 R San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos, 30.11., 2208, flute music, ID; O=3
5952.5 R Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 29.11., 2325, talk, ID; O=2
9624.8 R Fides, La Paz, 29.11., 2205, adv. "Banco Central de Bolivia", news magazine; O=3
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

4650.2 R.Santa Ana, St? Ana del Yacuma, 2210-2221, 01 Dec, local songs;
24331 (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

4409.8 Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2323-2335, 07-12, canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, comentarios, senal muy debil. Se escucha mejor
en LSB. 15321. (Mendez)

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2310-2322, 07-12, locutor, locutora, comentarios en espanol, noticias municipales. Fuerte
interferencia de emisoras internacionales en 5950 y 5955. Se logra separar solo en LSB. (Mendez)

6025, Radio Patria Nueva, La Paz, 2353-2358, 07-12. Canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, locutora, comentarios: "Continuamos aqui en
la radio, sintonicenos". "Seguimos con mucho entusiasmo". A las 2358 desaparece, completamente interferida por China Radio
Internacional en 6020 con programa en ingles. Senal muy debil. 13221. (Mendez)

6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0020-0033, 08-12, comentarios en espanol. Senal muy debil y con fuerte
interferencia de Radio Aparecida, en 6135 kHz. 12321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

4925 Radio Educacao Rural, Tefe, AM, 2339-2345, November 25, Portuguese,
religious programme conduced by male. Several mentions to "Jesus", 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 01/12/2007)

4935 Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, ES, 2332-2336, November 25, Portuguese,
announcement by male, identification, cristian sonngs, 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 01/12/2007)

4754.9 Radio Imaculada Conceicao (Campo Grande), 0140-0150,
12/1/2007, Portuguese. Religious talk by man and woman. Moderate
signal with heavy CODAR interference. SINPO 32322. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

4885 ZYG361 Radio Clube do Para; 0416-0432, 1-Dec; M in PP w/music
pgm Clube de Madrugada; distinct Afro-beat tunes. SIO=323, audio
& ute blast QRM. (Frodge-DXP)
6010 ZYE521 Radio Inconfidencia; 0649-0701+, 1-Dec; PP tunes; single
word ID Inconfidncia @0700. u/Colombia (Frodge-DXP)
11815 ZYE440 Radio Brasil Central; 1842-1850+, 1-Dec; M in PP w/low
key pop tunes in EE & PP; ID @1849. SIO=222+, cleanest in LSB.
11925.2 ZYE958 Radio Bandierantes; 0306-0311+, 2-Dec; M in PP w/low
key pop tunes; ID @0309:30. SIO=2+43- (Frodge-DXP)
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

3365 R.Cultura, Araquara SP, 0106-0115, 01 Dec, religious prgr; 35332.
(Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4784.5 R.Brasil Central, Campinas SP, 2218-2229, 01 Dec, religious prgr from
R.Aparecida; 33332. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4805 R.Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2207-2220, 01 Dec, pops & chat;
43332, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4815 R.Difusora, Londrina PR, 2205-2219, 01 Dec, ballads; 44333, adj. uty.
QRM. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4825 R.Educadora, Braganca PA, 2203-2217, 01 Dec, songs, stn. slogans & IDs;
34322, QRM de B. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 2130-2151, 01 Dec, ID+fq
announcement, local songs; 44333, QRM de B (t), not MTN 4845 which as off
(ditto on 7245 though not on 783). (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4885 R.Club do Para, Belem PA, 1035-f/out 1055, 01 Dec, advertisements;
14341. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4925 R.Educacao Rural, Tefe AM, 2231-2239, 01 Dec, music, ID+fq
announcement; 24321, CODAR QRM. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

9615 R.Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 2214-2258, 01 Dec, oldies prgr "Gramofone";
45433, adj. QRM de REE on 9620 at *2258. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2224-2240, 01 Dec, chiledren's
prgr "Na hora da cordinha" followed by feature "Mais saude", announcements;
45433. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

9675 R.Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 1149-1330, 02 Dec, sermon,...,
music obs'ed. at 1315+; 25432. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

9694.9 R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1145-1324, 02 Dec, mass,..., news (t) in
progress at 1320; 24342, adj. QRM de NIG 9690 (formidable signal by the
way). (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

11815 R.Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1319-1450, 02 Dec, advertisements, prgr
"Trans-mirim",..., carnaval-like songs, f/ball news; 355443. (Carlos
Goncalves - POR)

11829.9 R.CBN Anhanguera, Goiania GO, 1330-1350, 02 Dec, news; 24442,
sgtronger co-ch. QRM at 1400. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

11925.2 R.Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 1335-1347, 02 Dec, advertisements,
songs; 13431, co-ch. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

4.775 khz - Brasil. Radio Congonhas, Congonhas. Musica do Pet Shop Boys. 05/12//07, entre 18:20 e 18:40 UTC. Sinpo:33333.
(George, Brasil - radioescutas 06/12/2007)

4815, Radiodifusora, Londrina, Parana, 2204-2210, 07-12, locutor, portugues, canciones brasilenas. 24322. (Mendez)

4885, Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 0638-0710, 08-12, estupendo programa musical de esta emisora "Clube da Madrugada". Canciones
brasilenas, presentadas por locutor: "Vostede esta ouvindo Clube da Madrugada". 35433. (Mendez)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapa, Macapa, 2154-2158, 07-12, "A Voz do Brasil". 34333. (Mendez)

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0738-0758, 08-12, canciones brasilenas, locutor, comentarios, identificacion:
"Inconfidencia", saludos a los oyentes: "5 horas 42 minutos". A partir de las 0758 la senal se vuelve muy debil y se escucha Radio
Mil. 24322. (Mendez)

9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2152-2202, 07-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios, locutora, identificacion: "Radio Cultura".23322.

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0956-1002, 08-12, portugues, locutor, comentarios. 24322. (Mendez)

9684,8, Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, 2146-2149, 07-12, programa "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Mendez)

9665, Radio Marumbuy, Florianopolis, 2149-2153, 07-12, "A Voz do Brasil". 23222. (Mendez)

11750, Radio Marumbuy, Florianopolis, 2138-2143, 07-12, programa "A Voz do Brasil", noticias y comentarios. 24322. (Mendez)

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2120-2124, 07-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios, anuncios comerciales, identificacion: "Radio
Guabia". 23322. (Mendez)

11804.8, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 0952-0956, 08-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios. 23322. (Mendez)

11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 2120-2124, 07-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios. 23322. (Mendez)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2143-2148, 07-12, locutor, comentarios de futbol. 44444. (Mendez)
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

Буркина Фасо
5030 RTV Burkina 2325-0000 Nov 26. Nice mix of Afropops
and reggae; occasional comment by M ancr in FR; closing anmt and NA at
2359; off at 0000. Pretty good signal with a bit of splatter from 5025
(Cuba). (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

5030 Radio Burquina Faso, 21:02-21:10, escuchada el 31 de noviembre en frances a locutor con bolatin de noticias, conexion con
corresponsal, SINPO 44443.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

6035 Bhutan BS, 28.11., 0005, signing on, drums and trumpets; O=4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

7360 Vatican Radio; 0637, 1-Dec; Daily African Svc of Vatican Radio, African News Panorama; all in EE. SIO=454-
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

11975 no program of West African Democracy Radio noted today Dec 5th.
Registered at 0700-0800 UT via Skelton Cumbria, 300 kW 180degr. Endless
recording loop of CELLO music from Merlin VTC control room heard over and
over gain during that hour today. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

4939.85, presumed R.Amazonas, 0951-1005,
Dec 3, Spanish. Badly distorted, noisy signal w/ music
and talk. Announcer from 1001. One day activation for
Venezuelan election? (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas, 0646,-0657, 08-12, Senales horarias, identificacion cada minuto: "Observatorio Naval Cagigal,
Caracas, Venezuela, al oir el tono seran las 2 horas, 47 minutos, 0 segundos". 34333. Se sigue escuchando tambien en 5100 kHz, con
peor senal. 25322
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

4777 GABON. R. TV Gabonaise, 0505, 12/1/07. Armchair
10/S9 signal featuring nx. Minimal interference from
CODAR (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

17630 Africa N? 1, 12:55-13:05, escuchada el 1 de diciembre en frances con cunas de ID "Africa N? 1, la radio africaine", segmento
musical, locutor presentando a invitado y entrevista, SINPO 45544 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

4777 Rdiff. Gabonaise, 28.11., 1615, F, African music, talk; O=3
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

4777 RD.TV Gabonaise, Melen, 1612-1646, 02 Dec, French, live report on a
tradit. mask festival; 55444. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

7270 RD.TV Gabonaise, Melen, 1129-1217, 01 Dec, French, talks followed by
newscast at 1200; 24342. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

6350/U AFN/AFRTS; 0623, 1-Dec; Military Money magazine spot.
SIO=222+ w/roar QRM; 10320 not hrd. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

4052.46 TGAV Radio Verdad; 0042-0106+, 2-Dec; W cmtry in SS w/long Chet
Atkins guitar tune fill-ins. 0059:40-0103:20 ID spot w/bird calls
including cuckoo, freq, address, pgm notes. Went off @0103:20 for
22 sec. & back on w/organ music. SIO=3+53, best in USB.
4780 TGLT Radio Cultural Coatan (t); 1218-1223+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/calen-
dario & several mentions of the gran proyecto; Guatemala spot @1220
& into music @1223. SIO=422+, swiper QRM. (Frodge-DXP)
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

4052.5 R Verdad, Chiquimula, 30.11., 0133, music, ID; O=2
4780 R Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian de Coatan, 27.11., 2300, religious program, ID; O=3
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

7125 Radio Conakry Nationale; 0628-0635+, 1-Dec; M in FF w/Afro
tunes in LL; IDd as RCN after a Bon Jour @0630. SIO=343-, best in USB.
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

7125 R.Guinee, Sonfonya, 1040-1220, 01 Dec, French, talks on imports
followed by Afr. pops; 34433, sporadic amateur QRM; this outlet does seem to
be somewhat irregular. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

4780, Radio Cultural Coatan, San Sebastian Huehuetenango, 2334-0040, 07-12, canciones religiosas, locutor, comentario: "La Palabra
de Dios". A las 0030 programa en vernaculo. 24322. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

MV Baltic Radio ist am Sonntag, dem 2. Dezember 2007, um 14 Uhr MEZ im
49-m-Europa-Band, 5965 KHz wieder auf Sendung.
Die Sendungen von MV Baltic Radio werden jetzt ьber die Rundfunksendestelle
Wertachtal mit 100 000Watt ьber eine Rundstrahlantenne (Quadrantantenne)

MV Baltic Radio is on Sunday, 2sd Dezember 2007, at 13 o'clock UTC in the
49-m-European-Shortwave-Band, 5965 KHz on air again.
The transmissions of MV Baltic Radio will be broadcast over the transmitting
station Wertachtal. The transmitter power will be 100 000 Watts and we will
use a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).

Ab Januar 2008 wird MV Baltic Radio auf der Frequenz 6140 KHz (49m Band) um 14 Uhr MEZ senden.

From January 2008, MV Baltic Radio will be broadcast on the frequency 6140 KHz at 13:00 UTC.
(Дмитрий Кутузов, Рязань, Россия - open_dx 01/12/2007)

4780 Radio Djibouti, 20:45-21:00, escuchada el 31 de noviembre en idioma vernacula a locutora con comentarios, musica afro-pop con
ritmos ancestrales, fin de emision con musica clasica, SINPO 44433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

4780, RTD, 2057-2101*, Dec 4, Vernacular.
Caught tail end of transmission w/ indigenous music,
s/off announcement followed byNA at 2100. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

4780 R.TV de Djibouti, Doraleh, 1903-1921, 01 Dec, Vernacular, newscast,
local pops; 55444 & a vy. good audio. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

4780, RTV Djibouti, 2040-2102*, Dec 7, Horn of Africa
music. Closing announcements followed by National Anthem at 2101.
Poor to fair. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

Доминиканская Республика
6025.1 R Amanecer, 01.12., 0017, endless talk, ID; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

6250 Radio Cairo (p); 2024-2031+, 1-Dec; W in FF w/ME music
bumpers; pips, tone & anthem @2030 & continued in FF w/cmtry re Pales-
tinians. SIO=4+53 (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

Past Dec 1, so is CVC now finished testing, and back on the air daily as
scheduled, instead of via Germany?

9430 0500-0600 46SE LUS 100 315 English ZMB CVC CVI
13590 0600-1400 46SE LUS 100 315 English ZMB CVC CVI
13590 1400-2100 46SE LUS 100 315 English ZMB CVC CVI [OR?]
13650 1400-1700 46SE LUS 100 315 English ZMB CVC CVI
(W. Bueschel, Germany, BCDX)

9430, CVC, Lusaka 0520-0550 2 Dec. Very nice signal
w/ "Chatback" (answering listener's letters) & Christian contempo-pop,
promo for "Favorite Cricketer" contest (phone: +61 75477 2373), "Daily
Planet" music news, address for comments, questions: CVC, POB 6361,
Maroochy B.C., 4558, Qld, Australia..(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

5915 ZNBC Lusaka, 27.11., 20.49, Vn, African pop music; O=3
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

5915, ZBC, 0247-0308, Dec 6, Vernacular. IS at
t/in. Presumed NA followed by s/on announcements and
musical bits at 0251. Afropops thru t/out. Fair/poor,
quickly fading out. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

3396 ZBC, 28.11., 1820, Vn, African music; O=2-3
4828 ZBC, 28.11., 1825, African music, not // 3396; O=4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

6973.0 Galei Zahal (p); 2126-2133+, 30-Nov; M in HB w/glam-
rock tune & taking phone calls. SIO=3+43-
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

6973.024 ISRAEL Galei Zahal, Lod; 0231-0242 6 December, 2007. Wondered what
they were up to during Hanukah. The Israeli/Western pop/rock format remains,
good level. The sometimes slightly drifty transmitter held exactly here during
this listening period. (Terry Kruger, USA - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

9870 INDIA. AIR, 1725, 12/2/07. Heard about 1330 this
AM and still in 1125AM local time with Hindi chanting
vocals. Fluttery signal was only fair to good. Lasted
until 1740* (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

AIR on 4860 with traditionals , religious songs on1938 right now Signal S7 on 16 m horizontal with ICOM R75 , 34232 on AM narrow
from strong local noise At 1945 seems closed down (Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 05/12/2007)

AIR VBS, 9870, VG except for polar flutter, Dec 5 at 1414,
music splashing over VOA 9865 report on how caste problems detract from
educational opportunities in India. VOA is 108 degrees from Lampertheim, which
means an even bigger clash in the Middle East (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

5010 AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1625-1649, 02 Dec, English+Vernacular, Indian
songs, talks; 45433. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

5010, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 0111-0130, Dec 6,
Vernacular. Radio drama at t/in. Ad at 0120 w/ "tone"
before and after. Announcer re America and Taliban
until signal lost at BoH under increasing band noise.
Fair/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

4895, AIR, Kurseong, 1128-1141, Dec. 7, Hindi; carrier at 1128, AIR IS at 1129, s/on
at 1130 with brief anncx, then into Indian folk-type music. Rapidly fading by 1141. Poor.
(Nick Kucij/wpe2bsw,Vermont, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

4790.3 INDONESIA. RRI Fak Fak, 1345, 12/2/07. Pop mx
and Indo announcements fair to poor under S6 CODAR.
Serui 4605 also in but weaker under CODAR
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

Voice of Indonesia in English, heard clashing at same
level with CRI until this latter signed-off close to
0900. Then VOI changed to Malaysian and was in the
clear. //9525 was absent.
11785, more likely coming through long path at 310? is
weaker than 9525 at 30?, which must be arriving via
short path. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

3995 RRI Kendari, 29.11., 2150, local news ("informasi"), Kendari often mentioned, fine signal; O=3-4
4605 RRI Serui, 29.11., 1430, Indonesian soft pop music; O=2-3
4790 RRI Fak-Fak, 29.11., 1445, soft pop, talk; O=2-3
4870 RRI Wamena, 30.11., 2030, soft pop music, local ID; O=3-4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

6120 IRAN Voice of Justice, Kamalabad; 0218-0228* 6 December, 2007. Tune-in to
English female with usual anti-US copy readings over brief Mid-east elevator
music fills, male with ID, Iranian instrumental and piano filler till 0228
abrupt close. Parallel slightly better 7160, which also abruptly pulled the
plug at 0228. (Terry Kruger, USA - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

4395.3 Onda Cera; 0055-0112+, 1-Dec; M&W discussion to ID @0100; news
0100-0105; ad/promo string @0105 & mentioned khz. All in SS.
SIO=322, cleanest in LSB; 0109-0120+, 2-Dec; M&W in SS w/chit-chat
& taking phone calls; ID. SIO=2+42, best in LSB. (Frodge-DXP)
6125 Radio Exterior de Espana; 2219-2225+, 1-Dec; ID & Radio Waves, EE
feature radio in Poland. SIO=3+33 (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

REE Costa Rica relay, 15170, Dec 6 at 1340 starting token M-F
Catalan news from Barcelona, after Diario Hablado in castellano; 1345:30
switched to Gallego, but studio source not mentioned, so really Madrid? During
this there was co-channel QRM underneath producing a SAH of about 5 Hz.
According to Aoki, this would be RRI in Romanian, 250 kW, 285 degrees from
Galbeni, and per HFCC targeted at France, but carrying on to us, tnx a lot! At
same time RRI`s roaring English was on 15105 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

REE Costa Rica relay, 15170, Dec 6 at 1340 starting token
Catalan news from Barcelona, after Diario Hablado in castellano; 1345:30
switched to Gallego, but studio source not mentioned, so really Madrid?
this there was co-channel QRM underneath producing a SAH of about 5 Hz.
According to Aoki, this would be RRI in Romanian, 250 kW, 285 degrees from
Galbeni, and per HFCC targeted at France, but carrying on to us, tnx a lot!
same time RRI`s roaring English was on 15105 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

Yes it is - via 285deg according to the HFCC. It's one of the more regular
transmissions audible here at that time at good strength, although of
dubious audio quality. I've been trying to verify that REE via CTR is
actually on air via this same frequency but have failed so far - but I can
now show that it is thanks to Glenn's logging. Why this co-channelling when
there are many other totally clear frequencies in this band I wonder?
Parallel frequencies are 11770 (followed at 1500 by VoNigeria in what sounds
to be Swahili) and 9610. I'm not sure if 9610 goes all the way to 1500 or
just gets swamped (it is poor to start with) by R.Canada Int. in Chinese
co-channel with CRI in Sinhalese. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

26000 R Maria (Presumed - via DX Tuner Sweden) After many, many tries,
I got some audio out of this one today. Piano music at 1109 and talk by
woman in language. Deep fades and came back a few times, but never as good
as I had it when I tuned in. I think they are running about 25 watts or so.
(Hans Johnson, Naples, USA - Cumbre DX 03/12/2007)

9780 Yemen Radio Sanaa suffered bad modulation heavily, after 0600
UT Dec 6th. Modulation like oscillating dithers. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

6160 CKZN St. Johns NL (p); 0707-0733+, 1-Dec; relaying EE
Radio Sweden Inside Sweden(same as current SW pgm); CBC Overnight
promo @0733 & into BBC. SIO=3+33+, USB helps. Not //990 CBW carrying
Radio Netherlands Network Europe. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

Ian McFarland on the CBC --- Tomorrow morning - December 7, 2007 -
1430 to 1500 UT on CBC On the Island - http://www.cbc.ca/ontheisland/ click on
the stream OR if you live in the Northwest - Washington or S.W. B.C. you can
catch it on 90.5 FM Victoria or one of many repeaters.

