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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 149 часть 1

WorldDX 149
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
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Короткие Волны

9495, Apsua (Abkhaz) Radio. // 9535 with news in Russian,
0430-0442, followed by slow songs in vernacular on 16/11 (Rumen
Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF-2001, Marconi), Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

4910, ABC Tennant Creek, 1028-1040 With a fair signal, noted male and female
in English language news and comments and ID as "ABC". At 1035 popular music presented.
So this is suppose to secure at 0830 UTC and it's still up at 1035 on Sunday morning with
a fair signal? (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 25/11/2007)

6230 USB, VMW/Australian Weather West, 12/10/07, 1346,
English. Weather conditions for various coastal regions, a few minutes
of silence, then returned with a long ID including complete
frequencies for VMW and VMC before going silent again. Also noted
VMC/Australian Weather East on 6507 at 1330 on 12/11 with similar
signal and program. Fair (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxld 7-151)

4910, VL8A, once again on very late, instead of having switched
to 120m at 0830 Nov 25. That`s fine with me, as hearing any of the NT stations
on 2 MHz is quite problematical here. At 1331, 4910 was in ABC hourtop news,
then sports. 1336 ID as ABC Alice Springs, then mentioned ABC Local Radio and
Radio Australia for ``Sunday Night`` program. Fair and in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 23:08-23:25, escuchada el 24 de noviembre en espanol a locutor con boletin de noticias, pequeno repaso historico de las diferentes

emisiones de la RASD desde 1975 asi como del resto de los medios de comunicacion, periodicos y television, segmento musical, SINPO 45343
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/11/2007)

Radio Algerienne noted on four frequencies between
2100 and 2300 UT, Wed. Dec. 12. Previously heard 5915 and 9850 (very
weak) were parallel with possibly new additional frequencies of 7175
and 7295; both very strong here. 9850 faded out completely and 5915
lagged slightly behind the other two. 7175 seemed to have gone off
shortly before 2225. Usual Holy Qur'an programming with call to
prayer, etc. (Bernie O'Shea, Ottawa, Ontario, DXLD 7-151)

R. Algerienne Qur`an prgr. ID heard at 0852 on 9435 and 15230 kHz. 73,
(Mauno Ritola, Finland, ibid.)

Mauno says: it's NOT Libya, but RTA via France now. Latter was always
using VTC Merlin facilities in England. Very difficult matter with the
Arabs. 73 wolfy (Wolfgang Buschel, ibid.) One frequency at each time
is 162 degrees, the other 194 from Issoudun (Glenn Hauser, DXLD 7-151)

Антильские о-ва
R. Nederland [Relay], 11/24/07, 2005, 15,525 kHz. Talk in EE. Very strong signal.
(Joe Miller, Troy, MI, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

November 28, 2007 *0200 UT 11710 kHz IDs in many languages. Into
English programming. OM with "Hello friends. Welcome to the English
program of R. Exterior Argentina". "News from Buenos Aires", music and
"Cultural Agenda". Overall poor to barely heard.
(Kraig, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

9745, R. Bahrain. Listening one hour of modern songs in
Arabic and only one ID "Iddatu Bahrein" on 1/12 at 0530-0730, but not
in SSB (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF-2001, Marconi), Dec
Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

5996,35 Radio Loyola, Sucre, 0915-0925, November 17, Spanish,
TC: “5 de la manana con 25 minutos en todo el pais...”,
Programme conduced by male, 32422
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 25/11/2007)

4699.34 BOLIVIA. R. San Miguel (P), ~2345, 11/24/07. Threshold audio faded out quickly.
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

4699.32, Radio San Miguel, 2340-2359 Noted a female in Spanish
Language comments. At 2344 a male joins in. This is followed by
singing from a group. This is followed by a male in Spanish comments
at 2347. Signal very low by 2359 although male still commenting.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, November 25, 2007)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1022-1055, 24-11, locutor, portugues, noticias y comentarios de Brasil, identificacion: "Radio Rio Mar, Manaos, Amazonia, Brasil, seis

horas e trinta e sete minutos". 23322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 25/11/2007)

9530, Radio Transmundial, 1300. Senal de identificacion y avisos de propaganda local. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco).
11735, Radio Transmundial, 1345. Programa con noticias locales, “RTM noticias”. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco).
11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 1400. Senal de identificacion y avisos de propaganda local. SINPO: 22222. (P. De los Rios, Temuco)
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007)

6000, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2245-2305, Nov 25,
Portuguese talk. Fair but some weak co-channel QRM. Fair signal
on // 11784.62. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

4914.96, Radio Difusora, 2305-2320+ Steady Bras music. At 2316, canned
ID by a male as, "... Radio Difusora..." then back to music. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewsiton, FL, USA, November 25, 2007)

Буркина Фасо
5030 BURKINA FASO. R. Burkina, 2242, 11/24/07. Hi-life
mx was overpowering CNR1. Fair-good signal with a
little splatter from 5025 Rebelde. (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

BBC 5975 at 2153 or so. Tuned away for a minute then
tuned back at 2155 only to hear a tape loop saying that there was no
service on this channel and then gave the website. //11675 but barely
audible. At 2200 5975 was // 9525 and 11675. 26 Nov. (Liz Cameron via dxldyg 27/11/2007)

Thanx a lot to Ignacio for the 14540 tip: I could listen to
a female fronted French-language phone-in program with African-
sounding music bridges this morning Dec. 13th from 0830. Fair/Good but
weakening. Not found yesterday at 1600, nor on 9554 after 1600. But I
think that's also worth trying (Thorsten Hallmann, Munster, Germany, Dec 13, DXLD 7-151)

4780, R. Coatan, Nov 26 at 2348 bible reading in
Spanish, but also with fast SAH rippling the frequency, besides CODAR. Nothing
else known anywhere on 4780 except Djibouti, so I wonder if they left their
carrier on very late. At 0007 recheck the SAH was gone.

R. Verdad, 4052.5, Nov 26 at 2346 with timecheck 14<18, hymn; fair
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

6210, Greek Radio. In Greek as result of 15630-9420=
6210, but the signal was stronger than on fundamentals at 0650 on
17/11. [See also another mix on 6210, RUSSIA, under CONGO DR]

12105, Radio Philia. As is the ID translated to "Friendship" or
similar with program in English from 0700 on 01/12 and on MW 666 kHz
also. They said on "665 kHz" but it was so before decades for the MW
channels (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF-2001, Marconi), Dec
Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

Avlis-3 9420 has been off air at least the last couple of days when
tuned at around 1300, leaving the frequency clear for CRI-1 followed at 1400
by the changeover to CNR-8 programmes beginning with Kazakh. I found
Avlis-3 back on air by 1530. This transmitter has lately been causing very
loud hash in it's sidebands, but now sounds much better. Perhaps it's been
under maintenance? (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

Доминиканская Республика
6025.10, Radio Amanecer Int. 2150-2205,
Nov 25, Spanish religious music. ID at 2200. "La Voz de Esperanza"
program at 2201. Good. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

6025.10v, R. Amanecer Internacional (presumed),
Santo Domingo, 0109, Nov 26, briefly noted with "Noel", my first
Christmas carol of the season on SW. Noted on slightly higher
frequency from my last reception (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

Conclusion of R. Cairo English to Europe, 6250, somewhat different
from previous log. Nov 26 at 2240 M announcer was closing with goodbye, and
tinny national anthem; 2241 switched to tone for a semiminute which was
well-modulated unlike the preceding programming! carrier off at 2242* with its
characteristic pulsing of 5 or 6 times before going completely off.

DX Mix News, Bulgaria Nov 26 published an updated R. Cairo operational
schedule, showing that the site switch on 6290 occurs at 2300 UT, instead of
0000. Nov 26 I was too busy monitoring other frequencies at 2300, but as I
previously noted, the long overlap was not heard until 2350 when there was a
subaudible het of maybe 20 Hz, Cairo vs. Cairo! Undermodulated audio in Arabic
from the first site, ABZ to WEu at 315 degrees, underneath open carrier from
the second site, ABS to NAm at 325 degrees, which was not clear from the ABZ
carrier until 0002:40 Nov 27, also undermodulated, and distorted. So we wonder
what else in that DX Mix schedule may be incorrect (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

5915, Radio One/R. Zambia, 0352-0433, Nov 29, in
vernacular, mostly high-life music, 0425 into on-air phone
conversations, fair (Ron Howard, CaNaDa - dxldyg 30/11/2007)

4828 Voice of Zimbabwe (heard via DX Tuner South Africa) 1610 in
English and giving to phone numbers to contact the station at: 054 230 108
and 109. They added that listeners outside the country should use country
code 263. ID in English as Voice of Zimbabwe. Good level (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 30/11/2007)

6973, Galei Zahal. Mainly with pop music and seldom with
news in Hebrew, not sure the // 15785 is on the air (and 6973) from
0400-2100, and on 6973 here is 24h program, 1/12 (Rumen Pankov, Sofia,
Bulgaria (Sony ICF-2001, Marconi), Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1510-1523, 24-11, musica y comentarios en hindu, locutor. 34333
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 25/11/2007)

5015, AIR Delhi. According to the ID and program in English
"Listeners Choice" with music requests like "Love Story" sung by Andy
Williams at 1646. No any traces of Turkmenia-asking for its English
news on 17/11 (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF-2001, Marconi),
Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

I'm really intrigued, heard this
mid-afternoon after 2200 an Indonesian transmission
from RNW from Talata-Volondry and regarding that
azimuth, doesn't seem to be directed where is supposed
to. If you can give me a hand. Thanks in advance.

9590 R.NEDERLAND 2200-2257 1234567
Indonesian 250 75 Talata-Volondry MDG
4737E1854 RNW b07
(Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1007-1027, Nov 25 (Sun.), in English,
KGRE program #5702 presented by Sue, Maggie and Kevin, talks about the
KGRE anniversary BBQ, played pop Indonesian songs, fair, light QRM
(WYFR in French). Propagation this year has indeed been different. In
past years when WYFR switched to this frequency, it was usually
goodbye to RRI & KGRE, but not this year. Some days now it is hard to
tell if WYFR is even under RRI (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

9895, Voz de la Republica Islamica de Iran, 1250. Programa en chino con avisos de horarios y frecuencias de transmision. SINPO: 22222.
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007)

14/12/2007, 1700 - 1715 utc, 7170 kHz, Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, in russian, poor signal
(Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia)

6010, VOIRI, 1927-1952+, Nov 25, tune-in to lite instrumental
music. English programming with National Anthem at 1930 followed
by opening English announcements. Koran at 1933-1936. English
news at 1938-1951. Fair. Better on // 7320. Threshold signal on
// 11695. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

REE, 6055, English to NAm, UT Tue Nov 27 at 0041 was ending Radio
Waves. This week`s radio song was ``Mama Radio``. Host Justin Coe gave 6-figure
P O Box, new e-mail address of english @ rtve.es and ``keep the TV off and the
radio on`` till show ended at 0042:30. Well, it was almost time for me to watch
Countdown at 0100 on MSNBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

9780 Yemen Radio Sanaa suffered bad modulation heavily, after
0600 UT Dec 6th. Modulation like oscillating dithers.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX 837)

The CBC Northern Service on 9625 is currently peaking to a fair to
good signal most days at around 1300+. The language then is unknown, and I
assume will be INU as shown on EiBi listings for Inuktituk. But a clear
enough ID for CBC mentioning Montreal was heard at 1330. Some days there is
a co-channel station causing QRM (probably listed FEBC rather than Channel
Africa). Their web site (as in the current WRTH) is comprehensive, but
doesn't appear to contain a schedule of language transmissions.
(Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

This is the 2006 sked. I monitor this a lot and to my knowledge,
nothing has changed. Of course, I can't monitor 24h.

The CBC site does not contain a sked, for some silly reason.

I highly recommend listening to the regional news programs listed

CBC NQ sked: (1hr early in summer)

0000-0100 As It Happens
0100-0200 Different Inuit prg daily
0200-0300 Tuttavik
0300-0330 Ullumi Tusaqsauquajut
0330-0400 Sinnaksautit (for Iqaluit)
0400-0700 Northern Lights
1200-1400 Winschgaoug
1400-1500 Quittaisaut
1500-1700 Sounds Like Canada
1700-1800 Eyou Dipajimoon
1800-1900 Atsataut (for Iqaluit)
1900-2000 Tuttavik
2100-2300 Tusaajaksat (for Rankin Inlet)
(Regional Inuit News at 4:30pm EST (2130 winter/2030 summer) )
(Regional English News at 5:30pm EST (2230 winter/2130 summer) )

2400-0200 Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap
0200-0300 Fuse
0300-0400 A Propos
0400-0700 Saturday Night Blues
1200-1400 All in a Weekend
1400-1500 The House
1500-1600 Boreal Hebdo
1600-1700 Go/Man, Woman and Child
1700-1800 Quirks and Quarks
1800-2100 Definitely Not the Opera
2100-2130 News
2130-2200 Talking Books
2200-2300 Cinq a Six
2300-2330 The World This Weekend
2330-2400 The Debaters

1200-1400 All in a Weekend
1400-1700 The Sunday Edition
1700-1900 Les annees lumiere
1900-2000 Tapestry
2000-2100 Sunday Requests
2100-2200 Skylarking
2200-2300 Boreal Hebdo
2300-2330 The World This Weekend
2330-0100 Sound Advice
0100-0300 On Stage
0300-0400 Sunday Showcase
0400-0700 Jazz Beat
(Liz Cameron, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

Thanks Liz for the CBC NQ information. I'll see what I can hear. I'm
currently trying to monitor at what time it fades in - nothing doing at
1030, so I guess first light at Sackville will be when something does. And
I'll give 9625 a try at 2230 this evening to hear the Regional news.
(Noel, Green, U.K. - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

5060 XPBS, Urumqi 0045-0105+ 24 Nov. Tnx Ron's log in DXLD7-
141, tuned into M/W DJ chat to 0058 ads w/ "ABC China" & "radio free
China" amid the CH, 5+1 pips & W/M canned ID "Shin-jang renmin guangbo
diantai" (or close)..ads ran through the beginning of the pips (ahh,
Sino-capitalism's progress creeps along), signal decent w/ pres. gray-
line enhancement & sinking rapidly after 0120 or so..4980 XPBS (pres.)
& 4-5 AIR sites also audible in the 0030-0130 window.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 25.11.2007)

9590, Radio Internacional de China, 1250. Final del programa en ruso, avisos de frecuencias y horarios de transmision para Europa. SINPO: 22222.
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007)
9739, Radio Internacional de China, 1300. Noticias y comentarios de actualidad (en ingles). SINPO: 33333.
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007).

4460, CNR-1, 1054-1105, Nov 23, Mandarin. OM
and YL at t/in. Pips/ID and CNR jingle music at 1100
followed by presumed news headlines and ads/promos
thru t/out. Poor as was //4800. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

5860, presumed VO Jinling-Nanjing, 1156-1202+,
Nov 24, Mandarin. Instrumental music at t/in.
Announcer from 1159. Poor w/ big het from co-channel
R.Farda-Kuwait. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

3990, Xinjiang PBS, 0023, 11/27/07, listed Uighur. Long talk by F, brief music at 0027, then over to a male announcer. Theme music at 0030 followed by some more

excited-sounding talk by F, perhaps an ad, then again back to M anncr. Some QRM from hams on adjacent channels, // 4980 also heard with slightly better signal but

hampered by severe CODAR interference. Mostly inaudible by 0040. Tough copy. Poor. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

4220, Qinghai PBS, 2334, 11/26/07, listed Tibetan. Central Asian-sounding music (definitely not the Chinese pop one normally finds - often just one person singing w/one or

two instruments accompanying), a few promos or ads w/alternating M/F announcers, and a M DJ in vernacular taking calls from listeners. Song cut off in mid-lyric for 5+1

time pips at 0000, then possible ID in vernacular by F, followed by theme music and talk w/echo effects, and a long talk w/music stingers - news? Possible ad at 0011, then

back to the talk. Finally faded out around 0015. Fair with weak utility QRM. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

5050, Guangxi FBS, 2320, 11/26/07, Vietnamese. East Asian pop songs w/f announcer talk between. Obliterated by open carrier at 2327, followed a few min later by the

Chatanooga Choo-Choo - apparently WWRB. // 9820 much better, but it too was blasted away by a carrier at 2331, presumably Cuba warming up. Poor. (Mark

Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

6150, Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation. ID
in ENGLISH, seems DJ and that were the only words between 1940 and
2105, another were pop songs in ENGLISH on 17/11. It is coming from
No. Cyprus (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF-2001, Marconi),
Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

4800, China National Radio 1, 1030-1100 Noted a steady stream of
Chinese comments from a male and female. Checked a number of parallels
for this (4460, 5030) and came up with parallel signal. Overall the signal was
fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, November 26, 2007)

Nov 26 at 2314, 5050 has fluttery Vietnamese language signal. Per
Aoki, that would be Guangxi FBS, Nanning, 15 kW at 225 degrees, not bad; but
Aoki also has a conflict:

5050 GUANGXI FOREIGN BS 2300-0100 1234567 Vietnamese 15 225 Nanning CHN
10811E2247 GUANG
5050 VOICE OF STRAIT 2225-2400 1234567 Chinese 50 140 Fuzhou CHN
11924E2606 VOS L b07

And I suppose VOS could have been in a Chinese dialect mistaken for Viet, but
surely both of them are not really co-channel. Breaking the tie is EiBi,
showing Guangxi only, but am still not convinced. HFCC is useless for such
Chinese domestic(?) services, showing neither.

Whatever, nice to hear FE on 60m after sunset. Moot at 2346, as 5050 wiped out
by WWRB on early; see U S A.

Also had something in Chinese audible on 4800, Nov 27 at 0008 with CODAR. Per
Aoki, this is CNR1 via Geermu (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

also heard the station sign on. There was a carrier
and continuous tone when I tuned the frequency at 1155, and then "O Canada"
was played at 1158 followed on the hour by opening announcements in French.
Obviously, all is explained why I didn't hear anything earlier! I didn't
hear a heterodyne or any trace of NHK here. CBC NQ was only fair strength
and had deteriorated further by 1300 today.

NHK is 1200-1230 only (via either 165 or 175deg depending which list is
consulted) so could not be the source of the interference heard here at

And Avlis-3 seems to be working normally today on 9420 - a strong signal but
without the dreadful side hash that has been audible lately. I assume it's
Dem.Voice of Burma via 300 100 Yerevan-Kamo (ARM) as listed by EiBi on 9415
at 1500. This was difficult to hear clearly previously. A correction to my
last report 9420 - I typed CRI-1 when I meant to type CNR-1.

73 Noel

Hi Noel,
the schedule is now 1200-0610. Just signed on with heavy interference from
NHK; Sackville is on 9624.97 kHz.

73, Mauno
(Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

6035 LV del Guaviare 0005-0015+ 24 Nov. Ad string, RCN promo
w/ "en R-C-N, La Voz del Guaviare.", jingle w/ poss. ment. of FM, &
more ads. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 25.11.2007)

5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0707-0715, 25-10, canciones latinoamericanas. Identificacion: "Marfil Estereo". 24322. (Mendez)
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 25/11/2007)

6285a VoK(pres.) 1211-1222*(?), 1232-1249, *1300+ 24
Nov. In KR w/ huge signal & acting like a cland. plus throwing spurs +/-
about 55.5 KHz (6229.5a & 6340.5a) during 1st 2 BCs, but only on 6285
*1300+..signal strength dropped quite a bit @ 1300, too..(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 25.11.2007)

4450, KCBS-Pyongyang, 1048-1106, Nov 24,
Korean. OM and YL at t/in. Choral/anthem-like music at
1057. Presumed ID w/ pips at 1100 followed by more OM
and YL thru t/out. Poor but improving. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

2850 NORTH KOREA. KCBS, 1304, 11/24/07. Nx or patriotic monoloque. S7 carrier buit low voice modulation and some fading. Fair-poor
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

9505, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 1115-1132, 24-11, informacion de Cuba y del mudo, programa "Haciendo Radio". "Las seis de la maana con diecisiete minutos, estamos

haciendo radio". 33333. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 25/11/2007)

9570, Radio Internacional de China, 1300. Senal de identificacion y noticias de actualidad (en ingles), transmision desde La Habana. SINPO: 33333.
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007)

19/12/2007, 1100 utc, 12000 kHz, Cuba, Radio Havana Cuba, ID, IS, news, talk, in spanish, very good signal
(Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia)

4678 Regional Stn Xam Nua (listed), observed times 0000-0030 relay
Nat R Vientiane, 0030 own px to 0215 f/out. 0900/0930-1300; very often with
(for our ears) monotonuos a-capella singing by YL; fair level here.

6130 National Radio Vientiane observed s/on 2156 with sung anthem (pres.)
and anncts incl. frequencies, off at 2322; at 0008 on again and observed to
0430, then 0745-1530 s/off, but possibly continuous; local stn level here.
(Gerhard Werdin-THA, touring in and around Chiang May in NoThailand, BC-DX Nov 24, W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

9525 Cotton Tree News, 07:35-07:45, escuchada el 24 de noviembre en dialecto africano a locutor y locutora con comentarios, referencias a “Samuel”, SINPO 44433.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/11/2007)

4760, ELWA Radio, 2238-2303*, Nov 23,
English. Same format as logged on Nov 14th; religous
music until OM at 2300 w/ ID and s/off announcements.
NA at 2301. Weak/poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

We were on 4760 AM and PM through Tuesday AM. Now on 6070
and probably will be for a week. Then, based on listener comments will decide
on when to use which frequency. Many receivers here do not cover 60 meters, but
49 has much more QRM. Still on 2 kW, but gradually going up to 5 kW in the next
few days if nothing blows up. Times are 0500 to 0900 and 1600 to 2300 UT. 73
and God Bless (John Stanley, ELWA, via Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

15660 @ 1615z, listed via Libya. Also //15600 not listed in HFCC, EiBi or Aoki.
(Jerry Lenamon, Waco, Rexas - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

17725, VO Africa, 1422-1455, Nov 22, English.
OM at t/in w/ MLK bio, news re Islamic conference in
Libya. Reading from "The Green Book" at 1437 followed
commentary praising the African people and a profile
on Mauritaine. Fair. //21695 fair-poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

RTM Bamako can be heard regularly in Europe on 11960 from
0800 to around 1000 fade-out. Mainly news in Bambara. 73 (Thorsten
Hallmann, Munster, Germany, Dec 13, DXLD 7-151)

9599.26v, Radio UNAM (presumed), Mexico City, 0114, Nov 26,
briefly noted with classical music, down slightly from my last
reception on .30, best in LSB (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

R UNAM 9599.25 at 2208 in Spanish w/classical mx. Causing nasty
het, probably Vatican Radio in Chinese but I didn't really hear that.
26 Nov. (Liz Cameron via dxldyg 27/11/2007)

Still looking for more from XEXQ 6045, but nothing audible Nov 25 at
0630 or 1330. Nor Nov 26 at 1425, 2215.

But XEXQ was audible on 6045 when rechecked Nov 26 at 2249, classical music
with co-channel in Chinese, i.e. VOA Udorn, 30 degrees during this hour only
and/or Chicom jamming. 2300 Spanish announcements but could not make them out,
with increased QRM from CRI Sackville in English on 6040; 2305 classical music.
Fair at times depending on amount of splash from 6040. 0038 recheck more
classical, now ACI from 6040 CRI Sackville in Chinese (not English as in Aoki);
could not detect co-channel from IBC Tamil, ESE from Wertachtal which recently
moved to 6045 during this hour only. But prime is not the best time to listen
to XEXQ (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

XEXQ, 6045 on the air again, let us hope to stay, Nov 27 at 1405 and
1458 chex with classical music. Seems XEXQ leaves its carrier on 6045 late,
maybe all night; too bad they don`t modulate it too. Nov 28 at 0644 found open
carrier as before; next check at 1320, was in talk rather than music
programming with some ``Capsulas de Ciencia y Tecnologia`` from a Mexican
government agency, apparently aimed at young people, inspired by Bill el
Cientifico but not quite as frantic and wacky. Topic: fossils and Darwin. VG
modulation now, and almost 44444.

Also received a reply today from station director LCC. Ma. Leticia Zavala Perez
saying they are still running only the authorized 250 watts from their new 1 kW
transmitter, and the antenna is a 9-meter dipole oriented N-S; contradicting
the previous info that it is an inverted V of 12 meters. Schedule 1300-0500,
hopefully expanding to 24 hours next year; not yet webcasting, also expected to
start by mid-2008. She also says the switch from MW 1460 to 1190 was almost
four years ago; how out of date some references may be (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

6044.96, XEXQ, 2325-2345, 0045-0135, Nov 29-30,
Tentative. Classical music. Weak. Lost in noise & adjacent channel
splatter around 2345. Heard again 1 hour later at 0045-0135 with
classical music. Spanish announcements at 0053, but no ID heard.
Weak. Poor signal with adjacent channel splatter

6240 Just noted PMR Grigoriopol Maiac in German language at
2330-2344 UT, tx cl-down at 23.45:00 UT exact. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

6240, Radio PMR/DMR, monitored off and on Nov 26-27 while
checking other things. Tune-in 2325 in French, 2330 changing into German, 2344
concluding German mentioning ``Republik Moldaus`` (Moldau? not to be confused
with the river in Czechia), and off at 2345*. Figured that was all, so did not
check at 0000, but ran across 6240 on again at 0024 and once more in French,
and another switch to German at 0030-0045*. There was occasional QRM de big ute
data bursts lasting a few seconds. I assume that there is English M-F at
2300-2315 and 0000-0015, French at 2315-2330 and 0015-0030, German at 2330-2345
and 0030-0045 Tue-Sat. Mike Barraclough, England was monitoring at the same
time and did hear English at 2300 and 2400. Christopher Lewis first reported
English at 2300 on Nov 22, but I have missed it so far. Station mentioned in
French/German that it broadcasts to Europe and North America. At this hour
surely for NAm, a newly revived service, and another odd case of one country
broadcasting to another country in a language native to neither. Why don`t they
broadcast in Romanian during the final quarter hour? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

This time I was waiting for Radio PMR to begin its new North
American service in English, Nov 28 at 2257, when 6240 was on with intermittent
tones. No doubt Olle or Kai have measured their exact pitch from the
Grigoriopol site. 2300 opening as ``Here is Tiraspol... Radio PMR, of the
Pridenstrovian Moldavian Republic…`` and the program for Nov. 28. The entire
cast was about PMR`s diplomatic status and relations with Russia, Moldova,
Ukraine, Georgia, Kosovo, USA, starting with whether PMR license plates would
be valid across one of the borders. I am not sure, but I think they reserve the
name ``Moldova`` for the non-PMR part of the country on the wrong side of the
river. Closed with postal address, and radiopmr @ pobox.ru Brief IS at 2315, as
also heard at 2300, including sound of clock ticking, and directly into French.
If this English broadcast was typical, it`s at the behest of the polwonx and
will be exceedingly boring to the listener. Nothing about PMR arts or science,
nothing remotely entertaining (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/11/2007)

Radio PMR November 29, 2007, 2300-2315 6240 kHz. Program in English
with anti Russia programming. Audio static. Also processed audio that
eliminated the normal pauses in speech. I've heard the same type
processing done in commercials so many words can fit into the
commercial time. At any rate... removing the normal pauses causes
listening fatigue. Sounded like one long run on sentence. Also, made
understanding difficult. Overall fair. ((swl_dx - dxldyg 30/11/2007)

6240, Radio PMR, *2300-2330, Nov 29-30,
opening English ID announcements. ID as "Radio PMR". English
news about Moldova-Russia politics. Gave address & e-mail address
at 2314. French at 2315. German at 2330. English again at 0000.
Strong. Very good signal. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30112007)

7370, Radio PMR, 1811-1815, Nov 30, tune-in
to English news about Moldova-Russia relations. ID. French at 1815.
Very good signal. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/11/2007)

12085 Voice of Mongolia, 08:00-08:05, escuchada el 24 de noviembre en japones a locutora con presentacion, comentarios, musica de sintonia, SINPO 44333.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/11/2007)

Мьянма (Бирма)
5040 Minority Sce; observed 0745-1520+ with word px and local mx,
always with a distinct hum/drone which; fair level
5770 kHz Defence Forces R; monitored transmission times are:
0130-0430, 0730-0930, 1130-1530 UT.

A typical s/on procedure as observed on 21.11 was like this:
1126 carrier tone
1129 melody on wooden xylophone-type instrument(s) for 45 sec or shorter
1130 anncts (ID ?) by mostly female voice in Burmese/local lang
1132 melody on gongs/drums acc by flute for appr 1 min
1133 anncts again
1134 march-like melody for appr. 30 sec, ending abruptly
At s/off this procedure is repeated !

Px consits of occ word px, but largely of Burmese adaptations of western pop
and country music, e.g. ABBA's "Super Trooper" or "The Young Ones" (was it
Paul Anka ?)

During periods of silence simetimes SSB traffic observed. Local stn level

5985 National R; observed transmission times 0030-0130 and 0900/0930-1530+,
on 21.11. with En px at 1522.

7185 National R; on 24.11. at 0210 observed with En pop mx, at 0230 En
news, e.g. on ASEAN summit in Singapore, where "ASEAN leaders ko-towed
again to the Burmese Junta" (quote Bangkok Post).

At 0240 western rap mx (no Burmese adaptations) with two canned
announcements in between, one saying a.o. "BBC lying, VOA deceiving", the
other denouncing protesters as "criminals and opportunists", at 0259 end of
px annct in En and Burmese, 0300 silent.

9730 National R; on 24.11. at 0730 no En px observed as per schedule,
txm silent.
(Gerhard Werdin-THA, touring in and around Chiang May in NoThailand, BC-DX Nov 24, W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

Nov 28 at 2328 I noticed on 12120 there were apparently
two stations, the stronger but weak one talking in an unID Asian language, and
the other making a het of roughly 200 Hz. Looked up later, I find that the only
thing scheduled at 23-24 on 12120 is VOA Burmese via Tinang. So is this now
being jammed? Considering recent events and Myanmar`s denunciation VOA, it
would not be at all surprising, but I don`t recall any reports that jamming was
actually being done. Further monitoring of this and other VOA/RFA Burmese
transmissions is needed. And have the extra broadcasts added after the strife
almost two months ago been maintained? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/11/2007)

5985.8, R. Myanma, 1430-1501, Nov 27, after Shiokaze
(5985.0) signed off at 1430, heard YL briefly in vernacular, usual
R.M. theme music, into English, gives frequency, long talk with
mention of "Korea", ToH into music, poor. Seems the best window of
opportunity for me is post-Shiokaze sign-off and pre-splatter sign-on
at 1500 from 5980 (Ron Howard, CAnada - dxldyg 30/11/2007)

4770, Radio Nigeria, 2238-2300 Signal not that strong while it fades in
and out with music. But at 2255, the music is finished for the time being and
a male comments in English. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 26/11/2007)

7274.87, Radio Nigeria, Abuja, 0630-0640, Nov 30,
Audible after Tunisia 7275 signs off at 0630. Nigeria weak with
English news program. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/11/2007)

Нью Мехико
KJES (presumed), 11/24/07, 1955, 15,385
kHz. Prayers in English. Weak signal as xmission
intended for Australasia (per PWBR). (Joe Miller, Troy, MI, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

7115 UAE. R. Japan relay 2217, 11/24/. Japanese service w/ nx feature was poor-fair
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

7530 R Pakistan Islamabad in Urdu nominal here at 1700-1900 UT.
Today Nov 27th observed with much distorted audio. Also two spurious signals
of this outlet occurs 82.92 kHz apart; on 7447.08 and 7612.92, latter much
stronger. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

Папуа Новая Гвинея
3335 PNG. R. East Sepik (P), 1309, 11/24/07. pop/semi
classical mix of mx. On past listed 1300*. Suddenly
off @ 1311. Only audible signal on 90meters
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

4746.92 PERU. R. Huanta 2000 (P), ~2345, 11/24/07.
Threshold audio faded out quickly (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

4775, Radio Tarma, 1020-1035 At tune in, noted Huaynos music being
presented. At 1022, canned ID, ".... Radio Tarma ...". then the Hauynos music
continues. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, November 26, 2007)

9450, R Polonia (via Wertachtal), 1300, 11/26/07, English. Polish/eastern European news, an interview w/the conductor of the Polish Radio Orchestra (how many state

broadcasters still have their own orchestra??), then a feature about young Poles looking for work abroad in the EU. Fair but fading.
(Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

15275, Deustche Welle, 1920. Noticias en ingles sobre derechos humanos en Africa. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007)).
15275, Deustche Welle, 1920. Noticias en portugues. SINPO: 33333. (P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007).

6005, Adygey Radio, Maykop. In Adygean only on Sundays from
1900 with NA, talks in vernacular and songs on 18/11.

Here is the complete schedule of Caucasian Service from Armavir in B-
07, all on 6005: Adygei Radio, Maykop, Adygei Republic
1800-1900 Fri and 1900-2000 Sun in Adygean
1800-1900 Mon in Adygean, Turkish and Arabic
All Studio 1830-1900 Wed and Sun in Kabardin and Circassian, Tue in
Karachai and Balkarian (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF-2001,
Marconi), Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

11615 DRM, V. of Russia, Taldom. English news, fairly
steady 0702, SNR peaking 17.0 dB, mono 17.46 kbps, 7/12 (Craig Seager,
Bathurst NSW (Icom R75, Dipole, Dream DRM software, Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

5960, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0935-1000 With a brief IS,
then ID by male followed with news from a female in the Russian Language.
This format continued with music later.Signal was threshold at startup,
however, by 0952 the signal was arm-chair quality at this end.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, November 26, 2007)

5900, at 0005 Nov 27, warbling carrier, unable to determine
language, but VOR Portuguese scheduled from Moscow site. Why don`t they put
this poor thing out of its misery? See previous report in DXLD 7-130; ex 7300,
not 7400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

Hoy 27 de noviembre observo en 6245 una serie de servicios de La Voz de Rusia, de 17:00-18:00 un servicio en frances, en paralelo con 6130, 7195 y 7330, de 18:00-19:00

un servicio en ruso, a las 19:20 tambien se aprecia otro servicio, idioma sin identificar, la senal es pobre y con muchas interferencias, en un principio pense que se trataba

de una emision fantasma, pero lo descarto ya que no encuentro relacion con las frecuencias originales, probablemente se trata de algun nuevo servicio, en el HFCC se

designa esta frecuencia via Ucrania para una nueva organizacion, anteriormente emitia Radio Zamaneh.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

Russian on 13755, Nov 27 at 1503 with heavy echo. HFCC says this is
VOR via Wertachtal, 125 kW at 120 degrees. Suspect both long and short paths
being heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

9950 Radio Free Chosun - Jayu Joseon Bangsong.
Mixture of the Korean clandestine program [via Unid Russian tx center] and
RUI Kharkov in En heard today from 1200 UT. Clandestine station towards
North Korea on equal signal level to RUI. S=7 signal level on Eton E1 set.

Note some very short pips of aprrox. 800 Hertz at 5 seconds apart each
between 11.59:22 and 11.59:42 UT. Opening procedure seems much different
compared to usual Russian tx openings in European area.
(W. Bueschel, Germany = dxldyg 29/11/2007)

3240 SWAZILAND. TWR, 0305, 11/19/07, 0305 11/19/07. OM
in monologue. Shona is listed language. Signal up to
S9 by 0318. Vocal mx @ 0325. Changed to listed Ndau at
0330. Signal gone by 0345 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

TWR Manzini 6135, 2017 Nov 25, playing IS, occasional IDs in English: This is Trans World Radio, Swaziland," off at 2023. Fair signal with some flutter. HFCC, Aoki, and

EiBi all have this with a 2020 sign-off, but on 6130.
(David Yocis, Harpers Ferry WV (USA), dxldyg 27/11/2007)

6150, Mediacorp Radio, 1415-1440, 24-11, canciones, ingles, locutor, identificacion: "93.8 Live", noticias a las 14,30, "93.8 Live, Singapore Mediacorp Radio". 33333.
(Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX 25/11/2007)

I stand corrected with announcement on 6150 kHz being
"Nine-three-eight Live", which I always understood as "Ninety eight Live"; I
checked the Mediacorp website ...
(Gerhard Werdin-THA, touring in and around Chiang May in NoThailand, BC-DX Nov 24, W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

11610, Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, 2100. Noticias internacionales y notas sobre historia local. SINPO: 44444.
(P. De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, Federachi Dec 2007)

9930, KWHR, 1100-1105, Nov 25 (Sun.), in English, Norma
Bonds religious program, fair. Checking to see if Open Radio North
Korea (ORNK) ever added their weekend schedule, as was mentioned back
in June.
< http://www.nkradio.com/eng/sub.html?s=2_2 > continues to shows ORNK
still on from Monday to Friday, 8 PM - 9 PM [Pyongyang Standard Time]
[11 UT - 12 UT] on 9930. Why the long delay in implementing a weekend
schedule? (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

7555 KJES, Vado, NM, 0205+, November 24, English, talk by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 25/11/2007)

7595 VOA-Radio Ashna via CLN, 0210+, November 24, Urudu, talk by male, 23121 // 9335 via KWY with 24222
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - playdx2003 25/11/2007)

VOA News in English 7205 @ 0130z, judging by the time
and frequency to be a morning broadcast to Asia but
I don't see it listed in HFCC, EiBi, Aoki or at the
VOA website. In fact I didn't see any frequency lists
at the VOA website. (Jerry Lenamon, Waco Texas, USA - CumbreDX 27/11/2007)

4635.05 Tajik Radio, Yangiyul; 0246-0315 6 December, 2007.
Really nice signal, the best I can recall in ages. Presumed Tajik language
female, very nice local vocals and instrumentals, male at 0258 and into
techo beat fill music until 0300. No time sounders (at least not audible),
into news by male, patter from 0308 between male and female, 0309 filler
music and talk, back to vocals at 0311. By tune out, clearly beginning to
fade down fast. Decent modulation for a change, but a slight 50 cycle hum
as always with this one.
(Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer Dec 6, BCDX 837)

7255, R.Thailand, 1114-1130, Nov 23,
English/Vernacular. IS/EG ID announcement followed by
OM in language. Pulled the plug during IS/EG s/off
announcement. VOA-Thailand at 1130. Fair.
(Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

RTI`s ``Jade Bells & Bamboo Pipes`` show of traditional
music continues to be a winner. We had to pause our bandscanning when we came
across it Wed Nov 28 at 2235 in the broadcast to Europe on 9355 via WYFR.
However, there were no jade bells nor bamboo pipes to be heard --- just an
exotic plucked instrument. The name of it was mentioned once in the middle but
not at the end at 2255 when Carlson Wong was upwrapping it.