It is "Food Bank" week on Vancouver Island and Ian talks about the Duncan food
bank and how he has raised money for it with the sales of a certain CD series
of Interval Signals! (Colin Newell, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, HCDX
via DXLD 07/12/2007)

4795 Kyrgyz Radio 1, 29.11., 2324, Vn, music, // 4010; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

3990 Gannan PBS(p) 1304-1320 Dec 2. Gal in CH talk; mx bridge at 1312, then more talk. Generally poor with ham QRM
(J. M. Wikins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

4920 Xizang PBS(p) 1329-1340 Dec 2. Short mx clips and comments
by YL in presumed Tibetan. Fair and // 4905, both about even with local
band noise. (J. M. Wikins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

4330 PBS Xizang, 17:43-17:45, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en kazajo a locutor con comentarios, fuerte interferencia de emision
morse, SINPO 32332.
4460 China National Radio 1, 15:40-15:44, escuchada el 1 de diciembre en mandarin con emision de musica pop, se aprecia
interferencia por una estacion del Mossad con emision de codigo alfa, SINPO 33342.

4500 China National Radio 8, 15:44-15:49, escuchada el 1 de diciembre con emision de musica pop melodica, SINPO 34433.
4800 China National Radio 1, 17:14-17:16, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en mandarin con emision de musica folklorica local, SINPO
4820 PBS Xizang, 17:17-17:20, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en mandarin a locutor con invitado con comentarios, SINPO 33332.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

9525 China Radio Int'l; 1512, 1-Dec; EE cmtry on int'l aid; ID @1517.
SIO=343- (Frodge-DXP)
9635 Radio Canada Int'l; 1520-1530+, 1-Dec; Pop music & EE feature on
dimosaurs in Western Canada; ID @1530. SIO=343-
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

7310, XPBS, Urumqi 0056-0103 3 Dec. Noted //5060 w/ M/W chat
in CH, 5+1 pips and chimes/orch. bridge to "Shin-zang..guangbo
diantai.." ID..41M signal fair & clear, 60M fair-good with static.(Dan Sheedy, CA R75/PAR EF102040)

7195, XPBS, Urumqi (pres.) 0105-0110+ 3 Dec. M/W yak in
(pres.) Uighur //4980,6120..41M best of the 3, 6120 weak w/ QRM but
def. //..4980 a "regular" in 0030-0130 CAs/India window..1st time for
7195/6120..(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

7270, Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot 0850-0902 2 Dec. //9750,7210..W
in (pres.) Mongolian w/ yak/phone chat and music..0859: fanfare, 5+1,
fanfare, W/M ID: "Mongolyn..ardyn radyo..", recheck 1059 w/ better
ID.."Mongolyn..ardyn radyo khoroonoos (sounds like 'khor-nuzhs')" into
kids' song..poss. RTM-Sarawak underneath //7130.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

4460, CNR-1, 2206-2222 Dec 4, Mandarin.
Countless announcers w/ short musical bits. CNR jingle
music at 2210. //4800-Geermu fading in around 2220.
Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

4980 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1623-1645, 02 Dec, Uighur, tradit. chanting,
talks; 45433. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

7385 Xizang PBS (t), Lhasa, Tibet, 1246-1304, 25 Nov, Tibetan (?), songs,
talks, announcements, march, ID; 24332 but stronger adj. QRM at 1258.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

CHINA, 4330, presumed Xijiang PBS, 0028-0047, Dec 7,
listed Kazakh. Male and female announcer w/
Russian-sounding talks and brief musical bits.
Poor/noisy under continuous "pinging" QRM. Very
annoying. (Barbour-NH)

CHINA, 4500, presumed Xinjiang PBS, 0153-0215, Dec 6,
listed Mongolian. Female announcer w/ phone-in program
between exotic ballads. Booming signal at t/in,
slipping under QRN by t/out.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

Seldom heard 5075, Chinese talk and music, Dec 7 at 1354, bothered by
ute pulses perpetually around this frequency. Per Aoki this is VOICE OF PUJIANG
at 1155-1600, Chinese/Amoy, 15 kW 182 degrees from Shanghai. At 1400 heard 3+1
(or was it 4+1?) timesignal, ID ``...guangbo diantai`` but missed the important

Other Chinese audible on 60m: 5050 at 1356, M&W talk; as always, 5030 Beijing,
which I have yet to formally bother to log, at 1357 with similar-sounding but
not // talk on 4900.

Firedrake audible at the late hour of 1748 Dec 7 on 7415, and still at 1802, so
it`s not against Sound of Hope since no 5-minute break at hourtop. Instead,
it`s to block R. Free Asia in Chinese via Tinian, 319 degrees at 1600-1900.
That would also be a problem for WBCQ in North America, but not on that early.
Altho authorized for 24 hours on 7415, current scheduled sign-on is 1900 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

4750 PBS Hailar (tent.) 12/8 with Chinese classical mx and drama from 0740 tune. Pop vocals at 0750 w/ man ann. Unusual band condx
tonight - never have hrd China before this early, especially on 60 mb. Both Central PBS Hailar and Qinghai PBS Xining listed here in
2008 PWBR, but only CPBS Hailar for this time period. WRTH 2007 shows CNR Nanning on this channel:? SINPO 34433 w/ QRM from CODAR
and hvy QSB. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 08/12/2007)

5910 HJDH Marfil Estereo; 1111-1120+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/mix of lite &
upbeat tunes; ID @1113. SIO=343 in USB. Not //6010 (Frodge-DXP)
6010.0 HJDH La Voz de tu Consencia; 0649-0701+, 1-Dec; SS rlgs pgm w/
campo style tunes; ID @0654; no break @0700. SIO=422+, QRM Brasil.
1111-1120+, 2-Dec; W in SS w/lite rlgs/Xmas tunes in SS & EE.
SIO=343 (Frodge-DXP)
6035 HJOY La Voz de Guaviare; 1121-1130+, 2-Dec; M in SS w/peppy LAm
tunes; RCN promo @1124; ad/promo string @1126 to LVdG & Felix
Navidad @1129. SIO=2+43, USB helps (Frodge-DXP)
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 2342-0015, 07-12, canciones latinoamericanas, identificacion: "Marfil Estereo", anuncios
comerciales: "Supermercado Pato Loco, en Puerto Rico, Meta". 33333.
Tambien 0701-0750, 08-12, canciones latinoamericanas, comentario religioso "La venida del Senor por Martin Stendall",luego mas
canciones, llaneras, identificacion: "Estas en sintonia con HKI79 FM Marfil Estereo". 44444. (Mendez)

6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San Jose del Guaviare, 2328-2339, 07-12, locutor, locutora, comentarios, anuncios comerciales, menciona
"San Jose del Guaviare". 23332. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

5910 Marfil Estereo, 27.11., 2230, latino-pop, ID; O=3-4
6010 La Voz de tu Conciencia, 30.11., 0052, music, ID; O=2
6035 La Voz del Guaviare, 30.11., 0012, news, ID; O=3
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

5066.3 R Candip, 27.11., 1600, Vn, talk; O=1-2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

Echo of Hope, 6003, is usually nothing but a het against
Cuba 6000, but Nov 30 at 1410, no Cuba, and EOH audio in Korean talk, 1413
disco-beat music, 1414 jingle and talk, // 6348 which had pulse jamming 5 per
second unlike 6003. No sign of XEOI 6010 either (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

2850 KCBS (p); 2231, 1-Dec; Cmtry by W in LL. Weak (Frodge-DXP)
6285.1 KCBS (p); 1228-1241+, 2-Dec; Classical music to intense cmtry
by W in LL @1239. SIO=3+33-, QRM is ute trill which is alternately
taken out by USB & LSB. (Frodge-DXP)
9335 Voice of Korea; 1454-1505+, 1-Dec; W in FF w/choral music to 1456,
then dead air till EE s/on @1500; IS to 1501 then ID, anthem then
talk about the flames of revolution, etc. SIO=443+ before 1500 then
33-3-. 11710 was // throughout; weak before 1500 & better after
1500, but still buried.(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

9940 1300-1333 station noted below threshold level. By 1333 could only
tell there was a YL talking, but unable to determine what language.

9950 1300-1333 not a whisper of a station here.

9955 1310-1333 heavy jamming noise, completely dominating a station
that was faintly heard. Against who? Korean?
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

4450 KCBS Pyongyang, 28.11., 2213, Vn, music, // 2850; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

2850 KCBS, Pyongyang, 2236-2241, 01 Dec, Korean, exhalted speech, choir &
march tunes; 35342; \\ 3481, 3959.9, 4450. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

3481 KCBS, Wonsan, 2253-..., 01 Dec, Korean, cf. my other reported parallel
outlets; 15331 & vy. weak audio. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

3959.9 KCBS, Kanggye, 2249-..., 01 Dec, Korean, marches, patriotic songs;
14331; \\ 2850, 3481, 4450. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4450 KCBS, Pyongyang, 2238-2252, 01 Dec, Korean, patriotic songs; 45343; \\
2850, 3481, 3959.9. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

6303.35v, Voice of Korea? 1125-1205+, Dec 7,
Very Tentative. Weak, slightly distorted, & slightly unstable carrier in
noisy conditions. 6285 drifting up to 6303? Talk in unidentified language.
Sounded like Korean folk music. Too weak in noise for a positive ID.
No //s heard. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

Коста Рика
6105 University Network; 0705, 1-Dec; Rev. Babri; SIO=433-; //6090 via
Anguilla. (Frodge-DXP)
7375 University Network; 0640, 1-Dec; Dead Dr. Gene. SIO=454-; //6090
via Anguilla, SIO=544. I guess the money must still be rolling in.
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

7375.09 World Universal Radio CBB CTR in English around 0620
UT, female sermon prayer, much odd frequency. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

15370 Radio Habana Cuba, 14:20-14:25, escuchada el 29 de noviembre en espanol con la emision de un mitin politico, SINPO 45343.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

6300 Radio Habana; 0612-0622+, 1-Dec; EE news & into SS baladas. SIO=
2+43; //6000, SIO=534-; //6060, SIO=4+44; //6180, SIO=555
6420 Radio Habana; 0323, 2-Dec; M&W in SS. SIO=1+52; //6060, SIO=555;
Not //6000 in EE. (Frodge-DXP)
11680 Radio Nacional de Venzuela; 1539, 1-Dec; String of SS IDs/promos;
R-N-V (letters), Radio Nac. de Ven., El Canal Int'l, La Palabra
de Hoy, El Canal Int'l RNdV, La Republica Boliviarno Venezuela.
SIO=422+, QRM BBC in AR? (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

5025 R.Rebelde, Bauta, 1037-f/out 1145 (!), 01 Dec, Spanish, "cultura en
Haciendo Radio", music, TCs, newscast; 35433. Check USA WWCR 5070 f/out
time. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal, dxldyg 06/12/2007)

RADIO FREE AFGHANISTAN 17530 0434-0440 Pashto. ID "Injo Radio
Ozodi", report mentioning Javier Solana, Pervez Musharraf, Afghanistan,
Kabul, Kandahar. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

11990 Radio Kuwait; 1851-1905+, 1-Dec; EE pop tunes to ID
1900 & into EE pgm about independence of Kuwaiti women--pgm might
be called The Kuwaitia. SIO=343+ (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

4760 ELWA (Monrovia), 2110-2130, 12/1/2007, English.
Religious talk by man. Upbeat religious vocal music with
announcements by woman. Mention of "Liberia" and "from Liberia".
Signal at noise threshold at tune-in, improving to poor (SINPO
23222). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

4760 ELWA, 30.11., 2225, E, religious program; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

I looked for Radio Mauritanie on 4845 kc this evening but have heard no
trace of it. Normally I can hear a carrier by approximately 2000 UTC and
recoverable audio by 2030 UTC during the winter season.
(kn4lf - dxldyg 02/12/2007)

7120 Radio Sweden; 2139, 30-Nov; Inside Sweden EE feature pgm. SIO=433
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

5010 R Madagascar, 28.11., 1800, Vn, African music, talk, ID as "Radio Madagascar" and not Radio Malagasy as noted in the WRTH; O=4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

5010 R.Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 1929-1952, 01 Dec, Malagasy, local &
int'l pops; 45333 but deteriorating of course. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

RTM 7295 1929 OM cheerfully in this late time playing Britney's
"Baby One More Time" as requested by a listener in Ipoh. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

RTV Malaysia (t); 1134-1204+, 2-Dec; W w/C&W or gospel tunes;
Prom @1159 w/numbers into news in EE @1200 w/Malaysia & world items;
back to music @1203. No ID hrd. SIO=222 (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

7130, RTM-Sarawak (tent.) 0903-0955 2 Dec. M/W in Bahasa
Malaysia w/ warta berita, phone rpt & several ment. of Malaysia..FM
jingle at 0916 into Malaysian pops, 0927 another FM jingle & back to
music..0955 recheck had a few "Sarawak" & "FM" mentions with OC f/
CNR1/Taiwan..(both of whom covered 7130 at 1100)..0903-0925 had Kuala
Lumpur nx relay, seemed //7270 (tough u/ Nei Menggu).(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

7270 MALAYSIA RTM, Kuching, Sarawak; 2340-2351 5 December, 2007. Purely
tentative, based on Nei Menggu PBS, Huhhot listed as *0045 sign-on, and nothing
else I find that would fit the format;also roughly on the grayline. SE Asian
(but not Chinese) chipper female, very brief fragments of fill music. I had to
depart before 0000. By recheck from 0031-0046, no trace of this or Nei Menggu
making it in here, and another check at 0058 had Radio Cairo in Spanish alone on
the channel. Wai FM relay in local languages listed as the programming for this
RTM channel. (Terry Kruger, USA - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

7295, RT Malaysia, 1145-1200 Noted a female in comments. At 1148, music
presented. Signal is poor to threshold. (Chuck Bollland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/12/2007)

5995 R Mali, 27.11., 2110, F, news, ID; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

4835v & 7285v have been inaudible, so most likely inactive.
11960 R.Mali, Kati, 1449-..., 02 Dec, Vernacular, talks; 45444; sole audible outlet at this time. The evening outlet of 5995 has
been heard.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

Radio UNAM Mexico City on 9599.33khz , 2229utc with full id and classical music ,mixing with music from the Doors .Poor signal
but clear audio 23332 . On 2256utc incoming splatter (qrm) (Maurits Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 01/12/2007)

6045 MEXICO. XEXQ (P), 1442, 12/1/07. Only S1-2 on peaks w/ classical mx pgm. Lots of white noise on frequency
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

9599.26, R.UNAM, 0902-0934, Dec 3, Spanish.
Continuos, classical-like piano music. Female
announcer at 0932; no discernible ID noted; then right
back to music. Fair at best w/ deep fades.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

1470 XEAI R Formula, 30.11., 0555, national anthen at 0600, news, Presidente Calderon often mentioned, ID: "Radio Formula en toda
la Republica Mexicana"; O=3 (peaks)
1500 XEDF R Formula, 29.11., 0630, talk, ID: "Cadena Radio Uno"; O=2
1570 XERF La Poderosa, Ciudad Acuna, 01.12., 0558, ID: "XERF La mas grande de Mexico", Mexican music; O=4
4810 XERTA (presumed), 02.12., 0542, talk; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

1079.9 RTM-"B"/"Q", unlisted site, 02 Dec, 1126-..., Arabic, discussion,
talks; 45454. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

1188 RTM-"C", Casablanca (correct site?), 02 Dec, 1120-..., Berber, talks,
songs; 45454. The WRTH lists it with both 1 & 5 kW: which is true? (Carlos
Goncalves - POR)

1635~1637 kHz RTM was probably dropped as not audible on 30 Nov, 01 Dec or
02 Dec. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

4176 RTM-"C", Sebaa-Aioun, 1135-..., 01 Dec, Berber, talks, tradit. music &
songs; 15341; 4th harmonic of 1044. (Carlos Goncalves - POR)

7308 RTM-"C", Sebaa-Aioun, 1132-..., 01 Dec, Berber, talks, tradit. music &
songs; 25342; 7th harmonic of 1044. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

6010, Radio Mil, Mexico DF, 074500-0945, 08-12, locutora, espanol, "Vive Mexico en Radio Mil", "Viaja por Mexico con Radio Mil",
canciones latinoamericanas, "En Radio Mil vive la musica de Mexico". Al principio algo de interferencia de Radio Inconfidencia,
Brasil, luego no interferencia. No se escucha La Voz de tu Conciencia. 24322. (Mendez)

6185, Radio Educacion, Mexico DF, 0816-0930, 08-12, canciones latinoamericanas, al principio ligera interferencia de Radio Voz
Cristiana, a partir de las 0900 no interferencia. 34433. (Mendez)

9599.2, Radio UNAM, Mexico DF, 0812-1058, 08-12, musica clasica, opera, Alas 0859 identificacion: Radio UNAM, 860 kHz. Amplitud
Modulada, 9600 kHz, onda corta, banda internacional de 31 metros. A continuacion escuchen concierto en re mayor, Orquesta de Camara
Inglesa". Se escucha hasta las 1058 en que comienza Radio Habana Cuba en 9600 kHz. 24322 variando a 34333. (M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain -
NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

6240 Radio PMR *0000-0018+ Nov 30. Good signal into
Colorado with EG to 0015, all by male ancr, then into FR with female
("Ici Tiraspol, la capitale de la republique..."). Noisy band here, too;
less noisy, as noted by others, on 7370 at *1500, signal strength about
the same as on 6240. Not heard on Sat/Sun. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Co, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

This should give an idea of where they are coming from --

Further information of Radio PMR can be found at
http://pridnestrovie.net/tvradio. html

The site includes an article entitled 'Blast from the past: Shortwave radio to
the world' with details of Radio PMR including QSL postal address and a You
Tube video of a Sony ICF-77 receiving Radio PMR in Madrid, Spain! (Martin Cowin
BDXC 1603, Brough, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria UK, Location: 54.32N 2.19W, BDXC-UK via DXLD 03/12/2007)

> I realise that Pridnestrovye counts as a seperate NASWA Country,
> however I need some clarification as to the transmitter site
> actually used. Aoki shows 'Grigoriopo', which I'd assume is
> actually Grigoriopol. Isn't this the same site which counts
> as the NASWA Country of Moldova?

Well, Grigoriopol is Pridnestrovye and you have no chance to ever log
Moldova on shortwave because no SWBC transmitters exist there. The
confusion may arise from the circumstance that nobody except Russia
recognizes the PMR, but de facto Pridnestrovye is a separate entity.

The Grigoriopol transmitter plant is located about 13 km northeast of
the town, a part of the fence around the station runs along the border
with the Ukraine; I'm not aware of any high power site being located
as close to a border as this one. The site is also being referred to
as Maiac, after a very small village nearby, and in HFCC it
traditionally appears as KCH = Kichinyov (the Russian name for
Chisinau). Google has pretty good ortho images:

There are three transmitter hall complexes, each surrounded by cooling
ponds and light halls with barrel-shape roofs. The fourth building
probably houses transmitters as well, but no outcoming feedlines can
be spotted. In the western part of the station are two building
complexes, apparently the northern one housing three and the southern
one two shortwave transmitters. To the north standard curtain antenna
designs, south of them fixed dipole walls and in the southwestern
corner of the station a rotatable antenna. The fixed dipole walls and
the rotatable antenna should be identical to the installations at the
Bulgarian Padarsko (near Plovdiv) site.

The eastern side of the station houses the MW antennas. The row of a
dozen towers is the Zarya directional antenna for 1548. North of it a
simple mast and a much better visible ARRT antenna, the latter
presumably for 999. West of the transmitter building a directional
antenna, similar to the SV 4+4 design seen at Bolshakovo and the never
completed site in Bulgaria, but here consisting of only four instead
of eight masts. And next to the border another single mast plus the
site of the former 234 longwave antenna which crashed during the nineties.

During the civil war in 1992 Chisinau lost its control over the
Grigoriopol transmitters, Radio Moldova had been taken off 999 and
1467 and replaced by Radio Pridnestrovye which I understand existed
already before, but only as wired radio service for Tiraspol. The
result was a jamming war on 999, audible even at my location although
999 was until yearend 1995 occupied by a transmitter at Hoyerswerda.
At the same time 873 from Chisinau was off, so apparently this 150 kW
transmitter had been used to jam 999. The resulting loss of coverage
got compensated by relays of Radio Moldova via the 1000 kW transmitter
in near-by Iasi in Romania on 1053. A late-night news magazine still
remained on 1053 after 2000 if I recall correct, easily to distinguish
from own Radio Iasi programming due to somewhat unclean audio. But
meanwhile these relays are entirely gone.

At some point Radio Moldova launched a foreign service, called Radio
Moldova International. I don't know if it already existed when they
still had access to Grigoriopol, but after 1992 the Romanian Galbeni
site had been used until these relays were cancelled as well, leaving
web streams as only means of distribution for Radio Moldova International.

Radio Pridnestrovye for its part soon started shortwave transmissions
as well, first late at night on a frequency which afterwards carried
Radio Moscow programming for North America, much like they now do on
6240. Later at least German was on a dedicated frequency, erroneously
announced as 6025 but by chance I discovered that they were in fact on
6205. At this time it was a weekly 30 minutes broadcast, apparently
done as a one-man labour and quite interesting, much better than what
they broadcast since reviving the foreign service in 2002. It remained
a bit unclear why the had stopped the shortwave broadcasts earlier,
rumours had it that they were a bit short of money but also got
attacked for these "pirate broadcasts".

So of course Radio PMR uses Grigoriopol, and of course it is the very
same site than VOR on 6240/7125, RNW on 7305/13700, Denge Mezopotamya
on 7590/11530 etc.

The "wine war" with Russia concerns the Republic of Moldova, not
Pridnestrovye. The story is that Russia banned all imports of
Moldovian (and also Georgian) wine, reportedly hitting the
wine-growers there quite heard. One should not get confused by the
circumstance that Radio PMR also covers stories from the Republic of
Moldova. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

This time I was waiting for Radio PMR
> to begin its new North American service in English, Nov 28
> at 2257, when 6240 was on with intermittent tones. No doubt
> Olle or Kai have measured their exact pitch from the
> Grigoriopol site.

It used to be 905 Hz. However, this applied only to tones generated
locally at the transmitter site, and it is possible that they have
changed these recently, maybe to the much-used 1000 Hz.

I think you mentioned elsewhere that you noted them referring to the
"Republik Moldau" in German? That's indeed the official German name,
issued not too long ago.

Speaking about test tones: Anybody remembering 6115 from Konigs
Wusterhausen? Stimme der DDR had a standard announcement that this
frequency "now leaves our program and will carry programmes from Radio
Berlin International from ??? hours, until then a test tone will be
carried for technical purposes". Or the test tone aired by Radio DDR 1
for many years (they abolished this practice around 1983 or so)
between 3:45 and 4:00 local time, honoured by a dedicated mention in
WRTH? These were generated by devices called GF73R, originating from
phone equipment and adapted for the needs of broadcasting engineerung
(R = Rundfunk):
(Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

have been reading closely the recent reports on Radio PMR in DXLD. Perhaps I
am repeating what has already been reported. I tuned in shortly after 1700 UT,
Monday, Dec. 3 to 7370 to hear English booming in followed by French at 1715
and German at 1730 to 1745. The sequence was repeated at 1800 and 1900 with
excellent signal strength. The final few minutes of news included comments on
Kosovo's possible unilateral declaration of independence.

I transcribed the opening and closing announcements. Opens with ticking clock
and a few bars of music.

"Here is Tiraspol, the capital of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Today
is Monday the third of December, 2007. This is the next edition of the English
version of the Informational Analytic Program Pridnestrovye prepared by the
editorial staff of the information and political programs of the Radio PMR.
Good evening. (announcers name?) Today you will hear pieces of news from
Pridnestrovye, Moldova and the world. Now we pass to details."

After the news, names of editing staff, translators, sound director and
narrator. Then: "Our address: The Program Pridnestrovye, Radio PMR, ?? Street
10, 3300 Tiraspol, The Republic of Moldova [N.B. --- gh]. The following edition
in English you'll hear on Tuesday, the fourth of December, 2007. Until then,
Goodbye." Some music. Then:

"The Informational Analytic Program Pridnestrovye is your guide in the ocean of
politics. We relate about history and everyday life of the Pridnestrovian
Moldavian Republic."

The English transmission ends with ticking clock and accompanying few bars of
music, then into French. No frequencies announced (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ottawa, Dec 3, dxld)

6240, Radio PMR, *0000-0015,
Dec 4, English. IS/ID, "Here is Tirisapol from the
Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic" followed by s/on
announcement, news items re Moldovian/ Serbian
delegations and settlement with UK re delivery of
Moldovian goods to EU. Credits, contact info at 0013.
Filler music and ID as noted at s/on." French service
at 0015. Fair using ECCS-LSB. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

Radio PMR, barely audible on 7370 vs noise level Dec 7 at
1802 in presumed English to Europe. Those further northeast are hearing this
well, but it`s still tough here near high noon.

BTW, in the N Hemisphere we are now at our earliest sunsets of the year, at
Enid 2316 UT, while our latest sunrises will be a month later in early January,
at Enid 1344 UT instead of the current 1330. This anomaly is because of Earth`s
oblateness; only in between these dates on the solstice do we get our shortest
day, 1339-2320 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

4815, Mongolian Radio, Murun, 2256-2320, 07-12, musica mongol. 23222.
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

5770 Defence Forces BC, 29.11., 1455, Vn, soft pop music, talk, Myanmar mentioned; O=4
5985.8 MRTV (presumed), 01.12., 1535, Vn, traditional music, choir singing; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

9704.98 NIGER. La Voix du Sahel (P). Poor signal just
above the noise faded below noise by 2149. Never
improved. Could tell OM had extended commentary
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

4770 FRCN Kaduna, 29.11., 1650, E, talk, ID; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

9705, La Voix du Sahel, 2122-2140, Dec 3,
French. Male announcer hosting phone-in program. ID in
passing at 2131. Fair/poor. (Barbour-NH)
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

9705 LV du Sahel, Niamey, 1150-1326, 02 Dec, French, tribal songs, newscast
at noon,..., Vernacular, talks, seemingly some radioplay; 35433. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna, 21:10-21:15, escuchada el 31 de noviembre en idioma vernacula a locutor con noticias, SINPO 34443
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

7255 La Voix du Nigeria; 2152-2201+, 30-Nov; M in FF w/Afro
tune that morphed into Afro-rock; ID @2156:40, anthem & drum chant;
continued in LL @2200. SIO=544- (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

9690, VO Nigeria, 1127-1137, Dec 4, English.
Poor signal; fading in-out. Not much to work with but
was able to make out an ID and UTC at 1130.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

4770 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 1508-1545, 02 Dec, English, newsbulletin; 15341 but improving; rtd. 45343 at 1620 but then with bad audio.
7275 R.Nigeria, Abuja, 1130-1150, 01 Dec, Vernacular, Afr. pops, talks, English, newscast; 35443.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

7274.86 Best time in Europe to check for Abuja/Kaduna? regional
station is after 0630 UT, when Tunisia leaves co-channel. Very tiny.
Stronger signal observed in southern Spain during my holiday trip a month
ago. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

Новая Зеландия
3935 R.Reading Sce. (t), Levin, 0824-0839, 27 Nov, English (most probably), unreadable talks; 15321; also 0712-0810, 05 Dec; 15331,
i.e. useless signal both days.
9765 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 1002-1040, 02 Dec, English, newscast + weather report followed by "The Sounds We Heard"; 45544.
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

6090 BBC; 1921-1959:30*, 1-Dec; M&W in LL w/Michael Jackson
Thriller bumpers; cmtry & remotes after 1930 but no MJ bumpers. ID
1958. SIO=2+32+ at best, very fady & best in USB. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

9965 Voice of Hope (KHBN) (Koror), 1455-1457, 12/1/2007,
Chinese. Music followed by anouncements by man and woman. Apparent
sign-off at 1457. Poor signal (SINPO 24322). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

Папуа Новая Гвинея
3315 R Manus, Lorengau, 28.11., 1925, choir singing, // 3335; O=2

3335 R East Sepik, Wewak, 29.11., 1900, E, signing on, announcement of all
local frequencies, relay of National Service, fantastic quality, armchair
listening; O=4

3365 R Milne Bay, Alotau, 30.11., 1915, E, south sea singing, local news
1930, presumed ID; O=2

3905 R New Ireland, Kavieng, 29.11., 1920, E, German folk music, ID, news at
1930; O=3
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

4790.1 Radio Vision; 0555-0602+, 1-Dec; Usual rlgs pgm sounding
like M preaching in large hall w/lotsa Hallelujahs & campo style tunes.
Actual break-in ID @0558 o/music; All in SS. SIO=2+22+, swiper QRM,
best in USB. 0122-0130+, 2-Dec; Same format + occasional comment by a
child; break-in ID @0125, "...R. Vision...la palabra de Dios..." &
mentioning oyentes, R.Vision & R.Moderna; back to the big hall @0130.
SIO=422+, swiper QRM. Two actual IDs!!! (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

6047.2, R. Santa Rosa, Lima 0110-0121 3 Dec. SP yak by M w/ "en
Radio Santa Rosa" & "todos los amigos de Radio Santa Rosa..", TC at
0113: "ocho con trece minutos en Radio Santa Rosa", saludos to
listeners & promo for a big event in downtown Lima..fair signal in LSB,
noted while looking for XEXQ (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

4746.9 R Huanta 2000, Huanta, 27.11., 2215, Cumbia, ID; O=3

4775 R Tarma, 27.11., 2305, announcement of frequencies, ID; O=2

4790.1 R Vision, Chiclayo, 28.11., 0640, religious program, ID; O=3

4857.5 R La Hora, Cusco, 28.11., 2305, political information, advertisement,
ID; O=2

4940 R San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, 30.11., 2210, romantic songs, ID; O=2-3

4955 R Cultural Amauta, 29.11., 2230, huayno music; O=3

5014.3 R Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 29.11., 2320, comunicados, time
announcement, ID, distorted audio; O=2-3

5024.9 R Quillabamba, 27.11., 2245, mensajes, ID, QRM Rebelde; O=2

5486.7 R Reina de la Selva (presumed), Chachapoyas, 30.11., 2230, latino
music, O=2

6019.5 R Victoria, Lima, 30.11., 2307, ID: "La Voz de Liberacion"; O=3

6047.2 R Santa Rosa, Lima, 30.11., 0110, religious talk, ID; O=2
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

48324.93, Radio Maranon, 1050-1115, With CODAR directly on this freq causing
problems, heard basically a male in Spanish comments throughout the listening period.
Prior to the hour during comments, "Iquito" mentioned often. At 1104, canned ID heard
as "...Radio Maranon...". This was followed with news. At 1117 canned promos. More
live comments follow. Signal was fair at begining of sked, but dropped to threshold by
1120. Ofcourse CODAR stayed at it's peak level during the period causing me to get
an early morning headache. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 05/12/2007)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, 1050-1105 Just tuning around and stopped
on a carrier here. As the signal improved slightly, my attention was drawn to the
music which turned out to be typical Huaynos. Other music follows. At 1100
a period of news and ID. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 06/12/2007)

4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2304-2320, 07-12, locutora, espanol, comentarios y anuncios comerciales. 25322. (Mendez)
4790.2, Radio Vision, Chiclayo, 0548-0650, 08-12, espanol, programa religioso, locutor: "Estan escuchando La Voz de la Salvacion".
"Les esperamos en el Coliseo General de Chiclayo" "Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha". canciones religiosos y comentarios. 35333.

4974,8, Radio del Pacifico, Lima, (probable), 0612-0625, 08-12, predicaciones religiosos, espanol-portugues. Senal muy debil, solo
audible en LSB. 14321. (Mendez)
6173.8, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzco, 0006-0022, 08-12, locutor, comentarios en espanol. Apenas audible y solo en LSB. Locutora. 14321.
9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0619-0645, 08-12, locutor, espanol, hablando con los oyentes: "Al llegar aqui, a la Iglesia Pentecostal
Dios es Amor". 33333. (Mendez)
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

9450 via Germany, Dec 5 at 1343, best yet heard here,
35433, and actually listenable, so I did for a while: report on Polish health
care system, with speakers in Polish, voice-overs in English; 1347 mentioned
10:1 trade imbalance with China, and hopes to get Chinese aid for railway. 1351
ID in old style, which I greatly prefer, as ``Polish Radio, Warsaw``, but later
in passing said ``Polish Radio External Service``. Plugged Multimedia show on
Wednesday (but, this is Wednesday), goodbyes but no formal sign-off, and just
played high-intensity rock music until 1359* --- no Chopin or Szymanowski here!
However, CRI musical prelude collided co-channel from *1357 for two-minute
overlap, 1400 opening in Russian, more at CHINA; should be crash-starting or at
least waiting until 1359 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

5910 RUSSIA. R. Nederland via Petropavlovsk, 1320,
12/2/07. Dutch service beamed 247 degrees. Nx feature
was only fair (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

7295 RUSSIA. VOA via Novosibirsk, 1329, 12/2/07.
Mandarin service w/ OM & YL in nx format. S5 when
clear of HRO splatter (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

VO RUSSIA 6125 IRK per Aoki / SAM per HFCC 1854-1858
covering Mr. Camping's voice in Family Radio test POR. YL talked mentioning
Petersburg, the building, and museum. On 1858 "This is Voice of Russia
ending :, www.ruvr.ru, email address world@ruvr.ru, IS then off. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

6130 VO RUSSIA MSK 1900-1916 French? but I also heard "doswida" at the
opening. Mr. Camping's voice in FR following POR test heard clearer
mentioning: volcano several times, volcano eruption, the Bible, written by
God. Checking on 1939, they're still mixed. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

Передатчик в Кызыле по-прежнему работает на частоте 6100 кГц. Не скажу
точные временнЫе границы, но совершенно точно могу сказать, что в будни с
06.10 до 07.00 и с 08.10 до 09.00 ЮТС (разница с Москвой сейчас - 3 часа?)
идут местные программы. Одну из них я записал полностью, так что постараюсь
выложить куда-нибудь после того, как пожму. Качество, правда, неважное, так
как приём слабый.