I assume this is also on the other RTI Wednesday broadcasts, and into UT
Thursdays? No, there was a talk feature on 5950 at 0343 check Nov 29. Does this
mean that the final broadcast of each day`s program cycle is the 2200? And the
new day starts on the 0100, if not 0200 or 0300? That throws the scheduling off
in North American target by local days.

Strangely enough, the current pdf schedule grid
shows JB&BP starting at :30 past the hour on Weds, while the
shows it at :35 past.

This page about listening on internet,
refers to hour 1 and hour 2, but apparently this is no longer the case, as
there is only a single hour shown in the program grids.

It also says: ``Please note that the programs may be posted on the Internet on
the day BEFORE they are broadcast. For example, the Thursday programs are
posted at 12:00 am on Thursday Taiwan Time (the very first minute of Thursday
in Taiwan), but in most parts of the world, it is still Wednesday!``

On the same page, plus the homepage, there are .wma and .rm linx to the past
week`s programs, so JB&BP should be found halfway thru the Wednesday files
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 29/11/2007)

7340 THAILAND. BBC via Nakhon Sawan, 2325, 11/24/07.
English service with commentary re: Ukraine elections.
ID @ 2332. S5 signal had fading (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

11735 R. Tanzania Zanzibar (Cumbre DX follow up) Following up on
Steve George's tip that he did NOT hear the English news from Spice FM, I
checked this one today and did NOT hear it, either. Actually, I was
listening at 1700 when they had news in Swahili. At 1800 there was just
music. So Steve's report is from a Thu and mine from a Wed, I wonder if
there is a pattern here. Heard via DX Tuner Sweden. (Johnson Cumbre DX 28/11/2007)

4975.96 UGANDA. R. Uganda, 2204, 11/19/07. S7 signal
w/ heavy CODAR interference. NX headlines at tune-in
into tlk by 2 OMs. A capella ethnic vocals with heavy
percussion followed. Fair to good if CODAR discounted
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

4975.97, Radio Uganda, 2040-2225, Nov 24, variety of
Afro-pops, local folk music, Afro-rap, Euro-pop & US pop music. Phone
talk. English & vernacular talk. On later than usual. Weak at tune-in,
improving to a fair level by 2200, but with CODAR QRM. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

> I guess 963 starts at 1900
> so you were a bit early?
> Jari

Yes, this seems to be the case. Today nothing around 1830, but at 1859
recheck 963 was on with Family Radio in English. Rather poor signal
though, not what it used to be when carrying Radio Finland.

The same bassy-voice preaching was heard around 1830 on 6125, and at
1900 it had moved to 6130, badly mixing with co-channel Voice of Russia.

Radio 700, next act: In the still ongoing Mysnip discussion (which
meanwhile gets a tendency to "we should consider it as a pirate
station and accordingly delete this thread, as required by our terms
of use") somebody brought up a photo where they are showing up the
frequency allocation issued by Bundesnetzagentur:

"Frequenz 6005 kHz, Sender Euskirchen, Rundfunkdienst". That's all. No
technical specifications, no reference to a specific site (other than
the studio location), no nothing. Well, one needs not only a frequency
allocation but also an authorization for "operation of transmission
networks" (Sendernetzbetrieb) for FM and all the digital systems, and
I would indeed be surprised if this is not necessary for shortwave
broadcasting (the website of Bundesnetzagentur, which could provide an
answer, is down right now).

Apparently Radio 700 operates with a licence from Landesanstalt fur
Kommunikation of Baden-Wurttemberg rather than from Landesanstalt fur
Medien of Nordrhein-Westfalen (where they have their seat). This
appears to be a kind of licence called Medienfuhrerschein, it is an
authorization to broadcast but does not include the allocation of a
frequency (which is another matter than the telcom-wise allocation
from Bundesnetzagentur, but the media authorities do not regulate the
use of shortwave frequencies, only MW/LW, FM and all the digital
stuff). LFK indeed mentions shortwave for Radio 700, but also
FM, although these are inhouse-only frequencies:
(Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

> 9950, 21 ноября, 12.22. У Радио Украины появились неприятные соседи,
> занявшие ту же частоту -- неофициальные станции с вещанием на КНДР. В
> итоге
> ВСРУ прослушивалась с SINPO 21431, глубоко под мощными разговорами на
> корейском. В международных DX-источниках этот вопрос поднимался;
> поскольку
> 17 ноября по чьей-то ошибке вместо антикорейцев в эфир пошли программы
> "Голоса России" на урду и русском, был сделан вывод, что передатчик --
> где-то у нас в Сибири. Вещание считается тестовым; я, честно говоря,
> знаю, продолжается ли оно до сих пор.

Сегодня продолжалось 1200-1300. Я был очень неприятно удивлен некоторое
время назад, услышав эту передачу на нашей частоте, которая в
официальных списках не числится.

> 5830, 21 ноября, 14.00, Всемирная служба радио Украины, на украинском,
> 43433, с неожиданной помехой от передачи то ли на дари, то ли на
> таджикском.
> Кто это -- я так и не понял, и справочные базы ничего не говорят.
> Проверить
> ситуацию в последующие дни руки не дошли.

Этого я не наблюдал еще. Но большой неприятностью для RUI являются
американские передачи на 5835 кГц с 1700 до 2230, как раз вразрез между
нашими частотами 5830 и 5840. Пару лет назад их тут не было, и все было
хорошо. (Aleksandr Egorov, Kiev, Ukraine - open_dx 28/11/2007)

9830 Voice of Croacia, 12:30-13:00, escuchada el 27 de noviembre en croata a locutor con entrevista a invitado, segmento de musica pop, referencias al pop-rock, cunas

de ID, emision de Hrvatska R. 2, emision en paralelo por Internet, SINPO 34333.

9830 Voz de Croacia, 13:00-13:03, escuchada el 27 de noviembre en espanol locutora con presentacion, locutor con boletin de noticias, pronostico del tiempo, esta

emision ya no se emite por Internet, anuncian proxima emision 23:30 y 03:00 UTC, SINPO 34433.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 27/11/2007)

Центрально-Африканская Республика
7220 R. Centrafricaine, Bimbo, at 1127-1150 UT on
Dec 1, Vernacular (?), talks; 15331.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, BC-DX 837)

There are media reports that Radio Centrafricaine
is off shortwave at times because the station relies on power from the mains
only and has no generators.

Is anyone hearing them, last reported on 7220, I previously heard them on
ECNA during the late night and early morning hours. (Hans Johnson, Naples, FL, USA - Cumbre DX 28/11/2007)

Surprised to hear Swedish at 0037 Nov 26, on 6100, Sackville,
which starts RCI at 0100. No such 0030 transmission in Aoki or EiBi, but is in
HFCC, apparently a late addition by R. Sweden to the B-07 schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

21455 USB, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 1150-1210, 24-11. Estupendo programa dedicado a las Islas Galapagos. Comentario sobre la electrificacion de estas islas

mediante energias renovables. "Galapagos fue declarado Parque Nacional del Ecuador en 1959". "Les esperamos en nuestra proxima cita con Galapagos". A las 1200

identificacion: "Sintonizan HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 690 kHz AM y 6050 kHz onda corta, la radio comprometida con el evangelio. Son las 7 de la manana, 6 de la

manana en las Islas Galapagos". 34433. En paralelo con 11960 y 11690, con peor senal en estas ultimas frecuencias. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - NoticiasDX


Экваториальная Гвинея
5005, RN-Bata, 2206-2235, Nov 23, Vernacular/Spanish. Continuos Afropops and SP ballads.
Weak but clear. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

6030, 0357, Voice of the Tigray Revolution with
xylophone-type interval signal, fair 26/11 opening in local language
over co-channel Radio Marti until latter closes 0400 (Monday silent
period). Possible mention of Tigre, audible past 0600 with “Horn of
Africa”. First noted 12/11 and identified from reports to Glenn
Hauser’s DX Listening Digest (Bryan Clark at Mangawhai, New Zealand,
with AOR7030+ and Alpha Delta Sloper, EWE to NE, Dec NZ DX Times via DXLD 7-151)

9704.18, Radio Ethiopia, Gedja, 2005-2100*, Nov 24,
local pop music. Talk in Amharic. Neat sounding local pop music.
Sign off with National Anthem. Must use ECSS-LSB to avoid splatter
on high side. Fair on // 7110-good level but some occasional co-channel
QRM & adjacent channel splatter. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

DW Amharic service via Rwanda may have moved from 15660
to 15620. Nov 25 at 1420 found nothing but noise on 15660, despite 15665 WHRA
which was not too strong today, but on 15620, German language lessons. I think
the jammers already found it, as some noise mixed in. At 1510 recheck, 15620
was in Russian, which is DW via Sines, Portugal from 1500.

Aoki and EiBi have a 1330-1500 gap in DW`s usage of 15620, so that would be a
good fit as a new 14-15 Amharic frequency. However HFCC also has this:
15620 1330 1430 40E,41NW WOF 250 82 1234567 281007 300308 D DIVERSE G DWL DWL
But that`s not for Ethiopia, instead Afghanistan, in Dari & Pashto per Nov 21
update at http://www.bclnews.it/b07schedules/dw.htm

And since I did not check between 1430 and 1500 I can`t be sure what I heard
was really Amharic staying on past 1430. I have a hard time recognizing Amharic
just by listening, unless there is an ID starting with ``Yih ---``. Can someone
suggest some other common and distinctive words to listen out for? The same
could be said for Pashto, which may have been what I was really hearing.
Possibly as a counter-jamming tactic, DW has swapped the Pashto and Amharic
frequencies? Europeans, please check this out on Monday.

Jumping thru DW website hoops, I finally came to this Amharic frequency page:
But according to its dating, it is at best, A-07 info showing 11645 and 15410,
and the ``1999`` and ``2000`` in it worry me (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 25/11/2007)

DWL Amharic Monday Nov 26, 1400-1500 UT

4 ! - FOUR channels used today. No jamming heard so far, but living far
away - some 5500 kilometers north of the target.

additional 15620 kHz which is the strongest, best audio in main lobe I
guess, like a 500 kW unit from Rampisham England.

11645 Kigali, 15640 Trincomalee, 15660 Kigali.

and DWL Pashto/Dari still on 9380 Yerevan and Lviv, 12090 Trincomalee
and 13855 Moosbrunn. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

DW Amharic service via Rwanda may have moved from 15660
to 15620. Nov 25 at 1420 found nothing but noise on 15660, despite 15665 WHRA
which was not too strong this Sunday, but on 15620, German language lessons. I
think the jammers already found it, as some noise mixed in. At 1510 recheck,
15620 was in Russian, which is DW via Sines, Portugal from 1500.

Aoki and EiBi have a 1330-1500 gap in DW`s usage of 15620, so that would be a
good fit as a new 14-15 Amharic frequency. However HFCC also has this:
15620 1330 1430 40E,41NW WOF 250 82 1234567 281007 300308 D DIVERSE G DWL DWL
But that`s not for Ethiopia, instead Afghanistan, in Dari & Pashto per Nov 21
update at http://www.bclnews.it/b07schedules/dw.htm

And since I did not check between 1430 and 1500 I can`t be sure what I heard
was really Amharic staying on past 1430. I have a hard time recognizing Amharic
just by listening, unless there is an ID starting with ``Yih ---``. Can someone
suggest some other common and distinctive words to listen out for? The same
could be said for Pashto, which may have been what I was really hearing.
Possibly as a counter-jamming tactic, DW has swapped the Pashto and Amharic
frequencies? Europeans, please check this out on Monday.

Jumping thru DW website hoops, I finally came to this Amharic frequency page:
But according to its dating, it is at best, A-07 info showing 11645 and 15410,
and the ``1999`` and ``2000`` in it worry me (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

No, - 15620 is free, Woofferton 15620 deleted from Nov 11, and replaced Nov 9th
by Moosbrunn 13855 kHz in Pa/Da to Afghanistan. 73 wb (Wolfgang Buschel,
Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Nov 26 check: nothing audible on 15660, 15640, but definitely DW Amharic on
15620 at 1427, no jamming heard, but noise could be there obscured by local
high noise level. 1432 DW theme and ID, so it is the almost-hour broadcast
starting at 1400, ex-15660. Since I am no longer hearing it on 15660, and
propagation favors Rwanda, I suspect 15620 is now Rwanda, but Wolfgang Buschel
says they are still on 15660, 15640, 11645 as well as 15620, so that makes four
frequencies instead of the original two for this now jammed transmission.

However, after 1500, 15620 came back on with DW in Russian as previously
scheduled via Sines. Trouble is, after initial ID at hourtop there was dead air
for two minutes; then they fished around for program feed, brought up something
(DW or BBC?) in English news at 1502, fading it out and back in; finally found
Russian at 1503, joined in progress. Anyhow, this means I can`t rule out the DW
Amharic service earlier on 15620 as also via Sines now (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

all four outlets were also audible in the NW of England. And as in
Stuttgart, 15640 (no jamming heard) was the weakest of them all, and the
loudest jamming was on 15660. I couldn't make up my mind if 15620 was being
jammed as there appeared to be excessive sidebands on this frequency, and I
couldn't detect the noise from the jammer spreading KHZ wide as on 15660 and
11645. If any frequency is via the UK it would have to be 15640 as the
others were much too strongly heard. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

Nov 27 check of DW Amharic and jamming: at 1445, 15620
again by far the best, no jamming audible. Unlike the day before, DW barely
audible on 15660 under heavy noise jamming, and seemed almost synchronized with
15620. Also audible under noise on 11645. Not audible on 15640, which is
reported still to be active; that makes sense here as that is Sri Lanka relay.
Jamming on 15660 lasted until 1501; just as I switched on BFO to be sure heard
one of those ute data bursts, perhaps unrelated.

Nov 28 check of DW Amharic & jamming: at *1359:20, 15620 carrier came on, DW ID
and opening. Could not hear any jamming on fairly good signal. Then checked
15660 and DW was audible this time, tho much weaker, and as far as I could tell
was perfectly synchronized with 15620. This may or may not be significant in
hypothesizing transmitter sites. At 1415, 15660 had a variable het interfering.
1455 recheck, 15620 still much stronger than 15660. Never audible on 15640 or
11645 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

9760, R. Nikkei, Tokyo. Interesting one, fading in just
after local midday, program 2 in Japanese, 0214, fair on peaks, 8/12
(Craig Seager, Bathurst NSW (Icom R75, Dipole, Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

NHK Warido, R. Japan, news in English, Nov 28 at 1404 on 17580,
weak and running a good two seconds behind Sackville on 11705. HFCC shows 17580
is Meyerton at 355 degrees, while RJ`s pdf transmission schedule shows
Ascension to Central Africa. Which is it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

650 CKGA Gander NL. VOCM Satellite Weather // 590 G 0135 26/11 JF
760 HJAJ RCN, Barranquilla. Rolling in nicely. RCN IDs at the half hour
after talk. Personal first! G 0130 26/11 JF
870 CMDC R Reloj, Sancti Spiritus. Time pips mixing WWL W 0205 26/11 JF
870 WWL “Sunday Night Football from Westwood One” New Orleans Saints
match. Fox Sports references F 0206 26/06 JF
880 WCBS New York NY. WCBS Weather report. Rolling news G 0211 26/11 JF
890 WAMG Dedham MA. Dropped on frequency just right to hear a local ID F
0139 26/11 JF

I was surprised to hear a hymn on 1270 ar 01:48 this morning - "Oh Come
All Ye Faithful" at fair levels between splashes from adjacent 1269.
Either CJCB are playing Christmas carols (a little early isn't it?) or
there was a religious broadcaster coming through on the channel.

I recorded 1060 overnight (excluding 04:05 - 07:00 when the audio cut
out for no apparent reason, as it sometimes does, quite randomly. It
always returns at the beginning of the next recording block though) and
heard a mixture of two Spanish stations. One with crooning or Latin
songs, the other mostly with speech. I have a recording of the two here
though I don't know if anything useful can be gained from this.
(John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 26/11/2007)

I had the strongest signal I have ever gotten last night from Radio
Rebelde on 600 kHz, around 4UTC. I was using my DX 398 and the Radio
Shack Loop, and it was really coming in like a local. There wasn't
any other station with a clear signal for me. (broadw - LatinMWDX 26/11/2007)

750 YVKS RCR Caracas. ID “RCR Sport Servicio Official” heard mid sports
commentary F 0312 28/11 JF
1470 XEAI R Formula, Mexico City DF. “Radio Formula, XEAI, Catorce
Seisenta AM” etc. Full ID F 0500 28/11 JF

Quite a poor night on the whole. North America seemed to be improving
yesterday morning but not so today - conditions had deteriorated

Recordings of above:


(John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 28/11/2007)

Is the first one a Religion program? the second sounds
like two stations crossing. BTW Mon. tuesday am I was
walking thru the dial and ran across what I call her
spanish eyes. you the lady that calls
out the #'s in spanish. I never heard it so long. at
one time It was at 9242
time I started to listen was 4:20 AM the # set were 5
At 4:33 I lost her. Noise got louder and louder it cut
her off. JIM F. (James F, U.K. - skywavesmw 28/11/2007)
Iran , I picked up a station in Arabic on 711 around
17.30 UTC neck to neck with the local station of youth
and sports , a show called Good Evening was hosted by
OM/YL , the style was close to the Arabic section of
VOIRI..no songs..or loud music , with listeners call
in , followed by an interview with a sheikh taking
about Haj , then a program called that day in history
, followed by an ID around 18.40 UTC with a radio
drama , they are still on it's 19.10 UTC and they are
still sometimes beating the local network here in
Cairo. (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

711 Ahwaz Radio in Arabic. I picked up a station in Arabic on 711 kHz
around 1730 UT neck to neck with the local station of youth and sports. A
show called Good Evening was hosted by OM/YL, the style was close to the
Arabic section of VOIRI. No songs, or loud music, with listeners call in,
followed by an interview with a sheikh taking about Haj, then a program
called that day in history, followed by an ID around 1840 UT with a radio
drama. They are still on it's 1910 UT and they are still sometimes beating
the local network here in Cairo.