Информация об адресе станции на сайте ГТРК "Тыва":
(Владимир Коваленко, Томск, Россия - open_dx 06/12/2007)

6075, Dec 7 at 1338, very distorted jazzy piano music,
1343 Russian announcement. Per Aoki this is R. Rossii via Petropavlovsk (Kam.).
At 1347 also bothered by a het from unknown source on 6074; 1352 more distorted
music (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

6075, R. Rossii via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0432-0509,
Dec 7, Russian folks songs and ballads, Russian conversations, ToH 5 +
1 pips, many "Radio Rossii" IDs, fair reception with less than perfect
audio (muffled), as also reported in Glenn's log; clearly parallel
with 5935 via Magadan, fair-poor mixing with WWCR; 7200 via Yakutsk,
fair with the usual warble; 7320 via Magadan, the weakest. Re-checked
at 1146 to find 6075 good, 5935 poor, further under WWCR, 7200 only
had Chinese language station, with no R. Rossii heard, 7320 a clear
frequency but also with no R. Rossii. Thanks to Noel Green (UK) for
pointing out the Magadan change from 5940 to 5935 during the winter.
Today was certainly above average reception for Russian (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

11725 RWANDA. DW via Kigali, 1808, 11/27/07. German
service w/YL doing nx. Good S7 signal (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

6055 R Rwanda, 27.11., 2050, F, African music, Kigali mentioned; O=4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

7145 Radio Romania Int'l; 2144, 30-Nov; EE cmtry by W in EE
w/long bumpers; ID @2147. SIO=333-, need LSB due to AROs & USB to take
out tone. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

RRI, 7180, Dec 5 at 0646 in English with contest info,
then report on real estate market in Romania; undermodulated but enough carrier
to make it listenable; no comparison in loudness, however, to neighboring
Tunisia 7190 with its usual great music. At least, no roar on this RRI
transmission (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

7180 RRI Tiganesti in English at 0630-0700 UT. Noisy like ocean hissing sound, and low modulation too, Dec 6th.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

RRI, 7180, Dec 7 at 0658 after English broadcast, IS and this time
with the co-transmitted roar (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

Саудовская Аравия
15170 The BUZZY unit from BSKSA Riyadh noted again in
0300-0600 UT slot today Dec 6th. HQ prayer covered 15163 to 15176 kHz range.
Later heard that buzzy sound again on 11935 kHz at 0900-1200 UT.

Other BSKSA transmissions: 2nd program on 9675 kHz around 0500-0700 UT.
Swahili from Riyadh at 0400-0700 UT on 15285 kHz. 1st program in Ar at
0550-0900 UT on 17730 kHz. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

TWR 9525 MAN 1933-1950 talk in African then French mentioning:
"emotion, morale, foundation, morality, control capacity, spiritual" with
instrumental music. I heard the address in Chicago, Illinois, USA but missed
the website. SINPO 33422. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

3200 TWR, 01.12., 1700, E, religious program; O=4
4760 TWR, 01.12., 1649, Vn, religious talk, s/off 1700; O=4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

BBC 6195 0017-0025 English. OM talk on computer chip giant,
INTEL, Ireland, Irish parliament, Irish government, business tax, Ireland
perspective, terrorist, foreign investment and corporate tax rate. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

6195 BBC; 1248-1256+, 2-Dec; Julian Marshall hosting EE feature pgm. ID @1256. SIO=343- (Frodge-DXP)
9740 BBC; 1532, 1-Dec; EE sports pgm. SIO=3+33
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

3915, BBC, 2155-2205, Dec 4,
English/Vernacular. EG talk re Africa followed by BBC
promos. Announcer in language at 2200 mentioning BBC
Indonesia followed by pips. News in language w/ EG
soundbites. Poor, audible using ECCS-USB.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

7275 R.Singapore, Kranji, 1325-1445, 02 Dec, Tamil channel, phone-ins,
songs; 25332 but improving. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

6150, Mediacorp Radio, 1414-1435, 07-12, locutor, ingles, noticias y comentarios, canciones, identificacion: "93.8 Live".
Interferencia de Radio Austria en 6155. 23322.
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

RADIO SANTEC 15750 RSO 1300-1315 English; opening by YL
informing www.radio-santec.com, followed by YL translating from German on
high potent medicine. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

15330 Radio Marti, 14:15-14:20, escuchada el 29 de noviembre en espanol a locutoras con programa de noticias y comentarios, SINPO
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

WHR 17525 0346-0354 English. OM talk on Thaksgiving Dinner,
"Alice's Restaurant"? song. Thanksgiving program of Pirating Cumbre WTCR,
Old Turkey Radio, WBNY, Radio Jamba, WTCR, Channel 5, Classic Music Rock FM,
Robot Radio, WBCQ, WBAR. SINPO 44433. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

WYFR-Russian через Вертахталь переехал с 5970 на 9595. SINPO=55555.
Только что принял. А нигде ещё об этом не написано. (Или только я не

А на 5970 во всю Международное Радио Китая на немецком. Из-за них-то видимо и произошёл "переезд".
(Алексей, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 04/12/2007)

4750, presumed R.Peace, 0311-0339, Dec 6,
Vernacular. Native music and announcer at t/in. OM
from 0313 thru t/out. Poor, gradually fading out. No
English ID announcement noted. (Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

4635 Radio Tajikistan, 15:32-15:35, escuchada el 1 de diciembre en tajico a locutor con comentarios, musica folklorica local, SINPO
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

4635.05 TAJIKISTAN Tajik Radio, Yangiyul; 0246-0315 6 December, 2007. Really
nice signal, the best I can recall in ages. Presumed Tajik language female,
very nice local vocals and instrumentals, male at 0258 and into techo beat fill
music until 0300. No time sounders (at least not audible), into news by male,
patter from 0308 between male and female, 0309 filler music and talk, back to
vocals at 0311. By tune out, clearly beginning to fade down fast. Decent
modulation for a change, but a slight 50 cycle hum as always with this one
(Terry Kruger, USA - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

When I had a chance I brought up the audio of this Wednesday`s RTI
broadcast including Jade Bells & Bamboo Pipes [non]. Audio file is only 40
minutes long, omitting the opening news, etc. First program on it is Women
Making Waves, taking 13 minutes, so JB&BP starts at :13 minutes into the file.
I guess this means it started at approx. :33 into the original one-hour
broadcast. The plucked string instrument in question is the gujung (spelling?).
Lasted until 37:30 in, when English SW transmission schedule was announced, not
in time order but by target area (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

6030 TAIWAN. Ming Hui Radio (P), 1302, 12/2/07.
Apparently the one being jammed by Firedrake. Ming Hui
somewhat stronger than jammer. Mandarin chatter/
Firedrake jumble registered S6 on s-meter
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

21.12.2007, 1750 utc, 6120 kHz, Radio Taiwan Int., via Issoudun, talk about history of Taiwan, song, s/off, in russian, good signal!
(Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia)

4635, presumed Tajik Radio, 0053-0105, Dec
7, listed Tajik. Male and female announcer in language
w/ Pashto/Dari-like vocal music. Brief announcement at
ToH but was unable pull an ID from it. Weak but clear.
(Scott Barbour, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

6765U Bangkok Meteo 1400-1403 Dec 2. EG weather for the Gulf
of Thailand; off at 1403 w/nothing further heard. Fair signal.
(J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

6040 Radio Thailand; 1130, 2-Dec; Chimes IS. EE ID & into LL pgm--listed as Lao. SIO=242
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

12095, R. Thailand 0037-0054 3 Dec. Business news,
sports, "Radio Thailand news.." followed by Bangkok Airways ads at 0039
& 0044..info on the King's 80th birthday celebrations & list of
upcoming events w/ "Radio Thailand news, broadcasting from the Public
Relations Department of the Royal Thai government.." at 0047..very nice
signal with a little polar flutter.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 04/12/2007)

R. Thailand, 9725 to SEAs/Au, in the clear Dec 5 at 1405 thanks to
absence of TIRWR; SINPO 35523 with flutter. In World News mainly about king`s
birthday celebration to be in Nakhon Ratchasima at 19 hours tonight (but it`s
already after 21 local! --- more stale news?). 1411 into feature about how H.M.
is such a sportsman in many different fields (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

PMS Costa Rica was back up on 9725, Dec 7 at 1426, blocking
Thailand`s English broadcast at 1400, except no trace of it anyway this date
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

RFE/RL Russian 9520 UDO 2005-2007+ YL & OM talk mentioning
Moskow, Germania, Brazil, ID Govorit Radio Svoboda on 2007, conversation on
Duma, kampania, aktivis, politika parti. SINPO 44333. (Tony Ashar, Depok, Indonesia - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

7255, Voice of America, 1155-1200 Noted various persons in Indonesian
language comments and news. Recorded segments in English. Signal was goodl
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/12/2007)

11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1759-1820, Dec 1,
Swahili talk. Afro-pop, Afro-rap music. Fair. No English news
today. I have heard English on previous Saturdays, but not today.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

Radio Tanzania Zanzibar 11735 12/2 1800 news in local language,
but no English news - Spice FM news seems to be sporadic on this station at
this hour. Here's a roundup of recent listening spanning 1800 UT, as
reported on CumbreDX: Heard on Sat. 11/24 by Brian Alexander, but not any
of the following: Thurs. 11/22 (Steve George), Wed. 11/28 (Hans Johnson),
Sat. 12/1 (Brian Alexander), or Sun. 12/2 (Steve George). Not hugely
important, but having news in English gives an opening for a reception
report in English, and the wonderful music and usually strong reception at
this time of year in eastern NA makes it a nice station to listen
to. Think of how quickly this schedule could be sorted out if we didn't
have day jobs. (Steve George, MA USA - CumbreDX 03/12/2007)

11735 R Tanzania - Zanzibar 1800 (via DX Tuner Sweden) OK, took a
late lunch and was able to check this on my laptop at a nearby cafe. They
did have English news at 1800 today read by a woman. ID for Spice FM at
1804. (Hans Johnson, Naples, USA - Cumbre DX 03/12/2007)

5015 Turkmen Radio, 15:25-15:30, escuchada el 1 de diciembre en turkmeco a locutor con boletin de noticias, conexion con
corresponsal, cunas publicitarias, referencias a Pakistan, SINPO 34433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

5015, Turkmen Radio, Asgabat, 1817-1825, 07-12, musica turkmeno. 35333. (Mendez)
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

Live from Turkey, Thu Nov 29 at 1355 mentioned they would be
welcoming a new announcer, Leila (sp?) Watkins. The two male announcers did
introduce themselves at the outset, but I would have to be rolling tape and
carefully analyze it to try to figure out what they say their names are. But we
never heard Leila; instead an actual call came in from an actual listener, her
first time: Clara Listensprechen. Maybe she can rejuvenate the show if she
calls in some more. This is on 12035 and 11735 tho I was listening to webcast
with rather better reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

6055 Voice of Turkey; 2002, 1-Dec; W in EE w/sked, ID & letters.
SIO=33-3-, QRM Rwanda? (Frodge-DXP)
7180 Voice of Turkey; 2148, 30-Nov; M in EE w/cooking recipe; ID &
into LL tune @2150. SIO=433, ARO & CC QRM
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

VOT`s Live from Turkey, starting at 1353 UT Thursday Dec 6, fair on
12035 but not 100% copy, partly thanks to the rapid slurred speech and accents
of the announcers, so I switched to webcast. This semi-week`s show featured a
conversation via satellite phone with a Turk from Seattle who is rowing
across the Pacific, and is currently near Xmas Island, on his way to Australia
where he will climb Mt. Kosciusko on his way across the continent (portaging
his boat?). Seems he is rowing and hiking around the world, in order to inspire
children to fulfill their dreams.

OK, but it seems to me he is running a fairly high risk of being swamped if a
storm comes up before he can be rescued. He has been quite isolated recently,
not seeing a single ship for weeks (or months?). Must be well outside shipping
lanes, which aside from rescue possibilities is probably a good idea to avoid
being run over.

VOT has been trying to get in contact with him for some time, and finally
succeeded. Now they hope to do so every week. Seems his adventure, including a
Turkish flag aboard, is not getting the worldwide publicity it deserves, and
indeed I had not heard of it until now. The website media coverage page (in
English) shows plenty, but almost all only in Turkey.

As usual, could not understand names but was able to copy his website,
http://around-n-over.org where we find he is Erden Eruc and all the info about
this can be found there. He has quite a team backing him up, already made it
across the Atlantic, and to the summit of Denali. I wonder if he is also on HF
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

David Crystal referred to one specific announcer who he
says has now left the Voice of Turkey English Desk and gone to television. He
said she had a husband and a grown up son. He also said that she was kept on,
at the time one of her colleagues was fired, "because her husband is a very
powerful man in Turkey". He made no mention of any of the other staff at the
English desk being married, or having children, or knowing influential people.
He never used the word spies. If the specific announcer referred to has not
left the English Service please name her and say so, it would seem obvious to
me that it is someone who David has spoken to quite regularly, probably both on
and off air.

"Mr. Crystal's comments would make a good script for a soap opera; however, in
this case it interferes with our work as his entry shouldn't represent the
voice of our legitimate listeners."

David's views were represented solely as his views not as the views of any
other listener. How are you defining legitimate listener? If I wish to make a
comment about a Voice of Turkey programme I might
listen to are you suggesting that I should refrain from doing so until I get
approval from Ankara in case it "interferes with your work"?

"If you could delete it, we would be very grateful. Thanks"

In the UK we have freedom of expression unlike Turkey:

I'd actually dispute David's point where he says "Freedom of speech is no
greater in Turkey than it is ... in Britain or in USA" (Don't know enough about
Israeli restrictions). He was quite complimentary about the access the lady,
who he says has now left the station, gave him to the Live from Turkey

He concluded by saying "The Voice of Turkey is no worse than any other radio
station but it will be less interesting than it was." Even if some of his facts
are wrong, which anyone is welcome to challenge, that it is his legitimate
opinion and he has every right to express it and have it published (Mike
Barraclough, World DX Club, Dec 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Both the 7-147 and
7-148 items about this above have been inserted into 7-119,
http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld7119.txt (gh)

[Later:] The woman hosting Letterbox did not take all this quite so seriously,
as I happened to be listening Thursday Dec 6 at 2329 on webcast. She began by
referring to David Crystal`s original comments, tho attributed to some place I
did not recognise, and rather amusedly said she is not yet married so does not
have a powerful husband, freedom of speech exists at VOT even tho it is
sponsored by the government, Crystal`s remarx were unfounded, but thanked him
for his ``lovely comments`` about the station. Then replied to several letters
from familiar names such as Koie, Kumar. Isn`t Letterbox supposed to be on
Wednesday? I heard it on a previous Thursday in August as reported in DXLD
7-095. Then it should get two more repeats at 0429 UT Friday on 6020, 7240,
webcast, and 0829 on webcast only, if you`d like to hear it (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

4976 R Uganda (Red program) at awesome lvl tonight (12/1) from 0351 tune w/ highlife/urban hip-hop vocals; woman ann at 0359.5,
fanfare by band at 0400, man ann EE w/ nx at 0400-0410, fanfare again at 0410 fol by comls/anmts, etc., woman ann w/ news (?) in
vernacular 0419, more comls 0423, highlife male vocal 0423.5. SINPO 34433 w/ ocnl peak to S4 and QRM from ubiquitous CODAR. Sat s/on
is 0345 so I probably just missed that:
(Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 01/12/2007)

4975.97 Radio Uganda; 0403-0414+, 1-Dec; M w/news to 0410
then 30-sec. anthem; series of PSA--Nat'l Environmental ? & Uganda
Aid Commission. SIO=2+43-, need USB to kill strong tone.
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

4976, R.Uganda, 0224-0246, Dec 6,
Vernacular/English. Male announcer hosting phone-in
program over lite Afropops. Good Morning greeting to
each caller, phone number in passing. Huge S9+ signal
w/ apparent early s/on. (Scott Barbour, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

9500 UZBEKISTAN. CVC International via Tashkent, 1350,
12/1/07. Weak signal was in the clear w/ Hindi service
directed 153 degrees. Chatter from Rerbelde on 95505
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

13685 CVC International via Tashkent-UZB site at 0300-0600
cl-down UT with proper S=9 signal, Dec 6. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

11675, Nov 30 at 1434 found strong S9+20 program
mentioning Afghanistan, Kabul, bin Laden, habari, apparently Pashto. Somewhat
distorted from someone on phone, but good studio audio. 1458 concluding with
some kHz, MHz mentions, 1459 adjacent QRM from Venezuela IS 11680 via Cuba.
11675 also mentioned ``RFE`` so thought that was it, but it was really RFI,
since shortly later ID in apparent English as ``Radio France International``,
and off at 1500* leaving a much weaker signal from something else on 11675.

Seems new, not noticed before, but in B-07 sked as RFI in Pashtu, Issoudun 500
kW, 80 degrees at 1430-1500. This transmission is squeezed between two
Wertachtal outsendings. Polish Radio before it, and AWR Nepal after it. Now why
was Issoudun so much stronger than Wertachtal, not that far apart and neither
one targeting NAm? Could it be that ISS had their ALLISS rotated in the wrong
direxion? Or in any event much less efficient in aiming its radiation properly.
Or just by a fluke a propagational hotspot/pipeline to here (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

Центрально-Африканская Республика
7220 R.Centrafricaine, Bimbo, 1127-1150, 01 Dec, Vernacular (?), talks;
15331. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

Чагос (архипелаг)
4319usb AFN, Diogo Garcia, 1850-1911, 01 Dec, English, music, newsbulletin
at 1900; 33342, adj. uty. QRM. Does anyone know where the uty. stn is?
(Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

Шри Ланка/США
9390 SRI LANKA. R. Deewa, via VOA, 1329, 12/1/07.
Pashto service featuring nx, comment, and mx (don't
they all?). S6 signal on noisy band (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

4814.99, Radio El Buen Pastor, Saraguro, 0205-0259*,
Dec 1, Presumed. Spanish religious music. Local Ecuadorian music.
Spanish announcements. Religious talk. Abrupt sign off. Poor to
fair with CODAR QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

3279.92 HCVN7 La Voz del Napo (p); 0347-0402+, 1-Dec; SS rlgs pgm w/
phone calls; no break @0400. SIO=3+33 (Frodge-DXP)
4815 HCZX3 Radio El Buen Pastor (t); 0131-0200+, 0241-0250+, 2-Dec; M
in SS w/rlgs pgm mentioning Ecuador & wide mix of music including,
Andean flutes, children's chorus & electronic; No break @0200. In
2nd segment, mentioned El Presidente Ecuadoriano. SIO=422+, mixing
badly at time w/presumed Brasillian in PP. (Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

3810, HD2IDA,Guayaquil, 0732-0736, 08-12, senales horarias, anuncio cada minuto: "Al oir el tono seran las 2 horas, 32 minutos, 0
segundos". 154321. (Mendez)
3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0559-0650, 08-12, canciones religiosas en espanol, locutora, comentarios, a las 0700 lectura del
Rosario. 24322. (Mendez)
(M. Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 08/12/2007)

Экваториальная Гвинея
5005 R Nacional, 28.11., 2215, S, news, ID; O=4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

15190, R.Africa Network, 1149-1205, Dec 4,
English. Religous program thru 1200 followed with
R.Africa Network ID with URL/contact info. Same for
Pan American Broadcasting. Radio drama at 1203. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

5005 RNGE, Bata, 1917-1956, 01 Dec, Spanish, Afr. pops, Spanish songs &
int'l. music; news at 2000; 55333, audio not that good. The recently
reported, reactived outlet of 6250 was not audible. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

7100 Vo Broad Masses of E 1, 17:25-17:30, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en idioma tigrina con emision de musica folklorica local,
SINPO 33443.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, *0255-0315, Dec 1,
Sign on with IS. Opening announcements at 0300 with Radio Fana
IDs & into local Horn of Africa music. Good. Strong. Threshold
signal on // 7210. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

9704 Radio Ethiopia, 17:30-17:40, escuchada el 2 de diciembre en ahmarico a locutor y locutora con comentarios, musica de sintonia,
locutor con posible ID "Radio...", especie de cuna con efecto eco, musica africana, SINPO 34433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain -
playdx2003 03/12/2007)

in the recent days the Ethiopian station Voice of Tigray Revolution was heard on 5950 kHz. On 30 November, I heard them at 03.58 UTC
with their IS (matching the one on intervalsignals.net) with information programme, SINPO 32322. No parallel found, but that doesn't
mean that there is none.

On 1 December, Herbert Meixner in Austria logged them at 05.30 until fade-out just before 06.00 UTC at O=2. He logged them as UNID,
just as I did initially, but my IS check fits perfectly, so I assume that Herbert heard the same station. We both checked the
theoretical alternative Yemen but nothing on 9780 (for me) or not parallel to 9780 (Herbert). (Eike B., Mainz, Germany - dxldyg

monitored WHRA 11785 again Monday December 3, from tune-in
at 1920, and the mystery African(?) language clandestine(?) was already
underway so may have started as early as 1900. Man was giving an impassioned
speech, phone quality. At 1932 some music, and later in that semihour a woman
talking with studio quality. Recorded, including the closing about 1956, in a
2:47 rm clip, 433 kb, with typical music before and after. It sounds somewhat
familiar, but the ID at 1:00 into the clip does not. Actually it seems to be an
e-mail address, like wainamradio@mabarak... but I am not at all sure of that.
Later there is a www given too but marred by fade/distortion. I hope someone
can recognize the language or even identify it. . . Have a listen at

Then I make another check of the WHRA online schedule, and the answer seems to

1900 Mo 0200 PM 0300 PM Monday - Friday Demitse-Tewahedo Demitse Tewahedo
Demitse Tewahedo 11.785 Mhz

Which in WHR`s wacky way of presentation means it is on Mondays only at
1900-2000 UT, with other (English) programming shown during the same time other

So it must be the same one still showing on the TDP schedule for A-07
http://www.airtime.be/schedule.html as:
Zena Tewahedo the Ligament Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
in Exile 1600-1700 15260 AM m...... Amharic Africa

but which is replaced in the B-07 schedule below it by:
EOTC Holy Synod Radio 1600-1700 9445 AM m...... Amharic Africa
Note that EOTC matches as an abbr. for Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

The EOTC website http://exile.eotcholysynod.org/ still has them on 9445 ``due
to weather conditions``, and mp3 audio files of the last few weeks` broadcasts
are available for download.

However, the last 3 minutes of their audio file do NOT match what I heard and
recorded today on WHRA, in music or announcements, gender of announcer,
including several clear Zena Tewahedo IDs in the last few minutes. The file
gives a Los Angeles address, and eotc e-mail address as on the website.

A couple times during the SW broadcast I heard Louisiana mentioned. Another
possibility is that they are producing two different programs for TDP and WHR,
but I suspect it is not Zena Tewahedo but some other, possibly related

And that which I previously reported during the same hour on Thursday, Nov 22
may also be something different. We need to check other days of the week as
there may be other clandestine programs on this frequency, just as TDP once had
a full schedule of several different rotating programs depending on day of
week, on 15260 and now on 9445 --- or have those now been replaced by WHRA
transmissions? But this may be in addition rather than in replacement: the
opening announcement in their Dec 3 audio file mentions kHz and meterband
twice. If they do match up, the Thursday broadcast could be EPPF Radio.

I hope someone can evaluate my clip on its own merits, and also check this
transmission other days of the week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

and concerning the previous hour on WHRA:

ERITREA [non]. As mentioned in DXLD 7-144, V. of Meselna Delina, clandestine
via WHRA, confirmed on new 12015, excellent reception here off the back of the
antenna, Dec 3 at 1829 tune-in, just in time to hear a few words in presumed
Tigrinya, one minute promo in English for WHR reaching the unreached, 1830 back
to language, presumed the same but not certain; could not make out any program
name ID. Is this reflected in the online WHRA program schedule,
http://www.whr.org/index.cfm?fa=schedule&Search=Angel5 --- ? of course not! It
still shows 17650 and 4 different English-language gospel-huxter programs at
1830-1900, after half an hour of VOMD, but apparently that is now extended to a
full hour. Or has a companion.

The VOMD website http://vodm.asmarino.com/ still gives outdated frequency if
not time:
Days: Monday - Friday
Time: 9:00PM - 9:30PM Eritrea time
Frequency 17650 kHz (16.9 meter band)
(Glenn Hauser, OK, dxldyg 04/12/2007)

Dec 7 at 1425 check, DW Amharic via Rwanda was poor on
15620, no jamming audible, and none of the other frequencies audible either
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

Did not check Nov 29, but Nov 30, DW Amharic at 1439 was
good on 15620, JBA on // 15660. No jamming sounds as such on 15620, but it
seemed like there was another broadcast station underneath. It`s now confirmed
that this hour of DW on 15620 is via Rwanda (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

After the [usual? Fri 23/30] Friday break, DWL Amharic program
was object of Ethiopian jamming again today. No DWL program observed here on
4th channel 15660 kHz today Dec 1st.

DWL Amharic noted on 11645KIG, 15620KIG, and 15640IRA, til 1457 UT s-off.
Jammer station switched off at 15.01:48 on 11645, and 15.02:48 UT on 15640.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

I checked the D.Welle's 1400-1500 Amharic transmission today (Dec.3) and all
15660 15640 15620 and 11645 were on air. Frequency 15660 was the loudest and
best until drowned after a few minutes in noise. 15640 was weak and 15620
fair - both seemed un-jammed. 11645 was also fair to good with jamming which
was mainly audible in the sidebands.

A VOA Somali transmission was heard today (Dec.3) first via 13580 (a weak
signal) at around 1320 and on parallel 15600 (a fair signal) at around 1340
until close down at 1400. I heard mention of "Somali at VOA dot news"
announced which appeared to confirm what it was.

And RRI Jakarta on about 11784.9 was heard at good strength all over the
Chinese jamming of VOA at 1430 today Dec. 3. There was hum audible that I
could confirm when the jamming et al went off at 1500, which left the RRI
carrier alone on frequency. The noise is not as loud as when previously
faulty. I wonder why the station can't fill the hour 1500-1600 with
something instead of wasting power sending nothing at all - a selection of
Indonesian music would entertain us nicely! (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 03/12/2007)

Dec 5 check of DW Amharic: at 1430 fair and clear on
Rwanda 15620, but only noise on 15660; even more so at 1456 recheck. Greece
15650 also had some tones on it briefly around 1430 so wondered if some jamming
was mistuned. No tone test on 15630 this day (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

Ю. Африка
17660 Radio Mustaqbal, 12:21-12:30, escuchada el 1 de diciembre en idioma vernacula a locutor y locutora con comentarios, musica
instrumental africana con cantos ritmicos, SINPO 35443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 03/12/2007)

3320 SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 1901-1950, 01 Dec, Afrikaans, news, light music & songs; 54343, a contrast to (my) other obs.
during Nov'07.
9650 SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 1519-1639, 01 Dec, Afrikaans, match report; 24432, adj. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal -
dxldyg 06/12/2007)

Ю. Африка/Великобритания
3255 BBC; 0341, 1-Dec; EE feature on Brit politics com- paring recent PMs; ID @0346. SIO=3+53
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

3925 Nikkei Radio, 28.11., 2200, J, news, ID in E; O=3-4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

3925, R.Nikkei, 1216-1229, Dec 3, Japanese. OM
at t/in shortly followed by female announcer until
overtaken by USB chatter at 1229. Fair
(Scott Barbour Jr, NH, USA - dxldyg 5/12/2007)

6055 R. Nikkei, stn. JOZ2, Nagara, 0843-0909, 27 Nov, talks, interview,
piano tunes; almost gone at 0900; 24321, QRM de KWT (?) in Arabic; \\ 9595
better. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

9595 R.Nikkei, stn. JOZ3, Nagara, 0835-0920, 27 Nov, prgr cf. \\ 6055;
24332, adj. QRM de AUS 9590. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

3925, Radio Nikkei, 0937-1030, Dec 7, Japanese talk.
Lite instrumental music. Brief English segments after 1000.
English program entitled "Gregory Clark's Choices from the Nikkei
Weekly". Weak. Better on // 6055. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/12/2007)

670 CM-- R Rebelde, 4 possible sites? Talk // 5025 short wave F 0436
01/12 JF
680 HJZO R Nacional de Colombia, Sabanagrande. Full ID "Radio Nacional
de Colombia" and web address, etc. after song finished at 0501. Personal
first. Good peaks at times! G 0501 01/12 JF
710 CM-- R Rebelde, 2 possible sites? Talk // 5025 short wave F 0436
01/12 JF
770 HJJX RCN, Bogota. Football match, which would tie in with their
programme schedule. Thank you to Henrik Klemetz for listening to this
clip. It is very rare to hear something on 770 for me due to semi-local
BBC R Leeds on 774. Personal first! F 0109 03/12 JF
(John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, U.K. - skywavesmw 03/12/2007)

555 ZIZ R ZIZ, Basseterre, St Kitts. Personal First. Never looked on
this channel before but heard BBC World Service News Headlines. F 0717
04/12 JF
580 CFRA Ottawa ON. "Duke & The Doctor" Show as per schedule. F 0720
04/12 JF
980 HJES RCN, Cali. OM talk // 760 & 770. F 0220 04/12 JF
1140 CHRB High River AB, Presumed. Off channel. Ad break including ad
for buysell.com and 1-800 668 9226 number. Google search brings up
British Colombia. F 0620 04/12 JF
1650 CJRS Montreal QC. Just passed by the channel and heard "from
Montreal : CJRS" JF

Very poor conditions early on in the night but I awoke at 07:00 and
tuned in to find the band quite lively with many less regular stations
and unidentifieds.

Nice to hear R ZIZ on 555 for the first time. To be honest, I have never
looked at 555kHz before.

Many other 'presumed's include 730 CKAC, 760 WJR, 840 WHAS, 860 CJBC,
920 CKNX, 1100 WTAM, 1110 WBT, 1250 CJYE, 1460 CJOY, 1570 CFAV & 1580 CKDO.

1000 had lively music at 07:00, Mexico? 1510 had a talker underneath
WWZN at 08:00 and again I wonder if this could have been KGA.
(John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, U.K. - skywavesmw 04/12/2007)

On 1296 Khz BBC World is off the air in the morning and a Dutch station can be heard with a strong signal in the north of France
with music, ads and tfaffic informations from all over Europe. The azimuth seems west of Lopik. Identification at 10.00 UTC was
Onderwert (?? as my Dutch is less than poor ...). Has anyone an idea ?
(Max Benard, France - hard-core-dx 04/12/2007)

1470 R Vibracion, Carupano, 27.11., 2350, time announcement:
"En Vibracion son las 7 y 50 minutos"; O=2-3 (Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)

Puerto Rico
1660 WGIT Canovanas PR, 27.11., 2320, pop music, ID: "La Gigante"; O=3-4
(Michael Schnitzer, Germany - hard-core-dx 05/12/2007)
560 02/12 0359 R. Dif de Patrocinio-MG, advs New Color otica e
foto, Farmacia Ideal, abt sistema de esgoto de Patrocinio
570 03/12 1735 R. Clube de Itapeva_SP, OM "...falamos de Itapeva
para toda a regiao..." 22232
590 03/12 1818 R. Atlantica, Santos-SP,"...seu amigao
Lombardi...aqui na radio Atlantica..." 33333
630 03/12 1829 R. Educativa AM, Curitiba-PR, YL ID "Educativa
AM", advs Copel 22322
650 03/12 1838 R. Dif. de Piracicaba-SP, OM ..."jornalismo
Difusora...", sinal fraco
660 03/12 1841 R. Clube de Ribeirao Preto-SP, Ouvintes ao fone,
divulgando fone com prefixo "19". Sinal fraco, com forte heterodina.
(Marcio Martins Pontes, Registro, Brasil - radioescutas 05/12/2007)

1060 WBIX Natick MA. ID heard in pile-up at the top of the
hour W 0200 05/12 JF
1329.7 HJFE RCN, Pereira. RCN ID // 980 & 760 W 0228
05/12 JF
1500 YVRZ R Dos Mil, Cumana. Back to back love songs up to 04:00
then Himno Nacional. Good peaks! G 0400 05/12 JF

Very lively conditions noted during the early part of the night and
quite poor around the sunrise period.

There was a Latin (Colombian?) takeover around 02:00 - 03:00 with
signals peaking well on many channels including 750, 760, 920, 980,
1130, 1140, 1250, 1320, 1330, 1390, 1420, 1430, 1470, 1480, 1500, 1510 &

Very distorted audio noted on 1510 around 02:30.

I recorded 1500 from 03:00 and 1130 from 06:00 overnight. A real pile
up on both channels with ten carriers visible on 1500 and eight on 1130.

1500 was dominated by soft Latin back-to-back, which turned out to be R
Dos Mil. I also thought I heard a couple of "Formula" IDs behind the

1130 had a subdued WBBR and a Latin on what appeared to be the same offset (so making it nine carriers).
(John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 05.12.2007)

International DXing hasn't been very interesting lately. Latin American DX
is dominated by the usual array of Progreso, Reloj, and Rebelde outlets, and
transatlantic DX mostly Spain, France, UK, and Middle East regulars. So I've
turned my attention to checking out signals from Canada and the U.S., made
much more interesting with the RF spectrum recording capability of the RFSpace
SDR IQ. Instead of wasting time on one frequency hoping to catch a top of
the hour ID, several are captured simultaneously, usually yielding something
interesting every time! Here's some of what's been logged over the past three
weeks or so. All times/dates are EST (UTC-5).

540 CBT NL Grand Falls-Windsor - 11/26 2200 - Good; "This is CBC Radio
One, 98.7 FM in Mount St. Margaret." (BC-NH)

550 WDEV VT Waterbury - 11/27 1900 - Good; temperature at the Radio
Vermont studios, "You're listening to locally owned and operated 96.1 WDEV-FM
Warren, FM 96.5 serving Barre, and AM 550 WDEV Waterbury, Montpelier." (BC-NH)

580 WCHS WV Charleston - 11/26 2100 - Under News/Talk 580 WTAG; "58 WCHS
Charleston" and "58 WCHS... the Voice of Charleston" IDs. (BC-NH)

580 CFRA ON Ottawa - 11/27 1900 - In WTAG null; "Minus 2 at 7 o'clock,
good evening, I'm John... and this is CFRA news." (BC-NH)

590 CKRS QC Saguenay - 11/27 1759 - Over WEZE; promo/IDs in French, "98.3
FM, le FM parlA du Saguenay-Lac St. Jean." (BC-NH)

600 WMT IA Iowa Cedar Rapids - 11/19 2200 - Fair, over R.Rebelde Cuba
with 603 Spain nulled out; "Serving eastern Iowa for more than 80 years... this
is Newsradio 600 WMT Cedar Rapids," and Fox news. New log! Uploaded to
dxclipjoint.com. (BC-NH)

640 CBN NL St. John's - 11/19 2100 - Good; "You're tuned to CBC Radio
One, 90.3 FM in Marystown," and CBC news. (BC-NH)

670 WIEZ PA Lewistown - 12/1 1700 - Good; "WIEZ Lewistown, Huntingdon,
State College, AM 670," and ABC news. (BC-NH)

720 WWII PA Shiremanstown - 12/1 1701 - Good; "Serving 16 Pennsylvania
counties and portions of three states, this is WWII Shiremanstown, Harrisburg,
a Hinsley Broadcasting station," and preaching in Spanish. (BC-NH)

950 CKNB NB Campbellton - 11/15 2200 - "95 CKNB" ID and rock music;
over/under "The Mowhawk Valley's Big Talker" WIBX and R.Reloj Cuba. (BC-NH)

980 CKRU ON Peterborough - 11/26 1700 - In WCAP null; "This is AM 980
Cruise, CKRU Peterborough" and local news from "Hometown Radio 980 Cruise."