Any idea about their schedule ? I tried but couldn't get
to Radio Ahwaz, looking for a QSL here.
(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, dxld 28/11/2007)
1457.68 ALBANIA, China Radio International, via Fllake R.Tirana relay.
Program in Czech with opera music and Chinese lessons. Signed off at
23:30 UTC with typical Chinese flute music. Heard with poor to fair

I also heard earlier Albania on 1394.825 (those Albanian frequencies
really drifted off) TWR in Hungarian with good signal and interval
signal between the two programs (20:15 UTC).
(Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, Qc, CANada - mwdx 28/11/2007)

1494 kHz at 1028 UT, V6AI Colonia. Despite being a
Pacific station, this was one of the highlights of the trip for me,
amazingly enough have not been able to hear this in Townsville
(Queensland) or (Nhulunbuy Northern Territory). Noted with Island
language monologue from male at 1015 but at 1028 with English ad from
Agriculture & Forestry for flight changes affecting their conference,
promos for the Annual Competition of Elementary Schools and IDs “This
is V6AI Radio”. Talk of UN Day and then into news at 1030. Oct 24
(Craig Edwards, DXing from Broome, Western Australia using Icom R75
with EWE to central Africa, 200m unterminated BOG to central Africa,
100m unterminated BOG to Europe, Dec Australian DX News via DXLD 7-151)

770 COLOMBIA, HJJX, RCN Cadena Basica, Santa Fe de Bogota, Districto Capital NOV 30 0155 - Woman w/ American nx items "...para America" briefly atop WABC

with a poor signal over a VERY poor WABC. SINPO 23422. // HJAJ-760 (Barranquilla, departamiento del Atlantico) which was very poor with weak remnants of nulled WJR

(Detroit, MI). Obviously not // Cuba-670 and 600 which had man in Spanish with baseball stuff. This station along with WABC and a brand new Radio Rebelde outlet are

making YVKK Valencia, estado Carabobo a huge challenge for us in the Montreal area ! (Chiochiu-QC)
770 unID trop. mx station (the Rebelde FM-feed, since YVKK Valencia, estado Carabobo is all-nx) NOV 30 0206 - up-beat tropical music sneaking through WABC for a few

seconds. Could have been HJJX once again, but unlikely, since HJJX is doing very little, in the way of music-playing, and what music is featured is mostly bolero or Xmas

stuff. (Chiochiu-QC)

I was very buzy the past few weeks with several ungoing hobbies: a girl, Aventure FM issues, Pacific FM issues, Fun FM issues, folk-black metal issues (a kind of World

Fusion music, fusing traditionnal nordic songs with black metal elements - all in all, this musical fusion is providing a very majestic sound), the college station at which I'm

working right now (I did a roots-reggae set this afternoon after an exam and it was great, the mixing wasn't bad at all, although it could have been better) and last, but

definitively not least, school-related duties, but still managed to sneak out some DX time...
(Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, Quebec, Canada - LatinMWDX 30/11/2007)

2423 Sth_East 95.600 Mount Leinster South East Radio
10.000 v
2206 NEWSTALK 106.000 Three Rock Mountain Newstalk 106-
108 FM 4.000 v
__Beat__ 102.000 Mount Leinster Beat 102-103 FM 10.000
2092 Ctry_MIX 106.800 Bray Head Dublin's Country 106.8
5.000 v
2204 RTE_RnaG 102.700 Clermont Carn RTE Radio Na Gaeltachta
40.000 c
2015 _FM104__ 104.400 Three Rock Mountain Dublin's FM 104
12.000 c
2030 __Q102__ 102.200 Three Rock Mountain Q 102 FM
8.000 v
2016 __98FM__ 98.100 Three Rock Mountain Classic Hits 98
FM 12.000 c
this is to show what info is available ,there is a lot more on their section
(Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 26/11/2007)

С 20 по 22 ноября я был в городе Орле.
Удалось принять следующие радиостанции:
70,31 МГц - Радио России
72,05 МГц - Радио Маяк
100,0 МГц - Русское Радио-Орёл
100,4 МГц - Экспресс Радио
100,9 МГц - радио Шансон
103,0 МГц - Европа + Орёл
104,3 МГц - Авторадио Орёл
104,8 МГц - Хит FM
107,3 МГц - Серебряный Дождь
(Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 26/11/2007)

87.90 Radio Camaldoli Stereo Ercolano-Vesuvio-Area Osservatorio (NA)
107.70 Radio Maria Monte Reventino (CZ)
107.90 Radio Radicale Mercogliano-Monte Vergine (AV)
108.00 Radio Potenza Centrale Roccanova (PZ)
(Fabrizio Carnevalini, Italy - fmdx_Italy 29/11/2007)
Digital Radio

Пока что техническая служба Голоса России по непонятным причинам в течение
почти уже месяца игнорирует мои замечания относительно исправления их
контактной информации в ДРМ трансляциях, на письма не отвечает и ничего
менять, судя по всему, не собирается. Причин этому может быть несколько,
очень возможно, что инженеры технического центра в Талдоме просто не умеют
конфигурировать аппаратуру для ДРМ вещания, установленную западными
специалистами. Я слежу за цифровым вещанием с 2003 года, и вижу, что
изменения в названии и текстовых сообщениях ДРМ интерфейса Голоса России
происходят очень редко, можно даже сказать, что вообще не происходят.
Информация из студии никогда не транслируется вообще - ни программы передач,
ни последних известий, ни слайд-шоу, ни EPG - AFS, ни вещания по хотя бы
двум сервисам - ничего этого нет, в отличие от других глобальных вещателей,
например - ВВС и Немецкая Волна все вышеперечисленные функции используют
постоянно. Настраиваясь на ДРМ вещание Голоса России, словно попадаешь на
заброшенный, покрытый паутиной и ненужными вещами старый чердак - никаких
изменений в котором за четыре года так ничего и не произошло, даже пыль с
аппаратуры никто не стер за все это время.
Решив помочь соотечественникам, воспользовался программой Dream DRM
Transmitter, т.е. двойным кликом запустил файл dreamtx.bat, находящийся в
инсталляционном фолдере программы Dream, причем взял для тестов последнюю
известную мне на момент компиляцию Dream - 1.10.5cvs, соединил аудио кабелем
выход звуковой карты одного компьютера со входом на звуковой карте другого,
на втором запустил приемник Dream, в окошке "Label" написал по-русски "Голос
России" и нажал кнопку "Start".

Русский текст в названии радиостанции появился, но из всего названия
осталось только "Голос Ро"

Удивился результату, рестартанул по очереди все программы и компьютеры,
запустил тест по новой - получил вновь тот же результат. Немного задумался,
потом написал "ГолосРоссии" без пробела между словами. Получилось "ГолосРос"

Запустил DRM Software Radio в качестве приемника - тот же результат, сквозь
ДРМ проходят только первые 8 символов.

Написал название на русском, но латинскими буквами - "Golos Rossii", а
текстовое сообщение - кириллицей "Радиостанция Голос России. Официальный
сайт: www.ruvr.ru QSL: letters@ruvr.ru" - получилось на выходе полностью,
как и было записано.

Немного подумав еще, вписал название "Голос России", в котором кириллицей
оставил только те буквы, которых нет в латинском алфавите "Г", "л", "и", и,
наконец-то, получилось полностью - "Голос России"

По большому счету, кривой метод, но все же работает, русские инженеры и
специалисты могли бы, если бы хотели, записать название радиостанции
по-русски, и адреса свои как надо подкорректировать. Почему они это не
делают? Почему избегают использовать русский язык, предпочитая заменять его
английским везде где попало, по поводу и без повода? Опять же, в качестве
примера приведу Немецкую Волну, немцы ни на одном из языков вещания в ДРМ
трансляциях не пишут название как "German Wave", всегда только - Deutsche
Welle. Уважаемые господа журналисты, менеджеры и технический персонал Голоса
России, задумайтесь над этом, пока не поздно и начните, в конце концов,
уважать самих себя, свою страну и русский язык, пожалуйста. Никто другой за
вас этого делать не будет.

Выяснив кто is who на Голосе России, занялся экспериментами. Написал в
окошке для названия буквы алфавита, начиная с первой, для русского и
латинского алфавитов.
По-русски получил на выходе первые 8 символов, латинским шрифтом - 16. Нашел
в интернете ДРМ стандарт ETSI ES 210 980 v2.2.1 "Digital Radio Mondiale
System Specification", и там на странице 71 в разделе "Label data
entity - type 1" прочитал следующее:

"Services may be labelled. The label should be sent in every SDC block to
enable fast display, although for data services the repetition rate can be
lowered. This data entity uses the unique mechanism for the version flag.
The information is as follows:
Short Id 2 bits.
rfu 2 bits.
label n bytes.
The following definitions apply:
Short Id: this field contains the short Id that relates the information to
the Service Id provided by the FAC. rfu: these 2 bits arc reserved for
future use and shall be set to zero until they are defined.
label: this is a variable length field of up to 64 bytes containing
character data for up to 16 characters using UTF-8 coding (ISO/IEC
NOTE: The length of the label (in bytes) is given by the length field of
the header."

ДРМ стандарт допускает максимум 16 символов в универсальной кодировке UTF-8

Вот, что пишет Википедия о кодировке UTF-8:
"UTF-8 (от англ. Unicode Transformation Format - формат преобразования
Юникода) - в настоящее время распространенная кодировка, реализующая
представление Юникода, совместимое с 8-битным кодированием текста.
Текст, состоящий только из символов с номером меньше 128, при записи в UTF-8
превращается в обычный текст ASCII. И наоборот, в тексте UTF-8 любой байт со
значением меньше 128 изображает символ ASCII с тем же кодом. Остальные
символы Юникода изображаются последовательностями длиной от 2 до 6 байтов
(реально только до 4 байт, поскольку использование кодов больше 221 не
планируется), в которых первый байт всегда имеет вид 11xxxxxx, а остальные -
Формат UTF-8 был изобретён 2 сентября 1992 года Кеном Томпсоном и Робом
Пайком и реализован в Plan 9[1]. Сейчас стандарт UTF-8 официально закреплён
в документах RFC 3629 и ISO/IEC 10646 Annex D.
Символы UTF-8 получаются из Unicode следующим образом:
Unicode UTF-8
0x00000000 - 0x0000007F: 0xxxxxxx
0x00000080 - 0x000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
0x00000800 - 0x0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0x00010000 - 0x001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx"

Зашел на http://www.unicode.org/charts/ и скачал оттуда кодовые таблицы для
латинского и русского алфавитов. Стандартом диапазон кириллицы выделен от
0400 до 04FF, т.е. находится во второй группе 0080 - 07FF и кодируется двумя
байтами в отличие от латинского алфавита, для кодирования символов которого
используется один байт. Похоже, что это и есть ответ на вопрос, почему в
названии радиостанции обрезаются окончания слов. Кириллице еще относительно
повезло - кодирование происходит всего двумя байтами, некоторые буквы
совпадают с латинскими по написанию, можно пробовать комбинировать латинские
буквы с русскими, а что делать арабам или китайцам? ДРМ, кажется,
позиционирует себя как всемирный стандарт радиовещания? Тогда почему группе
стран, использующих латинскую графику отдается такое предпочтение, т.е.
почему в этом т.н. "всемирном" стандарте допускается явная дискриминация
"нелатинских" языков?
Вспомнил о ВВС. Понял теперь, почему они всегда пишут название как BBCWorld
Service, т.е. без пробела между словами BBC и World, потому что название
занимает 17 символов, и, написанное как надо, не помещается в ДРМ стандарт
даже в латинской кодировке!
Вернулся к своим тестам и попробовал написать как надо было бы: "BBC World
Service", результат подтвердил мои предположения, получилось - "BBC World

Очень странное ограничение для названий радиостанций, на мой взгляд,
заложено в стандарте, не понимаю его необходимости при наличии в
передаваемом сигнале в то же самое время текстовых сообщений без всяких
видимых ограничений. Единственное отличие - текстовые сообщения становятся
видимыми позднее, если прием возможен с уровнями, достаточными для
декодирования, и не появляются совсем, если прием нестабильный и сигнал

Немного поэкспериментировал с названиями российских радиостанций, как бы
надо уже готовиться россиянам к 2015 году, когда в радиовещании будет
осуществлен переход на стандарт ДРМ, вот и пресса уже об этом пишет:
Решил помочь с другими названиями заодно, раз уже затронул эту тему. Четыре
программы ДРМ вещания обещают каждому жителю России, интересно, как же они
будут называться, если стандарт как таковой не очень-то уважает русский
язык? Зная уже по опыту Голоса России, что все равно ничего хорошего из
названия не получится, все-таки написал полностью кириллицей "Радио России".
Результат, разумеется, не удивил - "Радио Ро".

Попробовал еще один вариант - слово "радио" можно написать и сокращенно
"Р.", тогда освободится место для других букв. Получил - "Р.России".
Для Голоса России подобное сокращение даже не хочу предлагать и скриншоты
делать, некрасиво как-то выходит, да и создатели воровского сайта, возможно
еще при делах и с их-то больным воображением с моей подачи могут всякие
аббревиатуры напридумывать.
Скомбинировал текст, выбросив все допустимые русские буквы из названия.
Кажется, получилось.
Ладно, кое-как влезли через окно в Европу. Что у нас дальше - Радио Маяк.
Русских букв в названии всего три. Но получилось!
Радио Юность. Слово ЮНОСТЬ пришлось написать прописными буквами, иначе не
получалось, русских букв - четыре.
А вот на Радио Культура вышел облом. Вначале "Радио Культура" написал только
Извините, россияне. ДРМ стандарт, на который вы перейдете к 2015 году,
оставил от российской культуры только "Радио Ку", а малиновые штаны в формат
не поместились.
Написал "Радио Культура" комбинацией алфавитов и большими буквами, на выходе
получился культ непонятно чьей личности - "Радио КУЛЬТ". Возможно, к 2015
году будет актуально.
Отчаявшись, убрал слово Радио из названия. Культура, кажется, осталась.

Интересующимся чтением стандартов могу, к примеру,
порекомендовать заглянуть на страницу 85 выше процитированного документа,
там, кроме всего прочего, еще и похоронен бывший советский и ныне российский
диапазон ФМ вещания 66 - 74 МГц, он попросту в стандарте ДРМ не прописан, и
коды для совместимости с системой ДРМ+, которые необходимы в т.ч. для приема
радиоаппаратурой, которую еще только будут выпускать через несколько лет,
ему не присвоены, японский стандарт сохранен, а российского нет -
Неплохо было бы поинтересоваться у команды российских министров-альтруистов,
вице-премьеров и менеджеров, совершенно бескорыстно, исключительно из-за
любви к техническому прогрессу бегущих впереди паровоза, агрессивно лоббируя
ДРМ проект в России, насчет того, читали они, вообще, стандарт, знают ли,
что собираются внедрять на своей территории.
Вообще, наверное, надо что-то делать. Мне кажется, что возможны несколько
вариантов развития событий. Независимо от того, какая партия будет у власти,
первый, наиболее вероятный - Россия переводит русский язык на латинский
алфавит к 2015 году, иначе концепцию перехода на цифровое радиовещание
выполнить не удастся. Второй, компромиссный - Голос России, Радио России,
Радио Культура будут соответственно переименованы в Голос Ро, Радио Ро и
Радио Ку. Как переименуют Радио Петербург, даже и представить не берусь.
Наверное, город переименуют, чтобы название покороче было.
Ну и третий вариант - коррекция стандарта радиовещания, что тоже не
исключаю, хотя и не уверен, что он вообще будет всерьез рассмотрен ДРМ
консорциумом. То, что Россия не будет защищать русский язык, не сомневаюсь
нисколько, практика российского радиовещания с 2003 года это наглядно
демонстрирует. Зачем вообще россиянам Голос России, не нужен он им, ведь у
них уже есть Voice of Russia. Некая надежда есть на мусульманский арабский
мир и на Китай. Но, учитывая то, что даже ВВС вынуждена приспосабливаться к
стандарту уже в течение как минимум четырех лет, боюсь, что дело не только в
апргейде программного обеспечения на передающей и приемной сторонах. Очень
возможно, что "железо" передающих центров, поставленное на конвейер, в т.ч.
и микрочипы собраны и "заточены" именно под такую конфигурацию цифрового
сигнала. И никто уже ничего менять не будет. Без того процесс внедрения
проходит не так как авторам проекта хотелось бы.
На форуме DRM Software Radio уже почти скоро будет месяц как находится мой
прямой вопрос всем специалистам по ДРМ, прав ли я в своих выводах насчет
названий. Знаю, что форум просматривают люди в деле влиятельные, но никакого
ответа до сих пор нет ни от кого. Так что два вывода - либо я поднял
неудобную тему, которую постараются "не заметить", либо носителей латинской
графики проблемы стран третьего мира не особенно волнуют.

Полный текст и скриншоты на сайте http://www.travelradio.lv
(Владимир Казгунов, Латвия - open_dx 25/11/2007)

Фр. Гвиана
TDF DRM, 17870-17875-17880, again being heard at its previous
level, so suspect the antenna is once again toward NAm rather than Eu, Mon Nov
26 at 1523, but is it still RFO Guyane programming? O, this was the special for
Ecuador as in DRM DX for this date only:
1330-1930 11/26 17875 260 Ecuador 150 TDF F French Montsinery French Guiana
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

15275 DRM, HCJB, 2143, 11/26/07, Spanish. Strong 20dB signal of their usual programming and music in stereo. Signal suddenly nosedived at 2259 but didn't disappear

completely, perhaps a change in antenna pattern. Per DRMNA yg, this was a special one-day test intended for local reception in Ecuador, but the main lobe of their

steerable antenna ended up being aimed at western N. America. (Mark Schiefelbein, MO, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

Radio Nacional de Venezuela [Relay], 11/24/07, 1945, 15290 kHz. Talk in Spanish with frequent station IDs. Good signal.
(Joe Miller, Troy, MI, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

6060, R. Nac. de Venezuela via Cuba, *1059-1111,
Nov 26, mention of Havana, Cuba [first time I have heard this], ToH OM
briefly in English with program schedule, into Spanish programming,
IDs for R. Nac. de Venezuela, poor (QRM/China) (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

11530 MOLDOVA. Denge Mezopotamya, 1345, 11/25/07.
WYFR, Okeechobee signed off leaving weak but clear
Kurdish tlk and local mx. Improved to S5 by 1349
(Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

Denge Mezopotamiya, 11530 via Pridnestrovye, coming in
well Nov 28 at 1458, but as closing announcements were running, huge WEWN
carrier kicked on and off twice just before 1459, and then stayed on, soon
modulated with eerie choral IS; during pause I could barely hear V. of
Mesopotamia underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

9930, Open Radio for North Korea (ORNK) via
Hawaii (KWHR), 1112-1131, Nov 26, in Korean with Korean ballad,
Russian folk song, segment in English and Korean with news items
(Mayor still missing after boat capsized this weekend, plans for a
Bruce Lee theme park in Hong Kong, etc.), poor to fair, no jamming
noted (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

Here are my latest tips done in Skovlunde at my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres :

4860 *0025-0045 IND 23/24/25-11 AIR Delhi, Khampur Hindi ann, Bollywood songs 44343 with CODAR QRM AP-DNK

4860 *0025-0045 IND 23-11 AIR Jeypore Hindi ann, Indian songs - only heard 23-11 44343 with CODAR QRM AP-DNK

4940 0050-0105 IND 22-11 AIR Guwahati Hindi ann, Hindi songs 35343 AP-DNK

4970 *0025-0125 IND 22-11 AIR Shillong Vernaculars/English AIR Hymn, Sitar, 0030 Vernacular news, 0035-0040 English news, Bollywood, 0100 transmission

from Shillong College Choir 33333 AP-DNK

5040 0035-0045 IND 24/25-11 AIR Jeypore Hindi ann, Indian songs 35333 AP-DNK

6035 *0000-0030 BTN 21/22/24/25-11 Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang Dzongkha Horn fanfares, intoning Buddhist monks - not audible on 23-11

23422 AP-DNK

3900 2335-2345 CHN 24-11 Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, Nei Menggu (p) Chinese talk 24222 Occasionally Russian voice utility AP-DNK

4699.35 2350-2400 BOL 24-11 R San Miguel, Riberalta Spanish talk and ann 15121 AP-DNK

4760 0010-0045 IND 25-11 AIR Port Blair Hindi ann, songs, 0025 Vernacular news, 0030 TS and news in Hindi from Delhi, 0035 English // e.g. 5010, 0040 local

programme and beginning to fade out 35232 AP-DNK

4775 0015-0130 IND 21-11 AIR Imphal Hindi ann, filmsongs, 0030 Hindi news, 0035 English news, ancient songs, 0110-0120 transmitter off the air, back with

reduced modulation 35333 AP-DNK

4835 *0100-0150 IND 23-11 AIR Gangtok Vernaculars AIR Hymn, Sitar, 0105 news, 0110 Drama, 30 News, mixed choir 25232

6150 0000-0010 SNG 25-11 Mediacorp R, Singapore English news, ID: "93.8 Live" and "Mediacorp Radio 93.8 Live", weather, pop song 34333 AP-DNK
(Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 25/11/2007)

999 24/11 11.10 RAI R.1 - Rimini IT NX reg. Emilia-Romagna, // 567 kHz
1017 24/11 17.20 TRT 1 - Istanbul Turco calcio buono
1026 21/11 22.57 R. Reus Catalano ID e pubblicita locale
1287 23/11 21.58 R. Castilla - Burgos ID "Cadena SER Burgos"
e NX suff.
4777 24/11 16.45 R.Gabon - Libreville FF MX afro suff.
4780 25/11 00.00 R. Cultural Coatan - S. Sebastian,Guatemala, SS MX
4825 24/11 23.30 R. Educadora - Braganca,Brasile, PP MX suff.
4880 24/11 18.45 SW R. Africa - Meyerton EE MX afro buono
4885 24/11 04.40 R. Clube do Para - Belem,Brasile, PP MX buono
4895 24/11 16.15 A.I.R. - Kurseong Hindy nenia buono
4925 24/11 23.10 R.R.I. - Jambi Bahasa, Indonesia, talk OM buono
6235 24/11 22.30 KBC - Argonstraat 6 - 6178 Ede . Olanda
EE ID e MX ottimo
6290 25/11 09.30 R. Mazda - radiomazda@hotmail.com EE ID e
MX buono
6308 25/11 10.20 R. Shadowman - Postbus 578 - 7900 AN Hoo-
geveen - Olanda EE ID e MX buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 25/11/2007)

9875,0 1544 G R SOLH-Rampisham Mx tipica 25/11 Pas 45444
9935,0 1548 GRC R MAKEDONIAS-Alvis Dep 25/11 Grc 45444
9980,0 1552 THA VOA-Udon Thani Com 25/11 Per 35333
15235,0 1606 AFS CHANNEL AFRICA-Meyerton Com+Mx 25/11 Fra 45444
15260,0 1610 AFS FAMILY RADIO-Meyerton Rlg 25/11 Por 45444
15330,0 1613 USA R MARTI-Greenville Com sobre petroleo 25/11 Esp 35333
(Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 25/11/2007)

2310 Australia, VL8A Alice Springs NT 1100 good 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

2325 Australia, VL8T Tennant Creek NT 1100 fair 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 1100 best signal of the three 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

3204.9 PNG, Radio West Sepik, Vanimo 1120-1200 "...like to take the opportunity.... in the development of the project..." "we have rechecked the political...."; "...the time

of the service is..." 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

3260.1 PNG, Radio Madang, Madang 1130 to 1140 yl with music; followed by male vocal unaccompanied by instruments 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

3315 PNG, Radio Manus, Lorengau 1131 with Island music, recheck at 1151 still strong signal. 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

3335 PNG, Radio East Sepik, Wewak 1139 1200 "with Labour MPs voting with .... majority ...Friday...."' "...storm effected the area along the coast and river villages along

the river..more saturation expected. 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

3365 PNG, Radio Milne Bay, Alotau 1132 fair, 1150 Island music 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

4886.7 Peru, Radio Virgen del Carmen Huancavelica 1105 weak signal fading with OA music 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

5040.6 Burma, Radio Myanmar 1130 to 1144 with yl, fair to good 21 November [Wilkner River DXPedition]

End River DXpedition Logs......
----- ------- ------
3254.90 UNID latin ,0950 to 1030 not enough signal, 21 and 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

3390.15 Bolivia Emisoras Camargo, Camargo 0020 to 0040 with no voice UTE noted. 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4409.7 Bolivia, Radio Eco, Reyes 0023 - 0040 vocal at tune in followed by om. Pulsating UTE on this frequency has strange effect on the signal in ssb, causing the signal

to rise and fall. In AM mode not noted. 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4650.2 Bolivia, Radio Santa Ana Santa Ana de Yacuma 0000 to 0030 each local evening, fades in with rather poor signal. Occasional om en espanol;poor otherwise. 20

through 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4699.39 Bolivia Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0015 to 0045 " en bolivia ....... San Miguel ...zero ...cinco ". 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4716.19 Radio Yura, Yura 0000 to 0030 strong signal with vocals. Off the air 1000 to 1100. 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4810 Mexico XERTA 0010 to 0100 strong carrier "with what may be weak audio" [?], best in lsb as usual. 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4826.41 Peru, Radio Sicuani, Sicuani 0016 to 0020, in narrow filter to avoid Zimbabwe which was weak on 4828. 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4852.46 UNID weak signal 1040 to 1100, 24 November [Wilkner-FL]

4857.39 Peru, Radio La Hora, Cusco 0021 with om singing a song repeating the lyrics "..en la vida en la vida.." good strong signal 23 November [Wilkner-FL]

4875.9 Bolivia, Radio Estambul, Guayamerin, Beni 0000 to 0100 no signal noted 23 November; 1025 to 1035 weak signal noted 4875.84. 25 November [Wilkner-FL]

4910 Australia VL8T Tennant Creek 1025 tune in, 1030 news of Kevin Rudd's election as PM. Nothing on 4835 same time and nothing noted here on 120 meter band

frequencies. 25 November [Wilkner-FL]

5014.5 Peru, Radio Altura Cerro de Pasco not noted 1000 to 1130 either 23, 24 or 25 November [Wilkner-FL]

5996.31 Radio Loyola, Sucre 1000 to 1030 with weak signal om en espanol : murdered at 1030 by co channel 23 and 25 November [Wilkner-FL]
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 25/11/2007)

TAJIKISTAN? 4975 Vo Russia in english 1800+ producing QRM to 4976 .
Passes 1900 with eng prg Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece

SLOVAKIA 9825 1610+ Miraya FM with continuous talks in Arabic and
very many mentions of Sudan . signal to max S4 with very short peaks to S9
Liangas 23 Thessaloniki Greece

CHINA 4980 XInjinag PBS 1645 with ID by woman , then traditional songs.
Liangas 23 Thessaloniki Greece

S AFRICA 4880 SWR Africa 1812 with reggae songs. ID at 1813 with
freqs and web address then program 'Africa in Zimbabwe' 1845 political
talks about lingala Quite good signal at S9 45533 Liangas 23 Thessaloniki

PHILIPPINES? 12095 FEBC? 1148 with talks in tai , and tai songs S9 .
unknown IS to me at 1200 with again a tai language. Liangas 24
Thessaloniki Greece

SPORE 6120 RS Intl 1310 with dangdut song followed by talks by man
ands woman in 'Malay' .mixed with a Chinese station(heard on 1330 Uighur
lang ). . S4 32xR2
Also 6150 RS Intl in English under strong QRM from CNR1-VOC on 1331 .
heard ID on 1329Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece

LATVIA 9290 Radio Waves intl 0756 open carrier starting on 0800 with
RWI and old rock songs(bikini on 0827 , oh mammy blue on 0831 ) French
service on 0835! on S7 but with medium level QRM from a digital carrier on
9295 with S10 SINPO For 0839: 44534 Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece
R Karen/Caroline Eiffel on 0900

MONGOLIA 12085 R Mongolia 0818 in Japanese , with traditional music,
talks by YL and trad? song on -0825 . S8 max , 34423 Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece
(Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 25/11/2007)

6.000 khz - Brasil. Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre. 24/11/2007, entre
19:30 e 20:00 UTC. Sinpo: 22222.

6.040 khz - Brasil. Radio Clube Paranaense, Curitiba. Apresentando
musica de Adriana Calcanhoto. 24/11/2007, entre 20:30 e 20:50 UTC.
Sinpo: 33333.

6.010 khz - Brasil. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte. 24/11/2007, entre
19:30 e 20:00 UTC. Sinpo: 34322.

3310 khz - Bolivia. Radio Mosoj Chanski. Conchabanda. Programacao em
lingua indigena, aparentemente em Quechua ou Aymara. 24/11/2007,
entre 20:30 e 21:00 UTC.Sinpo: 22222.

3320 khz - Africa do Sul. Radio Sondergreese, Mayerton. Programa em
lingua Afrikander. 24/11/2007, entre 21:30 e 22:00 UTC. Sinpo: 23222.

3325 khz- Brasil. Radio Cultura de Araraquara, Araraquara. Roberto
Montana apresenta o programa Cristo Vivo. 24/11/2007, entre 21:10 e
21:20 UTC.Sinpo: 22222.

3365 khz - Brasil. Radio Nossa Voz, Sao Paulo. Programa a Hora
Milagrosa. 24/11/2007, entre 21:10 e 21:30 UTC. Sinpo: 34433.

1.030 khz - Argentina. Radio del Plata, Buenos Aires. Musicas de
Tango. 24/11/2007, entre 21:40 e 21:55 UTC. Sinpo: 23222.

1.350 khz - Argentina. Radio Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. Programacao
musical avangelica da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus. 24/11/2007,
entre 22:10 e 22:30 UTC.Sinpo: 34333. (Cunha Goerge, Brasil - radioescutas 26/11/2007)

4052,45 26/11 0115 Radio Verdad, Guatemala, talks, QRM, poor

4780 25/11 1820 RTV Djibouti, songs, good

4810 25/11 1825 R. National Armenia, talks, ids, good

4910 26/11 0047 AIR Jaipur, India, Indian music, fair

4940 26/11 0044 AIR Guwahati, India, talks, fair

4976 25/11 1835 Radio Uganda, talks, fair/good better USB

5040 26/11 0035 AIR Jaypore, India, Indian songs, fair

6035 26/11 0039 BBS Bhutan & La Voz del Guaviare Colombia fighting togheter.
Both with nice signal.

9615 26/11 0055 Radio Cultura, Brazil, music & id, fair

9630 26/11 0052 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, prayers, fair/good

9645,2 26/11 0102 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, talks about S.Paulo, fair

9720 26/11 0106 Radio Victoria, Peru, usual religious prg, fair

11735 25/11 1845 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar, Tanzania, religious Christian
program, id on the hour and news in National Language. Good
(Giampiero Bernardini, Italy - playdx2003 26/11/2007)

Что-то я вконец обленился и давно не писал в конференцию свои домашние
наблюдения... Надо исправлять этот пробел. Вот что удалось послушать дома (а
иногда и на работе в моменты релаксации) после наступления зимнего
вещательного сезона. Есть наблюдения свежие, есть не очень.

11785, 28 октября, 07.22. Две станции: одна посильнее с SINPO 32432,
говорила по-английски и оказалась Международным Радио Китая, ретранслируемым
через передатчик в Албании. У более слабой станции (22422) язык был
африканским, и музыку она играла подобающую. Справочная литература говорит,
что это Голос Америки на языке хауса, ретранслятор в Сан-Томе и Принсипи. В
07.30 Голос Америки сыграл "Янки-дудль" и исчез.

9595, 28 октября, 07.38-07.55, Всемирное радио адвентистов через Юлих
(Германия), на арабском, 45333. Песни, спокойные разговоры.

5965, 28 октября, 13.35-13.55, Radio Gloria International через MV Baltic
Radio, 22432. Как всегда, с сильной помехой от корейской службы
Международного Радио Китая. Песни, объявления; язык вроде бы немецкий.

13645, 28 октября, 14.00-14.15, программа People's Gospel Hour в рамках
вещания Pan American Broadcasting, на английском, 45444. Передатчик в
Вертахтале (Германия). Рассказы о приходящих письмах, ангелах и демонах.
Адреса в Галифаксе и Бостоне.

6175, 4 ноября, 01.10. Сильный сигнал Голоса Исламской респ. Иран на
таджикском языке, а под ним, заметно слабее, но все же местами разборчиво --
передача на английском с репортажами и интервью, упоминалась курдская
проблема. Есть в это время у Голоса Вьетнама ретрансляция через Сэквилл
(Канада), но стиль работы был какой-то не вьетнамский, да и акцента у
ведущих я не уловил. Более правдоподобен вариант с Международным Радио
Китая; в англоязычных конференциях распространялось расписание его
английской службы и там была передача в 01.00-02.00 для Индии и Шри Ланки на
6075, 6175 и 7180 кГц. В таблицах Айке Бирвирта и Шигенори Аоки эта передача
на 6175 кГц почему-то проигнорирована.

9600, 4 ноября, 01.13, Радио Каир, на испанском. Проблемы с модуляцией:
сигнал очень сильно искажен.

4950, 4 ноября, 01.51-02.12, Радио Кашмир (Сринагар, Индия), 24432, помеха
от местных радистов. Язык, похоже, хинди. Музыка и комментарии, в 02.00
объявление (..информейшен сервис..) и что-то типа новостей. Потом снова
музыка и разговоры в паузах.

7330, 4 ноября, 02.12. Голос России на испанском -- очень тихо под мощным
сигналом Международного Радио Китая на китайском языке.

7245, 4 ноября, 02.20-02.40, р/канал Овози Точик, язык таджикский или дари,
43443. Мешал Голос России на английском языке с соседней 7250 кГц. Песни,
объявления, информационные сообщения.

7440, 4 ноября, 06.35-06.50, Всемирная служба радио Украины, на английском,
45444. Почтовый ящик; упоминались знакомые имена слушателей, в т.ч.
вездесущий Мукеш Кумар.

11675, 4 ноября, 15.30, Всемирное радио адвентистов через Вертахталь
(Германия), на английском, 45444. Передача Wavescan, типа как для
радиолюбителей, со врезкой новостей, подготовленных Японским КВ-клубом. Ну
японцы, как всегда, на высоте, а о высоком "профессионализме" основного
ведущего говорит фрагмент зачитанного им нового расписания AWR: "мы меняем
частоту 9980 кГц в диапазоне 25 метров на такую же частоту 9980 кГц, но в
диапазоне 31 метр". Вот как.

7285, 4 ноября, 19.45, IRRS (как недавно выяснилось, теперь через передатчик
в Словакии), на английском, 44444. Беседы на религиозную тему, молитвы.
Согласно официальному расписанию, это European Gospel Radio; зачитанный в
эфир адрес, однако -- в штате Огайо, США.

7115, 10 ноября, 15.00. Возможно, там и слышен ретранслятор Международного
Канадского радио в Ямате (Япония), но его полностью забивает Международное
радио Китая на хинди.

9490, 10 ноября, 18.12, CVC через Вертахталь (Германия), на английском,
SINPO вначале 35232, но все ухудшалось и ухудшалось. Песни, короткие
объявления между ними.

6105, 10 ноября, 18.33, Радыё Рацыя, на белорусском, через польский
передатчик. Но SINPO всего 31331 -- доминировал на частоте Голос Америки с
программой на спец-английском.

5960, 10 ноября, 18.36-18.57, Radio Vlaanderen Int, на нидерландском, 44333,
через санкт-петербургский ретранслятор. Разговоры, песни (со словами на
английском, кстати). Станция сейчас здорово сократила присутствие на КВ:
всего 4 одночасовых передачи в день, и для каждой из них применяется всего
по одной частоте.

5960, 10 ноября, 19.01-19.22, Радио христианской науки, на русском, SINPO
поначалу 44444, но затем снизилось до 34433. Беседы; естественно, на
религиозную тему, с цитатами из книги Мэри Бекер Эдди.

7285, 10 ноября, 19.24. IRRS не прослушивалось (по субботам у них вещание
нерегулярное); вместо этого -- песенки про золотую лестницу без перил и
важность погоды в доме. Это был радиоканал "Содружество", калининградский

7350, 11 ноября, 05.16. DX-исты уже писали про несанкционированные
трансляции "Маяка" на КВ, но я их послушать уже не успел. 11 ноября все было
как положено -- Голос России на английском. Передатчик в Ватикане.

11720, 11 ноября, 06.01-06.21, CVC через Вертахталь (Германия), на
английском, 45433. Программа Chatback с разнообразными темами -- цель жизни
на Земле, день Стива Ирвина и т.п.

9290, 11 ноября, 08.00, Radio Waves International, на английском примерно до
получаса, а затем на французском, 45444. Песни, короткие объявления, ID,
адрес во Франции. В ноябре станция празднует свое 24-летие.

9970, 11 ноября, 14.53-15.10, RTBF (Бельгия), на французском, 35222.
Спортивные события (в частности, теннис и Мария Шарапова), песни.

9555, 11 ноября, 16.00, Международное канадское радио, на русском.
Передатчик в Ватикане. SINPO ползло вниз от 53443 до 32322 примерно к 16.20;
мешал глушаший кого-то китайский дракон. На параллельной 11935 кГц сигнал
был, но очень уж слабый -- 15211.

11750, 17 ноября, 16.00, Голос Америки (передатчик в Ботсване) на языке
киньяруанда, 45333. Разговоры, музыка. Знакомых слов почти нет, кроме
Вашингтона Ди-Си, Бужумбуры и названий стран -- Америка, Руанда, Бурунди,

15580, 18 ноября, 06.05-06.20, Голос Америки (передатчик в Ботсване), теперь
уже на английском, 45444. Песни. Диктор один раз объявил, что это программа
VoA Music Now, а позже назвал ее VoA Music Mix.

9510, 18 ноября, 10.12, Синьцзянская народная р/ст (КНР), песни в китайском
стиле. По справочнику здесь работает программа на монгольском языке, но я
объявлений диктора не дождался.

Более свежие наблюдения -- как-нибудь потом...
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 26/11/2007)

Australia: R Australia, 9710 @ 1930z in English, 100kw @ 30? to the Pacific, around sunrise in Eastern Australia so an all daylight path of
about 9000 miles.

Ethiopia: R Ethiopia, 9704.1 @ 1950z, with het from 9705. Later on 7110 @ 0325z (GMT Mon).
Germany (non): DW English, 13780 @ 2010z, via Sri Lanka //9690.
Thailand: Radio Thailand in English, 12095 @ 0030z via IBB facilities in Thailand. But why not use Greenville?
Sudan: Rep of Sudan Radio, Arabic, 7200 @ 0315z.
(Jerry Lenamon, Texas, USA - CumbreDX 26/11/2007)

17630 1251 25/11 RFI, via Montsinery, mx instrumental, nxs sobre lideres opositores russos, OM, SS 45434 RFP

17830 1255 25/11 BBC, via Ascencion Island, OM/OM, talks, EE 45333 RFP
15400 1801 25/11 BBC, via Ascencion Island, OM, nxs, EE 55344 RFP

17870 1257 25/11 R. Japao, via Ascencion Island, mx, YL, FF 35333 RFP

17870 1302 25/11 Unid, YL/OM, nxs, SS ????? RFP
17??? 1749 25/11 Unid, mx, OM, SS 35333 RFP

17800 1305 25/11 DW, via Kigali, OM/YL, nxs, hausa 45333 RFP

21680 1308 25/11 R. Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, OM/YL, palavra do Papa Bento 16, depois nxs por OM/YL, italiano 45333 RFP
11625 1816 26/11 R. Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, mx, OM, relg, PP 45333 RFP1

21655 1312 25/11 RDP Internacional, Lisboa - Sao Gabriel, mx, id, OM, px "Braco da Madeira", PP 55344 RFP
15465 1804 25/11 RDP Internacional, Lisboa - Sao Gabriel, mx c/ flauta e acordeon, depois nxs esportivas, PP 55444 RFP

21680 1744 25/11 WYFR, via Ascencion Island, OM, relg, EE 45333 RFP

17560 1753 25/11 BSKSA, Riyadh, recitacao do Al Corao, OM, AA 45344 RFP

13710 1808 25/11 VOA, via Udon Thani, OM (Scott), nxs internacionais, px "VOA News", EE 45344 RFP

5960 2221 25/11 WYFR, via Wertachtal, OM, nxs, AA 45333 RFP
11610 1742 26/11 VOA, via Lampertheim, OM, nxs, curdo, jamming muito forte 12231 RFP1

11620 1755 26/11 AIR, Bangalore, mx hindu, tx em EE 45233 RFP1
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - radioescutas 27/11/2007)

Немного о наблюдениях на прошедшей и этой неделе.