1070 CBA NB Moncton - 11/24 1559 - Good; "This is CBC Radio One, 97.9 in
Bathurst and Miramichi." (BC-NH)

1130 KWKH LA Shreveport - 11/24 2235 - Fair in WBBR null; C&W oldies,
"...on the home of the greats, KWKH." (BC-NH)

1130 WDFN MI Detroit - 11/24 1600 - Under WBBR; "1130 WDFN Detroit... The
Fan," into National Sports Report. (BC-NH)

1140 CBI NS Sydney - 11/24 1559 - Fair, over unID C&W music; "This is CBC
Radio One, 1140 AM in Sydney." (BC-NH)

1160 WCCS PA Homer City - 11/23 1800 - Fair; promo/ID, "...weekday
mornings on the Voice of Indiana County." (BC-NH)

1220 WQUN CT Hamden - 11/28 1800 - Good; "AM 1220 WQUN Hamden, another
service of Quinnipiac University," and CBS news. (BC-NH)

1220 CJUL ON Cornwall - 11/29 1700 - Good; Cornwall Festival of Trees
promo, "...sponsored by AM 1220, today's news, yesterday's hits," and news,
"From the AM 1220 news center, here's what Cornwall is talking about." (BC-NH)

1230 WMOU NH Berlin - 11/28 1700 - In WESX Radio Alegria null; "This is
AM 1230 WMOU Berlin, Gorham, and the North Country." (BC-NH)

1230 WXNI RI Westerly - 11/28 1800 - Briefly atop the pile; "...Rhode
Island's NPR news station, and coming up during this half hour, All Things
Considered on WRNI." (BC-NH)

1240 WSYY ME Millinocket - 11/29 1700 - Over ESPN 1240 WSKI and EZ 1240
WEZR; weather sponsored by an insurance agency in downtown Millinocket, "WSYY
AM 1240 Millinocket." (BC-NH)

1240 WBUR MA West Yarmouth - 11/28 1800 - Briefly atop; "WBUR Boston,
Cape Cod, the Islands, and on the web wbur.org," and NPR news. (BC-NH)

1260 WNSS NY Syracuse - 11/29 2200 - Under CKHJ and WMKI; "Buffalo Bills
football, exclusively on WNSS Syracuse, all sports, all the time." (BC-NH)

1270 CFGT QC Alma - 11/28 1700 - Under CJCB and an unID subaudible het
(maybe CJCB a few Hz low); "CFGT 1270 Alma" ID and news in French. (BC-NH)

1290 WDZY VA Colonial Heights - 11/29 1700 - Under Newsradio 1290 WNBF;
Radio Disney promos. (BC-NH)

1290 CJBK ON London - 11/29 2055 - Good, over WKBK; Detroit Red Wings
hockey, CJBK the only 1290 on the Red Wings website affiliate list. (BC-NH)

1300 WJMO OH Cleveland - 11/29 1800 - Good, over WJFK; "The new Praise
1300 AM, Cleveland's inspirational station, WJMO, a Radio One station," and
high energy gospel music. (BC-NH)

1310 WTZN PA Troy - 11/29 1700 - Under WORC; "AM 1550 WTTC Towanda... AM
1310 WTZN Troy, Canton." New log. (BC-NH)

1310 CIWW ON Ottawa - 11/29 1800 - Good; "CIWW Ottawa, Oldies 1310, a
service of Rogers Communications," and "Oldies 1310 News." (BC-NH)

1330 WWRV NY New York - 11/29 2000 - Under WRCA; "WWRV 1330 AM New York,
WRVP 1310 AM Mt. Kisco, 530 AM Caicos Island and British West Indies," and
Radio VisiA?n Cristiana jingle. (BC-NH)

1330 WBHV PA Somerset - 11/29 2258 - Through WRCA and WWRV; "ESPN 1490
1330 NP (?) Sports," and ID while fading out, "The best in sports news, sports
talk, sports coverage..." New log. (BC-NH)

1340 WYBC CT New Haven - 11/29 2001 - Fair; rock music, "AM 1340 WYBC New
Haven," and network news. (BC-NH)

1340 WMDR ME Augusta - 11/29 1759 - Under WSTJ; notreligion.com PSA,
"We're 1340 WMDR AM Augusta," into an R&B vocal. (BC-NH)

1340 WMSA NY Massena - 11/29 1700 - Atop the pile; "...good times and
great oldies, ...1340 WMSA Massena," and CBS news. (BC-NH)

1340 WSTJ VT St. Johnsbury - 11/29 1800 - Good; "You're listening to WSTJ
AM 1340 St. Johnsbury," and TV news simulcast, "WCAX Burlington. From
Vermont's most watched news station, this is Channel 3 News." (BC-NH)

1350 WARF OH Akron - 11/29 2103 - Fair, over WGPL; "...Akron Aeros
baseball and University of Akron athletics, we are 1350 AM WARF Akron, Sports Radio
1350," and local post game show after Akron beat Niagara. (BC-NH)

1360 WYOS NY Binghamton - 11/29 2200 - Poor through The Talk of
Connecticut WDRC and 1359 Spain het; "ESPN Radio 1360 AM, WYOS Binghamton." New log.

1390 WLAN PA Lancaster - 11/29 2300 - Fair; "This is your hometown
station, 1390 WLAN Lancaster," and ABC news. (BC-NH)

1440 WSGO NY Oswego - 12/4 1900 - Under WVEI; "WTLA North Syracuse, WSGO
Oswego, Fulton... 1200 and 1440 AM." (BC-NH)

1450 WKTQ ME South Paris - 11/25 1700 - Briefly atop the pile;
"Lewiston's landfill issue is far from being resolved, and our team will be reporting
on developments as they occur. Keep it here on the only station that focuses
on Lewiston-Auburn, EZ 1240 WEZR." (BC-NH)

1450 WCTC NJ New Brunswick - 11/25 1758 - Fair; "...on central Jersey's
talk radio, 1450 WCTC," and Rutgers football promo. (BC-NH)

1450 WENJ NJ Atlantic City - 11/25 1700 - Heard under WKTQ; "ESPN Radio
1450 WENJ..." (BC-NH)

1460 WTKT PA Harrisburg - 11/29 2300 - Fair; "All sports, all the time,
1460 The Ticket, WTKT Harrisburg," and National Sports Report. (BC-NH)

1470 WPDM NY Potsdam - 11/13 1800 - Good, over WMMW; sign off, "You're
listening to 1470 AM and 99 Hit FM, with the end of the 1470 AM broadcast day,"
and off. (BC-NH)

1470 WLAM ME Lewiston - 11/29 2300 - Good; "This is WLVP Gorham, WLAM
Lewiston-Auburn... Maine's Sports Center," and ESPN Sports Center. (BC-NH)

1470 WJDY MD Salisbury - 11/25 1800 - Excellent; "This is WJDY Salisbury.
Season's greetings from Timeless 1470," and Christmas nostalgia. (BC-NH)

1480 WADR NY Remsen - 11/25 1600 - Good; "1480 WADR Remsen, 1550 WUTQ
Utica," Real Country jingle, "99.7 WBGK Newport Village," and C&W oldies. (BC-NH)

1510 WWZN MA Boston - 11/25 1925 - Noted subaudible het in SSB modes,
measured off-frequency at 1510.018 kHz and visually separate from 1510 signals
on spectrum analyzer. (BC-NH)

1510 WPUT NY Brewster - 11/25 1600 - Under WWZN; "940 WINE Brookfield,
Danbury, and 1510 WPUT... 940 and 1510," into ESPN Sports Center. (BC-NH)

1510 WLAC TN Nashville - 12/3 1700 - Under WWZN; "News, traffic,
weather... Newsradio 1510 WLAC Nashville..." (BC-NH)

1530 WLCO MI Lapeer - 11/25 1700 - Over/under WCKY; Real Country jingle
with voice-over, "1530 AM, WLCO Lapeer." (BC-NH)

1550 CBE ON Windsor - 12/4 1959 - Good, over WDZK R.Disney; "You're tuned
to CBC Radio One, 1550 AM in Windsor." (BC-NH)

1580 CKDO ON Oshawa - 12/2 1932 - Good; CHR format, IDs as "Your music,
your station, 107.5 Kool FM," mentions of Barrie, Collingwood, and Orillia in
ads/promos. This would be CKMB FM Barrie ON. No AM ID through ToH. 2040
recheck found CKDO oldies back on. Crossed STL wires, or was it audio from a
receiver normally tuned to 107.7 CKDO FM that was mistuned? (BC-NH)

1600 WAAM MI Ann Arbor - 12/4 2000 - Under WWRL; Dave Ramsey promo/ID,
"...station, Talk Radio 1600, WAAM Ann Arbor," and Fox news. New log! (BC-NH)

1630 KCJJ IA Iowa City - 12/4 2000 - Fair; "Broadcasting from
Coralville's Iowa River landing, this is Coralville 1630, KCJJ Iowa City, Coralville,"
and KCJJ news. (BC-NH)

1650 CJRS QC Montreal - 12/5 1900 - Good; over WHKT R.Disney; Radio
Shalom IDs in English and French. (BC-NH)

1670 WQDG293 CT 12/5 1900 - Fair; I-95 information, callsign and
www.ct.gov/dot (http://www.ct.gov/dot) announced. The FCC ULS database lists four
sites; Madison, North Haven, Old Saybrook, and Waterford. (BC-NH)

1700 KNAA585 NY Jamaica - 12/5 1900 - Fair, over WEUP; "...KNAA585
broadcasting at 1700 on your AM dial," and JFK Int'l Airport info. (BC-NH)
(Bruce Conti, Nashua, USA - mwdx 06/12/2007)

680 WRKO Boston MA. "50 thousand watts talk radio : with the
personalities to back it up : your home for Rush Limbaugh : WRKO. Mixing
CFTR and R Nacional, Colombia. G 0300 06/12 JF

680 CFTR Toronto ON. "Six Eighty News" IDs in pile-up G 0302 06/12 JF

760 WJR Detroit MI. "Now, back to the (Mike in the Morning Show? Not on
schedule) on 7-60 WJR" G 0256 06/12 JF

1540 KXEL Waterloo IA. "Iowa State Sports" Basketball commentary.
Thumping signal well above CHIN/WDCD! G 0248 06/12 JF

I just noticed that, on December 3rd, I posted a log for the 13th
December. This should have been the 3rd of course!
(J. Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 06/12/2007)

Segue abaixo novas escutas, depois de passar a limpo meus logs:
1010 03/12 2209 R. Estancia, Jacutinga-MG, YL"...encontro com
Deus, na R. Estancias de Jacutinga...", OM px rlgx.
1020 04/12 0824 R. Cultura, Uberlandia-MG, OM ...em Uberlandia 06
e 24, bom dia..." 22332
1020 04/12 0828 R. Cancao Nova, ????, YL ann "...faltam 28 dias
para 2008...Cancao Nova...",( esta emissora apareceu no fading, seria
a Cancao Nova de Cachoeira Paulista, ou de Campos-RJ ????)
1050 04/12 0832 R.Verde Vale, Braco do Norte-SC, OM ID "...esta e
a ZY...R. Verde Vale...www.verdevaleam.com.br...", px jornal da
manha 33343
1110 04/12 0839 R. Paiquere, Londrina-PR, advs Calcados Aracalce,
nx policiais de Londrina e regiao 34443
1120 04?12 0844 R. Eldorado, S.Jose dos Pinhais-PR, OM "...suas
manhas sao mais alegres com Dirceu Kerer..., ouvinte ao fone da
regiao de ALm. Tamandare 44433
1160 04/12 0859 R. Norte, Londrina-PR, ID "...ZYJ 258 R. Norte
Londrina, RPN esta no ar, rede paranaense de noticias..." 33433
(Marcio Martins Pontes, Registro, Brasil - radioescutas 06/12/2007)

1400 CBG Gander NL noted with carrier trace following a tip-off from Paul Crankshaw in Troon. Audio heard v weakly by 18:45.
(J. Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 06/12/2007)

1080 WTIC Hartford CT. Blasting the Euros to pieces. Totally dominant
with usual talk. VG 0228 07/12 JF

1190 WLIB New York NY. "WLIB - your .. ?" just heard in advert as signal
dropped to v weak from fairl levels. F 0226 07/12 JF

1200 CFGO Ottawa ON. Sports. No problem with Eurosplatter tonight - HUGE
S9+10dB signal! VG 0215 07/12 JF

1310 WLOB Portland ME. "This is Newstalk AM .: 13-10 WLOB" (Frequency
didn't sound like 13-10) Very pleased with this as not heard here since
the 80s. F 0200 07/12 JF

1430 WENE Endicott NY. "Sportsradio 14-30 The Team" IDs G 0220 07/12 JF


There were some HUGE east coast TA signals when I started listening at
2am. 1510 WWZN in particular was solid and about S9+10dB.

I was tempted to record 970, looking for WDAY Fargo (North Dakota) but I
opted for 680 once more in the hope of getting CJOB but, as usual, I got
the regular mix of WRKO, CFTR and HJZO. I will definitely be on 970
tonight as I hear Steve Whitt in York heard WDAY! Only problem is I
probably won't be home to start my overnight recording until 3am.
(John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 07/12/2007)

> There were some HUGE east coast TA signals when I started listening at
> 2am. 1510 WWZN in particular was solid and about S9+10dB.

At 0030 UTC I briefly checked and found 1390 WEGP audible, not knowing that a
few minutes later 1395 R.London would fire up again. So pure luck that 1390 was
available. On other frequencies a few weak carriers nothing else.

All will be better when I am at the coast again in 14 days.
(Jurgen Bartels, Germany - skywavesmw 07/12/2007)

I made a brief tour of the longwave band around midnight local time.
I've noticed that there wasn't too much noise and the conditions were
generally good. I had readable audio on Poland 225 and I even
recognized the song "Chameleon" by Culture Club at 05:20 UTC on the
270 Khz Czech Republic outlet. Just for the good music, I've sticked
on Morocco, Radio Mediterranee on 171 Khz. This is a regular here.
Then, popping up, I've heard a female voice over the music. It was
back and forth for a few minutes than it was all gone.There is,
according to listings, five stations around the world sharing this
channel. Four of those are Russians. At 05:10 UTC, the only possible
outlet is the Bolshakovo, Radio Rossii near the Baltic Sea. This what
I've heard around 05:10 UTC:
In this short clip, that female voice will appear two times always
(Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, Quebec, Canada - mwdx 07/12/2007)

Сегодня с утра снова удалось послушать Саранск, Кузнецк и кое-что ещё.
Время - с 7 до 9 МСК.

107,2 МГц. МС Радио, Саранск. Эхо Москвы на 107,5 иногда мешается.

106,9 МГц. Радио 7. Оказалось, Тольятти. До них не меньше
200 км будет, а принимается увереннее, чем тот же Саранск или Кузнецк.
(Ночью из более-менее дальних на FM только их и было слышно).

ГТРК Саратов. Впервые их слышу, и вообще, первый раз что-то проходит с
юга. Частота, которую я слушал - 70,08 МГц, но сильно мешалась другая
ГТРК, скорее всего Ульяновск, на ~70,24, поэтому реальная частота,
скорее всего, 70,16 МГц из Балашова.

Русское Радио-Саранск, 101,3 МГц. Местная реклама на
50-ой минуте и местные новости в начале часа.

Европа Плюс Саранск, 100,6 МГц.

DFM-Саранск. 106,3 МГц.

В Кузнецке теперь (не знаю, правда, давно ли) работает Юмор FM.
Частота, скорее всего, 100,7 МГц. Мешает немного саранская Европа
Плюс. Местные новости в середине часа. Раньше на этой же частоте
должно было работать РСН.

Юность на 72,5 МГц. Скорее всего, Лукоянов Нижегородской области. Там
на этой же частоте ещё должно иногда Сарафанное Радио выходить.
(Сергей Винокуров, Заречный, Россия - open_dx 06/12/2007)

05:54 87.60 A000 Pescara I
07:08 87.90 E30A Canal_EX Merida
(William Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 06/12/2007)

07:48 87.60 E211 Castilla-La Mancha E
(William Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 06/12/2007)

3 December
87.70 19:45 2007-12-03 POR RDP Antena 1 Serra do Mendro
Unattended RX 8201 ANTENA_1 1520Km

6 December
87.70 15:36 2007-12-06 S SR P1 Halmstad/Oskarstrom
Unattended RX E201 SR_P1___ 1076Km
(Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 06/12/2007)

05:19 87.60 A000 Pescara I
07:06 87.90 E30A Canal_EX Merida E
12:08 87.90 E30A Canal_EX Merida E
(William Kitching, U.K. - skywaves 07/12/2007)
Digital Radio

15790-15795-15800, strong DRM signals, Nov 30 at 1439. We know these
frequencies have been used sporadically by TDF Issoudun, but not in the current
DRM schedules at
both of which have not been updated since Nov 26. However, HFCC has this: 15795
0800 1800 28S,29S,39N ISS 150 88 1234567 281007 300308 N Various F NEW TDF
10022 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

5815 Radio Racja (presumed) lots of
interference on this channel, but presumed this one with talk in what I guess is Belarussian and some easy music
(Hans Johnson, Naples, USA - CumbreDX 05/12/2007)

4366 Voice of Iranian Communists Tuned in at 1432
and had a nice, clear channel with an interval signal heard. One
announcement by man a minute later. The fun ended when the jamming started
at 1434, I just could not tune this thing in after that. What I did hear
reminded me of other Kurdish stations I have heard where the first several
minutes are really an interval signal rather than programming. Also checked
3881 for Voice of the Revolution, but found it jammed as well.
(Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 05/12/2007)

9415 Democratic Voice of Burma, 15:06-15:10, escuchada el 5 de diciembre en birmano, locutor y locutora con comentarios, musica de
sintonia, SINPO 33333
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

PAKISTAN 6100 Radio Sedayee Kashmir First time I
have heard this one in a while, although I have checked the channel a number
of times. 1446 with music and then a long talk by a women at 1448. (Hans Johnson, Naples, USA - CumbreDX 05/12/2007)

11900 Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity, 15:00-15:05, escuchada el 5 de diciembre en ahmarico, comienza emision con musica de flauta,
locutor con ID, comentarios, segmento musical, otra vez el fragmento musical interpretado por flauta, SINPO 43343.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 05/12/2007)

Ю. Африка
11890 Radio Okapi at 1602 with news in French. Good signal with a number of ID's.
(Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 05/12/2007)

1220 30/11 0030-0200 Radio Globo Rio
1360 30/11 0143-0145 R. Bandeirantes Rio
1377 29/11 2022-2119 PBS Henan Cina
1566 29/11 2111-2235 AIR Nagpur
3266.43 29/11 2147-2202 RRI Gorontalo ID
4874.5 29/11 2125-2158 RRI Sorong ID
5770 30/11 1420-1445 Myanmar BC Forces Good signal
(Dario Monferini & Giampiero bernardini, Bocca di Magra, Italy - playdx2003 01/12/2007)

3.320 khz - Africa do Sul. Radio Sondergreese, Mayerton. Programa em lingua Afrikander. 30/11/07, entre 17:00 e 18:00 UTC. Sinpo:
3.325 khz -Brasil. Radio Cultura de Araraquara, Araraquara.Programacao esportiva. 30/11/07, entre 17:40 e 18:00 UTC. Sinpo: 23222.
3.365 khz -Brasil. Radio Nossa Voz, Sao Paulo.30/11/07, entre 17:40 e 18:00 UTC. Sinpo: 33233.
4.815 khz -Brasil. Radio Difuso, Londrina. Programa a Voz do Brasil. 30/11/07, entre 17:00 e 18:00 UTC. Sinpo: 34333.
4.825 khz -Brasil Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista. Programa a Voz do Brasil. 30/11/07, entre 17:00 e 18:00 UTC. Sinpo: 23322.
4.845 khz - Brasil. Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo. Programa a Voz do Brasil. 30/11/07, entre 17:00 e 18:00 UTC. Sinpo: 22222.
4.865 khz - Brasil. Radio Alvorada, Londrina. Programa a Voz do Brasil. 30/11/07, entre 17:00 e 18:00 UTC. Sinpo: 33322
(George, Parque da Cidade, Brasilia - radioescutas 01/12/2007)

4395 KHz UNID 12/01 SS 0703-0715 male and female talks 22222 (LOB-B).
5005 KHz Guinea Ecuatorial R.N. Guinea Ecuatorial Bata 12/01 SS 0536 male talks "en esta parte informamos", 0540 short E.
John mx, 0541-0546 male talks, presumed news "la producion agricola" 23422 (LOB-B).