13685, 19 ноября, 07.11-07.32, Radio Vlaanderen Int, на нидерландском,
35433, ретрансляция через Санкт-Петербург. Песни, комментарии, интервью.

15590, 19 ноября, 07.32, Радио Японии, на урду, 33433. Помеха от Ватикана,
работающего на 15595. Новости.

6150, 19 ноября, 10.52, пробовал искать Радио России из Перми, но, похоже,
эта частота отключена (это в open_dx уже обсуждалось). Слышны только две
станции на китайском. Одна из них, ясное дело, является глушением против
тайваньской CBS со стороны континентального Китая. Вторая может быть и самой
CBS, но одолевают сомнения -- там мощность 100 кВт, и можно ли при таких
параметрах в светлое время дня добить сигналом до нас -- вопрос.

15450, 20 ноября, 09.20, FEBC (Филиппины) на индонезийском, 55444.
Религиозные беседы.

9790, 21 ноября, 08.05-08.25, Radio Vlaanderen Int, на нидерландском, 44444,
ретрансляция через британский Скелтон. Новости, а после них -- разбавленные
песнями комментарии.

9950, 21 ноября, 12.22. У Радио Украины появились неприятные соседи,
занявшие ту же частоту -- неофициальные станции с вещанием на КНДР. В итоге
ВСРУ прослушивалась с SINPO 21431, глубоко под мощными разговорами на
корейском. В международных DX-источниках этот вопрос поднимался; поскольку
17 ноября по чьей-то ошибке вместо антикорейцев в эфир пошли программы
"Голоса России" на урду и русском, был сделан вывод, что передатчик --
где-то у нас в Сибири. Вещание считается тестовым; я, честно говоря, не
знаю, продолжается ли оно до сих пор.

9510, 21 ноября, 13.40, Всемирное радио адвентистов, на русском, 24222.
Передатчик на Гуаме (станция KSDA). Беседы, песня. Очень уж слабо.

5830, 21 ноября, 14.00, Всемирная служба радио Украины, на украинском,
43433, с неожиданной помехой от передачи то ли на дари, то ли на таджикском.
Кто это -- я так и не понял, и справочные базы ничего не говорят. Проверить
ситуацию в последующие дни руки не дошли.

7390, 21 ноября, 14.04, р/ст "Беларусь", на белорусском, 43433. Новости,
песня, "Аграрный сектор". Помеха от передачи на китайском, которая, скорее
всего является глушением кантонской службы "Голоса Америки" (по расписанию
здесь в 13.00-15.00).

9585, 21 ноября, 16.55 и далее, никакого следа русской передачи
Всеиндийского радио. Странный выбор индийцами новой частоты -- здесь в 16.50
начинает работать очень мощный Ватикан (в т.ч. с 17.10 -- на русском).

15260, 22 ноября, 07.00-07.20, Всеиндийское радио, ретрансляция внутренней
службы, 24422. До 07.10 новости (по расписанию -- на языке телугу); прием
слабый, но какие-то имена и географические названия можно было ухватить. А
после 07.10 включилась другая студия (тамильская), и модуляция резко
упала -- несущая без изменений, а голоса практически нет. У индийцев такое

7245, 22 ноября, 14.15, р/канал "Овози Точик" на русском, радиоприложение из
фондов Таджикского Радио (передача о герое войны, запись 1967 года).
Достаточно разборчиво -- привычная помеха от Китая на этот раз была не такой
сильной. SINPO вначале 33433, а дальше постепенно выросло до 34443.

7250, 22 ноября, 14.43, передача на пушту с очень уж хорошей модуляцией.
Первой мыслью было, что в Бангладеш починили наконец передатчик; затем,
однако, выяснилось, что "Бангладеш Бетар" на пушту не вещает, и вообще в
промежутке 14.30-15.15 молчит. А принятой станцией оказалась FEBA с
передатчика в Краснодарском крае. В 15.00 язык сменился на дари. SINPO

6125, 23 ноября, 18.16. От обещанного тестирования финского передатчика в
Пори с передачами Family Radio прослушивалась только слабенькая несущая.

9425, 23 ноября, 18.18-18.35, общенациональный канал Всеиндийского Радио,
SINPO 45433 с постепенным понижением до 25232. Песни с краткими объявлениями
на хинди, в 18.30 новости на английском.

6130, 23 ноября, 19.37, с передачами Family Radio через Пори такая же
ситуация -- пробивалась только слабая несущая. А на СВ-частоте 963 кГц
вещание шло -- английский язык, один человек задавал вопросы, второй
отвечал, SINPO 24322.

7210, 23 ноября, 19.57, Family Radio на испанском через Новосибирск,
24442 -- тихо, но достаточно уверенно. Песня оперного типа, типовая
музыкальная заставка, окончание в 20.00. Несущая, однако, еще несколько
минут не отключалась.

9420, 23 ноября, 20.46, разнообразные песни без объявлений -- "Белла Чао" на
итальянском, что-то на испанском, потом инструментальная музыка. Видимо, это
была передача Радио Каира на языке хауса. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 27/11/2007)

А вот последняя часть наблюдений.

9460, 24 ноября, 09.20, Family Radio (ретрансляция через Иркутск), на
английском, 42432. Беседа о сыновьях Рамы, Шивы... Помеха от МР Китая на той
же частоте с передачей на румынском (передатчик в Албании).

9870, 24 ноября, 11.55, программа Vividh Bharati Всеиндийского радио, на
хинди, 45433. Песня, объявление -- видимо о том, когда станция вернется в
эфир и на какой частоте (.. но гезар ... килогерц..). Отключение в 12.00. По
расписанию работа вновь начинается в 12.45, частота та же.

9290, 25 ноября, 09.00, Radio Caroline Eifel, на немецком, 45444. Программа
на этот раз была посвящена шифростанциям, которые передают в эфир
таинственные последовательности цифр или букв. Жаль, что с немецким у меня
плоховато, а то обязательно дослушал бы до самого конца.

5965, 25 ноября, 13.27, Radio Gloria Int., на немецком, 32332. Как и месяц
назад, с огромными помехами от МР Китая на корейском языке; когда китайцы
заводили свои песни, никакой Глории из всего этого выделить в принципе было
нельзя. Однако удалось понять, что крутили образцы музыки различных регионов
земного шара -- арабскую, американскую и т.п.

7535, 25 ноября, 14.05, Family Radio через казахстанский передатчик, на
английском, 25422. Очень недомодулированный сигнал. На частоте 7560, где
тоже прописана передача на английском (и тоже через Казахстан), в начале
часа звучали фрагменты заставки Family Radio и фразы на одном из индийских
языков, но с ужасной перемодуляцией (хрип и периодические "затыкания"
аудиосигнала), потом на какое-то время все затихло (пустая несущая), потом
какие-то кусочки аудио стали появляться, но с качеством, еще более худшим,
чем на 7535. Создалось впечатление, что на 7535 и 7560 кГц транслировались
вообще разные программы.

9895, 25 ноября, 15.28, Радио Нидерландов на нидерландском, трансляция через
Вертахталь (Германия), 35433. Если кто еще не знает, передающий КВ-центр в
нидерландском Флево с 28 октября станцией не используется совсем. Песня,
краткая сводка новостей, потом комментарии.

7230, 26 ноября, 08.52. Станция с протяжными песнями; сначала они показались
чуть-чуть африканскими (Буркина Фасо???), но сигналы времени в 09.00
расставили все по местам. Пять сигналов тоном пониже, шестой высокий -- так
отбивается время в КНР. И это, конечно же, Синьцзянская народная р/ст на
монгольском языке. Новости в стандартном стиле -- чередующимися мужским и
женским голосами. SINPO 14221.

7270, 26 ноября, 13.00-13.22, Всеиндийское радио на сингальском языке для
Шри Ланки, задействован местный 100-кВт передатчик в Ченнаи (бывш. Мадрас).
Пустая несущая до 13.02, затем резко включилась песня, а дальше --
комментарии и другие песни. Негромко, но приемлемо; SINPO 24332.

5865, 26 ноября, 14.36-14.55, Всемирное радио адвентистов, на хинди, 35333.
Передатчик в Орзу (Таджикистан). Рассказ о каких-то связанных с
радиовещанием делах ( .. инджинир .. редиостейшен .. фриквенси .. секретери
.. майкрофон .. опен форум ..).
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 27/11/2007)

7370 2229 26/11 FEBC, Ibo, I/S, OM, relg, cantones 45333 RFP

17660 1843 27/11 WYFR, via Ascencion Island, OM, relg, FF 35333 RFP

17640 1903 27/11 WHRI, Furman-Noblesville, YL/YL/OM, talks, relg, EE 45444 RFP
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, Brasil - radioescutas 27/11/2007)

> 5865, 26 ноября, 14.36-14.55, Всемирное радио адвентистов, на хинди,
> 35333. Передатчик в Орзу (Таджикистан). Рассказ о каких-то связанных с
> радиовещанием делах ( .. инджинир .. редиостейшен .. фриквенси ..
> секретери .. майкрофон .. опен форум ..).

Совсем запутался в разнообразных церквях... Это не адвентисты, конечно же, а
Семейное Радио. Все остальное верно. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 28/11/2007)

CHINA 9560 PBS Xinjiang 0948 talks in UIghur? Better on the 16 H
antenna . At 0952 QRM by V oturky with multilanguage IS Liangas 25.11.7

pirate 6290 radio mazda 0957 witrh germanic songs . talks in Dutch by the
operator at 1001 with ID . S 5 max on 2x16 m antenna Liangas 25.11.7

pirate 6307 unIDed 1010 withrock songs , 1012 with lower audio and talks
on NL but cvould n t cantch ID At 1019 with Enola gay and 1026 with money
for nothing , S7 max mean S3 Liangas 25.11.7

CHINA 7120 XJPBS? in mongolian 1030 with ID then ID and S1 max ....
Liangas 25.11.7

7180 and 7190 on 10xx radio operators inLSB. from USA??? Liangas

AUSTRIA? 15270 CVC 1035 with self adverts,english prg S7 34544
Liangas 25.11.7

SRI LANKA 11905 SLBC 1270 with old tamil songs 35232 . That time there
was a all band buzzer of S3 level spoiling all bands .... Liangas 25.11.7

7530 R Pakistan 1820 sngs and talks by OM . bad modulation S9 44434
Liangas 25.11.7

5010 RTM MAlagasy 1810 talks in FF with 2-3 YL and one man , seem as a
theatre play that passes 1830. SOng at 1854 immedately singing off .
Signal S8 at 1835
Two recordings enclosed here . time 1831 for the first

BRAZIL 2915 two stations with portuguese language , surelky from Brazil .
MON 2049 with religious program from the stronger .
A recording on 2057 passing TOH
(Z. Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 28/11/2007)

11785, Radio Guaiba, 1400 UTC. Notices and local advices (in Portuguese). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los RМos, Temuco, Chile).
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 1500. Identification signal and notices (in Portuguese). SINPO 22222.(P. De los RМos, Temuco, Chile).
11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 1700. Local advices (in Portugese). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los RМos, Temuco, Chile).
17820, BBC, 1720. Local notices (in English). SINPO 22222.(P. De los RМos, Temuco, Chile).
17620, Radio France International, 1330. Local notices (in French). SINPO: 33333. (P. De los RМos, Temuco, Chile).
7130, China Radio International,1300. Identification signal and program with local notes (in Serbian). SINPO: 22222. (P. De los RМos, Temuco, Chile).
(Patrico De los Rios, Temuco, Chile, 29/11/2007)

4845.13, Unident, 0900-0930 Noted a very weak
signal here with a man in unknown(?) language comments until 0910.
Following the comments, music was presented. More comments at 0915.
I would like to call this Radio MUnicipal from Bolivia, but the signal
is very weak and it's impossible to glean any specific details from
it. In addition, we have the Utility that is always on this freq covering
the signal periodically. Later (1014) we have a second station
using this freq, but slightly higher at 4845.25 KHz. This station
sounds Brazilian with the Portuguese language being used.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, November 26, 2007)

6047.18, has been teasing me for over a week now with an
open carrier here around 0100, but have not detected any audio yet.
Suspect R. Santa Rosa (Peru) as recently reported by Chuck Bolland
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 26/11/2007)

5955A UNID, I think this is probably Radio Republica, but I am not sure
as they have been playing nothing but music (sounds Cuban to me) since I
tuned in at 2210. There was really bad jamming at first, but they rose
above the jamming by 2215 and have remained there. No announcements of any
kind. (Hans Johnson Nov 26, Naples, FL, USA - CumbreDX 27/11/2007)

While tuning back and forth between 5954.1 and 6045, kept coming
across carrier on 5984.0, before 2300 Nov 26 and afterwards making het with
English at 2310 on 5985.0, which would be BBC Thailand during this hour only.
Altho 5984 was stronger, never could pull any audio from it; also slightly
unstable as het pitch wavered, and as rechecked at 2327, 2353. Somewhat suspect
is the squealy Cuban transmitter on 5990 with CRI relay, but nothing to match
on the hi side, 5996 at 2353 recheck. After 0001 Nov 27, 5984 was still on and
so was CRI in Spanish on 5990. Searching my DXLD archive, nothing at all comes
up as ever reported on 5984 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/11/2007)

I've been hearing a second-by-second pulse all over the
lower SW ranges on some recent days. It appears to be
pretty much present 24 hours a day here at my location
in St. Louis, MO. Can I blame CODAR for this or is it
much more likely to be caused by some piece of local
equipment, maybe at a neighbor's? I know that this sort
of thing can often be traced to modern poorly-shielded
or sloppily-designed home electronics; I don't think it's
my own, because it appeared when I had not added anything
new into my house. But I have houses all around mine; they
could have gotten something new or turned on something
with the onset of colder weather. (Will, USA - dxldyg 28/11/2007)

I have noticed over the years that there's a lot of interference
on the shortwave bands caused by Christmas lights this time
of the year, although no one will agree, because they love their
lights. Keep track and you'll probably notice a drop in the
interference around February when lights usually come down.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - dxldyg 29/11/2007)

6130 Spurious VoRussia signals, at 1600-2039 UT, Nov 23.

Spurs left the air suddenly at 2039 UT, <<<<<<<
and fundamental 6130 kHz kept on service at S=9+20-+30 db level til 2200 UT.

Note signal drifting tonight to
6014.23 and 6245.66 at 2030 UT

and another spurious at 115.36 kHz away on
5898.47 and 6361.38 at 2038 UT.

6013.79 and 6246.18 at 1805 UT
6013.97 and 6245.97 at 1850 UT

and another spurious at 116.3 kHz away on
5897.91 and 6361.97 at 1857 UT.
6013.48 kHz, wandering to 6013.73 / symmetrically on 6246.24 kHz at 1730 UT.
(wb, Nov 23)

Now on Nov 25th, VoRUS Moscow site spurious signals of fundamental 6130 kHz
En 1600, and French 1700-2200 UT are still on air on 49 / 50 mb.

Nov 24 2030 UT
6130 / 5898.28 / 6014.14 / 6245.86
Nov 24 2150 UT
6130 / 5898.81 / 6014.39 / 6245.49

Nov 25 1915 UT
6130 / 6014.04 / 6245.93 -- but not on 5998.08 !
(W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 25/11/2007)

1620,00 2511 0658 Fa.Zonnenster, D, Amsterdam song, ID, guten morgen amateurs 24422
1649,00 2511 0704 unid, D, polka non stop 24422
1660,00 2411 2314 R.Titanic,D, electro dance, hard rock, ID email 24422
1670,00 2411 2312 unid, Gr, talks, light song 24432
1690,00 2411 2330 unid, Gr, traditional music, folk 24322
1707,00 2411 2342 unid,Gr, talk, folk music 24432
3910,00 2411 1940 WMR,E, pops, ID, rock //6400 35443
3910,00 2511 2240 WMR, E, dx info of harmonic community radio on 2592 khz ID, QTH Coleraine // 6400 35443
5965,00 2511 1300 R.Gloria Int, G,E, jingle, ID, coloradio.org. Mattia Bazar, rock , oldies from DDR 35443
6235,00 2311 2250 KBC, E, Wolfman Jack show, pops, promo by Roger Davis, K-po promo, Jingles, 35443
6235,00 2411 2205 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack Show, So happy together, KBC promos, The rhythm of the rain 35443
6265,00 2511 1044 R.O.Z?Premier R. Int?, E, rock and roll 24322
6300,00 2511 1047 VOTN?, pops 24211
6302,00 2511 1443 R.Spaceman, E,G,D, rock, dance, reports received, Andy McDonald:Mr Rockandroll, ACDC 24432
6305,00 2411 2218 R.Mazda,E, schlager, ID, hotline 0031 622957457, QTH Pastinaak,4, Bella signorina 34433
6306,00 2411 1942 R.Brandaris?, D, schlager pops, 24332
6307,00 2511 1025 R.Shadowman,D; Sultan of swing, electronic mx, Id; polka 35443
6310,00 2511 0813 R.Condor?, rock 24432
6310,00 2511 1500 R.Malaysi,E, disco funky, jingle ID, Bee Gees 25442
6400,00 2411 1940 WMR,E, pops, ID, rock //3910 24322
6400,00 2511 0758 WMR, E, pops, I wanna know what love it is 24432
6400,00 2511 2240 WMR, E, dxing harmonic community radio on 2592 khz ID, QTH Coleraine // 3910 35343
9290,00 2411 0905 R.City,E, Bee Gees, oldies,Franky Valley, jingle 35443
9290,00 2511 0801 RWI,E,F, Ids, celebrating the 24th anniversay, Only the lonely by Roy Orbison 45544
9290,00 2511 0900 R.Caroline Eifel, G,E, spy number stations special 45444
12257,00 2511 1010 WR Int, E, Abba song, ID 24422
(SILVERI Gomez, FRAGA, CATALUNYA NORTE OCIDENTAL, Spain - playdx2003 27/11/2007)

05542.0 US Army Aviation Net (3rd ID Combat Aviation Brigade=T3CAB)
2138 ALE/USB snd (24-11-2007)(Maciej Muszalski - udxf 25/11/2007)

06902.5 1918: Unid 2051 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

06795.0 3771: Unid Turkish Net 2054 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

05416.0 3050: Unid 2054 ALE/LSB clg 3000 (2007-11-24) (sw)

04900.0 JCU: Unid (pos Saudi net) 2055 ALE/USB clg RFU (2007-11-24) (sw)

05770.0 RGP: Unid (pos Saudi net) 2058 ALE/USB clg JDP (2007-11-24) (sw)

05470.0 XL15: Alg-Mil 2100 ALE/USB clg RM10 (2007-11-24) (sw)

06902.5 1912: Unid 2101 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

05337.0 R24387: Usa-Mil 2107 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Bn 147th Avn

Minnesota Army National Guard's "2nd Assault Helicopter

Battalion, 147th Regiment (2-147 AHB), based St. Paul, MN;

deployed to Iraq (2007-11-24) (sw)