5920 KHz USA WBOH Newport 12/01 EE 0555 mx (sounds like religious), 0600 male talks, co-channel QRM of 5925KHz 33333
5945 KHz Portugal DW Sines 12/01 hausa 0649 male talks, 0650 male and outside female talks until 0656 afro style instrumental
mx, 0659 s/off 22322 (LOB-B).
5995 KHz Mali R. Mali Bamako 12/01 FF/AA 0635-0645 alternating afro-pop mx w/ male talks, QRM of 6000 KHz R.Guaiba 22422
(Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

5905 0223 01/12 DW, via Rampisham, OM, nxs, RR 43343 RFP

5910 0229 01/12 Marfil Estereo, Puerto Lleras, OM, nxs, SS 34333 RFP

5952 0230 01/12 Radio Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte, jingle: "Pio Doce, Pio Doce", OM, SS 43443 RFP

5980 0231 01/12 Scandinavian Weekend, Virrat, YL/YL, talks, finlandes 43343 RFP

6115 0244 01/12 R. Farda, via Tanger-Briech, YL, mx, farsi 45233 RFP

6155 0300 01/12 AIR, Delhi-Kingsway, OM, nxs, urdu 35233 RFP

9290 0901 01/12 R. Joystick, via Ulbroka, YL, EE?? 15221 RFP

15120 1837 01/12 Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, mx, YL, EE 44344 RFP

15140 1839 01/12 R. Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait, OM, AA 25232 RFP

15275 1840 01/12 DW, via Kigali, OM, nxs, hausa 45344 RFP

15330 1840 01/12 R. Marti, Greenville, I/S, OM, nxs, SS 45333 RFP

15440 1904 01/12 DW, via Sines, OM, nxs, GG 35233 RFP
(rfp, Bandeirantes, Brasil - radioescutas 02/12/2007)

6025.08Khz Radio Amanecer ,Santo Domingo DOM 30/11 23.30utc Nice spanish music and id ,on 2344 speech (1 Kw transmitter)
fair 23222
5996.33Khz Radio Loyola,Sucre BOL 30/11 Poor signal ,I hear some spanish words and typical music for Bolivia 2357utc qrm
splatter 6000khz Cuba
(Maurits Dr., Belgium - hard-core-dx 02/12/2007)


EQ GUINEA 15190 Around 0900 with S2 and religious talks , the voice of
the pastor reminds me the voice of the pastor of brother stair At 0924 YL
welcomes listeners to her program then again with new religious themes and
songs Liangas 2/12

TAIWAN 15375 Fuxing on 0900 + , Just a very poor carrier Liangas 2/12

CHINA 15270 CBR 0755 - Ch Business radio with nice chinese songs adn
ID /adverts S9 Liangas 2/12

USA? 6915!!!! Family radio 0820 with religious progr , pastor reading
chapter 42 . At 0828 QRM from whistling German operator . Poor signal at
S0 but 24232 At 0835 with ID ans station info Music at 0834 Liangas 2/12

GUAM 15200 KTWR with prg in indo dialect after the IS on 0859 , (Balinese
per eibi b07 listing) talks over gamelan music on 0904. At 0927 dangdut
songs are played!! (though dangdut is mostly Muslim music) Avout S3-4
24433 Liangas 2/12

CHINA 11885 XJPBS 1004 with ads followed by a violin play and again wih
adverts .Poor Liangas 2/12

UAE? 11675 radio Solh 1011 with Hindi (Bollywood songs) S3 max signal
Liangas 2/12

NIGERIA 9690 V o Nigeria 1030 talks about entertainment and education.
OM with ID , very low audio , YL then ith talks on Abuja . 1035 with external
recordings /speech 1050 a talk about nigeria and creativity . 1057 a hilife
song .
Bassy audio Poor signal S3 max
ON 1130 QRM by Urumqi Liangas 2/12

GERMANY 6220 Radio Marabu 1054 with 'shine on you crazy diamond'
,110 a German song 1122 with slow rocks 1151 mention on Morocco (?)
Signal : S5 34533 (1111) , S9 max on 1126 45534 Liangas 2/12

[KOREA] 9950 prg? 1258 with good signal signed out on 1259 leaving RUI
in clear . Again 1355 under RUI . RUI closed down 1358 leaving abut 15
secs to the korean language station Liangas 2/12

MSIA 7295 Traxxxx 1501 news about Malaysia's positions , 1511 with
oldies (eng songs). At 1613 QRMed for 15 secs by a Firedrake signal Siganl
S7 44424 On 3.12 with S5 on 1500 and S2 max on 1533 Liangas 2/12

cland 3912 1639 V of the people (per eibi )with Korean operas , short talks
by YL then again with operas. very difficult erception 311x1 S7 over S4
noise floor! Liangas 2/12

Turkmenistan 4930 1455 man with talks in Turkmen then with folk songs.
mixed with another station Liangas 3/12

TAIWAN 6280 WYFR /family radio with IS on 1559 . talks by YL in hindi S7
3243<3 Liangas 3/12

KOREA 6285 R Pyongang in German 1600 hymn has been interrupted for
1 second S9 , 33543 dull audio Quite strong QRM from R CAiro leaving me
the ability to tune off on 6282.4 for 'better signal' russian program on 1700
and again 1800 German Liangas 3/12

SPUR 9280 VOR in arabic on 1832 . Identified from the interval music
between themes . S7 max 32422 quite strong buzzer on the freq Liangas
3/12 (Z. Liangas, Greece = CumbreDX 03/12/2007)

BRASIL, 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1109-1113, 04-12, locutor, portugues, comentarios, identifiacion: "Nove horas nove
minutos, Radio Gaucha". 24322. (Mendez)

CUBA, 9505, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 117-1130, 04-12, locutor, noticias, programa "Haciendo Radio". 24322. (Mendez)

MALI, 11960, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1420-1428, 04-12, canciones africanas, comentarios, locutor, vernaculo. 24332. (Mendez)

6185, Radio Educacion, Mexico DF, 0945-0953, 04-12, musica clasica ininterrumpidad. 34333. (Mendez)

9599.2, Radio UNAM, Mexico DF, 1052-1106, 04-12, musica clasica, a las 1059 identificacion por locutora: Vd. esta en sintonia con
Radio UNAM, AM 860 kHz y onda corta, 9600 kHz. banda internacional de 31 metros". A las 1100 noticias por locutor, noticias del
mundo y de Mexico. A las 1102 fuerte poradora y luego aparece y desaparece la senal de Radio Habana Cuba, con problemas en el
transmisor, hasta que a las 1106 ya se escucha regularmente Radio Habana, eclipsando a Radio UNAM. 24322 (Mendez). (Manuel Mendez,
Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 04/12/2007)

2ого декабря в 0551 на 6175 и 7210 снова услышал ДХ программу из
Бухареста на русском,прием ужасный. В список здесь не значились две
передачи на русском язьике 2100-2200 на 7105 Рус.Межд.Радио и на 7425
Радио Свобода, наверно пропустил. Ереван на 4810 есть и по воскресьенем
0530-0600 программа на рус.яз. (Румен Панков, Болгария - open_dx 04.12.2007)

2310 1930-2000 AUS 30-11 VL8T, Alice Springs English discussion 35333 // 2325 (35333) and 2485 (35333), but
faded long before long before 2100! AN-DNK

2850 *1958-2020 KRE 30-11 KCBS, Pyongyang Korean IS, ID, National Anthem, heroically song, news 25333 AP-DNK

3335 2015-2025 PNG 30-11 R East Sepik, Wewak (t) Vernacular talk, music 25222 AP-DNK

N3380 2340-0108* EQA 28/29-11 Centro Radiofonico de Imbabura, Ibarra Spanish very veak signal, but very mostly
popular songs and animated talks. 0103 Ecuadorian songs with several verson for 8 minutes. 15111 AP-DNK

3880v 1455-1515 CLA 01-12 Voice of Iranian Revolution, via Northern Iraq Kurdish - anyway was away 1555 32332

3895-3925 0318-0430v* CLA 01+02-12 R Voice of Kurdistan, Al-Salaymanuyah?, via No. Iran Kurdish political comments and
talk on Kurdistan comments, 0500 Farsi ann, ID, "Im Radyo Sedaye Kordestane", political talks 35/2332 AP-DNK

4699.37 2320-0040 BOL 28+30-11 R San Miguel, Riberalta Spanish talks and pop music programme 25232 AP-DNK

4835 *2130-2140 AUS 30-11 VL8A, Alice Springs English ID, news, fading out 15211 AP-DNK

4880 1715-1715 CLA 30-11 SW R Africa, via Meyerton Vernacular, talk, songs 35232 AP-DNK

4910 *2130-2140 AUS 30-11 VL8T, Tennant Creek English ID, news, fading out 15211 AP-DNK

5010 1850-2110* MDG 01-12 R Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano Malagasy ann, mostly non-stops on a Saturday evening
evening 34333 AP-DNK

5965 1300-1400 G Su 02-12 MV Baltic, Germany German/English ann, German and English pop songs, ID, address
55555 AP-DNK

6035 *0000-0030 BTN 30/11 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang Dzongkha Horn signals, ann, Buddihst singing
24433 AP-DNK

6335 0335-0510 IRQ 01-12 Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, Sahal al-Din Kurdish music 34443 AP-DNK
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 05/12/2007)

909 1/12 17.00 R. Cluj - Rumeno ID e NX buono
1125 27/11 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Soria SS NX reg. Castilla y
Leon suff.
1125 29/11 18.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Castellon SS NX reg. Comun.
Valenciana suff.
1566 1/12 17.20 A.I.R. - Nagpur Hindy nenia buono
1570 1/12 05.30 CFAV - Laval,Canada, FF talk YL suff.
1650 1/12 05.20 WHKT - Portsmount,USA, EE MX suff.
1700 1/12 05.10 KVNS - Brownsville,USA, MX buono
3279.6 1/12 04.30 Voz del Napo/R. Maria - Tena, Ecuador, SS predica
4760 2/12 00.15 A.I.R. - Port Blair,Andamane, Hindy nenia suff.
4790.2 1/12 04.40 R. Vision - Chiclayo,Peru, SS predica suff.
4885 30/11 20.20 R. Clube do Para - Belem talk OM buono
( la piu " temprana " ricezione del
Brasile sui 60 metri di 35 anni di
radioascolto !! )
4920 1/12 16.50 A.I.R. - Chennai Hindy MX ( MX normale no
nenia!!! )
6000 2/12 00.50 R. Habana Cuba - SS deliri di Chavez
( porque no se calla ? ) buono
6010 1/12 04.50 Voz de Tu Concencia - Lomalinda, Bogota SS predica
6025 2/12 00.05 R. Amanacer Int. - Santo Domingo SS gospel
6135 2/12 00.45 R. Aparecida - Brasile. PP Rosario buono
6245 2/12 10.00 R. Dr. Tim - Postfasch 101145 - 99801
Eisenach - Germania EE pirate NX suff.
6303 2/12 10.05 R. Boomerang - box73@gmx.net EE ID e MX
6325 2/12 09.55 R. Paardenkracht - paardenhracht@draait.nl
EE ID e MX buono
7540 2/12 17.10 Voice of Mesopotania - Maiac Kurdo ID e
talk OM buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 05/12/2007)

13675,0 1538 CAN CRI-Sackville Com+Mx+Id 06/12 Esp 35333
13650,0 1543 ? CVC-Lusaka?tent Mx estilo arabe pop 06/12 ? 45333
9630,0 1728 SEY BBC-Mahe "Focus on Africa" 06/12 Ing 35333
5930,0 1919 TCH R PRAGA-Litomysl Mx+Com 06/12 Esp 45444
5935,0 1921 D R POLONIA-Wertachtal Mx melodica 06/12 Rus 44444
5970,0 1932 ALB CRI-Cerrik Talk 06/12 Fra 45444
6000,0 1935 RUS FAMILY RADIO-Moscu Rlg 06/12 Ita 35333
6010,0 1936 IRN LVRII-Kalamabad Yl con comentarios+Id 06/12 Ing 45444
7180,0 1954 G KBS -Rampisham Talk QRM CRI 06/12 Ara 43333
9620,0 2005 ROU RRI-Tiganesti Com+Entrev 06/12 Esp 45444
3965,0 2026 F RTI-Issoudun Com sobre seguro medico 06/12 Esp 45444
9770,0 2111 CAN RCI-sackville Com+Entr mencion a Canada 06/12 Ing 35433
7475,0 2129 GRC V GRECIA-Alvis Dep basket 06/12 Grc 45433
6240,0 2147 MDA FAMILY RADIO-Kishinev-Grigoriopol Com 06/12 Ing 25332
6240,0 2158 MDA R PMR-Kishinev Si+ Inicio+Id+ Com sobre el "pais" 06/12 Ing 45444
(Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 07/12/2007)

02-12-2007 (Do/Su)
0746 6219.8 PR MYSTERY R. - EE - IN/BN
0751 6310.7 PR R. LOWLAND - EE - SF/BN
0802 6324.7 PR R. PAARDENKRACHT - IN/BN**
0805 6400.0 PR WMR WEEKEND MUSIC R. - EE - BN/MB
0806 6420.6 PR LASER HOT HITS - EE - IN/SF
0823 5815.0 PR ORION R. NL - EE/DD - SF/MB
0900 6310.0 PR R. VIKING - IN/SF*
0919 6275.8 PR R. OSTALGIE - IN/MB**
0938 6305.0 PR R. BOOMERANG - EE - MB
1001 6303.0 PR R. BOOMERANG - EE - BN/MB
1012 6303.0 PR R. SHADOWMAN - EE - MB
1018 6324.8 PR R. PAARDENKRACHT - SF/BN*

* id tnx blog shortwave dx
id tnx Dr. Tim's Piraten News

04-12-2007 (Ma/Tu)
2123 1377.0 EU UR 2 PROMIN (Ucraina) - IN/SF
2134 1388.6 -- mx greca (modulazione distorta) - IN/BN
2158 1170.0 EU R. CAPODISTRIA (Slovenia) - II - SF/BN

05-12-2007 (Me/We)
0930 1395.0 EU BIG L (Olanda) - EE - SF/BN
0942 1233.0 EU PURE FM (Belgio) - FF - IN/SF
0945 1458.0 EU SUNRISE R. (UK) - EE/Hindi - IN/SF
0948 6420.6 PR LASER HOT HITS - EE - IN/SF
0951 5930.0 EU R. ROSSII - Murmansk - RR - IN/BN
1001 9690.0 AF VON (Nigeria) - EE - SF/BN
(L. B. Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 07/12/2007)

Recent Southeast Florida Logs:

2379.95 t.(tentative) Brazil, Radio Educadora,Limeira 2310 to 2340 vocal with lyrics "..Yo no ..en progresso ...no voy..en
los ojos .." om locator and many romantic songs, " ..en el aire, mi corazon...America..." and "en el edificio local.. semana
proxima cinco y tres, ocho ..en el centro.." 4 December [ Wilkner-FL]

3329.53 Peru, Ondas del Huallaga, Huanuco 1030 to 1040 fading out on 7 September. 90 meter band has been poor all week with high
noise levels. [ Wilkner-FL]

4052.5 Guatemala Radio Verdad, Chiquimula 2345 noted with strong signal and English Gospel program, 2 December [ Wilkner-FL] One
of two Guatemalans left with 4799 Radio Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastian, Huehuetenango now silent. rlcw

4545.39 t. Bolivia Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, weak signal, noted locator en espanol sin musica 0020 to 0040 on 3 December.
Similar log 6 September 2330 to 0000, very weak . [ Wilkner-FL]
~ thanks to log by Harold Frodge [Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts DXpedition; Brighton MI]

4810 XXX Mexico XERTA seems off the air week of 4 to 8 December, strong carrier on 4808.91 on 7 December but no usable audio. [

4831.13 UNID noted with fading signal 1020 to 1035,on 7 December, with major transmitter drift, thanks go to Charles Bolland
log, with the possibility of the return of Radio Maranon Jaen . [ Wilkner-FL]