03848.0.0 1326: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2112 ALE/USB clg
2211 (2007-11-24) (sw)

05542.0 R00068: Usa-Mil 2119 ALE/USB clg T2Z1 Mil 1st Infantry Division/4th
Brigade Combat Team: "2nd Battalion, 1st Aviation Regiment (2-1 AVN) of Fort
Riley, KS; deployed to Iraq (2007-11-24) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 25/11/2007)

07980.0 ESCRAVOS: Nig-NNPC (The Escravos site is located about 100km
southeast of the Nigerian capital Lagos.) 2152 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24)

07980.0 WARRI: Nig-NNPC 2156 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

07980.0 SULEJA: Nig-NNPC 2200 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

07772.0 ACOVE: Nig-NNPC Atlas Cove Depot, Lagos Harbor Area, Lagos State 2202 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

08086.0 ACOVE: Nig-NNPC Atlas Cove Depot, Lagos Harbor Area, Lagos State 2203 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

07772.0 KANO: Nig-NNPC 2210 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

07980.0 JOS: Nig-NNPC Jos, Jos North, Plateau State 2213 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)

07759.0 JOS: Nig-NNPC Jos, Jos North, Plateau State 2214 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-24) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 25/11/2007)

4780.0 INGEZ, Indiana National Guard at Shelbyville Municipal
Airport: 0058 USB ALE. Also active on 4775.5 & 5091.5, USB
ALE. 4780.0 is also the frequency for the Indiana Joint Forces
Headquarters Emergency Radio Network which meets weekly (Wednesday @
9:00 AM ET) in LSB voice (25/NOV/2007) (JLM)
(Jack L. Metcalfe Stanford, KY - udxf 25/11/2007)

04271.0 CFH halifax 0543 FAX 25nov07

04271.0 //5097 CFH halifax 0551 ITA2/75/850 wx cyhz cyqi cyqy cyyt...
(halifax,yarmouth,sydney,st john's) 25nov07

01696.0 crossmed 0559 USB wx bulletin special avis de tempete...25nov07

02624.0 IQX trieste 0603 USB ita naws..locavurnav ancona...venezia...

02182.0 IQX trieste 0608 USB ita "securite..." 25nov07

02273.0 O44B , U78A... uk army cadet competition 0611 USB eng d/x 25nov07

02320.0 unid 0614 ?? 25nov07

02642.0 ICB genova 0623 USB ita "la spezia..." 25nov07

02650.0 unid 0625 USB rus? yl appel? 25nov07

02680.0 IDC cagliari 0626 USB ita naws 25nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/11/2007)

4131 9h56 pecheurs FR
5194 10h23 cw dra 5
8104.8 fax Athenes
(Tony - udxf 25/11/2007)

03445.0 pecheurs 0635 USB esp d/x 25nov07

03495.0 pirates 0636 USB jap? d/x 25nov07

04200.0 pecheurs? 0639 USB ita d/x 25nov07

04304.3 unid 0645 ITA2/50/170 crypte? 25nov07

04992.7 unid 0655 36-50? 25nov07

05305.5 unid 0705 ARQ-E?/48/260 25nov07

05664...ale sig 0711

06365.5 RSBL? mumbai 0717 ITA2/50/850? 25nov07

09045.0 3771 red crescent turk? 0720 ALE USB snd 25nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/11/2007)

518,00 CTH F Horta AZR PN NAVTEX 24-nov 0050 AV - (bc)
518,00 EAL I Las Palmas CNR RADIO NAVTEX 12-nov 2120 AV - (bc)
518,00 EAR D La Coruna E RADIO NAVTEX 12-nov 2145 AV ZCZC DA34 12 2145 UTC NOV 07 COASTAL WARNING ' (bc)
518,00 EJK W Valentia IRL CG RADIO NAVTEX 12-nov 1945 WX 'VALENTIA CG RADIO' (bc)
518,00 EJK W Valentia IRL CG RADIO NAVTEX 12-nov 1945 WX 'VALENTIA CG RADIO' (bc)
518,00 SAG D Goeteborg S RADIO NAVTEX 12-nov 2030 AV - (bc)
518,00 SAG D Goeteborg S RADIO NAVTEX 12-nov 2030 AV - (bc)
518,00 UGE F Arkhangelsk RUS RADIO NAVTEX 24-nov 0050 AV 'COASTAL WARNING ARKHANGELSK 77' (bc)
518,00 UIW J Kaliningrad RUS RADIO NAVTEX 24-nov 0540 AV 'KALININGRAD NAV WARNING' (bc)
518,00 UIW J Kaliningrad RUS RADIO NAVTEX 24-nov 0540 AV 'KALININGRAD NAV WARNING' (bc)
518,00 ..... B ..... - RADIO ? NAVTEX 24-nov 0705 TEST 'ZCZC BO01 TEST TEST TEST TEST NNNN' (bc)
1.692,00 LGQ - Rogoland NOR RADIO J3E/USB 23-nov 2320 AV/WX - (bc)
1.728,00 LGN - Bergen NOR RADIO J3E/USB 23-nov 2320 AV/WX - (bc)
1.782,00 LFO - Oerlandet NOR RADIO J3E/USB 23-nov 2320 AV/WX - (bc)
1.785,00 LGZ - Farsund NOR RADIO J3E/USB 23-nov 2320 AV/WX - (bc)
2.910,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 23-nov 2209 TFC RUS SIMPLEX (bc)
3.000,00 ..... 4101 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 21-nov 2200 SOUND - (bc)
3.000,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 23-nov 2213 VOCODER TFC SIMPLEX (bc)
3.160,00 ..... - ..... - [...] ALE/USB 23-nov 2215 N-D PROTECTED LINK SIMPLEX (bc)
3.183,00 ..... EBDF ..... - [...] CW 23-nov 2245 GR(A) - (bc)
4.010,00 7U.. RM10 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-nov 2000 CLG "XL20" - (bc)
4.010,00 7U.. RM10 ..... ALG ANG MIL STD 188-110A/USB 17-nov 0618 TFC KRY - (bc)
4.010,00 7U.. XL14 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-nov 2015 CLG "RM10" - (bc)
4.010,00 7U.. XL15 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-nov 2346 CLG "RM10" - (bc)
4.010,00 7U.. XL17 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 17-nov 0002 CLG "RM10" - (bc)
4.010,00 7U.. XL21 ..... ALG ANG ALE/USB 16-nov 1732 SOUND - (bc)
4.146,00 VMC - Charleville.QLD AUS METEO J3E/USB 14-nov 1645 WX - (bc)
4.186,70 SSE.. - Riyadh ARS AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 14-nov 1625 WKG Cairo/S-OFF - (bc)
4.604,00 RIT - Sveromorsk RUS CISN CW 23-nov 2252 CLG/WKG RMLT - (bc)
4.604,00 RMLT - - SHIP - RUS CISN CW 23-nov 2256 CLG/WKG RIT - (bc)
4.606,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 20-nov 1637 GR(A) RUS 'ANDREI LUMDILLA OLGA ........' (bc)
4.991,00 KEC86 NK1 Newark,NJ USA FBI ALE/USB 24-nov 0703 CLG "QT1" - (bc)
5.320,00 SSE.. - Riyadh ARS AMB. EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 14-nov 1631 N-D - (bc)
5.321,70 SSE.. - Riyadh ARS AMB. EGIZIANA SITOR 100/170 14-nov 1630 WKG Cairo/S-OFF - (bc)
5.644,00 3S.. QF3K ..... CHN ChnN CW 23-nov 2304 CLG "T3AP" - (bc)
5.684,00 AFA3 ADWNPR Camp Springs,MD USA USAF ANDREWS AFB ALE/USB 14-nov 2013 SOUND - (bc)
5.684,00 AFG4 OFFNPR Omaha,NE USA USAF OFFUT AFB ALE/USB 14-nov 2252 SOUND - (bc)
5.690,00 TAV20 - Ankara TUR TuAF J3E/USB 14-nov 1658 TFC TUR SIMPLEX (bc)
5.732,00 K... CRB ..... USA CPB ALE/USB 24-nov 0034 CLG "D02" - (bc)
5.732,00 NM.. J01 - MH-60J - USA USCG ALE/USB 24-nov 0537 CLG "LNT" - (bc)
5.782,00 5O.. 4115 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 23-nov 2313 CLG "511511" - (bc)
5.782,00 5O.. 5111 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 24-nov 0008 SOUND - (bc)
5.782,00 5O.. 5112 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 23-nov 2356 SOUND - (bc)
5.782,00 5O.. 511511 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 24-nov 0609 SOUND - (bc)
5.782,00 5O.. 511512 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 24-nov 0221 CLG "511511" - (bc)
5.782,00 5O.. 511516 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 23-nov 2313 CLG "511511" - (bc)
6.230,00 VMW - Wiluna,WA AUS METEO J3E/USB 14-nov 1645 WX - (bc)
6.562,00 YQ.. KABBASE Kaboul AFG [...] ALE/USB 14-nov 1858 SOUND - (bc)
6.562,00 YQ.. KANBASE Khandahar AFG [...] ALE/USB 14-nov 1847 SOUND - (bc)
6.562,00 .... 437817 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 14-nov 1850 SOUND - (bc)
6.562,00 .... 6320 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 14-nov 2120 SOUND - (bc)
6.679,00 KUA3 - Khaalelani HWA VOLMET (VPAC) J3E/USB 14-nov 1625 WX - (bc)
6.685,00 RFNV - Moskva RUS AIR J3E/USB 14-nov 1701 TFC RUS SIMPLEX (bc)
6.717,00 5O.. 911914 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 15-nov 1706 CLG "911911" - (bc)
6.717,00 OW.. STANORD Kap Prins Knud GRL DAF ALE/USB 15-nov 1718 SOUND - (bc)
6.844,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 15-nov 1713 N-D - (bc)
6.850,00 ..... - ..... - [...] J3E/USB 14-nov 1746 TFC RUS SIMPLEX (bc)
6.879,00 R... - ..... - INTEL BAUDOT 202/500 14-nov 1604 GR(N_) - (bc)
6.886,00 ..... - ..... - [...] FSK 50/250 15-nov 1710 N-D - (bc)
6.977,44 - ..... - JEAC BR6028: ARQ-E 46,2/170/USB 15-nov 1703 IDLE ON BOTH CH - (bc)
6.981,00 HZ.. JCN ..... ARS ArsAF ALE/LSB 15-nov 1705 CLG "RFN" - (bc)
6.982,00 F... - ..... F FF CW 16-nov 1645 GR(A) TIME DATE BT txt (bc)
7.588,50 ..... PR013 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 17-nov 0907 SOUND - (bc)
7.588,50 ..... PR015 ..... - [...] ALE/USB 17-nov 0828 SOUND - (bc)
7.777,00 SSE.. - Riyadh ARS AMB EGIZIANA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 14-nov 1800 N-D - (bc)
8.294,00 VMC - Charleville,QLD AUS METEO J3E/USB 14-nov 1645 WX - (bc)
9.014,00 ED.. JOTA Zaragoza E SAF J3E/USB 15-nov 1602 CLG/WKG "AME524" - (bc)
9.058,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA FEC 100/170 14-nov 1726 TFC ARA (bc)
9.058,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 14-nov 1728 CLG/WKG Berlin (11406,7) (bc)
9.060,00 SSE BKFQSH Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 15-nov 1607 N-D - (bc)
9.061,70 SSE BKFQSH Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 15-nov 1605 TFC ARA - (bc)
9.075,00 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA CODAN 16 TONES/USB 14-nov 1730 N-D - (bc)
9.076,70 SSE - Cairo EGY MFA SITOR 100/170 14-nov 1807 CLG/WKG Bern - (bc)
9.143,50 ..... MASTERA ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-nov 1620 CLG "SUPERMASTER" - (bc)
9.143,50 ..... MASTERA ..... - [...] MIL STD 188-110A/USB 15-nov 1724 SEND MSGS TO "SUPERMASTER" - (bc)
9.143,50 ..... SUPERMASTER ..... - [...] ALE/USB 15-nov 1620 CLG "MASTERA" - (bc)
9.143,50 ..... SUPERMASTER ..... - [...] MIL STD 188-110A/USB 15-nov 1728 SEND MSGS TO "MASTERA" - (bc)
10.179,50 R... - ..... . FAPSI CROWD/USB 15-nov 1624 TFC - (bc)
10.218,50 R... - ..... . FAPSI CROWD/USB 15-nov 1627 TFC - (bc)
11.195,00 5O.. 911913 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 15-nov 1633 CLG "911911" - (bc)
11.195,00 5O.. 911914 ..... NIG POLICE ALE/USB 15-nov 1650 CLG "911911" - (bc)
(Bruno Casula, Italy - udxf 25/11/2007)

11226.0 CRO croughton usaf 0726 ALE USB snd 25nov07
04363.0 3AC monaco 0830 USB wx ""mer tres forte.." 25nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/11/2007)

02167.0 fishermen 0654 USB dan d/x 17nov07

02163.8 unid radiolocalisation 0655 ?? 18nov07

02182.0 EJK valentia 2033 USB eng 21nov07

02598.0 VCG? riviere au renard - garde cotes canada 0451 USB fr-eng naws

03105.0 VR52 algeria? 2053 ALE USB "bjr" to VR53 20nov07

03296.0 unid mil 0605 50/250 BEE ? 21nov07

04728.0 archangelsk air ? 2037 USB rus yl 21nov07

04855.0 110 - 2001 protection civ mrc 0841 ALE USB snd 18nov07

05075.0 drini moi albania? 1745 ALE USB to mal 22nov07

05575.0 mil algeria? mrc ? 0456 USB arabic d/x with bip et ALE to 191

05575.0 4066 unid? 2032 ALE USB to1585 20nov07

05575.0 8111 /2225 unid? 2035 ALE USB snd 20nov07

05470.0 ND11 algeria? 2039 ALE USB to AC10 20nov07

05792.0 11031 /13018 mrc protection civile 2058 ALE USB snd 20nov07

05792.0 1102/ 2407 /2405 2101 mrc protection civile ALE USB ( + altern USB
arabic call ) to 1102 20nov07

06921.0 2016 turk red crescent? 2045 ALE USB to 201 20nov07

07045.0 8gs - georgian army 2001 ALE USB snd 17nov07

07335.0 11041 13141 1106 mrc forces? 1107 ALE USB snd 24nov07

08376.5 unid 1430 ARQ-E/50/170 idling 16nov07

08415.5 EHY madrid 1022 DSC c HPFM heroic ace / "Gavotte Shipping" car
carrier 18nov07

08415.5 IBLN sharden italy / Passenger ro ro cargo ship 1024 DSC c OXZ
lyngby 18nov07

08415.5 UCAY ataman platov rus 1047 DSC c OXZ lyngby / contact on 8253k
18nov07 (2)

08415.5 SWPM majestic greek tanker 1048 DSC c EHY madrid 18nov07

08415.5 SVPP althea greek tanker 1058 DSC c 003669997? usa 18nov07

08600.0 13071 /6045 mrc army 2050 ALE USB snd 20nov07

08791. 0 UTT odessa? 1440 USB ukr yl 16nov07

09066.7 egyptian emb alger? 1449 ARQ tfc 16nov07

09200.0 11041 mrc forces? 1116 ALE USB snd 24nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 25/11/2007)

10.245.4 dasher strong (PIKE)
10.237.71 dasher very weak in and out
W 8188.8 strong
4089 dasher steady with a carrier on it at times
W 4102.2 wind weak
Tmp 41 (41dgs)weak but steady

Monitoring Times had a mention of CO beacon ( this was e mailed to me,
I have not seen it)
CO beacon is no more W is now on the old CO freq 8188.7Khz
(hiferbeacon - udxf 25/11/2007)

02985.0 pecheurs 1610 USB isl? d/x 25nov07
03000.0 pecheurs 1618 USB fr d/x 25nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/11/2007)

05416.0 3000: Unid 1442 ALE/LSB clg 3050 (2007-11-25) (sw)

14731.0 055: Unid 1448 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

08020.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB 1518
ALE/USB clg 56 (2007-11-25) (sw)

05339.0 3000: Unid 1520 ALE/LSB clg 3070 (2007-11-25) (sw)

05339.0 3070: Unid 1520 ALE/LSB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

05138.0 3000: Unid 1525 ALE/LSB clg 3070 (2007-11-25) (sw)

06881.5 8111: Unid 1532 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

06881.5 762: Unid 1536 ALE/USB clg 205 (2007-11-25) (sw)

07588.5 OPS08: Unid 1539 ALE/USB clg OPS23 (2007-11-25) (sw)

06902.5 1542: Unid 1541 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

08180.0 9066: Unid 1544 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

06921.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1547 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

06425.0 3000: Unid 1553 ALE/LSB clg 3070 (2007-11-25) (sw)

06425.0 3070: Unid 1553 ALE/LSB clg 3000 (2007-11-25) (sw)

07801.0 6101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 1557 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-25) (sw)

08600.0 24151: Unid 1559 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

07610.0.0 13081: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1600 ALE/USB
sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

07801.0 6701: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 1605 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-25) (sw)

07610.0.0 13241: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1613 ALE/USB
sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

08001.0 IBV: Unid 1614 ALE/USB clg 10V (2007-11-25) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 25/11/2007)

17.480 Spanish numbers station (female) AM at 16:20
(Jim Keil - udxf 25/11/2007)

03049.8 pirates? 1635 USB slave? om 25nov07
03096.0 unid raf? 1640 USB crypte 25nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/11/2007)

>6761.7 TNS : Alg.emb.Tunis TUN 16:27 USB/ALE calling MAE (20 Nov)(PPA)
>6761.7 MAE : MFA Algiers ALG 16:26 USB/ALE Calling TNS [UUF] 124 67 65
>(20 Nov)(PPA)

6761.7 USB is in fact 6765 LSB!

>6973.0 --- : unid 06:14 USB/ALE Link protected (22 NOV)(PPA)

6973 is used for traffic between the Swiss-MIL rapid deployment
shelters in the Balkans and Switzerland
(Leif Dehio, Munich, Germany - udxf 25/11/2007)

03226.0 veripos rodvig? dnk 1711 DGPS QPSK 25nov07
03250.0 pecheurs bretons 1717 USB fr d/x "paniers...tacots..." 25nov07
03407.0 tashkent volmet? 1723 USB rus yl 25nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/11/2007)

6761.7 TNS : Alg.emb.Tunis TUN 16:27 USB/ALE calling MAE (20 Nov)(PPA)

6761.7 MAE : MFA Algiers ALG 16:26 USB/ALE Calling TNS [UUF] 124 67 65
(20 Nov)(PPA)

6792.0 0000210288 : Greek police GRC 19:58 USB/ALE sounding (18 Nov)(PPA)

6795.0 3062 : unid 16:15 USB/ALE [THIS WAS] 3062 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6795.0 3651 : unid 16:09 USB/ALE [THIS WAS] 3651 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6820.0 OMEGA70RS1702P : Uzbek military UZB 19:28 USB/ALE sounding (22

6850.0 KABBAS : unid military Kabul AFG 15:56 USB/ALE [THIS WAS]
KABBAS (18 Nov)(PPA)

6864.5 437815 : unid 14:57 USB/ALE 437806 [THIS IS] 437815 later
calling 437808 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6870.0 PEJATEN : unid station Pejaten INS 17:25 Calling PALEMBANG or
PON (18 Nov)(PPA)

6881.5 5500 : unid 18:43 USB/ALE sounding (18 Nov)(PPA)

6881.5 5502 : unid 18:47 USB/ALE sounding (18 Nov)(PPA)

6881.5 3400 : unid 18:50 USB/ALE sounding (18 Nov)(PPA)

6902.5 7010 : unid 17:08 USB/ALE sounding (24 Nov)(PPA)

6902.5 1410 : unid 17:05 USB/ALE sounding (24 Nov)(PPA)

6902.5 1548 : unid 16:59 USB/ALE sounding (24 Nov)(PPA)

6921.0 AAA : Airforce HQ Tel-aviv ISR 06:45 [THIS WAS ] AAA (25 Nov)(PPA)

6921.0 BB2 : unid Airforce ISR 06:16 USB/ALE [THIS WAS ] BB2 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6955.0 TWLC2 : Guardia civil Cantabria E 11:52 USB/ALE [TO] TXX1 [THIS
IS] TWLC2 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6973.0 --- : unid 06:14 USB/ALE Link protected (22 NOV)(PPA)
(Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 25/11/2007)

6845.0 --- : unid Russian PTT RUS 18:04 USB/OQPSK/1280/1400 no decode
(22 Nov)(PPA)

6830.0 --- : unid Russian PTT RUS 16:24 USB/OQPSK/1280/1400 no decode
(22 Nov)(PPA)

6841.0 --- : unid intel? RUS 07:18 F1B/200/1000 encrypted ACF=288 (25

6775.3 --- : unid intel? ISR 07:45 4VFT/PSK/75/85 encrypted ACF=224
pilot tone 300 hz lower on 6775 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6815.0 RCN : unid Airforce? ARS 04:56 ARQ-E/46,1/170 + ALE/LSB idling
in ARQ ; Calling NAN in ALE (22 Nov)(PPA)

6768.0 --- : unid Ukrainian? 18:23 ITA-2/50/500E + CW/A1A working
duplex in CW with nw 4322512922173t7463 cfm qrx 13565 later back with
5F QTC in RTTY (22 Nov)(PPA)

6946.3 --- : unid 18:42 Sitor-B/100/170 encrypted (19 Nov)(PPA)

6822.3 --- : unid 08:38 Sitor-B/100/170 encrypted (25 Nov)(PPA)

6843.0 --- : unid French airforce? F 17:51 USB/J3E French test :Ceci
est une transmission de calorie destine au reglage de votre recepteur
.... (24 Nov)(PPA)

Italian Coastguard:

6967.5 ICI07 : Coastguard Ancona I 07:13 USB/J3E radiocheck with IGSE
(24 Nov)(PPA)

6967.5 IGSE : unid It CG vessel 07:09 USB/J3E radiocheck with ICI07
(24 Nov)(PPA)

6967.5 ICI08 : Coastguard Ravenna I 07:09 USB/J3E radiocheck with ICI
(24 Nov)(PPA)

6967.5 ICI : COMPAMARE Molfetta I 07:09 USB/J3E radiocheck with ICI08
(24 Nov)(PPA)

6967.5 IGSL : unid It CG vessel 07:25 USB/J3E requesting radiocheck
(24 Nov)(PPA)


6786.7 --- : MFA Cairo EGY 19:07 Sitor-A/100/170 + Codan 80 bd chirp +
CODAN 16 tone psk modem acknowledging Codan modem tfc on 6785 QSY to
7765 (23 Nov)(PPA)

6771.7 --- : MFA Cairo EGY 16:11 Sitor-A+B/100/170 traffic to unid
embassy QSX 5745 (22 Nov)(PPA)


6912.0 JSR : Mossad Tel-Aviv ISR 16:30 USB/R3E Callup juliett sierra
romeo //5091 (22 Nov)(PPA)

6986.0 ART : Mossad Tel-Aviv ISR 07:35 USB/R3E message 31 5L groups
(25 Nov)(PPA)

6840.0 EZI : Mossad Tel-Aviv ISR 16:00 USB/R3E EZI 2 no msg (24 Nov)(PPA)

6959.0 --- : British intelligence CYP 20:05 USB/J3E ID : 03000 in //
9251 (22 Nov)(PPA)

Christmas Cracker:

6913.0 T83B : UK Army cadets G 12:39 USB/J3E all stations this is T83B
radiocheck (25 Nov)(PPA)

6913.0 B74 : UK Army cadets G 12:27 USB/J3E msg for M27C (25 Nov)(PPA)

6913.0 M27C : UK Army cadets G 12:27 USB/J3E acknowledging msg
received from B74 (PPA)(25 Nov)

6913.0 K74B : UK Army cadets G 12:30 USB/J3E radio check with O44B (25

6913.0 044B : UK Army cadets G 12:30 USB/J3E radio check with K74B
later QSY to AG (25 Nov)(PPA)


6893.2 --- : Dutch military HOL ? 07:53 STANAG 4285/600L/3000
encrypted (24 Nov)(PPA)

6765.0 --- : presumed GN Wilhelmshafen D 08:36 STANAG 4285/600L/3000
encrypted (24 Nov)(PPA)

6805.2 --- : Greek military CYP ? 06:19 STANAG 4285/1200L/3000
encrypted (25 Nov)(PPA)

6781.2 --- : British military G ? 08:49 STANAG 4285/1200L/3000
encrypted (24 Nov)(PPA)

6903,2 --- : British military G ? 07:28 STANAG 4285/1200L/3000
encrypted (24 Nov)(PPA)

6786.0 --- : unid NATO 08:50 STANAG 4285/1200/3000 encrypted ,strong
S9+35 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6953.2 --- : US military USA ? 06:10 STANAG 4529/300S/1200 short msgs
of KG84C encrypted tfc transmitter off when QRU (25 Nov)(PPA)

6750.4 --- : US military USA ? 12:17 NATO-75/75/850 KG84C encrypted
msgs (25 NOV)(PPA)


6759.0 MKL : RAF Northwood via Crimond G 06:22 NATO 75/75/850 KG84
encrypted msgs ,transmitter off when QRU (24 Nov)(PPA)

6834.0 GYA : RN Northwood G 07:51 FAX/F1C 120/576 Surface (MSLP)
prognosis T+96 (24 Nov)(PPA)

6825.0 FAV22 : FA Mont-valerien F 08:53 CW/A1A CW excercise 20 WPM ,5L
msg after bt nr 90 n 21 09:53:00 1984 bt (24 Nov)(PPA)

6840.0 NYZ : Chinese military CHN 18:20 CW/A1A VVV Q2M Q2M Q2M DE NYZ
NYZ (22 Nov)(PPA)
(Peter Poelstra, Holland - udxf 25/11/2007)

01677.0 OFK? turku 1905 USB eng wx 25nov07

01690.0 pirates 1908 USB grec om 25nov07

01698.0 EAR la coruna 1910 USB eng esp naws 25nov07

02965.0 bangkok volmet 1913 USB eng yl 25nov07

03150.0 E10 1914 USB yl 25nov07

01650.0 cross corsen 1917 USB fr wx 25nov07

01677.0 EAS cabo penas 1918 USB eng 25nov07

01743.0 stornoway ukcg -ile de lewis 1920 USB wx 25nov07>



02838.0 pecheurs 1923 USB esp 25nov07

01723.5 pecheurs 1926 USB fr d/x 25nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 25/11/2007)

7642.0 EXB and EXBNNN : Un-Id stations ALE/USB sounding
(15:10utc) (25Nov2007) (SPC) (NNN? = naval? or am I
reaching here...)

7642.0 WKCNNN : Un-Id station ALE/USB sounding
(17:47utc) (25Nov2007) (SPC)

8912.0 500 : CG1500 (HC-130H, CGAS Elizabeth City, NJ)
with LNT : CAMSLANT in ALE/USB. 500 gives POS Rpt of
39.22N 74.22W (20mi SE of Atlantic City, NJ) (18:54utc)
(25Nov2007) (SPC)

8912.0 500 : CG1500 (HC-130H, CGAS Elizabeth City, NJ)
with LNT : CAMSLANT in ALE/USB. LNT reqsts. 500 search
280mi due E of Norfolk, VA for sailboat which is 2hrs
overdue. LNT attempting to ascertain more data on
sailboat. (19:01utc) (25Nov2007) (SPC)
(Steve C, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 26/11/2007)

Steve, those are USN/USMC MARS stations. NNN0EXB & NNN0WKC,
respectively, but they reverse their calls & drop the zero in ALE.
(Jack L. Metcalfe, Stanford, KY, USA - udxf 26/11/2007)

05431.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 1649 ALE/USB clg 2BR (2007-11-25) (sw)

08180.0 LESKOVIKU: Alb-Mil/Moi 1709 ALE/USB clg SHEBENIKU (2007-11-25) (sw)

04010.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1709 ALE/USB clg DIAMANTI (2007-11-25) (sw)

05355.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1727 ALE/USB clg DIAMANTI (2007-11-25) (sw)

05355.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1727 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-25) (sw)

05117.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1729 ALE/USB clg DIAMANTI (2007-11-25) (sw)

05117.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1729 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-25) (sw)

05355.0 123456: Unid 1730 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

04771.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1731 ALE/USB clg DIAMANTI (2007-11-25) (sw)

05138.0 3060: Unid 2106 ALE/LSB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 26/11/2007)

07610.0 13111: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2110 ALE/USB clg
2407 (2007-11-24) (sw)

06795.0 3341: Unid Turkish Net 2116 ALE/USB clg 3061 (2007-11-25) (sw)

06583.0 4001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2124 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-24) (sw)

05410.0 5820: Unid 2126 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)

05823.0 3001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2130 ALE/USB clg
2407 (2007-11-24) (sw)

05823.0 2001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2130 ALE/USB clg
2407 (2007-11-24) (sw)

04855.0 2001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2132 ALE/USB clg
2407 (2007-11-24) (sw)

06583.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 2151 ALE/USB clg 2BR (2007-11-25) (sw)

05780.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 2152 ALE/USB clg 2BR (2007-11-25) (sw)

05321.0 11143: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2157 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-24) (sw)

09200.0 11121: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2205 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-24) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 26/11/2007)

05351.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 2247 ALE/USB Group Call clg BRN, 2BR and 1BR
(2007-11-25) (sw)

05425.0 KBT: Geo-Mil (8GS net) 2254 ALE/USB Group Call clg BRN and 1BR (2007-11-25) (sw)
07801.0 6869: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2255 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-25) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 26/11/2007)

02598.0 V?? gardes cotes canada 0624 USB eng fr yl wx 26nov07

03468.0 pirates 0627 USB jap d/x 26nov07

03105.0 VR40 algerian net? 0634 ALE USB snd 26nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 26/11/2007)

01677.0 OFK turku finlande 0655 USB eng fin wx - mega qrm stanag...26nov07

02810.0 OFK turku finlande 0701 USB fin yl naws 26nov07

03485.9 unid mil cis? 0709 36/500 BEE? 26nov07

03655.0 pecheurs 0714 USB esp?? 26nov07

02157.0 7K0 unid fregate? 0716 USB eng accent fr d/x c unid base 26nov07

09200.0 2214 mrc? protection civ 0725 ALE USB 26nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 26/11/2007)

1108-2512 -1112-1111-2419 -2418 -1316-2514 -1322 -2403-1143-1305-3001-13151-1104-1106-11121-2203-2205-1325--1313...protection
civile marocaine? 0757 ALE USB snd 26nov07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 26/11/2007)

03885.0 pecheurs 0922 USB fr d/x "noroit..." 26nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 26/11/2007)

14847.2 1701: Sudanese Diplo? 1447 P-I/100Bd/160Hz
=1781 in LongPathMode,
no joy (23/NOV/07) (KK)

06994.3 No Call: unid ICRC Station 1243 P-II/100Bd
in Chatmode with another ICRC-Station sending
ORC-files ANAG0058 + ANAG0059 (23/NOV/07) (KK) [1]

04031.0 IATO: Italian Ny Ship 1743 USB clg IDR:
Rome for Radiocheck, no joy (23/NOV/07) (KK)

05000.0 4XZ?: Israeli Ny 1400 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem
(25/NOV/07) (KK)

04174.5 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1617 P-I/
Ham/100Bd "HF-Node,
Forbund 18" = #Kalmar (25/NOV/07) (KK)

04199.0 3000: unid prb Carabineri I 1637 USB/ALE
clg 3070 (25/NOV/07) (KK)

04109.8 No Call: prb RUS Air? 1817 Rtty 50Bd/500Hz
Flightplan to AFG, Carrier on Space after data.
(25/NOV/07) (KK) [2]

04050.0 MISRATA: GMRA Misratah LBY 1805 USB/ALE
clg MOBILE16 (25/NOV/07) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 26/11/2007)

>>7)7-2N644 VUVEN/1,0430F290)V338 MURAD
>>-EET/QDYF1128UBBA0125 UTAK0203,UTAA0232 UTAV0316 OAKX0335 REG/TBN
>>ACCEPTED DOF/0'11)6 ORGN/=)005+0+/)4
>>2,,,,KXKYKZCZC BPB476 18200
>># +
>Any Ideas?
>Found an entry on 4095kHz from Hoka with Shevchenko
>Airport and 50Bd/400Hz?

These Russian AFTN stations sometime crop up on HF. Landline
out, possibly?

>REG = aircraft identification
>OPR = Operator
>AFP = ATC Flight Plan
>RMK= Remarks
>TBN = ?

To Be Notified.

>DOF = Date of flight, given in the sequence year-month-day

>STS/HOSP = Flights with sick or injured persons
>needing immediate medical assistance, including flights
>urgently required for life-saving medical care of
>sick or injured persons. This comprises both flights
>for the transport of transplants, stored blood and
>medicine and flights to be conducted to pick up a
>patient, transplants, stored blood or medicine at the
>destination place.
>ICAO (+ Time in tx)
>UTAA = Ashkhabad
>UTAK = Turkmenbashi
>UTAV = Turkmenabat
>UTAK = Krasnovodsk
>OAKX = Kabul, AFG
>V338 (GEROR-MURAD): found in Mil-AIP
>It is not all correct decoded, the signal was very weak,
>but is it possible to find out the what flight/machine
>it was? Nothing found for BPB476.

>-EET/QDYF1128UBBA0125 UTAK0203,UTAA0232 UTAV0316 OAKX0335 REG/TBN

REG/TBN. The registration is to be notified, so may well not
yet be known. The flight number may have helped, but that is the second
item in the FPL which was not captured.

For those interested, I have a blank flight plan form here which describes
the fields to be filled in:

(FPL= Aircraft Ident/Flt No = Flight rules & status
= Number & type of aircraft = Equipment: COM/NAV/SSR
= Departure airfield and time = FIR boundaries and estimated times
= Speed level route (up to 6 lines)
= Destination airfield Time Alternate airfields
= Other information
/REG Aircraft registration

Supplementary information (not for transmission)

=FUEL/ (endurance) POB/(number of persons on board) RDO/121.5 243 500 8364
Equipment: polar/desert/maritime/jungle
Life jackets: jackets/light/fluorescein Dinghies: Cover.
RMK/ Remarks

(Presumably the supplementary would be transmitted if the aircraft was lost).

The form layout may have changed a little since my copy was printed.
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 26/11/2007)

03226.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1002 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

09019.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1004 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

08107.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1008 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

10575.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1008 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

08532.5 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1021 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

10360.0 006666: Tur-Mil 1106 ALE/USB clg 000001 (2007-11-26) (sw)

18336.0 055: Unid 1118 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

09080.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers, Alg 1142 ALE/USB clg TNS Tunis, Tun
(2007-11-26) (sw)

09080.0 TNS: Alg-Mfa Tunis, Tun 1142 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers, Alg
(2007-11-26) (sw)

14731.0 055: Unid 1155 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

11500.0 4014: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1355 ALE/USB clg
4012 (2007-11-26) (sw)

11500.0 4017: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1418 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-26) (sw)

09070.0 055: Unid 1447 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

06748.0 62: Ita-Af 1449 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San
Guisto AFB (2007-11-26) (sw)

06748.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB 1449
ALE/USB clg 62 (2007-11-26) (sw)

09230.0 0000210288: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 1459
ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-26) (sw)

06921.0 2014: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1500 ALE/USB clg
1020 (2007-11-26) (sw)

09045.0 2015: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1503 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-26) (sw)

10160.0 2014: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1513 ALE/USB clg
2012 (2007-11-26) (sw)

05762.0 035: Hng-Mil 1516 ALE/USB clg 082 (2007-11-26) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 26/11/2007)

111907 1600 17515 AM Cuban YL/SS V2a w/ 45185 27314 21445 callup & 5F msgs
111907 1732 17435 AM Cuban YL/SS V2a w/ 5F msgs
111907 1800 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
112007 0605 6826 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
112007 1430 8122 USB WDC6064 Running Amigo Net for sailing vessels in Pacific
Ocean off coast of California & Mexico
112007 1500 5771 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs
112007 1539 11175 USB 'Andrews' Calling SAM 11994 in the blind advising them to
contact any HF global station
112007 1600 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 66651 67781 04474 callup & 5F msgs
112007 1727 17435 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs
112007 1810 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
112107 0103 4214 RTTY 75/850 IGJ42 Rome Radio w/ mrkr
112107 0105 4271 FAX CFH Satellite photo of N Atlantic
112107 0120 4481 USB Harris AVS voice scrambling
112107 0150 4765 ALE 6DUAFA Unid stn wking 6KJAFA
112107 0157 5097 RTTY 75/850 CFH NAWS tape
112107 0209 5262 FAX NOAA WX chart
112107 0230 5446.5 USB AFN feeder
112107 0237 5565 USB 'Dakar' ATC wking BT60A, BT60A req climb to FL 450
112107 0310 6340.5 FAX NMF FAX sked & WX chart
112107 0320 6496.4 FAX CFH WX chart
112107 0322 6628 USB 'Santa Maria' Wking World 1001 w/ posn rpt & selcall check
112107 0329 6679 USB 'Honolulu Radio' Volmet, using same voice as Trenton
Military volmet stns
112107 0452 6379 CW 4XZ CW mrkr
112107 1600 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 44750 16174 31132 callup & 5F msgs
112107 1700 17435 AM AM carrier w/ brief snippets of SS language programming,
finally V2a at 1703 w/ 5F msgs
112107 1806 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
112107 1843 12924 USB Digital signal as used by USAF
112107 1914 13558 CW HI HIFER beacon
112107 2004 15920 RTTY 75/840 CFH NAWS tape
112107 2030 8009 CW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
112107 2154 8682 FAX NMC WX charts
112107 2157 6340.5 FAX NMF Satellite photo of N Atlantic
112307 0702 4079.5 CW TMP Pirate beacon rpting TMP39
112307 0707 4369//4396 USB AC hum & clicks on frequency, prob problems w/ WLO
112307 0721 5260 USB OTH radar w/ CW "O"
112307 0725 5446.5 USB AFN feeder, Charles Osgood w/ talk about health care costs
112307 0733 5574 USB 'San Francisco' ATC calling United 863, no joy. Finally
made contact at 0735 for selcall check, United 863 having trouble w/ main HF radio.
112307 0804 9063 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
112307 1620 17515 AM Cuban V2a w/ 5F msgs
112307 1700 17435 AM Cuban V2a w/ 72677 46882 03285 callup & 5F msgs
112307 1817 8097 RDFT Cuban AM carrier w/ RDFT signal, sent file 42087654.zip
112307 1903 8097 MCW Cuban M8a w/ 5F msgs
(Tom Sevart N2UHC, Frontenac, KS, USA - udxf 26/11/2007)

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