4834.96 UNID noted at 1130 to 1140 with weak Latin programming on 8 December. Maranon ? [ Wilkner-FL]

4852.45 UNID noted 1000 to 1040 on 7 December with weak audio. [ Wilkner-FL]

4974.73 Radio del Pacifico, Lima 2330 "..viente hombres en la villa..en horas del peru .. " 2332 seemingly religious programme,
unusually good signal, 3 December [ Wilkner-FL]

5005.9 UNID,former frequency of Peru, Radio LTC Juliaca 1000 to 1020 weak audio 8 December [ Wilkner-FL]

5014.5 Peru, Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco 0030 to 0045 "... en el centro de el pais..." good signal lsb to avoid Cuba on 5025.
4 December. ~ 1000 to 1030 "...en la hora .... Radio ....en Santos ...en las manana..." some local t storm crackle, this followed
by two telephone numbers 5 December; strong signal, locator "en el radio popular...ministerio de ...." 1020 to 1030 on 7 December
[ Wilkner-FL]

5039.27 Peru, Radio Libertad, Junin 1010 to 1040 locator "en la tierra ....Santa Maria .... imediamente en la alegria de ...."1036
locatora and brief music 8 December. [ Wilkner-FL]

5040 UNID 1000 to 1030 on 6 December [ Wilkner-FL]

5120 26 t. Peru, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 2348 to 0000+ on 2 December [ Wilkner-FL]

5240 Xizang PBS, Lhasa excellent signal 2340 - 2350 with bass driven rock like music, parallel 4905 and 4920. 2 December [

5486.67 Peru, Radio Reyna de la Selva, Chachapoyas, 1040 to 1110 "en el numero zero ...en el mundo ...Senor Carlos Puesta [Cuesta ?]
en las ...... hoy...en el tiempo de...cambio en todos ....recuerdo en el final ...en el grand sabado ... Carlos Puesta..." 7
Note : Both 5460.1 Peru Radio Bolivar and 5470.8 Peru Radio San Nicolas, off the air at this time [Wilkner-FL]

5967.92 Bolivia, Radio Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni 0950 with ments of La Paz y Santa Cruz, news items, weak but in the clear,
using "on the ground antenna 10 meters in length. 5 December. [ Wilkner-FL]

5996.31 Bolivia, Radio Loyola, Sucre 0930 to 0950 clear with tenor vocal ballad. 5 December [ Wilkner-FL]
(Robert Wilkner, FL, USA - CumbreDX 07/12/2007)

11890,0 1608 AFS R OKAPI-Meyerton Nx 07/12 Fra 45444
11665,0 1614 CYP BBC-Limasol Entr+Com ( Nigeria) 07/12 Ing 45444
11655,0 1617 MDG RNW-Talata-Volondry Com Yl+Om (fuera de esquema??) 07/12 Hol 35333
11645,0 1621 D GOSPEL FOR ASIA-Wertachtal Com OM 07/12 Hin 45333
11925,0 1634 MRC R LIBERY-Tanger Briech Com+telef 07/12 Bel 45333
12045,0 1645 SNG NHK-Kranji Com 2 OM 07/12 Jap 25332
12080,0 1639 POR DW-Sines Com 07/12 Rus 25432
11785,0 1646 INS V INDONESIA-Jakarta-Cimanggis Mx+Com mencionan jakarta 07/12 Ara 35333
11620,0 1650 IND AIR-Bangalore Com YL+MX Hindu 07/12 Rus 35333
9830,0 1721 ? No id Rlg+Mx africano?? 07/12 ? 35333
(Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 07/12/2007)

Небольшие наблюдения за 25/12/07:
25/12/2007, 2315 - 2330 utc, 6240 kHz, Радио ПМР, Григориополь, новости о Модове, на французском, хороший сигнал.
25/12/2007, 2355 utc, 9690 kHz, REE via Noblejas, разговор, s/off, на английском, хороший сигнал.
25/12/2007, 2300 utc, 6115 kHz, Межд. Радио Румынии, выпуск новостей, на английском, неплохой сигнал.
25/12/2007, 1130 utc, 11710 kHz, NHK World, "В фокусе Японии", на русском, помеха со стороны Китая (CNR)
25/12/2007, 1200 utc, 9950 kHz, Radio Ukraine Int, новости, на ангийском, плохой прием. (передача в сторону Западной Европы)
(И. Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия)

Похоже, что повышение значений солнечного потока благоприятно повлияло
на прохождение. Сегодня 8.12.07 утром наблюдаются сильные сигналы
американских станций на 5810, 5835... даже колумбийская Marfil Estereo
со своей аккордеонной музыкой слышна на 5910.

В 0645 на 7245 кГц прослушивается Таджикское радио ра рус. языке. В 0700
джингл, "Душанбе" и начало передачи на таджикском.
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 08/12/2007)

8.12.07 09.40: Снова слышен загоризонтный радиолокатор, гуляющий в
диапазоне 9900-9930 кГц. Где он работает, в Комсомольске, если
украинские ЗГРЛ уже давно почившие? (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 08/12/2007)

В 05.54 на 6060 кГц слышал Радио Гавана Куба на все четверки,
бодрая латинская песня, а с 06.00 международные новости на английском. А еще
в 05.51 на 9745 принималась станция с ближневосточной музыкой (на 2 балла).
ID я не дождался, а потом отвлекся на Кубу, но скорее всего, это Бахрейн.
Тоже редкий гость в наших широтах. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 08/12/2007)

11690,0 1600 JOR R JORDANIA-Al Karanah El Asereje version internacional:. Puaj!! 08/12 Ing 45444
11750,0 1607 BOT VOA.-Selebi-Phikwe Entrevista a OM x YL QRM SLBC?? 08/12 Kin 44444
11875,0 1624 RRW FEBA RADIO-Kigali Com OM at 1629 S/Off 08/12 Afa 35433
11750,0 1631 CLN SLBC-Ekala Id tent+Com YL+Mx tipica subcontinente 08/12 Sin 35333
13820,0 1635 USA R MARTI-Greenville Com polit 08/12 Esp 25222
13865,0 1645 BOT VOA-Selebi-Philkwe Com+Mx+Id 08/12 Swa 45444
9875,0 1712 G R SOLH-Rampisham Mx Tipica 08/12 Pas 35232
11785,0 1714 INS V INDONESIA-Jakarta-Cimanggis Com 08/12 Esp 35333
7415,0 1718 MRA RFA-Tinian Is Com QRM Firedrake no cubre a RFA 08/12 Chi 34333
7435,0 1721 UZB FAMILY RADIO-Taskent Com Rlg 08/12 Rus 25222
7445,0 1724 MRA RFA-Tinian Is Com QRM Firedrake casi cubre a RFA 08/12 Chi 32332
7450,0 1726 GRC R MAKEDONIAS-Alvis Dep Futbol?? 08/12 Grc 44444
7520,0 1728 CLN R FARDA-Irana Wila Mx+Id+Nx 08/12 Pas 35333
(Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 08/12/2007)

4500 KHz China PBS Xinjiang(tent.) Urumqui 12/07 mongolian 0234-0242 male and female talks 23232 (LOB-B).

4770 KHz Nigeria R.Nigeria(tent.) Kaduna-Jarji 12/07 vern. 0520 male talks,english pop selection mx like of Phil Collins',0529
audio off abruptly, 0530 carrier s/off 22222 (LOB-B).

5050 KHz USA WWRB McCaysville 12/07 EE 0428-0434 male preacher, religious programme (LOB-B).

7140 KHz Korea, North Voice of Korea Kujang 12/06 korean 0713 male and female talks, 0719 instrumental mx 23322 (LOB-B).

7280 KHz UAE Sudan Radio Service Dhabbaya 12/07 AA 0445 studio male and outside audio talks/short mx pattern various times,
0458 maybe local folk mx, 0459 ID, 0500 s/off 34333 (LOB-B).
(Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 08/12/2007)

11785, Nov 30 at 1437 with big buzz sound, like we hear from
Saudi Arabia or maybe Romania, but neither of these now listed; instead VOA
Chinese via Thailand, certainly jammed, but this is not the jamming sound we
normally get from China; or possibly another malxfunxioning transmitter,
Indonesia (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

Re>>>>>UNIDENTIFIED. 11785, Nov 30 at 1437 with big buzz sound, like we hear
from Saudi Arabia or maybe Romania, but neither of these now listed; instead
VOA Chinese via Thailand, certainly jammed, but this is not the jamming
sound we normally get from China; or possibly another malxfunxioning
transmitter, Indonesia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

The Saudi transmitter is irregularly heard on about 11785, and appeared to
be operating normally when last logged. My guess is that the 'big buzz'
comes from Indonesia. I wrote about it some weeks ago when it was
particularly bad - so bad, that understanding the programme content wasn't
easy. Repairs must have been carried out as the noise ceased, but the fault
has probably returned.

And Re>>>>>FRANCE [and non]. 11675, Nov 30 at 1434 found strong S9+20
mentioning Afghanistan, Kabul, bin Laden, habari, apparently Pashto.
distorted from someone on phone, but good studio audio. 1458 concluding with
some kHz, MHz mentions, 1459 adjacent QRM from Venezuela IS 11680 via Cuba.
11675 also mentioned ``RFE`` so thought that was it, but it was really RFI,
since shortly later ID in apparent English as ``Radio France
and off at 1500* leaving a much weaker signal from something else on 11675.

Seems new, not noticed before, but in B-07 sked as RFI in Pashtu, Issoudun
kW, 80 degrees at 1430-1500. This transmission is squeezed between two
Wertachtal outsendings. Polish Radio before it, and AWR Nepal after it. Now
was Issoudun so much stronger than Wertachtal, not that far apart and
one targeting NAm? Could it be that ISS had their ALLISS rotated in the
direxion? Or in any event much less efficient in aiming its radiation
Or just by a fluke a propagational hotspot/pipeline to here (Glenn Hauser,

No, it isn't new - it's been heard here since the advent of B07. Some
'nifty' transmitter switching has to be done to accomodate the transmission
so as not to cause over-laps. It MIGHT be the same transmitter that's used
at 1400-1430 on 11665 for Russian. A bad choice of frequency due to Chinese
jamming of assumed Taiwan. RFI is registered at 55deg for this so their big
Alliss wouldn't need to be turned very far.
(Noel R. Green, U.K. - dxldyg 01/12/2007)

While looking for R. Onda Cero, hearing a definite station, but weak on 4.395 (AM, not SSB) 12/2 from 0539 tune w/ S1-2
signal:language indeterminate at this time w/ man ann to past 0551.5, then man and woman ann. Language could be SS based only on
intonation and speech pattern. Tried USB mode, nothing noted on 4.394.5 or 4.395:Beam currently set to 045 (Spain) w/ ECSS (LSB) and
3.8 KHz bandwidth. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 02/12/2007)

11820 an Unidentified Arabic transmission noted in 0600-0700
UT slot today Dec 6th. ? Riyadh, BBC CYP/MDA, RTA, Libya ? Still a puzzle,
please help.

Unid strong carrier noted on 15660 kHz at 1347-1352 UT Dec 5th, superpower
S=9 +30dB signal here in southern Germany. DWL Sines test switch?
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 06/12/2007)

UNIDENTIFIED. OTH radar from China? Dec 6 between 5100 and 5235 or so,
continuous clicking pulses, not too strong here; overlapped with CODAR on
5225-5240, tsk2. The OTH peaked around 5125 and 5200; also QRMed a MARS net
including AAM5TMI around 5215. At least between 5100 and 5235 there aren`t many
broadcasters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7526, approx., somewhat unusual to hear US military 2-way SSB
conversation here at 0708 Dec 6, rather close to 7520 SWBC station. One of them
mentioned having 121.5 MHz capability (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

5040.6 UNKNOWN 1320 11/7 Station here with music some of which snd like it in Eng. has a Pacific Is. snd to my ear. I originally
though that it was Myanmar which is usually on 5040.4 but programming seems unusual. Also heard 1125 11/6 in lang I couldn't ID,
poor audio until played a couple of songs which snded like Christian Missionary tunes in lang. Ah ha I thought Ecuador (La V del
Upano), but not in SS maybe Shur? Has Myanmar drifted up? Also het USB about 5040.64 and usual CHINA Fujian PBS on LSB at 5040.
(George Herr, Playa del Rey, CA, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

George, it sounds like Burmese to my ears... 5040.60, 1420z still there with W slow talk.
Poor in USB (otherwise killing IND,Jeypore 5040.0). Nothing closely above 5040.6 can be seen/heard here.
(Vladimir Titarev, Kremenchuk, Ukraine - CumbreDX 07/12/2007)

7535 In past weeks -- since B-07 season started --, an UNID
location bc of VoRUS English service puzzled me in 1800-1900 UT slot.

Just checked WWDXC's ALL English Broadcast pdf. File, and discovered two
Moscow relays in English, on a different place arrangement in ALL VoRUS
schedule B07.

Two outlets of Moscow Lesnoy -- 7105 and 7320 kHz - produce an unwanted
spurious signal some 215 kHz away on 7535 kHz in B-07 season.
Didn't check 6890 kHz yet, the symmetrical counterpart on lower side.

Similar intermodulation at Lesnoy occured in A-07, when Amateur radio band
suffered a spur on 7050 kHz then.

to Mar2 frMarch3
English 1800-1900 7320 7320 Moscow 250 Europe
English 1800-1900 7105 7105 Moscow 250 Europe
(W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 03/12/2007)

12260 Firedrake music noted also today on Dec 1st, 8-10 UT slot.
Fundamental, or 2 x 6130 ??

CHINA. Re 21900 Firedrake being harmonic of 7300 against Sound of
Hope So that's where 21900, comes from. Ran into it after the new
season started, and it's quite good at times, very regular in Adelaide
South Australia, thought it was a fundamental. Will have a look at it;
21MHz broadcast band has been quite poor lately, many days when not
even carriers are noted on the band, bounced back today November 29,
strong signals, around 0700z or so. 18180 was off for awhile, but has
made a comeback lately (Dave Vitek, harmonics yg via DXLD)

Noted also on 16750 kHz, Firedrake music, Nov 29 at 0915 UT, S=5 to 8,
jumps deep fading (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany, BC-DX Nov 30 via DXLD 01/12/2007)

6170 Crash & Bang CC music jammer; 2217, 1-Dec; o/audio (Frodge-MI)
6280 Crash & Bang CC music jammer; 2258, 30-Nov; weak oriental music
also there--presume Sound of Hope via Taiwan--till 2259:50 when
it came up dramatically swamping the jammer. (Frodge-DXP)
7445 Crash & Bang CC music jammer; 1450, 1-Dec; no detectable audio
9450 Crash & Bang CC music jammer; 1510, 1-Dec; u/CC audio (Frodge-DXP)
9905 Crash & Bang CC music jammer; 1535, 1-Dec; no detectable audio
11945 Crash & Bang CC music jammer; 1851, 1-Dec; u/CC audio (Frodge-DXP)
(Harold Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 04/12/2007)

Dec 6 at 1328 on 4450, two-tone jamming, repeating,
weak, may have been originally from vocalized notes. Since a clandestine from N
to S Korea is here, we must assume the jamming is coming from S Korea, putting
it in the company of China, Cuba, etc., in trying to block Free Speech. Aoki

4450 KOREAN NAT.DEM.FRONT 0757-1400 1234567 Korean 15 ND Pyongyang KRE
4450 KOREAN NAT.DEM.FRONT 2157-0400 1234567 Korean 15 ND Pyongyang KRE
12533E3905 KNDF rel. KCBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/12/2007)

6915.0 kHz 1800-1840 KIPM (Pirate) with an program about a man meeting
dinasours (might have been an old Outer Limits program). ID and address at
1831. Correspondence to PO Box 24, Lula, GA 30554. Solid S9+20db with peaks
to 40db (like a local). And this late note at 1924 station still
broadcasting. (Larry Van Horn, Brasstown, NC, USA - CumbreDX 05/12/2007)

1644,00 0112 2320 unid,Gr, folk song 24332
1660,00 0112 1845 unid,D, polka 24311
1670,00 0112 2315 unid, pops, balkanic instrumental 24322
4025,00 0212 0730 LHH,E, pops 24311
5965,00 0212 1300 MV Baltic R, G,E; Ids, Jimmy Hendrix in memorian, jingle, 35443
6220,00 0112 1935 Mystery R, Disco non stop, jingle 24322
6220,00 0212 0730 Mystery R, disco mix 24432
6220,00 0212 1000 R.Marabu,G, ID, rock, website, jingle 24322
6235,00 0112 2200 KBC+R.Mi Amigo, E, jingle, Dancing in the streets, Eurythmics: It comes the rain again 35433
6300,00 0212 1143 The Hermits from NL, j/v R.Spaceman+R.Zwarte Noon,D,E, schlager, Ids, thanking SMS 24332
6303,00 0212 1005 R.Boomerang,D, Bruce Springsteeen: So far away 24332
6303,00 0212 1010 R.Shadowman,D, report for Boomerang, Chris Rea. Blue hotel, Candy Candy 24332
6305,00 0212 0937 R.Boomerang,E,D,Radio Gaga. Greets to amateurs, ID,Chris Rea: Josephine 24432
6311,00 0212 0810 R.Lowland, E, ballad 24211
6325,00 0212 0715 R.Paardenkracht,E, good morning, ID, email spelling, country 24422
6400,00 0112 2250 WMR,E, talks on pirates world, Steve Robins, San Diego station,Black Cat. KWMR,Give me 24332
6400,00 0212 0720 WMR,E, pops,ID, 24432
9290,00 0112 0910 R.Joystick, G, Id, QTH Mulheim am Rhur, funky dance, 35443
(Silveri Gomez, Spain - playdx2003 05/12/2007)

Relays this weekend via 9290KHz

December 8th
Latvia Today 11.00 -12.00UTC
Radio Casablanca 12.00 -13.00UTC

December 9th
Latvia Today 14.00 -15.00UTC
(Павел, Россия - open_dx 07/12/2007)

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